Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 522: Those who are close to ink are black

Crossing the wide road where luxury cars drive, on the opposite side of the street is an alley blocked by green plants. If you go further in, there will always be a difference between the cement road and the asphalt road. The bustling city has shed the gorgeous fig leaf covering itself. You will accidentally discover that this "goddess" wearing an expensive coat never wears underwear.

Hedging against the crowds makes it difficult to walk. In this urban village, tens of thousands of migrant workers obtain most of their daily necessities from the few civilian "commercial streets."

Stepping on the dirt that fell off the roots of fresh vegetables and the mud mixed with the smelly and dirty water thrown out by fish from unknown sources in the fish seller's basin, although the outer wall is full of tape marks, the fading rectangular pink tiles on the wall The structure is very old, but there is still light at the entrance of this supermarket that illuminates part of the street from the inside out.

At the entrance of the supermarket, a children's stroller with a yellowed plastic shell is still working. Children with stained clothes are sitting on the cart, swaying and listening to children's songs. Several of the neon bulbs on the stroller are broken. A green light source was still flickering, hitting the child's face, reflecting the dirty little face and the candies clenched in the equally dirty little hands.

A woman wearing a pilling nightgown stood next to the rocker, with her wet hair wrapped in a stiff towel, hanging on her waist, chatting with several similarly dressed women. Occasionally, a familiar man would pass by, and her laughter would always be more unrestrained.

There are no street lights in the alleys on both sides, and the small western-style buildings on both sides block the remaining sunlight. Men always gather in the dark, shirtless, and sit down casually, using the WIFI of people doing business, and slapping themselves from time to time. mosquitoes, or rubbing the tattoos on their chests, which are mostly just lines. It would be difficult for others to notice their presence if they didn't notice the flickering cigarette butts on their mouths.

Walking further inside, the food stalls gradually become denser. The accents from all over the world are the main part of this noisy environment. There are always a few women with good figures and sexy dresses who will attract a lot of attention. They are scattered in front of various stalls, with their peers. The man who drank a few drinks became a source of instability and the source of most of the bloodshed and injuries in this chaotic place.

The Fly Restaurant is hidden behind a small stall. The sewage pipe of the range hood is always facing the people sitting on the roadside eating, blowing out hot air with a heavy spice smell. When you take the first breath, the fragrance will penetrate your nostrils, and then your brain will feedback an exciting feeling. The nauseating smell of grease made this place a vacuum.

In the deepest part of the alley, colorful lights have become the last aftertaste of ordinary life, but there are no random people standing at the door to solicit customers. After all, everyone knows that nowadays, you have to go to the store to get your hair cut, and you have to go to the store to get your hair done. Residential buildings behind.

But in the aisle of the Internet cafe sandwiched between the two shampoo rooms, there were several men who looked completely different from all the residents of the entire urban village. They were wearing clean and tidy brand-name sportswear and carrying valuable cameras. Residents passing by couldn't arouse their curiosity and didn't dare to approach. Instead, they walked faster for fear of being caught in the camera.

"Xiao Peng has been playing in there all day. Gu'er, go and ask him to come out. If he continues to hang out like this, he is not experiencing life. He is really useless."

The man surnamed Gu nodded, tried to avoid talking, and quickly entered the Internet cafe. Within two minutes, the man who followed him down was Peng Kuo, who had lived here for nearly three weeks.

He was still wearing the low-quality imitation brand that Lu Ze had prepared for him when he got on the train. The smell of cigarette smoke mixed with sweat was suffocating. At this time, his mental state was very bad. He looked particularly numb and his eyes were straight. Now, the originally handsome face secretes a lot of oil. No matter how the camera shoots it, there will be a layer of oily shine, combined with the same oily hair.

"Xiao Peng, you have spent most of your time in the Internet cafe this week. Let's not mention our shooting of materials. Can your body and mind bear it? You are such a smart person. I don't want to criticize you. You just do it yourself. Think about it, why did Teacher Lu ask you to come? Is it appropriate for you to go back like this?"

"Ok, I know."

There was no collapse of anger or excuses. At this time, Peng Kuo completely lost the eloquent and clever look he had in the imperial capital. He was wearing blue rubber-soled slippers bought for ten yuan, his feet were full of mud, and he was sitting on the table. On the steps of the Internet cafe, he responded dejectedly and then stopped talking. He just spat lightly on the ground and buried his face between his legs.

The PD who was following Peng Kuo had nothing to say about this. After all, he had been seeing Peng Kuo's changes these days. He couldn't blame Peng Kuo for not living up to his expectations at all. It was entirely influenced by the environment.

It was the evening of another day. The sky was always cloudy and blue in the evening after it had rained. It was like God had put a gloomy filter on the world. Peng Kuo was in a state of confusion. His life had been going on for the past few weeks. It seems as if I have forgotten time, or in other words, in this state of life, time is no longer important.

He spends the whole day sleeping and playing, and eating a bite of food at any time when he is hungry. Not having a normal schedule is a kind of torture for him in the past. He wants to do something to make a full life, but what can he do? On the fifth day after arriving here, he lost his wallet. Although he was caught, his ID card and other documents were thrown into the river. The biggest problem was that he had not done fingerprint registration, and he would not be able to get a replacement if he was in another place.

You know, this is no longer the Sanhe of more than ten years ago. To work here, you must have an ID card, and even if you want to enter the labor market, you need to verify your ID card. Under such circumstances, besides wasting time, what else can he do? What?

His previous concept of life made him deeply feel the pity of wasting time, but he was helpless about his idleness. The contradictions kept tearing up in his heart, and the psychological pain became more and more intense. In the end, he could only choose to use the fastest time to pass by. Ways to kill your time and make your heart completely numb.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I have no money. Can you lend me ten yuan to eat, uncle?"

Is this still the rich young man from the imperial capital? PD looked a little dazed, and there was a strange feeling growing in his heart... It seemed that Peng Kuo was broken at this time, and no matter how hard he tried, he might not be able to be what he once was.

The first time he asked the film crew to borrow money, he felt shameless. He privately asked the PD to borrow money with a look of shame. Later, he became more and more accustomed to it. He even asked the film crew to borrow money when he ran out of money. However, the film crew did it for him. I got a guarantee and found him a part-time job, but after making money, he didn't even mention paying it back.

You must know that Peng Kuo's father came to sign the contract for him in Rolls-Royce at that time, but now it has turned out like this. The PD couldn't help but complain that Lu Ze was the culprit for turning a very optimistic and confident child into this.

"Don't think about it, I know you still have money in your hand, enough for you to eat. You have money to go online but you don't have money to eat? Otherwise you will be hungry. I will find you a job tomorrow. When will you earn money? ,when can we have our meal."

He complained about Lu Zegui and complained about Lu Ze, but he still had to act in accordance with the rules and procedures and could not help Peng Kuo easily. According to Lu Ze's words, he did not create an environment for Peng Kuo to feel. There was really no way before. Then At that time, Peng Kuo was in the stage of collapse. If they didn't help him, the program team was afraid of an accident. But now that Peng Kuo was completely numb, even if he refused Peng Kuo's request, he would not do anything extraordinary.

"I really have no money. If you don't believe it, look at my pocket. I only have two yuan left. I just bought a bottle of water. Uncle, please lend it to me. I'm really hungry."

He still didn't give up, pestering the PD to borrow some money to eat, but no matter what, the PD still didn't help him. In the end, he realized that doing so was just a meaningless waste of time.

As the PD said, he still had some savings, but he was reluctant to spend them, but he couldn't stand being hungry, so he had no choice but to give up and continue to work hard with the program crew, and headed towards the small stall where he often ate.

There was still some dust on his butt that had not been wiped off, but Peng Kuo didn't care at this time. He was no different from some young people in the village in the city. Under the night, he was like a bereaved dog with malignant sores, wandering on the dilapidated streets. .

Occasionally, when I meet a familiar Sanhe master, he will always stop and chat for a while. There is no barrier between the two of them, and they completely regard each other as one of their own, because after the cleaning, the master who stayed here is really There are not many left, they really have no way out.

It is undeniable that such a big change in Peng Kuo in such a short period of time is definitely related to these nail households in Sanhe. They are the most complete group of people who have abandoned life. Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mo are black. They follow Lu Ze It is difficult for Peng Kuo, who is looking for status, not to be infected by these people.

The two of them had a tacit understanding not to talk about anything about money. After all, neither party had the financial ability to spend even a dollar on each other, so they had a tacit understanding that enough was enough and then parted ways.

When he walked to his usual stall, Peng Kuo looked around, but found that the stall owner didn't show up today, so he had to give up and find a clean-looking stall to have a bite.

But this camera crew with long guns and short guns followed Peng Kuo, but it aroused the vigilance of the stall owner. He frowned, looked Peng Kuo up and down, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm eating, what am I doing?"

"Don't do it, don't do it, go, go, go."

After just a few exchanges, the stall owner drove Peng Kuo and the camera crew away. This was not the first time Peng Kuo had encountered this kind of thing. He had long been accustomed to it. Many locations in Sanhe were not suitable for filming. It affects the outlook of ordinary viewers. Secondly, people here are also very resistant to being photographed.

After such a scene, the nearby vendors basically did not dare to do Peng Kuo's business, so he could only use the old method of keeping the camera crew a little further away. He bought a package and took his slippers back to his Have a bite to eat at your accommodation.

A few days ago, the film crew saw how pitiful he was sleeping on the streets for several nights, so they had to rent him the simplest low-cost room with only a bed and a table. The room was so dark that even if the lights were turned on, the camera needed to be turned on. In night vision mode, he sat by the bed and ate his meal. Only the sound of chewing could be heard in the room. After a while, the quilt was turned, and after putting the plastic lunch box on the table, he lay directly on the bed. Soon after, he snored lightly. .

"Teacher Lu, I still want to talk to you about Peng Kuo. If it doesn't work out, I can transfer Peng Kuo back. I feel that his mental state is not particularly good right now."

Looking at Peng Kuo who had fallen asleep in the monitor, and seeing Peng Kuo getting more and more decadent, the PD decided to call Lu Ze again.

"What's wrong?"

At this time, Lu Ze was writing a plan, hoping to further change the activity process of the talkie. After receiving the call, he put down his pen, leaned back on his chair, and listened to the PD telling Peng Kuo's recent experiences. After the PD finished reporting, he revealed smile.

"Isn't this nice?"


"Yes, it's good. I hope he can find this kind of feeling. The role Peng Kuo received is different from others. Others need to adapt to another life, but Peng Kuo has to compromise with life. What I want is for him to have a painful feeling that he hopes to change, but is unable to change the current situation of his life and can only waste time blindly. This is the essence of the role he received. This feeling is right now. Keep filming. Come on, just keep an eye on him and pay attention to safety, okay, that’s it.”


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