Global Sky Online

Chapter 493: Alien squad

Rick also checked the Internet for a while about news about the special events that occur in this world today.

Queen also looked on her computer to see if they could pass these newly reported incidents, and found that the location of other alien squads was not.

However, today these players have just arrived in this copy of the world. Now the news reports of special events on the Internet, except for the Godzilla event, are mostly two or three days ago. There are very few reports about the special events happening around the world today.

Jake is not particularly good at analyzing these data news, and has not found news of other alien teams.

"Check again later, go to Skull Island first." The Queen looked for more than half an hour, but found no useful news, and said to Rick.

"Okay, let's go!" Lake agreed.

Lake and the Queen, check out the aircraft first, and they walked out of this Internet cafe.

I found a small alley in the street, and Rake raised his left hand to start a circle and opened the magic portal.

The next second, a stable magical portal in Phnom Penh appeared. The environment inside the portal was on the reef of a small island. This island was the closest island to Skull Island that had been discovered.

Lake and the queen walked quickly into it, and then Rick closed the portal.

The two of them stood on the island reef, and Rake activated the fire-eye golden eye skills, and probably judged the downward direction.

"This direction is the direction of Skull Island. Do you choose to swim or fly over?" Rake asked the Queen.

Rake now has a red magic levitating cloak. The cloak has recognized the master and can continue to fly without consuming mana.

And pets Xiaoqing and Xiaobai survived the calamity and reached Jackie Chan's realm of humanity. His master, not only gained additional attributes and layers, but also gained control of the water system.

Even without holding the Poseidon Trident, Lake can survive in the lower reaches of the sea, but he can swim without holding the Poseidon Trident.

Now the Trident of the Poseidon is holding the avatar and is taking the little Godzilla to the seabed for a big meal. Rick is also not easy to take it back and can only swim by himself.

"Fly, the underwater speed is too slow!" Said the Queen, and then the Queen launched her ghoul skills.

Her entire body was covered with tiny black scales again. This time, the Queen had two small wings like vampires on her back.

"Every wing evolved into a flying ghoul, great queen!" Rake smiled at the two little black wings.

"This is just an initial evolution. That's why I need perfect blood. With the perfect blood of Underworld, my wings will evolve and grow again. If I devoured and evolved, I would fly faster than a vampire. Now my little wings are not flying fast. I analyzed that once I swallow a large amount of perfect blood, and then swallow other life energy, it will be easier to absorb the energy contained in it. "Said the Queen.

"Work hard, we will live to the end in this copy, and let the earth successfully advance to the silver rank. You will have a good appetite in the future!" Rake said, and then launched the magic suspension cloak on the back.

The crimson magical levitating cape directly took Rick up into the air.

The Queen Queen fluttered and fluttered her little wings behind her, but the Queen's flight speed was much slower than that of the red magic levitating cloak, and Lake could only slow down his flight speed.

The couple flew for several hours, and dark clouds and strong airflow appeared in the sky ahead, which is a continuous storm area at sea. Rake looked through the golden eyes of fire, and there was a big island in the storm area.

Lake was about to rush into the storm area, but heard the shout of the big queen.

"This strong airflow environment, I can't fly in, or you open the portal, let's teleport directly in!"

Lake looked at the environment on the distant island, and there were several small skeleton lizards crawling around.

"Let's go under the sea, save some magic, and teleport back directly when the situation arises. There seem to be more skull lizards on this island than in the movie!" Rake said, starting to land below sea level.

The Queen Queen can only follow the sea.

Lake used his water control skills to swim with the big queen under the sea. After more than half an hour, the two swam across the storm area and came to the waters of Skull Island.

"Let's go to the island!" The great queen poked her head from under the sea.

"Don't rush to the island first, swim around Skull Island outside, I use the exploration skills to find the King Kong! There may also be a squad of alien players on this island, and it is easy to be ambush first." Rick said.

Lake then swam around the periphery of Skull Island with the Queen.

Lake used the fire-eye golden eye skills to investigate the situation in Skull Island.

数量 The number of monsters, large and small, on this Skull Island is many times greater than expected by Lake.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Lake, the primitive people's gathering area on the island, was also found, but the gathering place was full of bones, and there were many skeleton lizards, eating the bodies of these primitive people.

的 The human gathering area on Skull Island, just a few hours ago, the skull lizard captured.

Lake found that this situation had a bad hunch, and continued to use the fire-eye and golden-eye skills to try to find the guardian monster of the skeleton island of King Kong.

Walking next to a bath, Lake found the wounded Donkey Kong body.

King Kong ’s head was cut off and stuck in the bath, and King Kong ’s head was staring wide, and it looked dead.

There are numerous scars and burnt marks on King Kong's body. His two arms are gone, and a large white-gray skull lizard is squatting next to King Kong's body and eating.

There are more than thirty little skull lizards around, but they dare not come forward to grab the body.

Blake also saw three alien players beside King Kong's body.

The three alien players are standing next to the large skeleton lizard eating King Kong's body.

One is a warrior, holding a large crystal sword and wearing black heavy armor. This warrior also has a pair of large black wings on the back.

One seems to be a mage, holding a blue scepter, wearing a blue armor, with a pair of large white wings on his back.

精灵 A woman like an elf ~ ~ Holding a huge golden long bow one person tall and a pair of small crystal wings on the back.

"Let ’s go back, the Queen, King Kong is dead, there is a squad of alien players on this island, their pets should be skull lizards!" Rake said to the Queen.

Lake immediately raised his left-hand drawing circle and launched the magic portal above the sea level on the island.

Lake did not use the strength attribute of the Fire Eye and Golden Eye skills to prevent those three alien players from having higher attribute values ​​than they would be found by the opponent.

"There are really alien squads, do them! What are you doing!" Said the Queen.

"Go back to the little queen and play together. The other team is well configured and should not be weak. The monsters they keep should be the Skeleton Lizard King. It looks like they can order all the skeleton lizards on this island. Hurry up and the magic portal will continue to consume Magic! "Rick said, and jumped into the magic portal.

"Why the squad, they randomly came to the adult skeleton lizard king, we are eggs!" The big queen complained, and then jumped into the magic portal.

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