"Naturally, the goddess of light will not come because of me, but I seem to have seen an illusion."

Kenny raised his head slightly, looked at Zheng Shuang in the sky, and murmured in a low voice.

How could the young lady who had obviously escaped come back in this way?

It's not like he hadn't thought about the worst possibility, that the young lady would be hacked. The guys from the robed man's group caught him and brought him back, but he couldn't do anything about it.

But why was he held under his arm and dropped from the sky?

Number 1 was already sweating profusely.

Zheng Shuang was definitely not one of theirs, but the target person was in his hands.

What about No. 10? He must be in danger.

He can fly with a sword, and even if he is not a high-level one, he is still a sixth-level powerhouse!

"Are you here for Miss Fasana? We are willing to give up this mission and just ask you to let us live."

In order to show his sincerity, No. 1 took his men back a few meters as soon as he finished speaking.

Kenny was still a little dazed at first.

You kid just said harshly that it would be useless even if the goddess of light came, but in the end, he was cowed so quickly..

But after thinking about it, Kenny felt that there was no problem with the choice of No. 1.

He can fly!

Maybe he is a seventh-level or even eighth-level boss passing by. If he doesn't admit it earlier and beg to be let go, do he have to wait for the boss? Do you regret it if you take action yourself?

"Dear strong man, thank you for saving Miss Farzanna."

Kenny said with great sincerity.

Seeing his expression, Number One on the opposite side also gritted his teeth.

He was obviously a mysterious and powerful man passing by, so why did he stand on the opposite side instead of his own side?

"No need to thank you, I'm just completing the transaction."

As he said that, Zheng Shuang looked at No. 1 and others and said calmly:"How do you want to die?"


The four men in black robes present instantly felt the fear rising from the bottom of their hearts. Every cell in their bodies was warning one thing, if they don't run away, they will die!

"Run away separately!"

No. 1 immediately issued the command, and before the first word was uttered, it turned into a ghostly phantom and floated into the distance.

The other three people also showed their magical powers and fled in different directions.

Kenny looked at this scene with excitement. Shocked.

Is this the intimidation of the big boss?

He didn't even need to take action, just a word, he could force those men in black robes who almost killed him to flee!

Kenny would find it strange, It's entirely because his thinking is still stuck in the orderly and regular survival mode. Even if he has met high-level powerful men before, he has no experience of facing them directly as an enemy.

Even if he encountered an attack today, he doesn't think this kind of thing can happen often. Yes.

But for these men in black robes, it is normal for the weak to eat the weak and the strong to eat the weak. The high-level strong men who wander in the dark world are moody and unreasonable.

Since Zheng Shuang asked them how they wanted to die, Then they must be ready to take action. If they don't run away, do they really have to wait for death?

In fact, Kenny and No. 1 are trying to save others by themselves, and they use the image of the strong man they know on Zheng Shuang. Speculation.

However, Zheng Shuang is more powerful, unscrupulous, and arbitrary than they imagined.

"Escape so decisively? It's a bit beyond my expectation, so I'll give you a chance to survive."

The corners of Zheng Shuang's mouth raised slightly, he led the two girls to the ground, and flicked his fingers.

The moment a ball of fist-sized fireball condensed, it split into four parts and chased after the four men in black robes.

All this seemed to take a long time, but in fact it only took a few words.

Jenny witnessed the whole process, and her emotions couldn't be controlled. She was so strong, so handsome, and so domineering!

Her heart originally only belonged to Fasanna. At this moment, Zheng Shuang appeared quietly and occupied half of the territory.

Thinking about her life in the next year, Jenny suddenly blushed.

She and Fasanna once talked about men's sex late at night. Every time she talked about the topic, she would use shyness to cover up her expectation.

At this moment, Jenny suddenly felt that the deal seemed good.

Fasanna looked at all this, but there was a sense of revenge in her eyes..Now only Jenny and Kenny are left with her, but there were more than just these people in the initial convoy. The others all died in the hands of the men in black robes!

Die! All die!

It seems that Fasanna heard Shouting from the heart, the slowest man in black robe was quickly overtaken by the fireball and passed directly by the fireball. The second one followed, and the third one.

They didn't even have a chance to scream, and they were peaceful. died in this forest.

As the leader, No. 1 had no time to feel sad or angry about the death of his subordinates, because the fireball behind him was getting closer!

"Secret skill, phantom clone!"

The shadow of No. 1 immediately seemed to have life, leaving the body and actively facing the fireball.

"Martial arts, extremely fast!"

The slender legs seemed to have phantoms at this moment, causing No. 1's speed to suddenly increase.

"Martial arts, breaking the wind!"

The fighting spirit surged, the air resistance suddenly decreased, and No. 1's speed made another breakthrough.

At this time, the phantom clone had collided hard with the fireball.

The violent heat wave exploded instantly, and the strongest one directly caught up. Number 1 hit her hard in the back.

Number 1's black robe instantly became tattered, and his dazzling golden hair fell down like a waterfall.

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