Because of Jiang Wenshu's participation, the follow-up development of this matter was much bigger than Lu Ze initially imagined. In the next few days, fans of Jiang Wenshu and Luo Ziqin were quarreling, and Lu Ze's fans had already been arguing that night They had already surrendered after only twenty minutes of arguing.

In the end, they turned out to be fans of two traffic idols who had their heads beaten into pieces. Without Lu Ze's fans, nothing would happen... But Lu Ze's reply that night was also highly praised.

No matter how hard he works, he can't work as hard as me. This sentence sounds very arrogant, as if Lu Ze has become swollen after seizing the emperor. But passers-by have been unhappy with Luo Ziqin since a long time ago, and they heard Lu Ze mocking Luo Ziqin for not being as good as him. I actually felt an inexplicable sense of joy in my heart.

The next day, another big V on Weibo posted an article, "How hard does Lu Ze work?" Or how many hardships he has endured", the theme post actually revealed a lot of Lu Ze's past, as well as some old photos, which caused quite a stir. Lu Ze felt very emotional when he saw it.

"Lu Ze was born on November 6, 1992, in a poor county in Luhua City, Liaoning Province. He had excellent grades in high school, but his father suddenly became seriously ill, so Lu Ze dropped out of school and worked to pay off his debts."

Lu Ze didn't know where this big V got the photos of Lu Ze when he was in school and working. At that time, Lu Ze still had a student's hair and looked very young. He had a bright smile in the school photos, but Ever since he dropped out of school, Lu Ze in the photo gradually lost his smile.

"In four years, he worked part-time to repay his family's debt of more than 150,000 yuan, and then came to Hengdian to start his life as a group actor. For two years, he was unknown and lived in a bungalow with very little sunshine every day... ..."

After that, Balabala talked a lot and posted strong evidence such as photos to prove how difficult his living conditions were at that time.

There are also a lot of photos. Lu Ze is sitting on the roadside eating steamed buns. How much dirt he ate on the set. How much he suffered on the set after his official debut. Let people feel that Lu Ze has been there for nine years. Mid-year growth.

After Lu Ze's verification, it was found that it was indeed Qian Shijia who found someone to post it, and the materials were also found by Qian Shijia. It has to be said that this was Lu Ze's inspiration for Wang Kai, and after this thread was posted , and indeed there was a very good response.

In fact, the general public's perception of artists is not too bad. At most, they are indifferent and not disliked. It's just that the actions of some artists and the acquiescence of capital have ruined the atmosphere in this circle, which has made many people start to I hate being in this circle.

But for a certain person alone, especially if this person is real and not an inspirational person, then the public's perception of him will never be that bad.

Lu Ze is like this. Some relatively rational passers-by even went to see Lu Ze's works after seeing this thread. Lu Ze's continuous progress in shooting is obvious to all.

Such an inspirational, hard-working, and fast-progressing actor, who finally succeeded in winning the Best Actor as a newcomer in the film industry, without subjectivity, who can be disgusted with him?

So the trend gradually changed. Lu Ze mocked Luo Ziqin at the award ceremony, but the scene of Jiang Wanyi mocking Wang Zhen was not unfilmed.

This does not mean that there is anything wrong with Lu Ze’s character. On the contrary, it proves that Lu Ze is very interested in his friends. He does not hesitate to leave a black spot for himself in public, but also wants to save face for his friends. No wonder Jiang Wenshu didn’t shy away from it and directly helped Lu Ze start a fight. , which proves that Lu Ze is really a good choice to be a friend.

As for this matter, it can only be said to be tit for tat. Luo Ziqin should go to Jiang Wanyi to trouble him about this matter.

It was under this trend that Luo Ziqin's fans began to gradually turn their attention to Jiang Wanyi. Although there must be someone behind this incident, the audience still found it very funny. Four days after the incident, "Flower Scent" "Fans of the male and female protagonists started to fight.

But what does this have to do with Lu Ze? Luo Ziqin's fans are like mad dogs catching and biting anyone. Now they have bitten Jiang Wanyi and released their bite on Lu Ze's thigh, so nothing will happen to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze didn't have time to spend all day with these popular celebrities bickering. It was easy for them to film, but he couldn't do it. He was as tired as a grandson after a day, so he didn't have time to talk to him. Besides, there were still many important things. Well, such as the launch conference of "The King of Fighters".


Liu Ying finally set the time for the launch conference, which is today, October 20th.

This is the first time Lu Ze has participated in such a large press conference. More than 200 media outlets were filming and recording it. It was considered a big scene.

After all, Liu Ying is one of the top and most powerful directors in the country, and his attention is naturally higher than that of all the directors who have worked with Lu Ze.

Now it is time for reporters to ask questions. Lu Ze just finished answering and put down the microphone. The next question was answered by the female lead Tang Juan.

There were many reporters asking Lu Ze just now. Now when it was someone's turn to ask Tang Juan, they still got involved with Lu Ze and asked about Tang Juan's relationship with Lu Ze.

"Xiao Lu and I get along very harmoniously on the set. It's hard to imagine that a young man, or a young man working hard in the entertainment industry, can be so... old-fashioned?"

Even Liu Ying and other actors were amused by this corny sentence, not to mention the reporters. To be honest, they also felt that Lu Ze's living habits were quite elderly.

Maybe the word "old-fashioned" used by Tang Juan is not appropriate, but a young man doesn't even play with his mobile phone all day long. He carries a water bottle all day long, and the stuff in it is either honey and jasmine, or red dates, wolfberry and brown sugar. In the crew Walking around memorizing lines with one hand behind his back.

Sometimes people who hang around in front of Liu Ying get tired of Liu Ying, and they scold him and drive him away. Then he can only sit in his seat and listen to the opera, drink some tea, and shake his head and tail. .

From the appearance, he is in his twenties, but his temperament, appearance, and demeanor are very much like an old man. Occasionally, when the crew is free, the young actors will make an appointment to go to a nightclub or something, but I looked for Lu Ze several times, but he didn't come, and the young actors never called me again after that.

This is also one of the reasons why young actors don't like Lu Ze. Not only is his strength unmatched by many of them, but he is also not gregarious. He won't go out to play when asked. It is inevitable that some people will complain behind his back that Lu Ze is too arrogant. Yes, I feel like I don’t want to be with them, it’s too arrogant.

Although Lu Ze told them that his ears didn't work very well and he had otitis media. He went to a nightclub and after coming out he felt like he was deaf and couldn't hear anything, but they just took it as an excuse to evade.

Lu Ze sat aside and felt helpless. The first systematic course he learned was the course for the elderly. After filming for so long, he never used it once. He usually used it to chat with these seniors. Even Lu Ze They all have the urge to call her Tang Juan, Sister Tang... because in the system course, he is sixty-eight years old.

The launch conference ended with laughter, and Lu Ze also followed the actors back to the set to continue filming. The official promotion of "The King of Fighters" also officially started today and entered the sprint stage.

This shooting progress greatly exceeded Liu Ying's expectation. The original plan was to complete all scenes by the end of December, but now it seems that it will be almost completed by mid-November.

This also resulted in a tight arrangement of scenes. Sometimes a venue was needed but could not be rented, and Liu Ying had to personally come forward to find connections to rent it. For example, the biggest scene in "The King of Fighters" is the National Fitness Center in the Magic City.

It was originally expected to be on loan in December, but as soon as it was brought forward, it was bumped into a game, so Liu Ying had to make a trip in person to coordinate.

So after the press conference, which lasted only two hours, the show ended at around five o'clock in the afternoon. Liu Ying announced that the actors could go back to the hotel to rest.


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