God Level Demon

Chapter 2637: One trillion **** gold cell


Xia Ping’s eyes showed a glimmer of light. Although this move was just an idea of ​​his own inspiration, he found that such an idea brought amazing results.

When this dark golden sun lifted off and connected with the will of Qinglian Hell, he suddenly discovered that Qinglian's will will produce excitement to the extreme. It seems that this move made up for all the defects of Qinglian Hell. .

In the past, Qinglian Hell was only dark, rarely had other colors, and died, without any birth.

But after the sun, there will be changes in the night and the day, with the feeling of hot and cold, with the rotation of the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This kind of change, this kind of rotation, is extremely important for the higher **** plane, which means that the opportunity of change means the key to further evolution.

"It turned out to be."

Xia Ping got a huge amount of information from Qing Lian's Heyuan's will. He is now a great thing, and finally knows why Qinglian Hell's will is so excited and excited about his behavior.

To know why the entire **** world is there, there is no birth of the devil, not because of anything else, because there is no **** plane that can breed the demon.

In the current hell, all the **** planes, the strongest is the higher **** plane, which is almost the world's strongest hell.

Even though some of the high-level **** planes have a strong source of energy, they have been unable to get promoted. They have always been trapped in the bottleneck of the high-level **** plane and cannot be promoted to the devil's plane.

The most important reason is that there is no change in the night and daytime in the high-level hell. There is no time-space rotation in spring, summer, autumn and winter. This is a fatal flaw.

Because of this change in the environment, it will result in the diversity of life, the activity of the plane of hell, and thus the birth of a huge unique vitality.

Therefore, there is no such change. Even if the source energy of some high-level **** planes is thicker, it will not be promoted and will always be trapped in this realm.

In fact, in terms of results, the lack of so-called changes is actually the lack of the sun!

It is because there is no sun in hell, it will make the **** lack the opportunity to promote the higher demon to the demon, lacking the opportunity to promote the higher **** plane to the devil face.

But now it is different. Xia Ping’s move made Qinglian Hell the birth of the first sun in hell, which gave it the key to evolve into the face of the demon **** and gained the opportunity to evolve.

It can be imagined that the current Qinglian Hell's origin will be the inner excitement at this moment. It seems to feel that his own **** is constantly being promoted, constantly changing, and even feeling the immortal demon material is born.

Of course, the distance is really changing, I am afraid it will take a long time, but the most indispensable for the higher **** plane is time.

Once evolution begins, it will not stop.

"It’s really a bad time."

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a glimmer of light. He was very excited inside. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, splitting out a source of hell, creating a sun, and using countless suns to help him cultivate.

However, he did not expect that these sun avatars are also very beneficial to the Hell plane, which is a key factor, and the strength of the two complement each other.

Oh la la la

As the dark golden sun rises to the heights of Qinglian Hell, hanging above the sky, he feels that he and the roots of Qinglian Hell are more deeply connected.

If it was 90% before, now it is 100%.

Suddenly from the depths of the void, there was a huge infernal source of energy, madly pouring into his body, swallowed and absorbed by every cell in his body.

In the twinkling of an eye, the **** gold cells in his body are also awakened by madness, 100 million, one billion, five billion, ten billion, fifty billion, one hundred billion...

Originally, these **** gold cells are hard to wake up and need to devour a lot of energy. But now, under the infusion of these infernal sources of energy, it is now a breeze to break through the seal and flood the huge hell.


In the next second, Xia Ping felt that his body was shaking. It seemed that even the soul was shaking. At this moment, he finally awakened one trillion **** gold cells, which is a trillion of **** gold cells.

It seems that the quantitative change has produced a qualitative change.

At this moment, every **** gold cell has undergone a qualitative change, and its whole body has been transformed into a tiny dark golden sun, emitting raging heat.

It is as if there is a mega-dark dark golden sun in the body that blooms with heat. This kind of heat is terrible and can burn all the things in the world into ashes.

With Xia Ping's body as the center, the 100,000 light-years of light seems to be shrouded in dark golden light. It seems that he is transformed into a terrible dark golden sun with a diameter of 100,000 light years.

The whole earth seems to have been incinerated by this terrible heat. All the soil, sandstone and other materials have melted into a form of melt at this moment, and the heat waves are rolling and the melt is flowing.

It seems that the area of ​​100,000 light years is turned into a piece of molten hell. A large amount of molten heat is flowing, squeaking, and one fire volcano is formed one after another, as if a terrible flame creature is born and bred. And out.

At the same time, Xia Ping's body has undergone earth-shaking changes. From the depth of the inside of a mega-golden Ukrainian cell, there is a **** rune, one for each cell, that is, one mega **** rune.

These **** runes are also integrated into more than two hundred bones in his body, which makes his bones into dark golden bones, and there is a dense gold helle rune on it, like a piece of hellish scripture.

Between the vagueness, these bones exude an immortal divine atmosphere, seemingly able to stop the endless time of the extinction, eternal immortal, chilling.

"Good strength."

Xia Ping squeezed his fists. He felt that all the bones in his body had been tempered and completely transformed into **** bones. A horrible force poured out from the depths of the body.

He felt that the strength of his body was terrible to a certain extent. A light punch was enough to break the void, and the space barriers in all directions could be broken like glass.

The power of awakening a mega-Hail Golden Cell made him feel a tyrannical tyranny, and it was simply invincible.


The next second, his heart moved, a mysterious **** breath rushed into his heart, it seems that the new **** Jin Wu Shentong was born in his body at this moment.

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