Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 445 Training

Because the students had to work during the day, the class was scheduled for 3:30 in the afternoon. Of course, it was normal for them to be late because the crew would not let anyone go, but it was just that they had no chance of passing the first class.

With Wang Zixuan here, there was no need for Lu Ze to tidy up the desk. She took the initiative to clean up the blackboard, wiping it clean with no trace of chalk dust left on it. She reopened a box of chalk and placed it before the lecture. In the upper right corner of the table, I finally ran out and bought a bottle of jasmine honey tea and lozenges for Lu Ze. His posture, height and appearance made him look like a primary school student on duty.

At 2:40 in the afternoon, the first student arrived. She was a girl. She came alone and without a group. She seemed to have heard some movement in the classroom, so she knocked on the door. When she heard the person inside answered, she pushed the door. Come in through the door.

But when she saw the real owner for the first time, she felt unable to stand for a moment. She was dizzy, really dizzy. At such a young age, her blood pressure was rising. She couldn't stand firmly and leaned against the door frame. , slid down nearly thirty centimeters, and finally put his feet against the door frame and stood firm.

"Lu... Lu... Lu... Hello, teacher!"

Suddenly, he bowed 90 degrees and hit his head with the schoolbag behind him. The movement was so large that it startled Lu Ze. He thought he was going to show some talent, do some somersaults or something.

"Well, just find a place to sit."

"Thank you, Teacher Lu!"

This girl was not tall but had a loud voice. She said thank you to Lu Ze with great energy, turned around and quickly selected her seat, of course in the front row.

Maybe she was in awe of Lu Ze, so after sitting in her seat, she didn't talk to Lu Ze anymore. She opened her schoolbag, put notes, water glasses and other things neatly, and didn't even dare to look at Lu Ze. Ze, just playing with his phone with his head down, was probably posting his emotions on some social software.

Soon, the second wave of students entered. Although not as exaggerated as the first girl, they were so shocked that they couldn't even speak when they saw Lu Ze. They just stood looking at Lu Ze stupidly until Lu Ze directed them to sit down, and then they walked to their chosen positions with hands and feet like robots that had been short-circuited due to flooding.

Then came the third wave and the fourth wave. Some came alone and some came with others, but without exception, everyone was stunned after seeing Lu Ze.

Wang Zixuan took a handheld DV to capture their expressions and movements. Seeing that the students all looked like this, she nodded thoughtfully. She didn't know what Lu Ze meant to the extras before, but now, However, he has a clear understanding that Lu Ze is undoubtedly the myth of the group, and even his belief. After close contact with the person he admires the most, this expression is not surprising and completely understandable.

At 3:25, everyone arrived. Some students still had beads of sweat on their foreheads. They probably came directly from the set. Should Lu Ze go to work? Go to fucking work! Is it important to meet your idol?

At this moment, everyone is a groupie. Before, everyone thought that free compulsory training classes were of no use at all. They were just some leader who wanted to start a class to get some qualifications or even spend some money. But now, Lu Ze’s appearance All disdain they had for training classes was overturned.

This is about getting serious.

The thought of staying up for a long time was put away. Everyone took out their notes and looked like they were listening attentively. It is estimated that the class they listened to most seriously was this class.

"I'll call the names first. Students who hear their names please raise their hands."

He called all the students' names, and there was no one absent. When he heard Lu Ze read his name, the students were all excited, even more excited than his girlfriend calling him husband for the first time.

"Students who are taking videos with their mobile phones, please put down your mobile phones and turn them to silent. Every class will be recorded and posted to the training class website. I don’t need to bother you. Just listen to the class carefully now. There is no need to stand up. This is not School, you are not middle school students, so you can skip the step of saying "good teachers" from now on."

"I'm very happy to meet you today. I don't need to introduce myself. After all, we all know each other. This is my first time as a teacher in my life. Please be patient with me. My classroom rules are the same as those in school. Can you Just listen to the lecture carefully, that’s it. Okay, without further ado, let’s officially start the class. First, let me ask you a question, what do you think is a group performance and what is the job of a group performance?”

He took off his coat, rolled up his long sleeves, took out a piece of white chalk from the chalk box, and held the chalk between his fingers in the habitual way of holding a cigarette, but did not write the question on the blackboard. He pointed at the first girl who arrived and waited quietly for her answer.

"Increase the number of people in the background... act as a background board."

She hesitated for a long time and finally said what she was thinking. Her answer was actually very close to the answer Lu Ze wanted, but it was still a little short. Lu Ze was not very satisfied, and he still looked forward to her adding more, but Seeing that her legs were wobbly, he could only let her sit down first.

A few more people were called, and their answers were similar to what the first girl said, even more narrowly defined. The smart ones even looked up the definition of extras on a search engine, but that general term was not Lu Ze's. Wanted answers.

Looking around, he leaned against the desk and lightly touched his trouser line with his fingers, but no one raised his hand. In the end, he had to give up and write on the blackboard by himself.

"Group performance is an important element that increases the activity of the scene. It is a true reflection of the era in which the set is located. The group characteristics, combined with the era in which the set is located, set up a typical example of small people."

He drew a circle around this sentence, clicked it twice emphatically, threw the chalk back into the box, patted the dust on his hands, and gave up on using the chalk. Only then did he realize that the chalk words he wrote So fucking ugly.

"Write this sentence down, and if you can do it, you can graduate. We will not focus on theory or practice in this class. What we need to do is to focus on the work functions of this group of actors. discuss."

"First of all, everyone must be clear that the extras will not be the main characters in the plot. Just like the female classmate said, they are simply the background. As the background, they must downplay their own existence. This is different from their own. It has to do with the stance, the coordination of the body, and the facial expression. This sentence is true as long as there are no lines."

"Don't express yourself. I don't need to repeat this sentence, right? Everyone has been working on the crew for so long, and they should all know it in their hearts. But not expressing yourself does not mean that we don't have to think about anything. Before starting work, we must Have a certain understanding of the on-site environment and the identity of the characters. It doesn’t have to be very detailed, but it needs to be simulated.”

Although it is his first time as a teacher, Lu Ze controls the rhythm of language very well. This comes from his ability to control his lines. He slows down his speaking speed, speaks very clearly, changes his intonation, and uses the key points of what he says. It was very important to provide reminders for the accents and then express them orally to the students, leaving them with sufficient time to record. It was obvious that Lu Ze was very successful.

In this class, there were no good students or provocateurs who asked Lu Ze difficult questions, because everyone knew very well. You still want to pass Lu Ze with your little common sense? The amount of saliva that other people spit out is greater than your little knowledge. How about making it more difficult for Lu Ze? nonexistent.

Gradually, everyone was attracted by Lu Ze's theory, and began to have a certain sense of identity with the functions of group actors described by Lu Ze.

They don't want to be a star, because this dream has been killed long ago. All they want is to be a good group performer and earn a higher income.

This is also the fundamental purpose of the Electronic Arts Association’s group performance training class. What they want to cultivate is not passionate young people with star dreams, but down-to-earth people who just want to be group performers. This is not to kill their ideals, but to help them beautify them. Reality.

"For example, I am a refugee during the war, and a soldier pulls me to ask about the situation. How should I perform? Go over there in a cowardly manner, and put my hand into the sleeve of the other hand? Answer with a nod and bow to the soldier? How will you do that? Become an anomaly in this scene. When the audience's eyes are on you, an abrupt movement of yours will lead to a disconnect with the rhythm, and even make the audience laugh. You should all have the impression of the sheepherder captured by the Sakata Alliance in "Bright Sword" Right? He's a great example of that, and that's what he did, which loosened up the image and took away that tension."

"At this time, whether you are holding your hands behind your back or placing your hands on your stomach with your fingers intertwined, it is more appropriate than putting your hands in your sleeves. You must remember that blending into the environment and the storyline is the best way to downplay yourself. This is also what directors like most. As long as you can do this without affecting the rhythm, your salary will definitely increase."

He doesn't want to teach the students how to optimize their body movements now, let alone how to control their facial expressions, or even their lines, because it's too early to talk about these. Secondly, how to downplay one's own presence? It is the soul of the group that affects the overall style and does not become an outlier in the set.

And during the narration process, Lu Ze will also make the same actions as in verbal expressions to prove the correctness of his theory.

The students here are all special, and this knowledge is particularly important. They themselves know it. Soon, the writing is covered on the page, even the second and third pages.

At the same time, Lu Ze will also select a few students to answer the question he raised, that is, how should they choose their own actions as they have only three lines in a certain setting? This question is very simple, as long as you think about it carefully , no one will be unable to answer, after all, there are many answers, as long as they match the setting.

This was a course that was not very difficult, and was even very relaxing and enjoyable. It was so pleasant that the students gradually forgot the passage of time until Lu Ze glanced at his watch and announced that the first course was over.

"Teacher Lu, please teach us again."

This may be the only opportunity in their lives to learn knowledge from their idols, so they want to seize it. Unfortunately, Lu Ze only prepared so many lesson plans, and it took exactly one and a half hours to finish them all. He could only teach the students Said sorry.

"I'm sorry, classmates, I really haven't prepared so many lesson plans here, and I am also from Hengdian, so I also have some friends in Hengdian. I haven't seen each other for more than ten years, so we naturally have to get together. Now that we have set a time, it is really... Don’t be late, we will meet again, classmates, please work hard, the future is promising, come, let’s take a photo together, Zixuan.”

She ran over, holding her camera, and saw Lu Ze moving a stool and sitting in the middle of the desk crossing. These students were all over thirty years old. They were young at heart and no longer sat in their seats. They were bold enough to stand on their own initiative. Behind Lu Ze, his hands gently rested on Lu Ze's shoulders.

Everyone just gathered in a pile, and except for Lu Ze, all other places were crowded. Xiao Wang called out "Eggplant" and pressed the shutter. At this moment, the picture was frozen, staying at the moment before departure.

After notifying everyone to look for this photo on Weibo, everyone stood up and said goodbye to Lu Ze. When Lu Ze waved, they all responded with smiles on their faces until Lu Ze got in the car.

"Brother Lu, how do you get this result?"

"Let's all play good. Finish it tonight and send it to the union tomorrow. Xiao Liu, go to Binjiang to listen to Yuexuan."


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