"Thank you. I also think it's great to meet Hao and everyone."

Having said this, Shiina Mashiro's originally desperate face finally gained some color, and she barely showed a smile.

Seeing this scene, Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little distressed for some reason. Although the world was so cruel, he believed that Shiina Mashiro would still be the same Shiina Mashiro.

He didn't want the cruelty of the world to destroy Mashiro, but to his surprise, this child was actually much stronger than his delicate appearance. Now that he has encountered this kind of thing, he forced himself to show a smile that he wouldn't normally show. He probably didn't want to let him He was so worried and so strong that it made people feel bad.

After a moment, Shiina Mashiro raised his head and said firmly: "Hao, I want to find Rita, she should be at that place."

It was a different look of determination than before, as if he had made some determination.

"Let's go."

Wang Hao smiled and said, it seems that Mashiro is ready to face everything. No matter what the outcome, he will stay with the child, because if Mashiro is left alone, Wang Hao will always worry about him. Don't worry.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and it is miserable.

A man and a woman were walking on an unfamiliar street without an umbrella. The man opened his clothes and put them on top to hide from the rain with the girl.

The world seemed to freeze at this moment. This scene may not be uncommon to others, but it can remain deep in the memory of the two of them until the end.

Walk through the busy streets and pass through the deserted alleys.

The two of them walked around, seemingly looking for something.

Mashiro speculated that Rita should be in the park where they used to play together, but after so long, the surroundings have changed a lot. Although Mashiro still remembers the way, there have been some changes in the surroundings, and it is not so easy to find it for a while. .

When passing by the station, Wang Hao bought a big umbrella. Although it might be a little late, after all, the two of them were wet now, but it was better than nothing, and the big umbrella would be of additional use later. .


After walking for about half an hour, Wang Hao and Mashiro Shiina finally arrived at their destination, a slightly old park.

Ahead are two forked roads, leading to different directions.

"Let's go to the left and take a look first."

After hesitating for a while, Wang Hao finally pointed to the left and said. There are still some traces of his recent steps on the road on the left.

If the troops were divided into two groups, he would be a little worried about Mashiro being alone, and if he found Rita, the other party might run away immediately and not listen to what he said. After all, Wang Hao had just disguised the other party for many years. Removed them all at once.

Judging from the current situation of the other party, it is estimated that the hatred value for Wang Hao is already full. It is better for him to follow Mashiro all the way.

Although that woman with a fake smile, uh... "Woman with a fake smile" is the nickname Wang Hao gave Rita in his heart. After all, from the time he met Rita, although she kept smiling, Wang Hao knew that it was all pretending. He never showed his sincerity until he was exposed in the end.

However, there is still a slight possibility.

Although the other party is an annoying woman with a fake smile, "people are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless".

Wang Hao believes that Rita still has true feelings for Mashiro, but this should be a more complicated and twisted emotion, but it is indeed sincere.

He hoped that both Rita and Mashiro could be honest with each other and face their true feelings, and maybe things would turn around.

After all, Rita and Mashiro have been together for more than ten years and have grown up together since childhood. This relationship is particularly rare.

Rita never took off her disguise, but she always stayed by Mashiro's side and took care of him in daily life. She was also very sure of Mashiro's talents.

It can be seen from this that Rita should have a very complicated and twisted emotion towards Mashiro, so she never knows what the real Shiina Mashiro looks like.

As for Mashiro, let alone that.

If these things are not told directly to Mashiro, the child will not understand, because her world has always been so innocent.

Ever since Shiina Mashiro heard the conversation just now, Wang Hao has been thinking about countermeasures alone in his mind, constantly thinking about what method to use to get the best ending, because he doesn't want Mashiro to lose an important person like this. people.

In the end, he only thought of this solution which was not a solution. First, he ruthlessly removed Rita's disguise for many years, and two conditions must be met.

The first condition is that if Rita had just denied saying those words and put on another disguise towards Mashiro, Wang Hao would never let him get close to Mashiro.

Because such people are too scary and dangerous for Mashiro.

But that's not what happened. Rita exposed all her true nature to Mashiro and finally confessed to him.

This means that Rita begins to show her true self to Mashiro and takes off her disguise.

The second condition is what Mashiro said just now. If Mashiro just said that he wanted to go back to Neon instead of going to Rita, Wang Hao would also take him away directly.

Because this means that Rita is not as important in Mashiro's heart as he imagined. The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. It is not bad to let the other party cut the knot quickly.

Wang Hao doesn't want Mashiro to know about these things, he just needs to think about them by himself.

But obviously, the friendship between these two people was beyond his imagination. It was much stronger than he imagined, and it also made his strategy successful. All that was left was for both parties to tell each other what they really wanted to say. speak out.

Whether it can be reunited depends on this.

What two worrying guys.


Not long after walking to the left, a dilapidated swing appeared not far ahead, with a lonely blonde girl sitting on it, her head lowered, swinging alone.

Although it was difficult to see clearly from a certain distance, Wang Hao knew that it was Rita.

When Shiina Mashiro saw Rita, she couldn't help but tremble a little. She looked up at Wang Hao and said, "Hao, I'm a little afraid that Rita will hate me. Come with me, okay?"

"Mashiro, just say what you want to say. I will be by your side. Let's go together."

Although he knew that it was inappropriate for him to intervene at this time and there was no other way, Wang Hao was still worried about the two quarrelsome children. He only hoped that his appearance would not cause Rita's reaction to be too extreme.

Wang Hao held an umbrella with one hand and held Mashiro with the other. He walked slowly towards the lonely girl who was swinging alone at a slow pace.

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