A fierce chasing battle is going on on the spacious road at this time. This is usually an important commercial route that merchants travel the most, but since the flames of war spread here, those merchants all ran to the calmer place at this time Southwest, except for those whose families cannot leave here.

At this time, it was the scout troops from Leon's side who were riding their horses and running ahead. During the investigation, they met the scouts sent by Ronan, because they were not as numerous as the other party, and they were quickly reacted by the Kugit rangers when they met. Killing one person with one arrow made them even less courageous to fight. They turned their horses around and galloped all the way, and the Kujit riders naturally followed closely behind.

The legs are tightly clamped to the horse's belly, and the upper body is standing straight. The running of the horse does not seem to affect them at all. At this time, they are one with the horse, and their bodies can fully adapt to the bumpy feeling. The arms are firmly holding the short bow. , with sharp eyes fixed on the back center of the rider running ahead and aiming.

When the right time came, the Kugit ranger calculated the strength and other factors in his mind, and loosened the fingers that clenched the arrow feathers, and the sharp arrow shot out, piercing the air and making a sharp sound, and then accurately hit the front At the back of a running scout, the scout fell off the horse without even making a sound.

It didn't take long, and the remaining scouts were all shot down from their horses by the rangers. They deliberately left a life alive, dismounting the scout who fell to the ground and got an arrow in his right shoulder. Using the handle of the spear as a club, he was stunned, and he was tied to the horse and led him to his camp.

This kind of thing happened from time to time near Fengming City. Occasionally, scouts from Ronan's side fell into the trap, but they all committed suicide after the defeat, not giving Leon's side the opportunity to torture to extract a confession.

"We lost the scout battle, let's attack first, there must be sufficient supplies in Fengming City, because they are completely trying to drag us down." Leon said.

"But what's the point? It's impossible for us to be dragged down in a short period of time. No matter how full Fengming City's reserves are, it can't hold back their large numbers. They must be unable to withstand it first. They must have other plans. Forget it, what will it be?" Barbossa had some doubts.

"There is no problem with our supplies!" Leon seemed to have thought of something.

"Our supply team is escorted by thousands of people. If they want to pose a threat to our supply team, they must have at least twice the strength. Otherwise, it is not enough to wipe out our supply team before the support arrives, but There are our eyeliners at the gates behind us.

Unless they reached an agreement with Hebrew to pass through the Sidon Fortress, we can arrange some intelligence troops to the location near the Sidon Fortress to avoid this situation. It is impossible for Mayweather to say that it will take a lot of detours Multiple paths require a lot of time, and there are too many variables to make much sense. "Barbosa analyzed a wave, but he didn't expect Ronan to go by water.

Because no one knows that Ronan has a fleet stationed by the sea, because Ravenrak's fleet has never made a move since it came here, and it has been stationed at the harbor there since it captured Loberon, and whether it is Ren Neither Nader's spies nor Leon's spies have been to Loberon, because there is really nothing worth exploring there.

"Siege the city tomorrow! Force them to show up and fight with us!" Leon said after patting the table.

Since I don't know what Ronan's plan is, since their purpose is to procrastinate, then as long as they can't procrastinate, unless Ronan doesn't plan to take Fengming City and the more than 2,000 defenders in the city, otherwise Tomorrow is bound to send troops to aid.

After all, Leon still has the advantage in numbers. As long as he is prepared in advance, it is not a problem to fight Ronan while attacking the city.

Early the next morning, when Leon's troops started to move, Ronan received the news from Bernhard, and immediately mobilized the troops to get ready. Fengming still couldn't lose.

"How to do it, Leon wants to force us to fight him head-on by attacking the city. If he is determined to attack the city, Bernhard will never be able to defend it." Ronan held a morning meeting with other high-level officials. They discussed.

"Even with the troops sent by the noble alliance, the strength of Leon's side is more than one and a half times that of ours. We are determined not to have a decisive battle with them, and that will be what they want.

But if you don’t want to lose Fengming, then we can only use very tactics. Our troops can be supplemented by the system. This is our advantage, and it is also an advantage that the enemy does not know. After spending the treasure house and looting the western nobles, our funds are still sufficient.

My strategy is to pretend that we have fallen for Leon's trick, and after they attack the city, we will launch support as we wish, and we will retreat after we spend a wave with them so that they cannot take the city. After doing this a few times, Leon thinks we have When he has no strength, he must also suffer a lot of damage.

After that, Jackson should have achieved some results, and they had to send troops back to help, but because of the weakness we showed before, they must still think that they are stronger than us on the surface, and we will show it at that time. The opening allows them to track down our decoy troops.

When the time comes, find a suitable location to hide the ambush troops. After they take the bait, we will launch an all-out attack and wipe them out completely. " Magna spoke his mind.

"Although there are certain risks and some cruelty, if you don't have enough strength to crush them head-on, you really need to use a dangerous move. If you don't command the soldiers, let's do it. I will lead the charge tomorrow!" Ronan said. After pondering for a while, he finally decided to accept Magna's opinion.

"Then it's not too late, let's set off immediately!" Meriuses knew that he didn't have any strategic talent. It was thanks to the help of a few wise men that he was able to lead the tribe to successfully revolt. He used his bravery to drive the tribe to play a role. The role of a benchmark or an idol, so he never refuted the decisions of Ronan or other heroes, he just carried them out.

In front of Fengming City, huge wooden siege ladders approached Fengming from four directions. Soldiers in fine armor carried the ladders, lined up and began to approach the city wall holding their shields.

At this time, there was also a lot of noise on the city wall. The sound of soldiers' boots colliding with the ground when they ran, the sound of weapons and armor colliding with the voices of the soldiers were mixed together.

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