"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"!

Chen Ye's fist, like a violent storm, destroyed the earth.

Under the destruction of his fist, the entire Bankou County soon became unrecognizable and horrific.

The rest of the island country is no better!

In the nearby Winter Capital City, all the high-rise buildings collapsed and turned into piles of rubble.

The road was full of fleeing people and dead bodies.

For the island nation.


It's the end of the whole country!


With an earth-shattering loud noise, a huge moat across the entire island country appeared.

The turbulent sea water instantly poured back and flowed into the inland of the island country.

Countless lands are collapsing and being filled by Wang Yang's sea.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked horrified, almost scared to death! !

Even an idiot can see that the island country can't hold on anymore...

A giant land of 370,000 square kilometers is actually going to be smashed by Shura's fist! !


Fengshen couldn't sit still, and with a roar, the demonic energy was soaring to the sky, changing endlessly, and finally the body of Fengshen reappeared.

The flaming giant sword appeared in Fengshen's hands again, and Fengshen didn't say a word, he rushed directly to Chen Ye, and slashed down with a sword.

And Chen Ye just simply punched, without any bells and whistles, and smashed Fengshen and his flaming giant sword to pieces!

Leaving a residue! !

Chen Ye's strength attribute in the state of "indestructible demon body" has reached more than 4,000 terrifying points.

Combined with the shocking fruit of shocking destructive power, it is simply a god blocking the killing god!

Fengshen wanted to stop Chen Ye, which was a fool's errand.

The monarch of hell is almost here!

"Adam, stop him quickly, if I lose, you can't escape!"

The voice of Fengshen rang in the void, full of anxiety.


(The first update, there will be more today.)

=== Chapter 460 The destruction of a kingdom! (two more) ===

Fengshen is really scared!

He didn't lie just now, his body was indeed connected to the land of the island country long ago.

As long as the land of the island kingdom remains, he is immortal.

Why did he only occupy half of the island country and keep the other half untouched? .

It's not that Fengshen does not have the strength to attack.

With his abilities, the reincarnators of the island kingdom, all added up, are not his opponents.

As for ordinary humans...

What can a government of a country without nuclear weapons have to do with him?

The reason why half of the territory is left to human beings is that after all the occupation, other countries will launch nuclear weapons towards the island country in order to destroy Fengshen, completely destroying this place.

Keeping countless human beings, other countries, using nuclear weapons, will be a rat.

Fengshen understands the human government, and knows that those politicians are unwilling to bear the infamy of massacring human beings!

Therefore, Fengshen will keep the other half of the country and not touch it.

He seems to have left a way out for the people of the island country, but in fact, he is leaving a way out for himself.

"Adam, go and stop Shura!"

Seeing the collapsed land area getting bigger and bigger, Fengshen could no longer sit still.

Adam heard the words, but responded lightly: "Sorry, Feng, I also have my own troubles and can't help you!"

The trouble he was talking about was Song Lingrong.

Although he had the upper hand in the battle just now, it was not that easy to defeat Song Lingrong quickly.

Of course, Adam's real thought was that he didn't want to face the current Shura.

This kind of destructive power, even he felt palpitations.

He was very suspicious that his body had already endured Shura's punch...

"Adam, don't forget that we are an alliance, I can go back to hell if I lose, you will be more dangerous!"

This is not an alarmist.

If Chen Ye really destroyed the entire island country, although he would suffer a huge backlash, he would not die and could still go back to dormant in hell.

Unless it is a last resort, Fengshen doesn't want to go back to that ghostly place in hell...

His dream is to become the master of this planet, return to hell, and it will not be so easy to figure it out.

In the gloomy hell, how can there be a beautiful world?

Adam heard the words and was indifferent.

"Sorry, Feng, you can only rely on yourself!"

As he spoke, he continued to fight with Song Lingrong.

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