Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 518: Assignment of students and release of trailer

"No, let's try again. If you don't meet my standards today, everyone will stay and no one will leave. We'll all stay with you. If you're kind enough, I'll practice with you until tomorrow and try again."



In the conference room arranged by the program team, Lu Ze was sitting on the sofa, looking at Wu Chun, the youngest, with a somewhat oppressive gaze. The little girl, who had just turned eighteen and was only three months old, was frightened, with tears welling up in her eyes. He pursed his lips and picked up the textbook with a trembling voice, but he was sobbing for a long time and couldn't read a word.

The other three students grabbed stools and took advantage of the natural breeze by the window to enjoy the coolness. There was no air conditioning in the room, and the place was not big. In addition, they were nervous and would easily sweat in three or two minutes. Although they held textbooks in their hands, they would sweat from time to time. He glanced at Wu Chun, who was standing in the penalty area, and thought about how he barely managed to pass Lu Ze's passing line just now, and now his calf muscles were tightening.

Through these few days of contact, they discovered that Lu Ze's true personality was not as kind and funny as he showed on the first day. In other words, he was extra serious and strict about his work. He was naturally strong-willed and competitive. Strong and competitive, unwilling to lose to others in terms of work ability.

In life, he is casual, tolerant and generous, but once he enters work, it is completely different from the muddling along in life. If you are not satisfied, you must be satisfied. There is no word "make do" in the dictionary.

This is also the reason why Lu Ze has always had a bad relationship with his partners. When he was "made difficult" by Lu Ze at work, it would be difficult to change his mentality and greet him with a smile after work. If Lu Ze hadn't been extremely capable at work, He is also good at talking in life, and has made many friends with similar personalities to him. This kind of personality probably has no social circle.

Even when it comes to teaching, even if this is just a variety show and Lu Ze is not actually teaching, he teaches his students with an extremely serious attitude.

Of course, no one would ask Lu Ze to teach. After all, he had never gone to college, and he did not have a teaching certificate. After being reported, he was working without a certificate...

In the past few days, Lu Ze took four students to do a basic training class on lines, and also wanted to touch the foundation of these students. After all, the programs performed in the selection competition must have been urgently strengthened, and their true strength may not necessarily be the same as those in the selection competition. As shown, it's okay. The four of them have a solid foundation. Except for Wu Chun, who has just entered the freshman, but he can't pass Mandarin, there are no fatal shortcomings.

But Wu Chun’s problem of not distinguishing Q rise.

Seeing Wu Chun's tearful eyes, the other students had no intention of reading the joke. The four of them had been scolded by Lu Ze a lot in the past few days. Fortunately, the girl could only copy it dozens of times, but the two boys were a bit guilty. Wrong, Lu Ze doesn't care if the camera captures it or not, he skips a hundred ropes.

During this period, a director came over to persuade Lu Ze that corporal punishment was not appropriate for students, but before Lu Ze could say anything, the students themselves persuaded him to go back. After finally being able to study with Lu Ze for two days, Lu Ze punished them to prove that Lu Ze was teaching seriously. They believe that jumping rope 1,800 times a day can make them remember better and exercise their bodies. They are really stupid if they really go along with the director's protest against corporal punishment.

There were several more criticisms in a row, maybe because she had too many lice and didn't have to worry about too many debts. She was crying. Wu Chun secretly took a look at her brothers and sisters. They all shrank their necks like quails, and actually burst into laughter. After coming out, slowly, the tension gradually relaxed. After being criticized by Lu Ze, he was as indifferent as a knife. Instead, he only corrected the accent problem today.

"It's okay, you didn't ask me to wait for you until the afternoon."

After reading a prose of more than 400 words with great emotion, Wu Chuncai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Lu Ze's indifferent response. He made a scissors gesture to his brothers and sisters, who also responded with their thumbs.

I looked at the time and saw that today’s morning class was a little later than expected, but I still had time to get there. I put my bag on my back and carried my car keys. When I saw the four students excitedly discussing what they should eat for lunch to restore their physical fitness, Lu Ze sat at the corner of the table with cold eyes, watching the four people and snorted softly, making them tremble.

"I'm sorry, Wu Chun delayed your time today and interrupted my time plan. Everyone has no food to eat at noon today."


"No reason, just go downstairs and get in the car and follow me."

"Teacher, are we participating in a competitive variety show...?"

It was now the end of get out of class, and Peng Kuo, a poor-tongued boy, dared to talk a little bit, but as soon as he said it, Lu Ze looked at him and silenced him. Several people did not dare to cry, and followed Lu Ze dejectedly. car.

While the car was driving, two sharp-eyed locals from the Imperial City discovered that it was heading towards the CBD. The passenger flow was not low during this period, and there was a slight traffic jam. While waiting for the car, Lu Ze looked at Xiao Ju sitting in the back seat, a little confused. He smiled mysteriously and said, "Xiao Ju."

"Hey, teacher."

"How much money do you still have in your pocket?"

This was the first time Lu Ze talked about money. The contract stated that food and accommodation were included. During the period, Lu Ze would treat him to the next restaurant. The sudden topic of money made the four of them a little curious. They didn't know what Lu Ze was holding in his stomach. What bad water.

"I still have more than three hundred, and I still have seven to eight thousand yuan on my phone. Teacher, who are you...?"

"Ah, put the cash in the bag and give it to me. Send the money in the mobile phone to your parents. Empty all the money on you. I will check the cards one by one later. By the way, Xiao Peng and Xiao Chen also clear the money."

Although they didn't know what Lu Ze wanted to do, looking at the cameras in the car, everyone seemed to understand something. Although they had some hidden ideas, they didn't dare to do it after all. After clearing all the money, as expected, Lu Ze took a picture He sent text messages to check the amount of each card. After confirming that these three people were indeed penniless, they happened to arrive at the Guomao Business District.

Driving into SOHO's underground parking lot, he found a parking space and parked. Lu Ze took out a kraft paper envelope from the passenger compartment and handed it to Ju Yulin.

Xiao Ju took it with both hands and squeezed the envelope. There was something thicker at the bottom, but it was no more than five centimeters. She looked at Lu Ze doubtfully. After receiving Lu Ze's confirmation, she opened it gently and took a look inside. The thing at the bottom is the most obvious, it's a pink wallet, made of smooth leather, the kind that costs more than ten yuan.

"Next, we may have to part ways for a while. Xiaoju, you have to go to work later, right? Don't be late, ah."

Ju Yulin understood. After all, she had already gotten the script. Of course she knew what role she was going to play, but it was so sudden that it still caught her off guard and she stammered in reply.

"Teacher, I don't know anything even if I go to work..."

"It's okay. I'm my buddy, Mr. Zhao of your company. When you go to work in the afternoon, remember to find Director Meng of the Planning Department. He will bring you on board. Remember to get your work clothes, your work badge, and your time card. They are all in the file. By the way. , your key to the ten-square-meter luxury flat located in Building 23, Unit 1, 402, Mentougou XX Community is also inside. There are clothes and toiletries. If you can’t find it, remember the navigation. You still have 952 in your wallet. RMB 0.8 cents. Your salary will be paid on the 14th of this month. However, you are two days late. I guess some deductions will be made. Remember to pay the rent on the 17th. RMB 1,500 per month. Pay every quarter. Water and electricity bills. You will also have to pay your broadband, coal and fire bills. Don’t be stupid and pay them yourself. Remember to share it equally with your roommates. Work hard and let Director Meng take care of you when you have nothing to do. Hey, your mother is here, get off the car.”

This combination of punches not only knocked Xiao Ju out of control, but also made everyone else panic, secretly cursing themselves why they didn't save some. Xiao Ju, who acted in a family drama, was so messed up, how could she be any good? Especially Chen Dongsheng, he is going to play "Poor Country", maybe he will see you in the northwest!

At this time, a middle-aged woman in plain clothes walked to the car and gently knocked on the rear window. Lu Ze lowered the window, and the woman held the window and patted it with deliberately dirty hands. He patted Ju Yulin on the shoulder.

"Xiao Lin, come down quickly. Mom wants to tell you something."

"Huh? Mom?"

"Isn't she your mother?"


Ju Yulin was about to cry. Seeing that this miserable life was about to begin, she instinctively wanted to refuse, but Lu Ze was not a devil after all. He just turned around, leaned on the car seat cushion with one hand, and smiled at Ju Yulin Shaked his head.

"No, she is your mother."

Ju Yulin left, her heels unable to touch the ground, "swaying in the wind and rain", being held by her "mother", and slowly away from the sight of everyone in the car. Behind her, the photographer who couldn't control his smile looked at Lu Zebi I used my thumbs to keep up. If the equipment hadn't been equipped with anti-shake, I would have destroyed the footage for this issue.

"Jiang Fang, I'm an old actor, much better than you."

Everyone in the car was stunned. Their mouths opened and closed, but they couldn't say a word for a long time. Lu Ze put on his sunglasses and set off again. The next stop was... the Imperial City Railway Station.

Everyone was silent along the way. Xiao Peng was brave and wanted to secretly take back his small vault that was placed in the armrest box, but Lu Ze slapped him back. Until they arrived at the destination, Lu Ze took the three of them out of the car. In the parking lot, the film crew's filming vehicle was already in place. Lu Ze took out two gray snakeskin bags from the trunk and gave one to each of Xiao Peng and Xiao Chen.

"You two get in the car, change your clothes, and pack these clothes for home."

"Teacher, please tell us exactly where we are going."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. The car will leave in less than an hour. If it really does leave, you two can walk over."

He kicked Xiao Peng and pushed him directly into the shooting car. Xiao Chen followed. The two of them complained and yelled in the car from time to time, but Lu Ze scolded him back. Five minutes passed. , a pair of feet wearing Abibasi white sneakers stepped on the ground.

Xiao Peng, who was wearing a rugged T-shirt, gray trousers with five stripes, and Adi Wang, didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction on his face. Instead, he had a look of satisfaction on his face. This was not surprising, because he was followed by a group of people dressed in wash clothes. Xiao Chen wears a faded red hurdle vest, camouflage overalls with yellow mud spots and yellow rubber shoes.

"Where's the smile?"

"Haha, Dongsheng is much unhappy than me?"

Regardless of Chen Dongsheng's resentful expression behind his back, the satisfaction on Peng Kuo's face almost overflowed, and Lu Zepi answered with a smile.

"This pair of shoes on your feet smells bad. I bought them specifically for people with smelly feet. You don't have to take them off and the smell of smelly feet can waft out. But I'm sorry, this is the only pair of shoes you have. Remember to wash your feet frequently." , be careful of athlete’s foot.”

Xiao Peng's smile disappeared. After seeing Chen Dongsheng take a few steps back and keep a distance from him, his whole body went numb. On the contrary, Wu Chun laughed at the joke, but soon, thinking of himself with an unknown future, he quickly I can't laugh anymore.

"Come on, share the tickets. This is yours, Xiao Peng, and this is Xiao Chen's. It's getting late. Let's go and get along well with the cameraman."

There were two ordinary hard beds, one going to Shenzhen and one going to Dunhuang. The two of them knew clearly their destinations and silently put their tickets in their pockets, preparing to leave with their snakeskin bags.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Peng."

"What's wrong, teacher, have you changed your mind and not allowed me to go?"

"Haha, how is that possible? I just want to give you something."

Lu Ze got back in the car and took a bag of medicine and handed it to Xiao Peng. He opened it and found some vitamin tablets in it, nothing else.

"I'm looking at your circle of friends. Don't you like Wang Yiyun? Go back to Sanhe and experience the real mourning culture. Hanging noodles are not nutritious. Eat more vitamins to stay healthy. Come on, and don't sell it. ID card!"

"Okay, thank you."

With his blood pressure rising, Peng Kuo forced out a smile, hugged a bag of nutritional supplements, and walked through the security check with his head hanging and the very punk-looking Chen Dongsheng arm in arm.

"Teacher, then I..."

Watching the two of them enter the station, the lonely Wu Chun raised her head cautiously and asked Lu Ze about her future. Lu Ze didn't say anything at first, but just got in the car. Wu Chun followed, and the car continued to drive. After a while, Lu Ze spoke.

"You should still follow me."

"Really? Great! I thought I was going to volunteer or go to school for disabled people."

The little girl was happy and clapped her hands. She was glad that she did not have to leave the familiar people and live in an unfamiliar environment for a period of time. This was a scary enough thing for an insecure girl.

"I have to go, but I also have to go. Here, take this. You go back to the hotel to rest today and memorize this. You can use it tomorrow."

A thick stack of papers was thrown to Wu Chun. They were all scripts and had been screened. Wu Chun took a look and saw that they were all classic comedies.

"Teacher, what are we going to do?"

"Go to a disabled school and make sound films."

"Oh well."

It was impossible for the little girl to keep her attention on this thick stack of scripts, which she had read all. After only flipping through them for a few minutes, she quietly picked up her phone and started playing with it. Seeing that Lu Ze didn't say anything, she started to read more. A bit more blatant.

When turning right, Lu Ze looked at the right rearview mirror and glanced at her mobile phone screen inadvertently. He was chatting with someone, and the conversation was lively.

"Are you in love?"

"Where is..."

Perhaps it was because of his strict tutoring. This topic immediately perked up Wu Chun. He quickly denied it with a rosy face, but after denying it, he quietly added.

"I think so..."

"Really, what do you like? You can talk about it now that you are in college. If there are any good ones, let Xiaoju introduce them to you."

Wu Chun looked at Lu Ze and saw that he was looking straight ahead and driving the car intently, but he didn't look like he was joking. After thinking about it, he shook his head.

"He must be handsome. It's better to be mature enough to pamper me and take care of me. But I'll forget about Sister Ju's introduction. I don't really like long-distance relationships and I don't have confidence in myself."

"Just the handsome one?"

"Definitely not, but of course it's good to be handsome."

"You just want to be a little princess and have people pamper you?"

"Yes, he is good to me, so I can be good to him. If he doesn't pamper me, why should I pamper him? Who is not a baby anymore? I don't ask him to have much money, I just hope to find someone. You can’t be too kind to me, right?”

"Not too much."

The car window was lowered, and Lu Ze took out a cigarette from the armrest box with one hand and lit it. The blue smoke was carried out of the car by the gentle wind in the car. What he saw under the sunglasses was the blue sky, which also made him feel short-lived. The smoke lingering in the car is eliminated by eyes with filters.

"Don't talk about the recording process of the show."

"I don't tell anyone about the teacher I know."

"Ah That's good."

"Then why do you ask this, teacher?"

"I just think that if you use this as a condition to talk about friends, no matter who you are looking for, you will easily end up disappointed."

"why do you say so?"

"Try to take care of people first. There are two feelings. The premise is not to rush and find someone good."

"I don't quite understand."

She looked at her phone and then at Lu Ze. The chat history was still increasing, but she had no intention of continuing the conversation. After a simple reply, when she saw that Lu Ze didn't reply, she turned her head and pillowed her head with her hair. On the car glass, looking into the distance.

It was already six o'clock in the evening when I returned to Master's house. It was long past Master's dinner time, so I went to the kitchen to pick up some leftovers. I didn't dare to eat too much. This morning, I weighed 62 kilograms, which was slightly more than yesterday. It's only half a catty. The food here is so good, even if Lu Ze has strong self-control, it's easy for Lu Ze to lose control of his mouth and use more chopsticks.

The master’s wife also planned to heat Lu Ze, but there was really no need to reheat the mosquito-meat-sized food. After eating, she wiped her mouth and took some nutritional supplements, then sat in the yard, poured a cup of tea for the master, and kept her company. The old man chatted.

At this time in autumn, the daytime is not cold, but the temperature difference between day and night is large. The old locust tree in the yard begins to decline again, and the roots of the leaves begin to turn yellow, just like a child. The big tree said goodbye, and as soon as the wind blew in its ears, it left in a hurry and ran towards the embrace of the solid earth. Even the tree's favorite child, no matter how thick and solid it is, must go when the time comes. If you can't stay, it will hurt. ...Where did I go?

A tree is used as a metaphor for people, and you should not think about things that are out of tune. Seeing that the old man was there in a calm manner, his body swayed with the rocking of the recliner, and he didn't say anything. I really didn't know what to do when I was idle, so I got up and picked up a bamboo stick. The big broom he made swept up the dead leaves on the ground. Sweeping the floor was considered white noise and had a slightly hypnotic effect. Before Lu Ze could gather the dead leaves together, he heard the old man snoring softly. He could only give up and hold the With the teacup in hand, I sat back down and followed the breeze, looking at the golden and red sunset, taking a sip from time to time.

When he was about to fall asleep, he was woken up by the sound of his cell phone. Lu Ze quickly muted the sound. Seeing that the old man didn't wake up, he was relieved. He returned to the room, signaled the nanny to cover the old man with more blankets, and hurried upstairs to give the old man some more blankets. The call was dialed back.

"it's me."

"The trailer has been released."

It was Fatini's call. Lu Ze answered the call and expressed receipt. He had already informed him that the trailer would be online soon. Lu Ze had been waiting. He hung up the phone, climbed up the ladder, and opened Twitter. As expected, he received a message that had already been released. Follow @, repost first, and then read the comments below. Lu Ze really didn’t expect that just seven minutes after the trailer was released, he had already become the latest among the main actors to repost.

Looking through the comments below, there are not too many people. For now, most of them are forwarded by the official accounts of companies or individuals who have business dealings with Fatini. They did not attract the attention of many passers-by. After all, they are directed by a newbie. Although the early publicity of the works is not low, the attention is not created solely by public relations. Most of the movies that are extremely popular before they are released basically have a lineup that is familiar to the audience, or rely on certain hot spots. To win attention, or even merge the two into one, and "Atonement" cannot meet the above requirements.

This is also the key reason why many big-name film and television works are not well known, and why they become popular only after the works are released.

After looking through the comments from passers-by, they either said that the trailer was good, but they couldn’t figure out why an Asian was used as the protagonist, or they bluntly said that using an Asian actor was destined to not be a high box office.

However, there are still some passers-by and professional film critics who have watched Lu Ze's movies and will praise them and make comments such as "must buy them" because when they look at Lu Ze's works with a professional eye, they feel like they are right. Qing, this Asian actor's acting ability is at the top of the pyramid of the actor industry around the world, and may even be among the top three.

So much so that those movie fans who pursue Lu Ze are still promising that even if it is a bad movie, as long as Lu Ze is a member of it, the bad movie can turn it into something magical. He is the reputation insurance of the new era.

Asian directors and actors can also occupy a place in the European and American markets, such as Akira Kurosawa, Uncle Long, etc. Right, it just requires you to do better than Europeans and Americans.

Refreshing it a little more, all I saw were some squabbles about whether Lu Ze was suitable for the starring role. There was no point in watching these useless things. He had already watched the trailer, so he turned off his phone. I found a book and read it on the bed, waiting for the sleepiness to rise and relieve today's fatigue.

"Huh? Sent?"

At half past seven, in a certain community in the imperial capital.

Lu Bo just got home, washed his hands and went out to prepare for dinner. He has been very busy with work recently. The National Day movie is about to arrive in more than a month. All kinds of masterpieces are gearing up to make a fortune in theaters. The early publicity will naturally also Fierce competition arises, and you must dominate your competitors no matter what, to earn a lot of attention for yourself and a high box office.

As a result, film critics like Lu Bo, who mainly rely on self-media and have a large number of fans, have naturally become the targets of competition among major film industries, and the cost of advertising placement has increased explosively.

If major schedules are a gluttonous feast for the film industry giants, then film critics will enjoy a sumptuous meal on the eve of the schedule. In the past, advertising cost 3,000 yuan, but during this period, it will cost at least 50,000 yuan. Film critics with larger fan base Maybe the number of UP owners will increase several times, and just like this, the film industry giants will still fight for the resources of film critics. You can imagine what a busy harvest season this is.

Tonight's early return was just a break from the busy schedule after the manuscript was submitted. It allowed him to amuse his son at home and cook with his wife, which was considered a pleasure.

I had just climbed up the ladder and was about to eat while paying attention to things in the foreign film industry. My phone buzzed. When I saw it was the trailer of "Atonement" forwarded by Lu Ze's account, I ignored my meal and hurriedly clicked on it. information.

After full screen, the phone was placed against the bowl and placed horizontally on the table. After putting his hands together to beg for mercy from his angry wife, the video was loaded. After a short period of darkness, the screen slowly appeared into a pool with fish swimming in it. The camera is raised upwards, and the water surface reflects the underwater scenery, making the fish appear more numerous. Finally, the fish stop swimming and slowly form golden words.

"Gambino Films."


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