Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 385: Mine market

Two months later.

Appropriate humidity, perfect temperature.

The natural environment of the wind-eyed eyes here seems even more suitable for human survival than the land of the star curtain in the view of Lei Luo!

This is not easy.

The eyes of the Jewel Sea Islands and the rotten sand towers of the United Kingdom established by Ryro have been high in temperature and extremely dry, and they are not suitable for ordinary people to survive.

As a result, Lei Luo is naturally interested in this area more suitable for human survival than the star screen.

Eyes a little longing.

Lei Luo, who was wearing a wide university uniform, stood on the high **** of the ruins, staring toward the ruins of the mineral veins that seemed to collapse into the red ground. There were tens of thousands of wind spirits, like a group of ghosts. The veins destroyed by the power of God have been rebuilt.

The entire ruin, overlooking from a height, is filled with a huge amount of light gray smoke.

These smogs are the remains of decaying divine power and are highly corrosive. After decades of accumulation, they have already changed the ecological environment here and mutated many terrorist creatures.

If you want to restore the mineral veins here, you must first clean up the mutant creatures here, so the progress is extremely slow.

After decades of remnants, it still has such an impact. The power of God is terrible!

But it was such a terrible existence, but it was killed and fallen by human wizards in a short period of time, and even the body was saved as a specimen.

These two months.

Lei Luo and this wind spirit named ‘pai’ have already visited the famous place called the eye of Changsheng Shujie.

There are many famous places in the longevity tree world.

However, from the perspective of Raylo as an anthropologist, there are only two things worth noting.

One is the Tianhu Lake, and the other is the Evergreen Tree.

Tianhu Bibo Wanli, reflecting the water and the sky are connected, even in the land of the star curtain, it can be regarded as a famous giant lake.

It is precisely because of this huge lake that this wind eye can become a rare oasis in the furnace desert, and the temperature and humidity are quite pleasant, which in turn leads to the shock and greed of the mushroom explorers.

As for the Changshengshucheng, it is the center of the wind eye here.

This eternal tree was germinated from the remnant roots of the ancient Qingtian tree, and it is exactly the same as the tree of truth, but it is obviously more developed than the tree of truth, so that the whole wind eye is supported and formed. Natural law barrier.

But unlike the Tree of Truth, this long-lived tree that hides the sky and has a very obscure self-consciousness, can only act with some instinct, and is not really a fourth-level creature.

In the past two months, many wizards who have come to the land of the star curtain have mostly lived in these two rich places, demanding endless greed from the wind spirits.

Rello is different from these wizards.

The development of scholars, although extremely dependent on resources, is only relatively speaking. Exploring knowledge is self-instinct, and resources are only tools for achieving their goals.

"San Billy Moya?"

Lei Luo, who was immersed in the study of the artistic style and glorious history of Fengling people, murmured the accompanying introduction.

Moya, no second.

The so-called St. Billy Moya, in the language of the Fengling tribe, means the first sacred gilding.

According to the interpretation of the school, this is a magical mineral element, which has the characteristics of floating in a high temperature environment. It was once one of the most important resources in the longevity tree world, and was later destroyed and destroyed by the real body of the decaying god. Falling downwind.

"Yes, St. Billy Moya. It was once the greatest and richest mining area in the world of longevity trees. Later, because of the war with the rotten Shata United Kingdom, those evil mushrooms were afraid of our elite weapons, so they called The decaying god, with its unparalleled divine power, destroyed our Moya mine. "

Pie's hurricane-like body, showing a slightly pale blue, like a ball of aura, floating in mid-air, explained to Relo.

The reason why it follows Lei Luo is that it is a junior commander dispatched by the Fengling Clan Presbyterian Hospital. It does its best to maintain peace with the savior, meet all the requirements of the savior, and avoid its own destruction!

Almost every invading human has such a commander.

It gazes at the many Fengling miners who are mining on the ruins of the ore veins, looking forward to the reopening of this ore vein one day.

"Through high temperature, get anti-gravitational magnetic field?"

Raylow exuded a little curiosity and smiled, "Since I've been here, can I see this metal material?"

If this kind of material still can't meet the needs of his own astral body, then Raylo can only find another way to find other opportunities.

Bion followed Raylo without saying a word from beginning to end.

"Of course, but I need to apply to the officer here. It won't take much time. Please wait a moment."


Lei Luo smiled gently, let the pie spring.

It was more than ten centimeters above the ground, floating and flying away, and disappeared in this mine soon.

Raleigh's smile gradually converged.

Beyond said slowly: "It's not easy for those wizards to be able to persist for two months without doing anything."

After speaking, he sighed again: "Unfortunately, these wind spirits can never satisfy their desires."

"The wizard's most hungry resource is the soul of souls. These wind spirits are certainly impossible to satisfy them, but before that, some other resources can be collected with the help of these wind spirits. . "

After a while, Pie brought another Feng Ling.

It was obviously the first time to see the legendary savior. After seeing the flesh-and-blood creatures walking on two legs upright, such as Lei Luo and Bian, they felt a little awed and restrained.

"Having seen two great saviors, I am the chief executive responsible for the reconstruction of San Billimoya."

Since the elders have already issued the final order to the tree of longevity, to meet all the needs of the saviors to avoid the tree of longevity going to destruction, the chief executive rushed over as soon as he received the request from the faction.

As a member of the fantasy school, of course he knew that these creatures from unknown countries possessed a terrifying force sufficient to destroy the eternal tree world.

For the continuation of racial civilization, he will never attempt dignity deterrence through fearless resistance like those of the dark factions.

In its opinion, that is an unrealistic idea.

"Well, the purpose of my coming here, has Pi already told you?"

As an excellent scholar, the language of the Fengling tribe, Lei Luo has already mastered in the time of breaking.


The commander cautiously said: "The first sacred gilt will float in the high temperature. We used to build a strong air fleet. This was one of the foundations of civilization in the tree world of the longevity. The mining veins are destroyed, and the air fleet cannot be replenished, and the war is gradually losing ground ... "

Lei Luo's eyes flickered and he listened quietly to the other party's introduction.

after awhile.

In the other's gaze, Rello picked up this fist-sized metal substance.

The first sacred gold plating is pale gold. Although this piece of metal has the size of a fist, it is less than 250 grams at 25 ° C. Rello can clearly feel that the heat energy in the air is being drawn from the inside, exuding Gravitational magnetic field.

After thinking about it, Lei Luo's palm lit a crimson flame.

Seeing this, the two wind spirits seemed to feel the amazing power of the flames and retreated slightly.

In the slightly twisted air, this fist-sized light golden metal substance, its weight is constantly decreasing, and quickly floated up in Relo's gaze!

In the land of night, Rello has yet to discover mineral elements with similar properties!


The flame supply was stopped, the high-temperature metal substance was absorbed, and it still floated in the air. It seemed that the energy conversion rate was quite high.

Lei Luo's eyes showed some surprises and expectations.

Originally, in the hope of Lei Luo, he established himself behind the star, because of the unparalleled size, although his real body will not be swallowed by it because of its part of the nature of the star screen world, it must also be in the most cruel star in the environment. In the curtain layer, that is, the super-human star blockade the most marginal position to avoid being pulled by the magnetic field of the star curtain world.

But if the real body of the astral body can use this mineral element as the basis, can it not be possible to enter and leave the planet at will, and use the ultra-high heat emitted by itself as a source of power?

Several people quieted briefly.

"How many reserves are there?"

Pie and the commander glanced at each other ~ ~ The two knew that the savior was already tempted by this mineral resource.

"This ... we can't be sure. After more than three hundred years of development, we have used the sacred gold plating here to build an air fleet, but we still haven't found the core of the mine here, so we infer that this mine is very It may not be developed to one fifth. "

The commander said, adding: "If you need sacred gold plating, after the ore veins resume production, I will inform you as soon as possible and send you the quantity you are happy with! However, there is a lot of decay power left here, and therefore mutated There are many terrible creatures, and it may take quite some time to rebuild the veins. "

Can be dragged!

So far, the Fengling tribe only knows about these saviors as they claim to be humans, and they still don't know their true power. The fishing ground of the Presbyterian Church is very secretive.

"I am really interested in this mineral element, so, this time I have also changed a lot in the longevity world, just take a break here."

Lei Luo's words slightly relieved Pai's heart.

Over the past two months, the humans stationed in the Changsheng Tree and Tianhu Lake have continuously put forward various requirements, and have gradually inspired the wind to work hard. They seem to devour all the evil wolf full of desire, and they will never be satisfied.

The opposition voices of the members of the Diablo Faction are becoming higher and higher.

In contrast, this human named Lei Luo has done little to embarrass himself, and now asks for it, and just stays here for a while.

This can't be better.

After all, the ruins of this mineral vein want to resume production, I don't know how much time later, otherwise there will be no other humans coming.

And what can be lost in the ruins of the mineral veins before production is resumed?

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