Ao Hong was not sure that the rebel-controlled city would be able to successfully quell the rebellion with only tens of thousands of deaths, and

even if he faced off,

his own merman army would suffer a lot of casualties.

He began to gather the merman commoners in the city, declared himself the king of the mermen, and led the mermen to believe in the plundering church.


for the rest, he deliberately slowed down and let Yang Chao lead the army to continue the blitzkrieg, while he mainly calmed the people's hearts and minds,

and was properly responsible for logistics and providing intelligence.

It can prevent cannibalism and solve the problem.

Why not.

Ao Hong has grown from a hot-blooded young merman to a superior who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals,

half a month later.

With the cooperation of Yang Chao and Ao Hong, all the rebels were wiped out.

In the process, Ao Hong established all the cities of the Shark Empire to plunder churches,

and implemented the policy of co-governing the cities between the church and officials.

The cities of the former Shark Empire were governed by officials composed of nobles descended from the Shark royal family and declining nobles with excellent abilities.

But Ao Hong, who betrayed his father, is still young and does not trust his relatives.

Thus began a large-scale reform, reducing all those nobles to commoners.

Reappoint the city lord you trust with the priority of the faith hierarchy and contribution of the plundering church, and manage the merman's household registration, transfer, and faith with all the plundering churches established in the merman city.

In addition, an official evaluation system has been established to re-select officials.

Although these Ao Hong himself had some concepts, most of them were instilled by Duan Ganyun into his own believer.

In Duan Ganyun's opinion.

His own clan demon sheep-headed people are sparsely populated

, and the current ruling system is mainly based on the church and the kinship management of the king of the demon sheep-headed people, among which most of the demon sheep-headed people who were first cultivated by themselves hold important positions and already have the prototype of nobility.

The Shark Kingdom happens to have a large population, and he plans to use the Shark Kingdom to test how the ruling system of a kingdom that integrates the worship of gods among the whole people can be more perfect.

The system of the Holy Light Empire was not advisable in Duan Ganyun's opinion, and he currently needed all his dependents to believe in him, and the church would be the leader, not the aristocracy.

Ao Hong continued to rectify the

Shark Kingdom, and Yang Xi and other demon sheep-headed people also left the territory of the Shark Kingdom with a large number of Shark craftsmen.

Intending to find a place to build a marine city in the shallow waters below the Holy Harbor, Yang Xi originally wanted the merman craftsmen to build the city directly.

But suddenly remembered that one of his wives, Lord Rank, Yang Gan was very fond of designing buildings.

So he handed over this responsibility to Yang Gan.

He led all the demon sheep-headed people to start building temples in various parts of the plane through the twenty-four teleportation arrays,

among which the white werewolves and sharks were also recruited by Yang Xi.

This is Duan Ganyun's oracle to Yang Xi.

His clan has successfully conquered the Shark Empire, and the intelligent races of the entire Holy Island Plane will believe in the Demon God Chitian.

Only by allowing believers to build enough temples that can spread across the plane can Duan Ganyun be able to annex this half-plane.

At that time, he will become a true god!

However, due to the large population of the Shark Empire, it will take at least half a year to fully digest it,

so Duan Ganyun ordered Yang Xi to rely on the teleportation array to build 24 temples within half a year.

The Holy Island Plane.

Two kingdoms have already been merged, and the Chitian Empire, with a population of more than 10 million, has completely ruled this world.

As the Emperor of Chitian, Yang Xi, the king of the demon sheep-headed people, led the rest of the tribes to start a large-scale construction of 24 shrines for the demon god Chitian

to worship and communicate with the gods and pray for the gods to live.

And the White Wolf Kingdom is also building their own city, White Wolf City, with the help of the Demon Sheep-headed People.

As the king of the white werewolves, Bai Han learned of the existence of the merman kingdom, and after making comparisons, he didn't want the white wolf kingdom to be too shabby.

Ao Hong, the king of the mermen, continued to reform and rectify the internal political system, during which he killed a lot of mermen who resisted,

although most of them were his former relatives, after all, Ao Hong was abolishing the privileges of the merman nobles, and there would definitely be people who stood up against it.

However, because of this, Ao Hong has a large number of civilians who support him.

With the support of gods and demon sheepheads, he reformed very thoroughly and violently.

On the side of the Demon Sheephead, after Yang Gan went to see the Black Rock City, he took the merman craftsmen and the Demon Sheephead craftsmen to build a marine city that could accommodate millions of people in a month.

and named Blackwater City.

Then she helped Yang Xi to build the temple.

During this period, Yang Xi summoned his two kings, the White King and the Sea King, from time to time to gather in the Holy Harbor.

Discuss the future affairs and responsibilities of the Celestial Empire.

Basically, everything obeys the oracle of the great demon god Chitian.

The gods are supreme!

Then came the Demon Sheep-headed King Yang Xi, the Emperor of the Heavens, and the two kings had to obey his call.

When the need arises, lead their warriors to fight alongside the Demon Goatheads.

Only the fiefdoms in the Holy Island Plane belong to their kingdoms, and the rest belong to the Heavenly Empire, the Demon Sheepheads.

If you want to expand your territory, you can only get it by getting a reward in battle.

This made Bai Han excited, compared to the smallest territory of their White Werewolf Clan.

Although their population is only 10,000.

The kingdoms exchanged goods and goods, traded with each other, and shared technology.


Looking at the completely conquered Holy Island plane, everything is developing in an orderly manner.

Duan Ganyun was very pleased,

just thinking that he would soon be able to become a true god with an infinite lifespan.

Ascend to the sky in one step,

and gain many times more power than you know now.

At that time, the god-level prop that he had kept in the warehouse for almost 10 years could finally come in handy.

I also got an extra god-level item that is very practical, which directly increases the combat power of a demigod-level on my side.

Duan Ganyun took out a red point of light from the black stone statue in the Divine Domain.

This is barbaric divinity!

The demonic sheep-headed people destroyed the civilization of the Shark Empire, slaughtered at least one million Shark people, and implemented the barbaric doctrine.

It provided Duan Ganyun with a very pure power of savage faith.

Thus came the creation of

savage divinity, and now he was chaotic, savage, plundering, and all the black, red, and gold divinities were gathered.

In addition, the half-plane of the Holy Island Plane

is already ready!

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