With a general understanding of the situation in the Cataclysmic Plane, Duan Ganyun didn't plan to waste the power of faith in the short term.

With the current strength and survivability of the clans, it is difficult to gain much in the simulator.

Simulating the natural disaster plane four times, once did not exceed two years!

The strength of the sheep-headed people needs to be accumulated, but the survivability of Duan Ganyun feels that it can be improved.

After all, he has a simulator to hang on!

If only the sheep-headed people could have the tenacious vitality and adaptability of demons or zerg creatures.

For example, in the simulated crypt, the inability to adapt to the darkness and the need for water and food environment made the sheep-headed people hit walls everywhere.

Let Duan Ganyun deeply realize that the race value of the elite level is still not enough, and he must find a way to make the genetic seeds of the family evolve again.

However, it is only four years since the end of the first round of exams.

Now the most important thing for Duan Ganyun is to improve the overall strength of the sheep-headed people and prepare for the second round of the divine war exam

, after all, at that time, it was the family of the sheep-headed people who fought against their candidates.

To improve combat power, the first problem in front of Duan Ganyun is that Yang Xi, the king of sheep-headed people, has not yet completed his advanced career.

Duan Ganyun needed a lot of time to research and create the advanced lord class of the halberd berserker.

In addition, the props needed for the tactics specially prepared for the divine war have not yet been developed.

As for the development and advancement of other ordinary sheep-headed people, Duan Ganyun, who was not short of divine power, decided to help the seedlings grow.

Raise them all to lv5.

All the halberd berserkers have also reached lv10.

Increasing the level of the clan through divine power granting will damage the potential of the clan, and blindly upgrading the large-scale divine power will also affect the gods' judgment of the clan's potential.

Moreover, if the gods give divine power to the clan to upgrade at the epic level, the consequence is that the soul of that clan is weak, and there is no possibility of a holy realm in this life, let alone a demigod or a god.

If he could, Duan Ganyun didn't want to be given divine power.

But because the college entrance examination is serious, Duan Ganyun will not help the dependents to upgrade, and other candidates will also help the dependents to upgrade, and it will be himself who will suffer when the time comes.

In order to get a reward for ten consecutive victories in the second round of the Divine War, Duan Ganyun felt that this disadvantage was still acceptable.

Within the Divine Domain.

The previous village has grown to the size of a town.

And under the influence of Duan Ganyun, the entire sheep-headed town presents an ancient Chinese style.

The houses are in the style of antique brick courtyards, and the streets are all paved with bluestone paths.

Yang Xi has been training and competing with all the male sheep-headed warriors in the school field by the statue outside the town for 5 years.

The female sheep-headed people in the manufacturing departments such as blacksmith shops, artisan shops, and tailor shops in the town continue to make various materials such as weapons, clothing, and potions that the sheep-headed people need, and try to successfully advance by researching high-level things.

Growing crops, all of which have a farmer's sub-occupation, the sheep-headed people generally work together to clear the fields, plant seeds, and harvest.

Drop the army and logistics, they are all peasants.

It belonged to the whole tuntian system.

It is worth mentioning.

At this time, the sheep-headed chefs were holding the new dishes and fruits they had learned and cooking, and offering them to the altar under the statue of Duan Ganyun.

Duan Ganyun on the sky dome, who was about to do business, glanced down and found that it was indeed the kebab and watermelon, grapes, loquats, etc. that he wanted to eat, and decided to start eating them when he was done.

As for why there are watermelons and these fruits, of course, they were all selected and implanted by Duan Ganyun when he was building the ecology of the Divine Domain.

If you don't meet your need for enjoyment in the 100 years of the college entrance examination, you won't be bored to death.

Duan Ganyun took it for granted.

And although it was possible to make food or fruits with the same taste by consuming divine power, Duan Ganyun felt that the taste was not really delicious after trying it once.

Therefore, I prefer the ones planted and worshipped by the clans.

Let's get down to business.

Duan Ganyun began to continuously absorb the power of faith in the idol and transform it into divine power.

And then give it all to the family.

Countless rays of divine power continued to fall, and I saw that except for Yang Xi, who had reached lv10, all the sheep-headed people below were shrouded.

But Duan Ganyun hasn't stopped, and the cycle of divine power is still there.

The source of divine power continued to rain down.


The rain of divine power stopped.

Duan Ganyun, who was constantly circulating divine power, turned pale tiredly, but when he saw the successful upgrade of the dependents, the corners of his mouth were still filled with a satisfied smile.

The sheep-headed people are all upgraded.

Among them, Yang Long and 49 halberd-wielding berserkers have all been upgraded to lv10.

The left and right battalion commanders of the two infantry battalions, Yang Zuo and Yang You, were also transferred to lv5 because they reached the bottleneck of lv5, and were immediately transferred to the two-headed Gejia soldiers, and then all of them were promoted to lv10.

Combat Occupation: Combat Skill of Holding Armor

: Death Swing (Use the hand-held Changge to make a powerful swing

, and the blade is attached to magic damage) Remove the armor (after wearing the armor and armor, it is like removing the armor, and you can move freely)

Transition Conditions: Front-end professional sheep-headed peasant soldier, proficient in the use of long-pole weapons. Consumes 50 Divine Power.

The combat profession of holding the Gejia Warrior is the main combat class of Duan Ganyun's future sheep-headed people, so it is designed very carefully, and all attributes are very balanced.

It's not an extreme explosive class like the Halberd Berserker, but a well-balanced class.

The ordinary sheep-headed peasants and soldiers of the infantry battalion have all been upgraded to lv5.

Although the divine power of the gods can upgrade the family, it cannot make the family break through the bottleneck of advancement.

None of the 500 sheep-headed crossbowmen in the Shooting Battalion, including the battalion commander Yang Zhong, had reached lv5 before, so they had not reached the advanced bottleneck and could advance to the existence of crossbow bearers, so they could only upgrade to lv5.

Yang Chao and other 500 sheep-headed centaurs in the cavalry battalion were all upgraded to lv5.

As for the female sheep-headed people in the logistics department.

In addition to the elite-level physician Yang Mei and another elite-level blacksmith, they were successfully promoted to lv10 by divine power.

The rest of the sub-professions have only been upgraded to lv5.

After all, the advancement of the sub-profession, the divine power can't help.

At this time, the combat power of the sheep-headed people has reached a new height, which can be said to be an all-round improvement.

At the same time, Duan Ganyun's power of faith was also consumed a lot.

A full 250,000 was consumed! The

original 9.93 million faith power became 9.68 million points.

The consumption of these faith powers was nothing compared to the gains gained from obtaining levels, so Duan Ganyun was not distressed at all.

Now Duan Ganyun was only thinking about how to increase the capacity of his

divine power! 10,000 divine power points was still too little.

Just now, in order to level up all the dependents, he had to recycle 25 times before he got it done.

It's troublesome and tiring.

The dignified deity is like a worker.

It's a pity that according to the memories of the predecessor, although there are ways to increase the value of divine power, it is very rare.

One of the methods requires the consumption of god-level heavenly and earthly treasures that strengthen the divine soul, but some of these things are expensive enough to buy a plane.

Basically, you can't meet it.

Or directly promote to the god position, becoming a demigod or a true god can also increase the expansion of god power.

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