Castle of the Vicomte de Lancy.

Zheng Shuang followed a servant and headed to the viscount's study.

"Farzana, isn't your house a bit too big?"

Zheng Shuang said in Fasanna's ear through the small cave sky ring.

Everything in the small cave sky is under Zheng Shuang's control. Communication with each other is just the simplest way. Zheng Shuang can also choose what he sees. share it in Xiaodongtian.

For example, after arriving at the castle, Zheng Shuang relied on Fasanna’s prompts to successfully assume the identity of Kenny.

Of course, without the Xiaodongtian ring, Zheng Shuang’s original plan would actually It’s not bad. Just activate Wushuang directly after sneaking into the castle.

Kill what needs to be killed and conquer what needs to be conquered.

Although it is not smooth enough now, it is a little less barbaric.

Zheng Shuang enjoys this feeling of sneaking in. He used to also He wanted to infiltrate, but he had no choice but to become a berserker. This time, Zheng Shuang planned to restrain his murderous intention.

After all, Fasanna would be pregnant with his child sooner or later. Rounding it out, Viscount Lanxi was one of his tens of millions. It’s okay to give Yi’s father-in-law some face.

"……Compared with your little cave, my house is not very big."

Fasanna was silent for a moment and said in a low voice.

Zheng Shuang really couldn't refute this.

Although Xiaodongtian mentioned it in a small way, it still depends on what it is compared to. A mere viscount manor is really nothing in front of it.

Zheng Shuang chatted with Fasanna about some things that needed attention, and suddenly paused.

It was not that he had arrived at the Viscount's study, but he saw a girl with wheat-colored skin and a weapon.

Looking at her slightly cool and unscrupulous exposed With her waistcoat-line outfit, Zheng Shuang felt for some reason that she must be a very suitable candidate for dual cultivation of the Mysterious Dharma.

"She is my brother's fiancée, Luo Lillian. Since she is already engaged and she is the only one left in the family, she moved to the castle in advance."

Fasanna looked at the images of people sent by Zheng Shuang and immediately introduced them to him.

"fiancée? It seems to me that she hasn't had any intimate communication with a man yet. How long has she been living here?"

Zheng Shuang looked at Luo Lillian calmly.

After practicing the mysterious method, he could tell at a glance whether a woman retained a pure yin body.

And it was the first time for a woman with a pure yin body to practice together with him. The mysterious method will also bring huge benefits to both him and the other party.

"It's true that Luo Lillian hasn't moved into Fazen's room yet. It's said that she wants to wait until she gets married before she does that... with Fazen."

Although Fasanna has been like Zheng Shuang many times, she still seemed a little shy when talking about it.

As for Fazeen, he is naturally Fasanna's younger brother.

Luo Lillian glanced at Zheng Shuang from a distance, There was obvious curiosity and doubt in her eyes. She turned around and chatted with the servant beside her, as if she was asking something.

Her reaction was very normal. It was not a secret that Kenny and the eldest lady Fazanna went to Dawn Town.

But Zheng Shuang felt something was wrong. Luo Lillian's state was too normal, and she always felt like she was acting.

"It's interesting, your brother's fiancée doesn't seem to be as simple as it seems."

Zheng Shuang didn't show anything on his face, but the words that rang in Fasanna's ears contained unabashed joking.

"Probably not, Luo Lillian usually treats people very well, has a kind and simple personality."

Fasana couldn't believe it.

"Kind? simple? maybe."

Zheng Shuang was noncommittal.

He saw the perfect panic on Luo Lillian's face after talking to the servant, and secretly felt a little funny in his heart.

Soon, he and the servant arrived outside Viscount Lanxi's study.

"Lord Viscount, Captain Kenny is here."

The servant who led the way knocked on the door gently.

Kenny's official position is the captain of the second escort, so the servants usually call him Captain Kenny.

"Let him in."

A majestic middle-aged male voice came from the door.

The servant immediately stepped aside and made a gesture to invite in. Zheng Shuang pushed the door open and entered.

Compared with the very high-profile manors and castles, the study seemed simple. A lot.

Opposite the door is a set of exquisitely designed pure wooden desks. In addition, there are only huge bookshelves on both sides that occupy the entire wall. The light shines in from the huge combination of floor-to-ceiling windows behind the desk, making people sitting in front of the desk The Viscount de Lanxi looked majestic and imposing.

This Viscount was more than twenty years older than Kenny, but he seemed to be one point younger than Kenny.

Although he had the sixth-level peak strength, but we can also know that he has put a lot of effort into his appearance.

"Kenny, I trusted you so much, but you seem to have let me down."

Viscount de Lanxi opened his mouth with sad words that seemed to understand everything.

If it was the real Kenny, he would definitely kneel down on one knee at this time, cry and say that he had failed the Viscount, and even wanted to die to apologize. To make up for his failure to protect Fasanna.

But Zheng Shuang was not a loyal subordinate of Viscount Lanxi. He closed the door tightly with his backhand, and then took out the water moon mirror under the puzzled gaze of Viscount Lanxi.

A man shrouded in black robes The figure immediately appeared next to Viscount Lanxi, obviously his personal bodyguard responsible for protecting him.

However, Zheng Shuang had already discovered his presence and unhurriedly launched Mirror Flower Water Moon on the two of them.

The dreamlike light flashed away. , Viscount Lanxi's eyes suddenly became hazy, he looked at Zheng Shuang and said hesitantly:


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