Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 215: "Mithril Seals the Dust"


Lei Luo came to the Corleone Biological Specimen Institute, and half a year had passed.

Wearing a blue-black wide university bureaucrat and holding "Mithril Sealing the Dust", Lei Luo patrolled on the 45th floor of Corleone Tower.

This is the specimen seal room where only level 3 duty guards can visit.

"Mithril Seals the Dust".

This is a guide to Raleigh's old monster monster, which will take a drop of Mithril Essence from the best magic guide candle obtained by Ling Ling and merge it into the Book of Seals. Magic props.

The magic material of Mithril Essence is said to produce only a very small amount in certain Mithril Mine veins. Only the Vatican East Mithril family controls the core mysteries.

If it were n’t for the old Corleone monsters, Raylo knew nothing about this mysterious magic guide material, and the star core had no hints.

As far as the magical attributes are concerned, Mithril and Dark Essence are mutually opposed.

One is to isolate all energy transfers, and the other is to have energy superconducting transfer properties.

Therefore, the essence of Mithril, in addition to the super energy transmission magic of Mithril, also has the ability to devour the dark essence!

The dark essence is the core material of all seals, so the magic props integrated into the essence of Mithril will be the most perfect props to break the seal!

"Mithril Seals the Dust":

1. Dark Devour: Growth is achieved by devouring the dark essence seal, enhancing energy curing degree blessing.

2. Energy curing: It has a structural stabilizing effect on energy of various properties, energy degree +15.

Rely on the magic props that devour the infinite essence of darkness!

This "Mithril Seals the Dust", even if it is only viewed with the quality of the top quality magic guide props, it is undoubtedly the top quality among the top grades. Obviously, Prince Ling has allowed him to devour the dark essence for many times to gain energy degrees 15 terror increase!


You may be able to integrate the essence of Mithril into the magic weapon when you need it, making it an infinitely growing magic weapon!

No wonder then that Prince Ling's ordinary water spear technique, after the increase of the silver candle fire, actually made him feel a deadly threat!

With "Mithril Sealing the Dust", coupled with a lot of starry sky mastery, and general magic props, it has little meaning for Raylo.

45th floor specimen seal hallway.

An elderly scholar passed by and saw a smile from this young little guy, saying hello.

Rello returned the gift.

The two passed by.

No one can imagine.

This gentle-looking young man was already a Level 3 guard at the Corleone Biological Specimen Institute, an experimental assistant to the famous Academician Corleone, and even intended to let the other person touch his baby granddaughter and niece.

This kid is a step in the sky!

After inspecting the 45th-floor specimen room in accordance with established practice, Rello returned to the Corleone private laboratory on the 50th floor.


Lola is watching the experiment with the old monster.

After seeing Rello, Lola waved anxiously, beckoning Rello to hurry up.

The experiment of the old monster has reached a critical step.

Midnight Bloodstone is creating a faint pink mist by absorbing the fear of a few mice in a mini-ecosystem circulation device designed by an old monster.

At first, the old monster just pricked the mouse with a needle for a moment, fear was absorbed by the midnight bloodstone, and transformed into a trace of night power.

The subsequent process is a spontaneous vicious circle.

The pink mist pollutes the ecosystem, causing mutations, which in turn makes the white rat more uneasy. The midnight bloodstone absorbs more fear through the mini matrix, and the vicious cycle continues.

It seems that within a few months, this mini-ecosystem will be completely transformed into a night environment.

These days, the old monster's continuous research on the midnight bloodstone has also made Lei Luo more fortunate.

Fortunately, this magic guide material was handed over to the old monster for research. Otherwise, if you are yourself, you do n’t know when you will reach this level of research.

More importantly, Lei Luo learned the experimental research methods of the old monster.

After a while.

The absorption and transformation process of bloodstone at midnight gradually changed from intense to soothing. The old monster picked up the quill pen and recorded the observation data in the notebook.

Lei Luo and Lola stood together.

The two felt each other's breathing heartbeat, looked at each other in unison, and couldn't help smiling. When Lei Luo looked at the old monster again, he saw Corleone raising his head, and his big and small eyes were staring straight at him like a smile. For myself, my cheeks flushed and coughed.

"Cough, Master, how is the research going?"

Lola reacted, realizing the strange expression of Corleone, and Bai Neng's smiling face instantly turned red like hair, spreading to the root of her neck, turning her head to look out the window at sunset, and dared not look directly at Grandpa.

"Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji, in another three or four months, can get complete conversion data."

The old monster smiled insidiously, like a cannibal monster in a nightmare.


The old monster looked at Lei Luo deeply.

"Unsurprisingly, in a few days, two old guys, Zealand and St. Granberg, will bring two younger generations to come for academic exchanges. This was when I went to the Principality of Barda six months ago, Professor Ying Xiaoyue Those who requested an invitation along the way, you two should prepare well. "

Lei Luo heard the deep meaning in the old monster's words.

Scholars of the Principality of Zealand?

"Aren't Gran and Zeeland still fighting?"

Rello was worried.

Since it is an academic exchange, it should be all people of similar age. Among the students in the Principality of Zealand, it can be regarded as a vicious act.

"When you reach a higher level, you know."

The old monster didn't mean anything.


The scholars came from the nobles of the principalities.

Due to the intricate marriage relationship between the principalities, most of the scholars have a blood relationship if they go back to the bottom. Scholars like Shatuola and Lei Luo are just a few.

Saint grand castle.

Fireflies are among the most outstanding scholars in the Grand Duchy, not only because of her Neo family, but also because of her unique mystery.

The pupil of the right eye is a slowly rotating six-pointed star.

The strong wind blew past the flying carpet, and the firefly looked at the little guy behind him.

"Although Master Xiaoyue has been away from our Neo family for more than two hundred years, my relationship with me is still as close as a sister, and I always keep in touch. After arriving at the Corleone Biological Specimen Institute, I must be close to her. To have more opportunities, you know? "

The dark-haired boy behind the fireflies, hesitated between the eyebrows.

Awesome [survival expert] Dylan!

"Got it."

Listening to Dylan's sigh, the firefly snorted.

"Humph! Stop thinking about that Magana! How can a Count Earl family be worthy of our Neo family?"

As one of the top families in the Principality, there are too many families who want to be related to the Neo family. A Earl family that can step into the high-level family is enough to shake the foundations of the Principality.

Forget it in peacetime.

But at this time, when it comes to the marriage with the old monster of Corleone, an earl family in her area also wants to get involved?

"I have warned that little guy, if she dare to have a relationship with you again, don't blame our Neo family for suppressing it!"

Dyrenho, his face changed slightly.

In adulthood, the tradition of losing the economic support of the family ...

Special feelings for Magna ...

Neo family's antiques interfered frantically ...

Under the surface of his own seeming scenery, it is a pain that cannot be understood by outsiders. Sometimes, it is not necessarily a good thing to be born into a family of famous scholars.


Principality of Zealand.

"Grandma, Master Corleone's reputation is also well-known in our Principality. If you can marry this master, you will not be disgraced by the family.

The four-legged Yalong pulled the car, [Plasma Master] Arthurs longed, but frowned slightly.

"However, this lady Lola, why didn't she go to the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences? I haven't even heard of her name!"

The old woman looked at Arthurs spoiledly.

"You can think of her as a freelance scholar."

"Freelance scholar?"

Arthurs hesitated.

Although some students of the family of freelance scholars are quite powerful ~ ~, it is only compared with ordinary scholars.

As one of the most outstanding students in the third grade of the Academy of Natural Sciences, the famous [Plasma Master], his vision has already crossed that level.

The old lady seemed to see Arthurs' hesitation and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Will grandma hurt you?"

The boy shook his head and smiled.

"Just a little worried."

The old lady lifted the curtain of the speeding car and gazed at the melting furnace mountains in the distance.

"The child, this Miss Lola, as the only heir of the old monster, will surely be the same as the old monster. She will only study one academic in her life, and the other supplementary academics are not worth mentioning at all."

"What academic?"

The old woman looked back and eagerly said: "Dark Seal!"

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