Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Year-end summary and monthly votes requested!

Unknowingly, another year has passed, time flies so fast!

On June 30, "I don't accept anyone as a matchmaker", which had been written for 14 months, came to its finale. On September 15, "Return to 1980 to Enjoy Happiness" was officially uploaded.

Now, I have been writing the new book for three and a half months. Because the new book is relatively slow to gain popularity, the results were not good at the beginning. I lost in the third round of PK, and then I stopped recommending it for two weeks in a row, and did not continue to recommend it until the third week.

We launched it on November 17. At that time, the number of collections was 19,000, and the number of 24-hour subscriptions was 1,977, which is considered a good result.

By the end of November, the average booking is only one step away from reaching 3,000 premium lines.

In the first few days of December, the average order reached 3,000 for the premium line.

It's a pity that the updates of the two snakes are not strong, and the average subscription cannot rise when it reaches 3100+. Until now, it can only barely stabilize this subscription.

Ershe has been working at Qidian for fifteen or six years, and naturally understands that if a book wants to achieve good results, frequent updates are the key, because the current amount of smart push is divided into grades. Four thousand updates per day is a grade, and daily updates are Six thousand is another level.

Also, in addition to updating the word count, book sales are also linked to traffic. The higher the book sales, the higher the traffic.

The most terrible thing is that the updated word count and book sales are also linked to official recommendations.

An author friend who was on the shelves at the same time as me had a slightly worse average subscription than me, but because I updated it to 4,000 a day and the other day to 6,000, he got the recommendation from the editor, while I only picked up a rubbish vane.

Excellent results, as long as you work hard to update, the first recommendation will be at least recommended by the editor at the beginning. Even if the update is powerful, it is not a dream to be recommended by the best seller, but it is really shocking to only give it to the trend vane.

At the starting point, the updates were not strong and it was really difficult to play.

The two snakes learned from the pain and decided to take advantage of the new year to challenge the daily update rate of 6,000.

Six thousand words a day may not be difficult for other authors, but it is not an easy task for Ershe to complete. I hope you can give some motivation, such as monthly votes and subscription support. .

For the author, data improvement is the biggest motivation for coding.

Just like Er She wrote in the book, if they can clearly feel progress by studying hard, then many people will be willing to work hard. But if you work hard, your results will still be the same, and your enthusiasm will slowly fade away, and you will eventually return to your previous poor state.

The two snakes hope to achieve a virtuous cycle. I am responsible for working hard to code and update, and the monthly tickets and subscriptions are left to the bosses.

The current book collection is 24,000+, high-end orders are 5,400+, and average orders are 3,100+. Generally speaking, it is a relatively good subscription ratio. The stickiness of the certificate is still good, but there are still many big people who jump to order. If possible, I hope those big guys who jumped on the reservation can fully support it. I would be very grateful.

Finally, let’s talk about monthly votes. This month is coming to an end. If you don’t vote, your monthly votes will expire and become invalid. Those of you who still have monthly votes, I hope you can vote for the two snakes.

In addition, monthly tickets are doubled from now until the 7th of next month, which means that one monthly ticket for ordinary readers will become two votes, and one vote for advanced readers who meet the consumption standards will become three votes, so in advance Please ask all the bosses for guaranteed monthly tickets for next month.

As long as all the bosses work hard, the two snakes will put aside everything in reality next month and go all out to code to repay everyone.

Well, that's all for now. I hope that in next year's year-end summary, our data can be doubled on this basis, and that will be perfect.

Finally, I wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best!

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