Although it is a good thing not to have to teach, it can save a lot of time, Zheng Shuang has nothing to teach.

But from Viscount Lanxi's words, Zheng Shuang could hear a hint of pride.

I've known for a long time that you don't know how to do it, so my initial idea was to make you a pure communication teacher.

"Okay, okay, you are so good at planning, right? OK!

Take me to where you keep your magic materials and gold coins, and see how much wealth you have amassed over the years."

Zheng Shuang said lightly.

"Good father!"Viscount Lanxi naturally would not hide anything when facing his"father", and he immediately took Zheng Shuang to the castle's treasure house.

It was a large room, about the size of a football field.

It was piled into a hill. Magic materials and copper coins occupy more than half of the treasure house, while boxes of gold coins and high-value mid-to-high-level magic materials occupy the remaining area.

"Yes, you have taken good care of the family's wealth. From now on, leave these to me."

Zheng Shuang patted Viscount Lanxi's shoulder with satisfaction, and waved his right hand forward gently.

A strong force of absorbing from the cave suddenly acted on every item in the treasure house, and with a swish sound, the treasure house became Smooth and bright

"My father is willing to personally take care of the family treasure. It is really hard work. I really don’t know how to repay you."

Viscount Lanxi looked overly pampered and at a loss.

Zheng Shuang looked at him and couldn't help but feel guilty.

"This kid is too honest, right?……"

Of course, Zheng Shuang actually knew that this was just because Shuiyuejing increased Viscount Lanxi's admiration and respect for"father" Zheng Shuang.

If it were Viscount Lanxi's real father, he wouldn't be treated like Zheng Shuang.

After all, reality can never be as good as fantasy. In the eyes of Viscount Lanxi, Zheng Shuang is the perfect father in his heart who has no flaws or plans. Naturally, no matter what he does, he is right and whatever he needs should be met.

What is a mere treasure house?

Zheng Shuang suddenly emptied Viscount Lanxi's treasure house. Naturally, it wasn't because of the lack of these low-level materials that accounted for most of the garbage. He just wanted Viscount Lanxi to suffer some losses.

But after actually doing this, Viscount Lanxi's reaction made Zheng Shuang lose all interest.

"Forget it, let's do it. Send someone to fake my identity as soon as possible. I'm in a hurry to use it."

After that, Zheng Shuang used the Great Teleportation Technique and returned to Zhino Forest in an instant.

He was going to practice the skills at hand and try to improve his strength before heading to Donglin City.


Zhulan City.

Zhulan Magic Academy, training ground.

Two pretty girls and a middle-aged man with a dangerous hairline seemed to be waiting for something.

The two girls looked very similar, like dolls carved from the same mold.

The two of them wore lace dresses of the same style, but one blue and one red. They wore pure white stockings on their slender white legs, and short boots for easy movement.

"Erin, Ellie, you must listen to the teacher in charge, don't go against him, and try to have a good relationship with him.

Donglin City is completely different from Zhulan City. It is the hub of the entire Donglin Province and has all kinds of geniuses.

The leader of the team is also from Zhulan City. As long as you don't get into trouble with him, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you can go to him for help first."

The middle-aged man taught earnestly.

The girl in the red dress rolled her eyes angrily, stretched her body and said,"Yes, yes, I promise I won't burn the leader's hair with fire, okay. Already?"

"Erin! You...if you keep this attitude, you will definitely suffer a big loss when you get to Donglin City!"

The middle-aged man pointed at the tip of the girl's nose, and his right hand couldn't stop trembling slightly.

"Teacher Tom, you don’t seem to have much hair to begin with. If it is accidentally burned off, is there any chance it will grow back?"

Aileen had a naughty smile on her face, raised her right hand slightly, and a bright blazing fireball appeared in her palm.


Tom swallowed and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Teacher Tom, don't worry, we will be good."

The girl in a blue dress ran to Irene, gently tugged on the skirt behind her, and whispered with a slight blush on her face.


Irene extinguished the fireball, put her hands on her hips, twisted her head to one side, and snorted coldly.

"Oh, it would be great if your two personalities could complement each other."

Dom looked at the twin sisters, covering his head and couldn't help sighing, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.


Along with a gentle breeze, a magnetic voice came from above the three of them.

"Are they Teacher Dom and Sister Eileen Ellie?"

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