Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 360: Black Dead Civilization

If anthropologists' research on law weapons is only a small step in their ignorance, and the future is confusing, then the study of law weapons by the Black Dead Civilization has already entered a mature stage.

The birth of the Black Death civilization originated from an opportunity three thousand years ago.

It was the era when the Black Death swept through the entire Star Curtain, and the x Hunter, Guardian, Holy See, and aliens joined forces to destroy the Dark World Wizard camp.

A talented genius wizard, known as the powerful wizard of the Black Devil, has left the land of the stars in despair.

His physical function is nearly exhausted due to continuous fighting.

He was tired of the never-ending wars in the land of the star curtain. Before his death, he wanted to see the outside world. So he spent a long time to get around the night and walk in the storm of death, doing his best Can fly deep into the mainland.

time flies.

During this period he experienced a lot and understood a lot, but it is destined to be a journey without a return journey. His body is getting weaker and weaker. During the surviving before death, he is slowly in the death storm deep in the storm continent. Fall down.

He recalled his own voice.

The word shaman was invented by the Holy See. It originally meant the most evil creature. Later, because of the emergence of the devil in the underground world, it was changed to a human who mastered the evil black magic.

His father was just a little wizard who had never been known, and had little talent.

Awkward, even as a wizard, he is also the most unqualified wizard, with almost no achievements and deeds.

They are different.

Since childhood, I have been fond of all kinds of bottles and jars, catching all kinds of weird insects, observing their reproduction, survival, and death through my amber eyes, imagining that I am the supreme ruler, and controlling their Life and death, this is fun, can not extricate themselves,

Later, he followed his father, embarked on the path of the wizard, learned about the ugly sins of the Holy See, and resolutely began to practice the rarest plague witchcraft.


At just fourteen, he defeated his father.

At the age of twenty-five, he became the youngest witch king, commanding dozens of wizards and sitting on the side.

In those arrogant years full of talent, his wisdom and energy seemed to be endless, and he constantly created all kinds of strange and plague witchcraft. The legend of the dark world is everywhere, but none of this can satisfy him. .

Because he has only one goal, that is to overthrow the Holy See!

Decades have passed.

Just under one hundred years old, with his own strength, he finally created the most terrifying plague witchcraft, he named it black death!

As a result, he also became the most frightening black dead old devil big witch king in the dark world!

Immediately afterwards, there was a total war between the dark world and the light church.

It was a cruel era.

The wizards have great power, and the Holy See has the supreme light god. The fighting between the two is almost full-scale.

With the passage of time, the Holy See relied on the unparalleled power of the light creator to successively slash the dark world's long-known big witch queen. In terms of top power, the dark world continues to fall.

The dark world realizes that the endless light believers and countless temples are providing endless power to the light gods. If these sources of divine power cannot be eliminated, then this war will never be won.

So, the Black Death broke out!

After a long time.

The number of human beings has decreased sharply, the vitality of the earth has diminished sharply, the Holy See is committed to falling into the trough, ten rooms and nine empty spaces, the living creatures are covered with charcoal, the corpses of towns are continuous, and the war is never ending.

It is also in this era of crisis and magic, that scholars were born and established the X Hunter Organization, but compared to wizards, scholars are just a group of young newborn babies.

The black dead old demon big witch king, the big witch king feared by the human world, the most legendary talent in history has overflowed with wizards, and with the defeat and collapse of the dark world, escaped from the land of the star curtain.


In the mysterious valley, the storm of death never ends.

With the death of a generation of horror legends in the human world, the black dead old demon, the power of a rule of law spilled out. After a few decades, a mysterious wind eye, with his body as the center, gradually formed.

It is wonderful.

The plague witchcraft practiced by the Black Dead Elder led to the extremely strange mutations in his body cells after his death. These cells combined with the strange and strange plague virus, even in a very short time, evolved an extremely tiny Smart species.

This species is too small.

This led to them in the first few hundred years. Although there were other powerful species civilizations, they had fortunately discovered this eye, but did not find their existence.

The wind eye is the life harbor of the storm continent.

Just like where there is water, there will be fish, some primitive creatures, gradually began to break into this tiny calm wind eye, inhabiting and multiplying.

Since the genetic information of this species contains a part of the human instinct memory of the black dead old demon, they began to fuse a variety of viral gene talents hundreds of years later, including the black death that once almost extinct humans. The sickest!

In this way, the Black Death was born.

They are parasitic in the body of those large primitive creatures, controlling their life and death, building cities, forming a small kingdom full of science fiction.

They lived endlessly.

until one day.

An incomparably powerful ‘alien world’ brutal creature accidentally discovered the tiny eyes of the Black Dead civilization and broke in.

This seemingly powerful and seemingly sci-fi civilization suffered heavy casualties in an instant!

the reason is simple.

They are too small.

It is so small that the existence of those self-proclaimed higher creatures can hardly see them, nor can they perceive their existence. There is almost no boundary between the two.

Those higher creatures are a step, a roar, and even a breath, for these small black dead, it is a devastating disaster!

Although they can domesticate some large creatures as their mobile cities for a long time, they cannot face the destruction of their own civilization foundation in a very short time.

So, they thought of a crazy plan!

Destroy all ‘other worlds’!

Destroy all uncertain factors to protect your safety!

This is a highly socialized peculiar species. Due to the extremely small size, the evolutionary development process of these small creatures is very different compared to the process of exploring the path of laws for many ethnic groups.

They have little sense of chasing individual power.

Because this way of evolution is too slow for them, even if they have evolved for thousands of thousands of years, the individual's strength may not beat a mouse.

They also did not think of using the power of the law to expand their eyes.

Because for them, there will never be a shortage of survival resources, a large creature is a city, and for them, a wind eye is a world, a vast world.


They started crazy research.

Almost out of instinct, they succeeded in developing a controllable black death weapon.

But the production method of this weapon is extremely strange.

First, we need to extract a piece of information from the deepest gene fragments of the Black Dead Cells. Although this is only a small piece of cell information, for the micro level, it is almost equivalent to the existence of some basic legal unit.

In other words, the raw materials for the production of such weapons turned out to be themselves!

After that, they started their own crazy destruction process!

The horror of such weapons is also fully revealed. They easily destroyed one another after another. The intermediate process is like a human being spraying some pesticides gently.

But soon, they discovered the shortcomings of this means of destruction.

That is the production cost is too high!

The vastness of those exotic worlds is far more than that of the Black Dead World. To destroy the unstable factors of those worlds, a huge number of Black Death weapons are needed, but the raw materials of such weapons are themselves, hundreds of thousands, The death of millions of people can make such a weapon.

Although the number of their clan is very large and the reproduction speed is very fast, there are too many outside worlds ...

In the long process of extinction and destruction, they finally learned a brand-new means of destruction.

That is a world that will be destroyed by them.

Facing a powerful attack by the unknown means of the Black Dead civilization, before this civilization died, they chose to self-destruct, which turned out to be a special weapon made by a weird micro-particle.

The raw materials of this weapon, strange micro particles, the star screen world is almost everywhere.

The most important feature of this weapon is to violently transform natural energy, so it can be used to instantly destroy the stable structure of the wind wall, tear a gap in the wind wall, and let the dead storm full of oppression be poured into the structure instantly. In the relatively stable wind eye, a terrible vortex of death is formed in the wind eye, so that the living environment in the wind eye instantly becomes a terrible death **** than outside.

As for this kind of micro-particle raw material, it is the ancient battle, another distant continent, the counterattack of the star siphon in the face of the superman star!

Rage natural energy to prevent the speed of the siphoning of the stars.

Regarding this unknown micro-particle, the Black Dead civilization did not know its history, but it successfully imitated this weapon and applied it to the subsequent destruction process.

After all, as the microbial civilization ~ ~ the black dead, they are best at this kind of microscopic research.

Compared with the Black Death weapon, the attack and destruction process of this weapon will undoubtedly be too cheap, but it can only aim at the weak eyes supported by the lower law. This is also almost all higher mature civilizations. The cheapest way to destroy a civilization.

Those higher civilizations instinctively classify the second-level temple civilization as the lowest destruction unit, because of this cheap weapon.

If it is a level 1 primitive civilization, without the natural temple law supporting the wind eye, even if the wind wall of the weak natural wind eye is broken, the terrible death vortex cannot be formed because of the very unstable wind wall. Thereby destroying everything inside the wind eye.

In this way, this death vortex has become the most terrible death trap in the storm continent!

It symbolizes the passing, discovery, and destruction of a higher civilization, as well as the history of a lower civilization.

So, one after another, a "different world", destroyed under the "space warships" of the black dead civilization traveling through the world.

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