Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 476: It’s a treasure, but it’s also a devil

"Dear Romeo, just say three more words. We really have to meet again. If your love is indeed aboveboard and your purpose is...marriage, then tomorrow I will ask someone to come to your place and ask him to take him with you. Give me a letter telling me where and when you would like to be married, and I will entrust my whole destiny to you, treat you as my master, and follow you to the end of the world."


"Come...Romeo, but if you are not sincere, then I beg you..."


"Wait, here I come...stop your courtship and leave me alone to grieve."

On the stage, the woman was wearing a gorgeous dress, holding on to the armrest, and leaning half of her body out. Her tone was slightly urgent, but more and more sincere. There was a soft light in her eyes, looking at the tall man in the audience, behind her. The maid urged, making her even more worried. Finally, she let go of the armrest, crossed her hands and placed them in fists on her chest. She looked at the man with nostalgia for a few more times, then turned and hurried away.

"A person in love goes to his lover's date like a child returning from school, but when he separates from his lover, his face is as troubled as if he was going to school..."

The tall man jumped up a few steps. In his words, he was full of emotion and wanted to express his feelings into substance. Under the dark stage, the middle-aged man sitting in the front row rubbed the stubble on his chin. , nodded with satisfaction.

A stage play must be paired with a cup of coffee. The sweetness returned after the bitter taste is very consistent with the drama. Unfortunately, when he picked up the paper cup, he found that it was already empty. He was a little annoyed and wanted to crush the paper cup. , and worried about disturbing the emotions of the actors on stage.

He could only put his fingers on the side of his forehead depressedly, cross his legs, and sit down sideways. After all, he was old and his skin was a little loose. With just a gentle touch, he could easily get rid of three or two wrinkles.


"my love!"

"When should I ask someone to see you tomorrow?"

"Just at nine o'clock."

"I will never break my promise. It will be twenty years until then... I can't remember why I asked you to come back."

"Then I'll stand here and wait until you remember and then tell me."

The emotional catharsis in the stage play is more intense and intuitive. The man watched and resisted the urge to applaud. He could only clenched his fists to express his excitement. This boy is only a sophomore and this girl is only a freshman, but they can perform this classic drama to this extent. At this level, the talent is undoubtedly top-notch. This is his student, which is enough to make him, the mentor, proud.

Until the time came to just after 12 noon, he looked at his watch, stood up, clapped his hands, and announced to the two of them that the morning rehearsal was over.

"Joy, Linda, rest. You two are doing very well. Perfect ~ no flaws. Go change your clothes. How about some fried fish today?"

"Okay, Professor."

Soon, a man and a woman in casual clothes came out from behind the scenes. The fashionable clothes gave people a sense of time and space travel, which made the professor feel more and more happy.

He did not single out the shortcomings of the two of them. After all, they were both young, and it was already rare to be able to do this. It would be too much to be picky, but above that, he focused on encouraging and giving some inspiration to the students. , some suggestions are still very necessary.

The three of them left the rehearsal hall while chatting, went to a restaurant not far away, and simply ordered some dishes. Before they knew it, Linda started talking about another topic.

"Professor, have you heard of Lu Ze?"

"Of course, he is a particularly powerful actor. Among Asian actors, he is the only one in this generation that I can remember deeply. What's wrong?"

"He published a book and I bought a copy."

The professor was not surprised and took a bite of the fried fish calmly. It was not surprising for an actor of Lu Ze's level to publish a book. This was a very common thing. The professor even made up his mind to go to the bookstore to buy one later. Book.

"Did he write an autobiography or...?"

"It's about acting techniques. I originally planned to read it in one sitting, but after reading more than ten pages, I... felt a little afraid to read it. I wanted the professor to help me decide whether I should read this book."

Linda's words aroused the interest of the two of them. It is indeed a bit early to write teaching books in your early thirties, but Lu Ze's strength and status are here. You can win the best actor in two international film festivals at the age of eight. You It’s okay to publish a book at the age of eight.

But what does it mean to not dare to look at it?

Before the professor could speak, Joey asked with interest: "What do you mean? Did he write a ghost story?"

"No, I told you it was an educational book on performance methods, but... his performance method seems to be different from ours."

What Linda said was still a bit general, which confused the two of them, because although the performance methods were slightly different, they all reached the same goal. In fact, the three major performance methods are not completely separated in the final analysis, and there are few people in life. Actors will call themselves what faction they belong to. Even if the performance methods are different, they can learn useful knowledge from each other to supplement themselves. I have never heard of acting books that I dare not read after reading more than ten pages.

"Joy, do you understand?"

"No, Professor."

"Oops... I can't explain it. I've only read a dozen pages and I haven't made any summary. Anyway, you will know after reading it."

"Then don't talk about it. Let's eat. After eating, go back and rest early. I will buy a book and read it later. Linda, your question will be answered after I read it."

This question was skipped, but the professor kept it in mind. After the meal, everyone dispersed. The professor drove his car to the bookstore he often went to. There was no long queue at the door. As usual, there were only a few people. The crowds of people were sitting in the corner holding books that they were interested in reading, and they didn't even notice that new customers came into the store.

"Hello professor."

"Hello Raul, I'm looking for a new performance book. The author is Lu Ze."

"I understand. I only bought ten copies in total, and the sales were actually quite good. Nine copies have been sold today. I guessed that you would come to buy it, so I specially left one for you, which costs fifty-nine yuan."


The bookstore owner had been friends with him for more than ten years. He knew about his reading habit and it was true that he left a book for him. After paying the money and taking the book, the two said goodbye. The professor returned to the car and opened the cover. , the knitted cloth cover gave him a great impression, it was much better than the gaudy patterns.

"'Performance, My Life'? It's not a very innovative title."

There is no girdle, which makes him even more satisfied. He especially hates things that affect the reading feel. Even if there is one, he will throw it away immediately, even his favorite book.

He didn't read immediately. After all, he was in the car now. He carefully placed the book in the most stable position. He set off back to school, but he didn't realize that the speed of the car today was faster than before.

He said hello to his colleagues who were in the same school. There were no classes this afternoon, so he could finish reading the book. This made him feel even happier. He walked to his office with a cup of coffee and placed the book in the center of the table. I exhaled like a pilgrim, wiped my hands clean, and turned to the first page.

Book promotion.

This promoter surprised him a little. Kamiya Kidman Schigula, a German film queen, is a super-famous actress who is obsessed with the art of painting but has been a judge of the "Berlin Film Festival" for many years. It seems that he is still the first This was the first time I saw her name appearing in a book promotion, but considering that she had collaborated with Lu Ze on "Past Life", the professor was not surprised.

"Suddenly I was told that my friend Lu Ze's book was ready to be published, so I immediately ordered a copy to read before it was released. After reading it three times, I dared to write a recommendation for him. As a friend, or a student, I once I did learn a lot from Lu Ze on the set of "Afterlife". While I was deeply impressed by Lu Ze's superior abilities, I was also shocked by Lu Ze's abilities. The emotions and performance methods he displayed belong to the experiential immersion style of the movie. It’s a very special performance, but the speed and stability of his emotional detachment are unprecedented in my life, which made me doubt whether he was human for a long time.”

"With the release of this book, and during several readings, the veil of his abilities was gradually revealed in front of me, but it shocked me even more, leading to two emotions of understanding and incomprehension, which are still with me today. My heart is intertwined, and I believe that when readers read this book, they will have the same thoughts as me. This will be a book that shakes the standards of the industry, but will also become a cult classic for performers, just like my good friend Lu Ze , is a treasure in the acting industry and will also become the big devil in the hearts of all actors."


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