God Descends the Second Element

Chapter 614 Comic Market begins!

In the pitch-black, endless dark space, Wang Hao walked alone and aimlessly.

I don’t know how long I walked because I forgot how much time passed. I don’t know how far I have walked because there is never an end ahead.

He began to feel a little numb, and his steps were just because he was walking. Everything was based on the physical instinct of the mechanical memory that had been formed, and he had long forgotten why he was moving forward.

The next moment, Wang Hao's body trembled uncontrollably.

There was a faint light shining in front of him. He was afraid that he would be deceived, so he stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes vigorously, but the light was still there.

Wang Hao raised his head and looked over slowly. It was a small flame, emitting a faint burst of colorful light, like a candle in the wind. It seemed that a gust of wind could blow it out.

One tear fell, two tears fell...

The tears flowed for no reason and could not be stopped.


A slight breaking sound slowly sounded, the dark space turned into fragments, and a bright light appeared in front of Wang Hao.

Wang Hao slowly opened his eyes, tears wet his cheeks, but he was indifferent to it and just looked at the surrounding environment.

The snow-white ceiling, the unpleasant smell of disinfectant, the windows that let in the warm sunlight, and the surrounding items were very simple. There was no one else in the room, and the only person was myself lying on the bed.

Looking at this scene, Wang Hao laughed weakly.

Compared with before, Wang Hao felt a little weaker, but he didn't feel any other serious problems.

Although I don't know how long I can live, at least I don't have to worry too much until my godhead is completely shattered.

Through this incident, Wang Hao finally figured out that this incomplete godhead did have the power to change reality.

As for the price, it is to make this already broken godhead even more incomplete.

As for what will happen after the godhead is completely shattered, after Wang Hao experienced what just happened, he no longer wanted to think about it anymore.

At least now, he's still alive and well, right?

He silently turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window, and was a little stunned for a moment.



There are many things to do in Neon during this season. For example, climbing Mount Fuji is the best time, and the Comic Market is also held in August.

No, it should be said that it is held twice a year, in August and December.

The Comic Market held in August is called Summer Comic and the one held in December is called Winter Comic. The simpler names are Summer Comic and Winter Comic.

In recent years, the number of people participating in Comic Market has continued to increase, and the number of stalls selling has reached 35,000, and is still rising.

Those who plan to participate as a club must register with Comiket within the specified period. For example, Winter Comi needs to be within about 3 days after the end of Summer Comi, and Summer Comi is within about 1 week in early February.

Since there are so many people or groups interested in setting up stalls at Comic Market each time, a lottery is required.

There were actually quite a lot of people attending this comic show, otherwise it wouldn’t have been such a hassle.

According to rough statistics, the number of visitors will reach more than 550,000 every time it is held, and the data is still rising.

Participants come from all age groups, but the majority are from high school graduates to people in their thirties. Recently, many foreigners have made a special trip to the Comic Market to visit, and even set up stalls to sell their doujinshi.

Originally, Wang Hao was not well prepared and did not plan to participate in Xia Comi because he had not registered for the club before.

And at that time, Wang Hao felt that Clannad's creation progress was very slow and would probably be completed in winter, so he wanted to participate in Winter Comi.

However, the progress of clannad creation is now far beyond his imagination, and it will be completed at the end of July.

Originally, he was still worried about participating in Xia Comi as a fan club, after all, it was too late to sign up at this time.

However, what was originally the most difficult point was actually not as difficult as imagined, because Yinglili had already signed up to participate in Xia Comi as a fan club in early February, planning to sell fan books at that time.

But because I joined the Modern Dimension Research Club, joined the game creation team, and had the idea of ​​becoming a cartoonist, I temporarily gave up drawing books.

In other words, her stall is no longer in use, after all, she hasn't even finished drawing it yet.

But in this way, this spare booth can be used to the Modern Dimension Research Society to sell games.

CLANNAD has been made and will be available for sale directly when Xia Comi is held.

Wang Hao originally planned to make 300,000 copies of the CLANNAD game first. This masterpiece was not afraid of lack of sales.

It’s not that he is bragging, he has done a thorough investigation of the galgame market recently. After all, the two-dimensional environment in this world is not as good as in the previous life. For example, the sales volume of many galgames that are not fun at all to him can reach tens of thousands...

Therefore, Wang Hao is sure that CLANNAD can definitely sell for 300,000. However, other people in the team raised objections, and there were many, including representatives such as An Yilun.

Although An Yilun is also sure that CLANNAD must be a masterpiece. After all, he has participated in the entire game production and has a certain understanding of galgame.

But to be honest, the number of 300,000 is still a bit scary. If you can't sell so many at once, you will suffer a huge loss. After all, the sales volume of the Meikong series, which has the highest sales volume on the market, is only 180,000.

The number 300,000 is too scary, almost twice that of Meikong!

He would still believe it if it sold for 200,000 yuan, but the figure of 300,000 yuan was too exaggerated, and An Yilun felt it was too high.

Although the number of people participating in Xia Comi is close to 600,000 every day, and the flow of people is quite large, this does not mean that their games will make visitors willing to take out their wallets.

Seeing everyone's objections, Wang Hao had no choice but to agree. After some discussion, he finally only got 250,000. If the sales were not enough, he would make up for it.

Xia Comi wants to sell 250,000 units in three days. If people who don't know about it hear it, they will definitely laugh out loud. However, everyone at the current research agency is still full of confidence in the CLANNAD game.

Our current goal is to sell 250,000 units in these three days!

In the past few days, everyone had put down their hands and worked together on Xia Comi's affairs.

It may be that Sawamura Eiri is possessed by the European Emperor. The stall location drawn by lot is quite good. It can be said to be a prime location and the location is relatively spacious. Everyone worked together to set up the stall.

This time, all members of the current research club will participate in Xia Comi. In addition to selling games, Wang Hao also contacted some manufacturers in advance to prepare CLANNAD peripherals, such as figures, which can be sold when selling games. I believe You don’t have to worry too much about sales, since it is a limited edition after all.

Because he was worried about chaos, Wang Hao specially asked the Tianshen Group to borrow some security guards from Ye Qiushan.

When they were ready, Xia Comi was held as scheduled!

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