Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 432 [Empty Gloves White Wolf]

In the afternoon, the Science and Technology Complex Building.

At about 16 o'clock, more than 30 business people in suits and leather shoes came here one after another, including white faces, black faces, and Chinese faces.

Behind them are one or several super-rich people in the world today, or wealthy families.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have to make it clear that the Life Science Fund does not accept your investment and participation, but sponsors or finances." In a square conference table inside the building, representatives from the rich and wealthy sat on their heads. A silent stare at Luo Sheng who was speaking.

There is a world of difference between investing in shares and funding sponsorship. The former can share the benefits and have the right to withdraw capital in the middle, while the latter does not directly share the benefits, and it is said that if the money is poured in, there is no way to leave.

Cote d'Azur and Bluestar Technology Group also often use money to fund universities or research institutions all over the world. The same money is like poured water, but it is not free. Without any benefits, no one can give it for free. money.

At this time, a middle-aged foreign man present questioned: "Mr. Luo, your promise is indeed very tempting, but I hate to doubt whether your achievements in the field of life science can be as successful as the field of ICT. We are very worried about this. A sum of money was handed over to you in the end and nothing came."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng couldn't help showing a smile, and he didn't explain anything. He immediately leaned forward slightly and looked directly at the other party. He said neatly, "Then you can choose to quit."

Everyone: "..."

After finishing speaking, Luo Sheng leaned back on the chair and looked around at the speechless attendees, and said calmly, "Carnegie said, 'It is a shame to die with a huge wealth', and it cost hundreds of millions of dollars to pay for it. Take a gamble in exchange for a chance to continue your life, I believe that the head behind the scenes will make the wisest choice, otherwise what are you doing here?"

Everyone: "..."

It was speechless.

Luo Sheng doesn't explain anything at all, and he doesn't need to explain anything, because he has never failed so far. This is the most incredible legend, and it has also led to the "Luo Sheng effect" being superstitious by more and more people all over the world.

After a while, the representative of the North American chaebol Mellon family asked neatly: "OK, Mr. Luo, how much do you want?"

Luo Sheng likes this kind of happy expression, and immediately said happily: "Each party provides 300 million US dollars. Once there is a breakthrough result, we will notify all funders as soon as possible, and funders will enjoy priority treatment. treatment.


As Luo Sheng's voice fell, everyone looked at each other, and the conference hall fell into a brief quiet atmosphere.

One party has to invest 300 million US dollars, which is definitely not a small amount, but it can also be easily paid for those who represent the super rich or rich families present.

The quiet atmosphere didn't last long, and soon the representative of the Mellon family said, "OK, we're out of the $300 million."

Next, the representatives in charge of other participants expressed their opinions one after another.

The result is that a person who does not fail to follow up, is not short of money, is willing to give 300 million US dollars to Luo Sheng for trouble, in order to have an illusory and uncommitted wish to prolong life and anti-aging.

The people who came this time represent a total of 36 super-rich or wealthy families, which means that the life science prize will receive an additional $10.8 billion in funding, plus Luo Sheng's personal contribution of $5 billion during the TED dinner, Gates and other technology With a total of 2.2 billion US dollars funded by the bigwigs, the account of the Life Science Fund has a huge sum of 18 billion US dollars, or about 122.76 billion yuan.

This is definitely an astronomical sum, and it is also a miracle that the "Luo Sheng effect" continues to be strong. It seems that he will never be short of money here.

Then there was a scene that made the outside world feel incredible. Representatives of the 36-party rich or rich families signaled to their assistants, and electronic equipment, including work computers, were immediately placed on the conference table.

The direct on-site remittance was very simply credited to the account of the life science fund designated by Luo Sheng, with a total of 10.8 billion US dollars.

Qin Weimu was also present. After a while, she held an ieP work tablet and handed it to Luo Sheng, who looked at the Arabic numerals on the screen:


Luo Sheng glanced and put the tablet on the table, then looked around at everyone and said with a smile, "Good."

The representative person in charge of the Mellon family smiled formulaically: "We are waiting for the news from you, Mr. Luo, that we will create another miracle. I hope this day won't be too long."

After he finished speaking, he closed the laptop that could not be bought on the market, and the assistant next to him quickly packed it up and put it back in his handbag, and then left.

The others did almost the same operation. The whole meeting lasted less than half an hour, and they all came and went quickly.

In less than two minutes, Luo Sheng and Qin Weimu were left in this conference hall.

Qin Weimu hugged his slender hands, leaned his legs against the conference table and sighed leisurely: "Sometimes I wonder, is there too much money in this world?"

This is 10.8 billion US dollars or about 122.76 billion yuan, not 1.08 million US dollars, nor 12.276 million yuan. It is easy to raise funds. There are thousands of companies in the world, but they can really achieve a year-on-year revenue break. Tens of billions of dollars are either world-renowned brands or top-notch existences.

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Hey, if I tell those rich people that I have excellent anti-aging and life-extending drugs, let alone $300 million, they won't even blink at $3 billion."

In today's world, I am afraid that no one can compare to the current Luo Sheng.

Some people are willing to believe him, that is, some people are willing to throw money at him.

Luo Sheng patted the pretty buttocks in sight: "Go ahead, prepare a press conference, officially disclose the life science fund, and briefly explain my purpose of cashing out 14.3 billion US dollars, Bluestar Technology If stocks fall any further, Wall Street is going to explode."


The next day, Qin Weimu, on behalf of Luo Sheng and the Life Science Foundation, held a media conference, officially announcing the establishment of the Life Science Foundation. At the same time, he also briefly explained that Luo Sheng cashed out 14.3 billion in order to invest in the fields of life science and medical care. Research.

At the same time, it was announced at the media conference that the Life Science Fund will build the first private P4 laboratory in China, and plans to invest US$2.5 billion globally in the construction of 11 top R\u0026D centers or laboratories in the next three years, of which the mainland accounts for 3 plus A P4 lab.

In addition, the book capital of the life science fund of 18 billion US dollars was also disclosed. As soon as this amount was announced, all the media reporters present were shocked and their jaws dropped.

Scholars and scientists at home and abroad in the field of life sciences were excited, and the top journal The Lancet paid attention to it for the first time.


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