"Jasmine, it's wrong to scold your teammates!"

"If you didn't scold your teammates, I might have spent more time looking for you."

"From this point of view, I really want to thank you."

Zheng Shuang was walking on the way home, touching the space ring on his index finger, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

This revenge went much smoother than he imagined.

Judging from the two simulation playbacks, Jasmine sometimes failed because of the adventurer mission. Therefore,

Zheng Shuang’s gratitude to Jasmine came from the bottom of his heart.

Fatu Village was originally built by a mage apprentice with his family and slaves.

The name of the village is to commemorate him He also wanted to commemorate his youth when he failed to officially become a mage.

Naturally, he did not expect that many years after his death, the terms mage apprentice and official mage were gradually forgotten by the world, and were replaced by the terms covering all professions, low, middle and high. The name.

The first to third levels are the low level, the fourth to the sixth level are the intermediate level, and the seventh to the ninth level are the high level.

Above the high level is a realm that is difficult for most people to reach, so only the names of these ninth levels are widely circulated around the world..

Of course, there are also a handful of mage families with a long history that still call low-level mage apprentices, intermediate ones as formal mage, and high-level ones as great mage. Outsiders think they are pretending to be mysterious, while they think others are vulgar. He was barbaric and did not understand the nobility of the mage at all.

Closer to home, due to the terrain of Fatu Village, Zheng Shuang could only leave from the northwest entrance of the village.

When he arrived near the entrance of the village, he suddenly found a group of people gathered around a beast. Beside the car, it seemed that preparations were being made before departure.

This group of people was Dai, Kane and others who Jasmine said were all damned, but Zheng Shuang did not know them. This was the first time for him to come at this time. When arriving at Fatu Village, in the two simulations, when Zheng Shuang came to capture Jasmine, these people were already in Shuguang Town.

And Jasmine did not have time to tell a crucial piece of information, so Zheng Shuang did not come into contact with these strangers. This would only increase the probability of his identity being exposed.

However, Dai noticed Zheng Shuang, who deliberately avoided her team.

Her beast cart bore the logo of the Church of Light, which is the largest church in the kingdom. The church, even if it is a state religion, is not an exaggeration.

Even if ordinary civilians do not find a way to get closer to benefit from the blessing of the goddess of light, they will be attracted to it and unable to look away from it.

Zheng Shuang, on the other hand, walked unhurriedly. He walked and looked intently, as if he didn't see the logo of the Church of Light at all.

No, he seemed to have ignored himself and others. This was the first time Dai experienced this feeling after becoming a candidate for a saint. Apart from being surprised, I also felt a little strange

"Kane, is that person from your village? do you know him?"

Da Yi had a friendly smile on his face, which naturally concealed his true thoughts.

"Hmm, it looks familiar. Maybe it's a distant relative who came over to visit someone? Kane looked at it from a distance and said uncertainly.

In fact, he had never seen Zheng Shuang as a human being at all, but he had seen Zheng Shuang's first appearance as a goblin yesterday.

After hearing this answer, Dai lost some interest

"Do you need me to call him over?"

Kane shook his fist.

"No need, let's go. The godfather is still waiting for us to go back. He will be very happy to see you."

Da Yi shook her head and said with a smile.

She didn't know that her words temporarily changed her destiny and prevented Zheng Shuang from being forced to perform a drama of pretending to be a human and eating a tiger.

The saint took the car to the north, Goblin walks west, both have a bright future


Walking away from the crowds, Zheng Shuang quickened his pace and soon saw a long, thick, and very conspicuous dead tree.

It fell flat on the flat ground between several big trees. It was about twenty meters long and one meter thick. The heart of the tree seemed to have been hollowed out by insects.

The huge hollow in the center is enough for an adult man to sit cross-legged inside without looking cramped.

This is a very obvious landmark, and when you walk here, you are not far from Zhino Forest.

For Zheng Shuang, this is a good sign that he will be able to get home safely soon.

"It actually only took less than a day to resolve the big hatred in my heart. My efficiency is quite high."

"However, if you told Zheng Shu that you were going on a long trip, but you ended up leaving early and coming back late, would you be criticized by him?"

"Although he has a little more knowledge than Xiao Hei, he is a real wooden head. He shouldn't be able to do such a thing, right?"

Zheng Shuang put his hands behind his head and walked out with a comfortable and arrogant pace.

Suddenly, a thin and soft voice came to his ears.

"Big... Big brother, are you a good person?"

Zheng Shuang thought he heard it wrong at first.

After all, the voice sounded like that of a little girl, and this place is already very close to Zhiye Forest. Who can a child run here?

Even if he can run here, there is a high probability that he will be killed by a monster. Capture or eat it?

However, Zheng Shuang soon realized that his judgment was wrong.

Because he found a timid little head that carefully poked out from behind the tree.

Her hair was very messy, and she was the kind of person who could easily be beaten. She still looked a little messy after the treatment, with a pair of big watery eyes like two crystal clear grapes, and a very obvious uneasiness and panic in the dark eyes.

I? am a bad person.

Zheng Shuang originally wanted to tease this little girl , but he noticed the anxiety on her face.

It was not difficult for him to see that this little guy was not very courageous, but he still mustered up the courage to speak to a stranger like himself.

Thinking about it, there must be something urgent that he had to ask for help from outsiders. That made her do something big that went against her heart.

Even before speaking, the little guy may have done some psychological construction in his heart for an unknown amount of time before he got the courage to speak.

He really had to go with him for a moment of bad taste. Is she kidding?

Although he is no longer a human being, Zheng Shuang is not ready to be a beast.

The goblins in this world are not beasts.

At least, the goblins Zheng Shuang saw are not

"I'm not a good person, but I'm not a bad person either. Do you need my help with anything?"

Zheng Shuang secretly added in his heart: I am not a human being at all.

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