Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 479 The Curse

The criticism on the Internet came faster than expected. Maybe foreign adults really pay attention to the growth of teenagers, or maybe there are many people who can't stand Lu Ze. Of course, it doesn't rule out that there are some people with bad intentions. This disrupted the situation. Lu Ze, who had just escaped from the animal welfare controversy not long ago, once again fell into the criticism of public opinion.

On Facebook and other social media, the number of people attacking Lu Ze quickly increased from a few hundred a few hours after the release to thousands in the evening.

A large number of insulting words are spread throughout the major officially certified software, covering the curse words that were originally left behind due to issues with the Animal Welfare Association and have not yet been cleared up. The layers of insults here have made many unhappy. Those who knew Lu Ze had the illusion that Lu Ze had not heard a single good word since he became famous.

In contrast, the domestic Internet is much quieter. No one is arguing or insulting. It’s not that there are no bad-tempered people, and it’s not that Lu Ze doesn’t have anti-fans in China. It’s just that a series of dissing Lu Ze’s speeches have been restricted. Posts that are leaked and contain dirty words will be deleted within a minute.

The dissatisfaction with Lu Ze was effectively restricted to a small circle, so it did not spread on a large scale. Otherwise, even if Lu Ze was prosperous abroad, there would be many people who hated him in China.

This was not Lu Ze's intention, but there was nothing Lu Ze could do if someone above him helped him. He didn't care whether he was scolded or not, but some people were optimistic about his career in the cultural circle in the future and wanted to sell Lu Ze's face and take the initiative to help him. Blocking the fire from netizens, whether Lu Ze wanted to accept it or not, he had to accept this favor.

If someone is helping him suppress the domestic artillery fire, then the problem will be much simpler. As long as the foreign voices are eliminated, the temporary domestic dissatisfaction with Lu Ze will be completely eliminated.

Browsing through the comments section, Lu Ze frowned like an old man looking at his phone on the subway, turning it into an emoticon. Even though he was mentally prepared, he still didn't look at the racial criticism.

After hiding their identities, people unleashed their instincts and showed no hesitation towards racial discrimination. Perhaps he was a teacher in life and treated white, black, and yellow children with the same gentleness, but behind the phone, he was I wish I could peel off all the skin of people of color.

Even though such comments only accounted for about one-fifth of the comments section, many people complained about it, but Niwai was still bored after all. He was too lazy to look at the comment section again, and quickly uploaded the edited video to YouTube and Facebook. After sharing everything on Twitter, he closed his computer, closed his eyes and meditated in his first-class seat, waiting for the plane to land at the airport in Turin, Italy.

On the Internet, those "just" perpetrators also immediately noticed the video posted by Lu Ze.

"There are some answers about my book."

These very short words surprised many netizens. Is that all? Gone? No apology? There is no promise to withdraw the books on sale? Not even a long article?

The originally cold words seemed to have a mocking tone in their eyes, as if they were saying that I don't care about you, just watch the video yourself. This "attitude" made some people furious, like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He scolded her while dancing, so they did not click on the video immediately, but chose the same "ridiculous" text reply.

"I would rather spend money to buy Scarlett's foot washing water and give it to KD than spend traffic to click on your video."

"It has become a habit to step on things first and look at them later, you shameless Chinese Jew."

"Hey, hey, Bichi, did the Jews provoke you?"

"Since you made a mistake, you have to apologize! Don't disturb everyone's vision with these insignificant things. We only want your apology and we don't need anything else. Before you destroy some children, if your attitude can If you are more sincere, we will forgive you, but now, is this your attitude towards apologizing?"

In just a few minutes, this video has received hundreds of comments, and the length of the video is only twelve minutes, which is enough to prove that some people wantonly vent their inexplicable anger without even watching it, but there are still people who can silently comment on this. Click on the video to see what Lu Ze wants to say.

For example, the professor who disapproved of female students reading Lu Ze's books.

He drank a few more drinks tonight, and it wasn't all because of Lu Ze's book. He didn't appreciate or hate this book, because it was only released in a short period of time, and he still needed a certain amount of time to accumulate emotions. , and then choose what emotion he should face this work with. At this time, more doubts appeared in his mind.

No one is willing to admit that the content in this book is real, but in a short period of time, no one can objectively deny whether it has the value of existence.

He admired Lu Ze very much. Even though there was a gap between movies and stage plays, he admired Lu Ze's emotional performance, which could make any kind of emotion overflow with just one pair of eyes.

He likes to regard the emotion on stage as a kind of energy, a power that infects people, and the strength of an actor's ability must also be measured based on the strength of his energy.

And what about Lu Ze’s energy? He is so powerful that he is almost tangible. At just the first glance, you can identify him among the many characters and identify him as the protagonist at a glance. If not, you would feel sad for the protagonist.

Will an actor like this destroy his reputation? Is it really worth it to make some money? The professor had a negative attitude in his mind, but when he looked at this book...he couldn't agree with it.

This may be the trouble of mediocrity.

A limited mind always questions the strong.

Ding dong.

The message bar scrolled down. He put on his reading glasses and took a closer look at the phone. His mouth was trembling slightly when breathing, and there was a slight sheen of saliva under his thin lips.

This was a video forwarded to him by the female student Linda. The poster of the video... was Lu Ze. Without hesitation, he clicked on it and the buffer circle rotated for a while. Within a few seconds, a portrait appeared.

"Camera crew, hurry up! We only have three hours to complete four scenes. I don't want to delay things until tomorrow, because after tomorrow there will be tomorrow! After tomorrow there will be tomorrow! From now on, everyone is not fucking Be sure to speak, otherwise I will leave you without a tomorrow! Lu Ze, are you ready?"

Every paragraph is mixed with words starting with F. It seems that someone's quality is not very high. This camera should be a handheld DV, not a mobile phone. The color is more colorful than the mobile phone. As soon as the camera turns, it is captured. Mickey stood on the director's chair and roared. Mickey also saw the camera. He suddenly smiled and gestured to the camera. Then he performed the Peking Opera face change again, with a gloomy face, as if he could get rid of the frost in a moment, and pointed. The camera starts to curse.

"Don't fucking film me! I asked you to film porn! I didn't tell you to fucking film me!"

The DV hand shook, probably because he was frightened. The camera flashed and focused on Lu Ze, who was adjusting his clothes for the last time before filming started. The recorder quickly ran into the frame and hit the mark.

"The Effect, Scene 7, Scene 2! Begin!"

When Mickey was furious, Lu Ze was the only one who could still keep a smile. But the man who was smiling just now suddenly seemed to be a different person after hitting the board. He was sitting by the bed with a dull expression, lighting horizontally. Make the face above the bridge of the nose darker.

The professor pressed the pause button...

In just over thirty seconds, he was already deep in thought. Even though the character had no lines, he could tell something was wrong with just the simple action of sitting on the edge of the bed.

Why didn't he get a feel for it before filming started?

The professor originally thought that this video was going to give him an answer, but just thirty seconds later, strange questions were added.

No actor can go into a scene without feeling it before filming starts. Whether he is a top actor or a third-rate actor, he needs to find feelings and emotions. The difference between top actors and third-rate actors is not only how well they act, but also how quickly they feel. It is also an important indicator.

But no matter how top-notch an actor is, no matter how quickly your emotions come to you, it still takes time, which can be as little as ten seconds or as long as several minutes. This is an essential preparation step before filming starts.

But what about Lu Ze? What is this? There’s no need to prepare at all, just put your clothes together and bang! As soon as the board hit him, he immediately became depressed. Is this filming? Isn’t this really a ghost thing?

"how did you do that?"

The professor held the mobile phone in both hands and murmured something. His eyes gradually wandered away, as if he was wondering whether the world had deceived him for more than fifty years. In a daze, he noticed the family portrait placed on the table...

Under the sun, the glass reflected white light, and he couldn't clearly see the three smiling faces in the photo. He couldn't even remember whether he showed a smile in the photo.

He suddenly thought of the performance method described in the book, and glanced at the mirror subconsciously. Why did he feel... strange in the mirror?

The phone was thrown aside. He quickly stood up and buckled the mirror hanging on the wall. However, the panic in his heart did not diminish. He sat down on the sofa, holding his forehead with both hands, panting violently and sweating. It also came out of the pores, condensed together, and slid down from the brow bone.

He shouldn't have such a strong sense of fear, but it was difficult to separate his thoughts from the fear caused by Lu Ze. The existing knowledge reserves collided with new theories. Such pain can only be caused by indulging in the performance. It takes ten years for a person to truly understand it. This time, he no longer doubted whether the theory proposed by Lu Ze was true, because it no longer mattered whether it was true or not.

The important thing is that even if it is true, it will not be a gift to the actors, but a curse set by the man who is about to ascend to the throne of actors, no... the devil, for all actors.


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