Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Chapter 226 Big Customer (asking for further subscriptions and monthly tickets)

county seat.

Chengdong Village.

Wang Yong was discussing with his wife Liu Yiying about organizing a full-moon banquet for his eldest grandson.

Wang Yong said: "Old lady, when my son and daughter-in-law got married last year, I invested all the money in building the factory. It was a difficult period for our family, so their wedding reception was very simple, even shabby.

Now that our factory is making money, I want to have a grand grandson’s full moon wine party. What do you think? "

Liu Yiying nodded and said: "Okay, then let's hold a big show and invite people from the theater troupe to come over and perform in the play for a few days to make it lively."

Wang Yong said: "It's easier to hire a troupe and it won't cost much. I have another idea I want to discuss with you."

Liu Yiying asked: "What do you think?"

Wang Yong said: "I don't want to host the full moon banquet at home, but I plan to host it at Suifeng Hotel. What do you think?"

Liu Yiying was stunned when she heard this. She naturally knew about the Suifeng Hotel that had just opened a few days ago. At that time, the propaganda team beating gongs and holding billboards filled the streets, and hundreds of people followed to watch the excitement. The whole county was in a sensation. Basically, people who live in and around the county know that such a hotel has opened.

I also know that Suifeng Hotel is currently the largest hotel in the county. It will definitely be more honorable to go there to host a full moon banquet for my eldest grandson.

Liu Yiying was moved immediately.

However, her heart was moved, and Liu Yiying still said with some concerns: "It's really a good idea to go to Suifeng Hotel to organize a full-moon banquet for my eldest grandson, but I don't know if the price of the hotel is expensive, and whether it's worth going there to do it."

Wang Yong said confidently: "In business, the price can definitely be negotiated. This Suifeng Hotel has newly opened, and we are probably the first guests to have a banquet. As long as the hotel owner is not stupid, he will give us the best discount." "

Liu Yiying nodded and said: "In that case, go and talk to the hotel owner first. If the price is right, then make a decision and organize a decent full moon banquet for our eldest grandson."

Seeing that his wife agreed, Wang Yong stood up and said: "Since you have no objection, I will go to the owner of Suifeng Hotel to talk about this matter now."

Suifeng Hotel.

As usual, Deng Shirong sat with Zhang Guangzong, chatting and drinking.

Today is already the seventh day of the hotel's opening. Thanks to the publicity on the first day of opening, the hotel's turnover is getting better day by day. Especially after the hotel's 20% off discount ended in the first three days, the turnover on the fourth day did not drop, and even increased slightly, and the profits were even higher.

Yesterday, the turnover exceeded the 100 yuan mark for the first time, which made Deng Shirong and his son and daughter-in-law very happy.

Now that the hotel is off to a smooth start and its sales have stabilized, Deng Shirong has plans to take Deng Yunzhu and his children back to his hometown.

On the one hand, the children have too many distracting thoughts here in the county, which affects their learning efficiency.

On the other hand, it was already late May of the lunar calendar. In a few more months, the longans at Baiping Farm would be ready for picking. He had to go back to Tanlian in advance to find a suitable house, whether it was renting or buying. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that there is a place to temporarily stack the longan, so that he can easily put the longan into the system space.

After making up his mind, Deng Shirong mentioned the matter to Zhang Guangzong and said, "Uncle Zhang, the hotel has stabilized now. If nothing happens, I will take the children who are still studying back to their hometown tomorrow. Wait. I’ll drink with you when I get up.”

Zhang Guangzong had long known that the main managers of this hotel were the boss's son and daughter-in-law, so he was not surprised at all when the boss mentioned returning to his hometown. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, boss, as long as I'm here in the hotel, there will definitely be no What's the matter?"

While the two were talking, a diner walked in.

It is now past ten o'clock in the morning, and only Deng Shirong and Zhang Guangzong are having a drink. In fact, the restaurant's work meal has not been eaten yet, and diners rarely come to eat at this time. After all, it is neither early nor late, and those who have had breakfast Not even hungry yet!

However, no matter what time it is, if diners come to your door, you must greet them well.

The waiter Zhang Wenjuan greeted us immediately: "Hello, comrade, please come and sit down here."

This diner was none other than Wang Yong from Chengdong Village. After he chose to sit down at the nearest table, he went straight to the topic and said: "I thought your hotel would organize a full-moon banquet for my eldest grandson, and asked your boss to come with it." Let me talk!"

Deng Shirong couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this. He made the hotel so big mainly because he wanted to host large-scale banquets such as weddings, full moons, and birthdays. If he accepted more such banquets, he would naturally make a lot of money. .

However, he also knew that people's economic conditions in this era were not as good as those in later generations, and few people would even think of hosting a banquet in a hotel. If possible, he would do so at home.

What he was thinking about was that in two or three years, there would be more and more wealthy people, and naturally some people would be willing to host banquets in restaurants.

After all, compared to hosting a banquet at home, it is obviously more respectable to hold a banquet in a hotel. Chinese people pay attention to face, and Deng Shirong, who has lived for eighty or ninety years in two lifetimes, naturally knows it well.

But he never expected that the restaurant had only been open for a week and already diners would come to discuss banquets. This was really unexpected.

So, Deng Shirong nodded to Zhang Guangzong, stood up, walked to the diners, sat down, and said hello with a smile: "Hello, comrade, I am the owner of this restaurant. My surname is Deng. What is your surname?"

To be able to open such a large restaurant in the county town, this boss is obviously not an ordinary person. As a businessman, Wang Yong did not show off, and greeted him politely: "Hello, Boss Deng, my surname is Wang."

Soon, Zhang Xiuping personally brewed a pot of good tea and brought it over.

Deng Yuntai, on the other hand, sat at a table next to him, silently listening to the conversation between his father and the diner, and learning how to deal with distinguished guests who came to the hotel to hold banquets.

After the two parties exchanged a few polite words, Wang Yong said straight to the point: "Boss Deng, I would like to host my eldest grandson's full moon banquet at your hotel. I wonder how your hotel charges for banquets?"

"Comrade Wang, it's like this. Currently, there are two main ways to host banquets in our hotel."

Deng Shirong introduced with a smile: "One is a fixed menu set by our hotel. There are ordinary 18 yuan/table set meals, medium 28 yuan/table set meals, high-end 38 yuan/table set meals, and luxurious ones." 68 yuan/table set meal.

There is also a dish ordered by the customer, and the price is determined based on the dish ordered by the customer.

I would like to ask Comrade Wang, do you want to order the dishes yourself, or directly choose the set meal ordered by our hotel? "

The second chapter was delivered today, and the third chapter will be available tonight.

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