Global Sky Online

Chapter 671: End of mission returns and rewards

Parallax also found a vision above his head. After all, such a large storm cloud appeared over him, and there was still ice condensing around him. It was difficult to find it.

The parallax monster had just devoured all the horror energy of the life on this planet and was digesting it. It was ready to digest and then left, and continued to the OA planet in Green Lantern's base camp sector zero.

The parallax plan is to engulf the planet with intelligent life along the way. After reaching the OA planet, even if the Green Lantern Corps and the immortal gather together, it is not his opponent at all.

Unexpectedly, just after destroying a Green Lantern squad, there are still creatures who dare to challenge him.

The misty parallax quirks his head up, and sees the No. 2 lord and others above his head in the distance.

Others don't know it, but the unique green suit worn by the Green Lantern is too easy to recognize.

"Green Lantern, if you dare to die, then become part of my body energy!" The parallax yelled at the location of Rick in the sky, and then the parallax opened his mouth and ejected a yellow beam of energy at Rick. .

Like a laser, this beam of light passed quickly through the air, hitting Rick.

Before the beam of light reached Lake's body, Lake felt that his soul would be sucked out of the body by this beam of light.

"Admiralty bell! Your monster who **** Dafa, what did you do to me!" Laike complained, and immediately released the admiralty bell skills.

The ancient clock with golden rotation covered Lake's whole body.

There are also ancient scriptures and some lightning on the Admiralty as the Admiralty rotates.

The golden squirt from the parallax absorbs the speed of light of the soul, which is blocked directly by Admiralty.

Moreover, during the rotation of Admiralty, lightning appeared, and along the speed of light, it was directly transmitted back to the foggy body of the parallax.

Even the parallax of the foggy state, his gray-black foggy body, began to tremble after the lightning energy reached, and the volume was reduced by a small half.

Rick was excited to find that at his heart, before dealing with Dom, Donghuang Zhong absorbed the energy of thunder and punishment of Xiaoqing Xiaobaihualong's Tiandaotiancai. Now after so many copies of the world, these days, The thunder and punishment energy of Donghuang Bell finally repaired some cracks on Donghuang Bell.

The Donghuang bell now incorporates some lightnings from Tiandaotianzhao.

The Admiralty Cover, Donghuang Bell, and Heavenly Lightning Penalty all have restraint effects on evil energy, just as parallax blame the golden beam of light that devours souls by fear energy.

Rick felt that his endurance value was a tool for resisting parallax this time. He did not consume much, and automatically launched a thunder penalty to fight back.

"True Shadow Words, open!"

After finding that he was not afraid of this parallax absorbing the fear of the soul, the speed of yellow light, his confidence increased greatly.

"Paralax, come on, hit me again! You can attack me if you can!" Lak laughed, pointed at the parallax with a gold hoop stick, and prodded with the gold hoop stick in his hand. The golden light function is also turned on.

The golden hoop began to emit a golden light, which caused a certain amount of damage to dark creatures.

Rick thought that since the bell jar can bounce back and hurt parallax monsters, it means that this parallax monster has been judged as a dark creature, and the golden light of his golden hoop rod can also do some collateral damage to parallax monsters.

The parallax in the foggy state below glared at this arrogant green lantern.

The parallax started to move its foggy body, and wanted to rise quickly, directly wrapping the Green Lantern and the people next to him, devouring them.

While Rake was fighting the parallax monster, Xiaoqing Xiaobai completed the release of the frozen monster power, and the ice cubes and water vapor gathered near the parallax monster began to condense quickly. The misty body of the parallax monster was directly out of the city and frozen in the air. Sealed and turned into a big moraine.

Supreme Master Gu Yi also launched the Meteor Fire Rain spell at the same time.

At the top of the frozen ice parallax, a huge fiery red magic circle appeared in an instant.

In this magic circle, meteors with flames began to fall out constantly.

This meteor fire and rain spell directly broke the frozen moraine of the parallax monster and penetrated into the misty body whose temperature had been reduced.

The "parallax!" Parallax was beaten and barked, even if he was in the fog, he was also hurt by this meteor fire and rain.

The fog envelope of the parallax monster began to narrow, and Rake quickly flew down from the side. It was hit by the ancient Meteor fire and rain, and it seemed that the parallax monster's fog mode could not be dispersed.

Rake made the golden hoop longer, reaching directly into the paralyzed misty envelope.

Then Rake controlled the golden hoop, "Grow, grow!"

The golden hoop with golden light began to grow rapidly.

The golden light that comes with the golden hoop stick has damage to the parallax strange foggy body.

Approaching the golden hoop fog, began to liquefy, and made a "Dora Dora" sound as if the water was boiling.

For a few seconds, the golden hoop directly burst the parallax's foggy gray-black body.

The gray and black dense fog group dissipated and re-condensed, and the parallax was in the air. It turned into an old man wearing yellow clothes with thin and withered skin, and changed back to the immortal.

"You are all going to die!" The parallax turned back into the immortal form, roaring in the air.

With a teleport, Rick appeared directly behind the parallax monster in the state of immortal, summoned the cursed jumping knife and held it in his left hand, and scratched his neck against the parallax monster.

But unfortunately only scratched.

This immortal paralyzed the seemingly withered skin, and his defense was extremely strong.

At the same time, Rake activated the domain skills of [King of the Decaying Gods] and launched the magic of cursing and jumping sword in his hand.

Only the dark gray faint realm that can be seen by Rick began to spread around the cursed jumping knife held by his left hand. Within a radius of ten meters, it was covered by the dark gray faint realm. Shrouded in it.

In the launch of Lake's magical magic skills, parallax is dreamed.

Although this parallax's dream time was only a moment for Rick and others, the parallax experienced another horrific fire experience at the beginning of the universe in the dream, and he was buried deep in his heart before this. Experience, changed some details by magic magic.

Parallax Patriarch dreamed that when the universe was born, only their immortals existed, and at that time their immortal skin still had shiny normal skin.

Suddenly one day, a space crack appeared on the planet they were on, and an alien fire from another world emerged from these space cracks, burning their residence, burning their skin, and burning everything on the planet.

Parallax blame the nine companions of the immortal, did not go to avoid the burning of different fires, super controlled the different fires to chase him, let him be grilled by the different fires.

Parallax is desperately running away, but the companions of the nine immortals have surrounded him, and other fires have been burned into his body by other immortals.

Parallax's shiny skin became dry as soon as it was incinerated by different fires.

The other nine immortals who overwhelmed the fire were also burned and withered.

"Ah!" Parallax screamed in horror, waking up from the magic.

At this time, Gu Yi has launched the enchantment space.

Pull the parallax and them into the enchantment created by dark energy.

This enchanted space looks the same as the real environment, but the laws of physics have been controlled by Gu Yi.

Gu Yi directly controls the space, so that the ground sky is inverted, and parallax monsters stand on the ground, and they are suspended in the air.

At this time, Rick also embodied eight T-1000 liquid robots and two fat vengeance goddess holding flame spray guns with a green light ring.

Rick rounded the golden hoop and hit a stick on the immortal's wizened, sharp head.

However, this time the hit of the golden hoop was blocked by the parallax one-handed.

The weight of the gold hoop rod of 18,000 kilograms, plus the power of the Rake wheel gold hoop rod, is amazing, even if a rock can be broken, it was caught by the immortal parallax with one hand. Already.

The power of the gold hoop transmitted back and forth, and Rick's arm was numb for the first time.

Lake knew the parallax of the immortal form, and the melee strength should not be underestimated.

Rick quickly stepped back, and immediately let the Terminator T-1000 liquid robot embodied by the green light ring and the fat man of vengeance rush over, consuming the power of the immortal paradox.

The avatar started in the distance, releasing the trident's electric wire mesh, catching the parallax, but in less than a second, he was freed by the parallax.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai is in the air, releasing the magic of the water system, and forming a water pattern trap around the parallax to slow down the immortal parallax's movement speed.

"Launch the skills of men with their own BGM." Lake started his skills again.

A background music appeared behind Lake and rang through the entire enchanted space.

"Congratulations to the player for random background music [Blast]. Allies’ movement speed, attack speed, and casting speed are increased by 10%, and enemy movement speed, attack speed, and casting speed are reduced by 10%. ”Rake sounded in his head A reminder sound for online.

Although this random background music is not too powerful, it is at least better than nothing.

The Terminator T-1000 liquid robot and the Vengeance began to fight the immortal as parallax.

Huang Yi, who became an immortal, launched a yellow speed of fear and energy at the Terminator and the Vengeance near him.

The next second, the immortal was surprised to find that the yellow fear energy he sent out had no effect on these Terminators and Vengeance.

The creature that attacked him had no idea what the fear was, and it was completely unacceptable to the hero.

The immortal parallax wanted to absorb their souls, but found that there was no soul in the creatures that attacked him.

The immortal parallax knows that these are non-spiritual beings, and are mechanical-like beings.

The immortal parallax blame the dry hands began to grow, and the dry arms began to wave directly around his body.

Some Terminator T-1000 was scratched by this withered arm, and his body was cut off by the waist. This withered arm was even sharper than the fast rotating saw blade.

Fortunately, the Terminator T-1000 has a very strong recovery ability. The disconnected body is glued together again.

The Immortal Parallax saw this situation, and continued to slap the two Terminators T-1000 closest to him, directly smashing the two Terminators in front of him into two pools of metallic liquid.

However, this metal liquid was immediately reconstituted and re-attached to the parallax.

Although the immortal parallax knows that the liquid terminator that attacks him cannot be killed in this way, if he does not fight back, his body will be attacked by these terminator.

The immortal parallax can only continue to raise his arms, using his huge strength to hit these terminator, trying to destroy the restoration ability of these terminator.

The vengeful goddess in the distance is still looking for a chance to use the flame spray gun to attack the immortal parallax

Rick retreated to the sky, took out a small piece of wood that had been prepared from his arms, and quickly sculpted the immortal paradox with a cursed jumping knife.

This immortal parallax blame the vitality is too strong, after becoming immortal state, the melee ability is also much higher than previously expected by Lake.

Even if Gu Yi releases the enchantment, and Laike's background music adds layers, this parallax blame the combat power that Laike can't handle.

Rake's engraving speed is now very fast, and the immortal's parallax look is so characteristic that it is very good to sculpt.

Rake soon sculpted an immortal paradox, and performed a cursed puppet conversion.

"Ding Dong, Silver Level Immortal Parallax Cursed Demon Puppet successfully converted." Zhu Tian online reminder sounded in Rick's mind.

Rick held the gold hoop directly and shattered the little wooden man's left arm.

Then Rick took the golden hoop and joined the fight.

After a few hits, Lake finally broke the dry arm on the left of the parallax with the cooperation of Liquid Terminator.

After the immortal paralyzed the broken arm, he became furious. Regardless of others, his right arm would hit Rick's head.

Fortunately, the clones used the remaining Poseidon Trident of the Trident.

These wires screened the parallax's body, slowing the attack of the parallax's right arm for a few seconds.

Rick teleported away from the mad immortal parallax.

Rake once again took out the cursed jump knife and carved it.

After completing the cursed puppet of the silver parallax once again, this time Rake let the avatar hold the tip of the trident of the Poseidon, destroying the right arm of the parallax cursed puppet.

Then Rake asked the avatar to fight the parallax, and Rick continued to sculpt.

For more than ten seconds, parallax blame the right arm was also blown.

Parallax's spooky, gourd-like head suddenly became large and bite the clone.

"The avatar is dead. It can only be summoned after 24 hours." The voice of Zhu Tian Online reminded him at the same time in Rick's mind.

Rick sighed that it was dangerous, but fortunately he didn't have the parallax approaching this violent state.

At this time, Rick's third cursed puppet was also carved. This time, the gold-level immortal parallax cursed puppet.

Rick held the gold hoop directly and blinded the cursed goblin's eyes.

This time, Rick dared on his own head, put himself on the power of True Shadow Word Healing to restore physical skills, relying on the flashing bell ability, and began to fight with the parallax's head.

"Today is your death. We have been specially trained by the Green Lantern Corps for hundreds of thousands of years to deal with your secret squad, called Lord No. 2 Killing Parallax Squad." Rake said while playing.

Parallax eyes were quickly blinded by the golden hoop.

In this enchanted space released by Supreme Master Gu Yi, it is even harder for the parallax after blindness to escape.

After blindness, the parallax blame the head, becoming more crazy, and biting with large mouths.

Rick teleported away first.

And continue to let the Terminator and the Vengeance go up and attack this parallax's head.

But soon, the T-1000 liquid terminator and the goddess of revenge, which were realized by Lake, were eaten by the parallax head.

The Terminator T-1000 will recover, but the immortal's parallax's digestive system has gastric juices that resemble strong corrosion, and the Terminator T-1000 eaten by him will die directly.

Fortunately, these Terminators of Rake are not limited to a specific group.

Rake continued to use the green light ring to re-materialize 5 T-1000 Liquid Terminators and 5 Fatty Vengeance fat people, let them continue to attack the head of the paradox.

In the distance, Rick put a bone and arrow magic, attacking the parallax's injured eyes.

The green light ring is out of energy. Rake took the green light hanging from his waist and directly recharged the green light ring. Then he continued to use the green light ring to embody the mechanical creature to attack the parallax.

The head and body of the parallax monster were bruised all over the body for five or six hours. His arm was supposed to grow out again, but was severed again by Xiaoqing Xiaobai's ice monster.

"Give me pleasure, I did not expect that the nine immortals have actually cultivated your intractable Green Lantern squad in 100,000 years!" Parallax stood still, his head was not Go and eat the liquid terminator and vengeance that Rick has embodied.

Rick waited for a few seconds, and after seeing that the parallax didn't move anymore, he made the golden hoop stick bigger.

Rick turned the golden hoop and started smashing the parallax's head.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Smashed more than ten times in a row.

Finally, a "click!" Sound, like the sound of a walnut shell being cracked, and the parallax monster's skull was scooped up, revealing the brain tissue inside.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai immediately released the ice arrow into the opened parallax's head.

Rick also used the green light ring to embody two high-explosive grenades, which were thrown directly into the parallax's head.

"Boom boom!" The explosion sounded, and the immortal was paranoid, and the dry skin's head finally exploded from the inside.

In Rick's mind, it was not until this time that the heavens' online clearance prompt sounded.

Gu Yi, Xiao Qing, Xiao Bai, and Lei Ke, watching this dead immortal parallax the corpse, it felt too difficult to kill.

Fortunately, the cooperation of these people is quite good this time. Under normal circumstances, the parallax eyes of this parallax are not blinded, and no longer in the enchantment, the parallax of the immortal cannot be killed at all.

"Congratulations to Honorable Player No. 2, kill parallax, clear the copy of [Green Lantern], and evaluate the contribution of the clearance.

Clearance evaluation: Diamond-level perfect clearance.

Copy reward:

1: The green light ring recognizes Lord No. 2 and can bring out this copy of the world. The green light responsible for energizing the green light ring will be tattooed on the belly of Lord No. 2 and can be summoned at any time.

2: Get 20,000 points of 20,000 yuan rewards.

Player No. 2 will teleport and leave this dungeon world within thirty seconds. "Zhutian online reminder sounded.

After listening, Rick immediately recovered Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, and then tried to pick up the parallax corpse.

A portal appeared at Rick's feet, and Rick was quickly teleported from this copy of the world.

Rick returned to his main online interface with the paradise monster in his hand.

The fire eye golden eye skill identified the parallax corpse, and there was no fearful yellow energy on the corpse.

Unfortunately, the yellow ring that represents fear should have disappeared or secretly teleported to find a new heir after the parallax died, and the fearful yellow ring could not be taken out of the copy.

However, the body of the immortal, which exists in the cosmic world of Green Lantern, is also rare.

Although this immortal's head burst and his arms were cut off, his amazing defense and strength when he was alive, Rick had just learned.

"Big queen, sell you a good thing, I just killed the corpse, you have swallowed it now, the absorption effect is good!" Rick immediately contacted the big queen of the poker team.

Rick waited less than ten seconds, and the big queen sent a video invitation.

"There are corpses, great. I'm going to go to the trading area to pick corpses that can be devoured. Lord No. 2, you haven't been offline yet, go for a copy! Have you bought a copy scroll that restores vision? Just Kill the corpse and trade it over to me ~ ~ Let me see what it is. The shorter the time the creature dies, the better the effect of my ghoul skill. If the corpse is strong, I promise I will not lose you All heavens. "

"That's it, don't look at the dead body. He's a creature named Immortal. If I hit it with a gold hoop, it's hard to break his defense. Let me trade it for you and devour it if you give me coins Less, there will be good corpses in the future, I will not give it to you! "Said Rake, and immediately traded to the Queen.

The big queen received the corpse, and then closed the video with Rake. It should be to activate the ghoul skills and devour the parade of the immortal.

Anyway, this parallax monster does not have yellow fear rings and energy on its body, and Rick didn't worry that the queen would be infected and become a monster or the like.

Taking advantage of this time, Lake re-summoned Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiao Bai. As for the avatars, it would take another 24 hours before they could be summoned again.

Rick looked at his gains in this [Green Lantern] copy world.

Rick glanced at the lamp-like tattoo on his belly and tried to summon it.

Rick patted his belly with his hand, and he had a green light in his hand, which could recharge the green light ring he wore on his right hand.

Put this light next to your belly, and the green light will change back to tattooed state, and return to your belly.

It's quite convenient to use.

This time [Green Lantern] copy, I got the green light ring and the green light responsible for recharging, 20,000 points of coins, and the 40-point attribute of strengthening the body on the OA planet. Rick took a look at his belongings and had a dead-side left hand.

Although this copy of [Green Lantern] finally fights against the immortal parallax, it is a bit dangerous, but the harvest is generally good.


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