Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 203 [When capital has a conscience, it will make people feel depressed]

Bluestar Technology Headquarters, internal executive meeting.

Zhang Bowen opened the document in front of him, looked around at all the participants and said, "Recently, Wall Street is constantly breaking out negative news about subprime mortgage bonds, and North American existing home sales have dropped by 3.9% in the middle of this month. , its largest subprime mortgage company CFC has reduced lending, and what is more serious is that New Century Financial, the second largest subprime mortgage mortgage company in North America, is facing Wall Street’s $17.4 billion in debt, and announced the day before yesterday that it was on the verge of bankruptcy.”

After a while, Dr. Zhang continued in a deep voice: "Not only that, the U.S. stock market has fallen sharply across the board. The Dow Jones Index fell by 2%, the S\u0026P Index fell by 2.04%, the Nasdaq Index fell by 2.15%, and the stock price of Bluestar Technology Including the technology sector, it has not been greatly affected for the time being, but the subprime mortgage crisis in North America should not be underestimated. Now a series of negative news has been released, and the panic index is soaring. It may cause systemic financial risks. Stay out of it."

As a multinational technology giant company, Bluestar Technology Group's capital flow is in units of 100 million yuan, and everyone in the group will raise a group of top financial talents.

Zhang Bowen has to pay attention to this matter. In the middle and late last month, he began to pay attention to the news of Wall Street. Although it will not be directly affected, it will also have an indirect impact on Bluestar Technology, which is reflected in the decrease in revenue. When other companies have a crisis, advertising revenue will shrink.

The bigger the company is, the more financial risk it is impossible to completely avoid.

Once a global financial crisis is triggered, no one can escape, and the bigger the company is, the more obvious the impact will be.

Bluestar Technology is not a financial company. It is in the outer circle, but its physique is large enough. Even the severe economic crisis in North America will have an obvious impact on Bluestar Technology, because 39% of the group's revenue comes from the North American market.

At this time, Luo Sheng looked at Irene who was sitting in the conference room and asked, "How much working capital does the company have now? What is the performance so far this year?"

Hearing that, Irene opened an audit document and looked at it and replied: "Up to now, the revenue in 2007 is 6.67 billion US dollars, and the revenue in the first quarter of 2007 is expected to reach 7.3 billion US dollars. The profit can reach 1.788 billion US dollars. The current quarter's net profit is 1.575 billion US dollars. Up to now, the company's cash flow is 14.7 billion US dollars, which can be used for turnover at any time. This cash reserve has 10.7 billion US dollars overseas and the rest in the mainland. About 31 billion yuan."

When the major executives heard Irene's report, they felt more at ease. Basically, everyone on Wall Street had heard more or less of the news, but no one would panic.

For no other reason,

What the company has now is money.

With a total of ¥113.7 billion in cash reserves, the most important thing is that Bluestar Technology has no debt, even if a global financial turmoil breaks out, it can survive this winter.

Of course don't panic.

Luo Sheng sat leaning against the chair and smiled lightly: "More than 100 billion in cash reserves, we don't panic when the family has surplus food, let's just wait and see, the subprime mortgage explosion in the United States is not for us. Completely bad things, holding more than 100 billion in hand, is a good opportunity to hunt for bargains."

Speaking of which, Luo Sheng immediately sat upright and immediately looked at Zhang Bowen: "While the American homes are on fire, let's take advantage of the fire. Lao Zhang, three things, the first thing to take this opportunity to quickly launch cloud computing services in North America, IBM It must also be affected by the pressure, but we will put some pressure on him, there is no motivation for pressure."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole room burst into laughter.

Luo Sheng continued: "The second thing is to actively prepare for the acquisition of Sun Microsystems in North America. First prepare, and start the acquisition invitation in the second half of the year; the third thing is to start a round of repurchase plan. I estimate that the subprime mortgage crisis in North America will not only There will be further economic disasters sweeping the United States. The financial crisis will definitely spread to the whole world. The old and American economies will have problems and the world economy will definitely have problems. No listed company will be spared. Bluestar Technology is no exception. A large-scale repurchase program.”

The company's cash pool is indeed too much money, with a total of 113.7 billion yuan, which is equivalent to about 10% of the company's total market value.

As for dividends, don't think about it. Luo Sheng will definitely not pay dividends. The company's profits are either used for development or stock repurchase. There is no third option.

Zhang Bowen said hesitantly, "Mr. Luo, is this... the pace is too big, this kind of moment is multi-line attack..."

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "The so-called daring and timid starve to death, it is right to be cautious, but you must strike decisively when you see it, don't hesitate. You are afraid that the company may be short of funds, and at this special time, the bank Tightening up lending can't get the money and causing the capital chain to break, the company can't borrow money from the bank, right? But you can borrow it from me."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Bowen realized that Luo Sheng has cashed out nearly 6 billion US dollars since the IPO of Bluestar Technology. This is not fixed assets, but cash flow that can be taken out at any time.


Thinking of this, with this guarantee Zhang Bowen has no worries.

In fact, if Zhang Bowen knew that Luo Sheng had taken all his money to bet against the North American real estate market, he would probably be stupid.

Of course, Luo Sheng wouldn't tell him what the money was used for. As long as he didn't have a brain, it would be impossible to tell them the truth, and concealment was necessary under special circumstances.


In the afternoon, Luo Sheng came to Cote d'Azur.

"I recently spent a week systematically combing through the mortgage bond market in North America, and there have been a lot of default cases." Qin Weimu came to Luo Sheng's office. At this moment, the two were sitting together, and she was in Luo Sheng's office. Sheng sat next to him.

After Qin Weimu came back from the United States, she took some time to study the financial market.

She herself has high attainments in finance, but her current job does not require much of this skill.

Qin Weimu took out a blank A4 paper and said while writing: "Wall Street bankers mixed CDO A with CDO B, and in turn CDO B also mixed CDO A with CDO A. , and then repackaged as CDO C, so-called double CDOs, and CDOs composed of credit default swaps, which turned into so-called synthetic CDOs."

Luo Sheng asked simply, "Then how much will our $6.2 billion subprime mortgage be on it now?"

Hearing that, Qin Weimu put down the pen in his hand, leaned on the sofa one after another, and held his chin in his slender hands thoughtfully: "I think about it, $6.2 billion... The market for secured mortgage bonds is about 23 times the actual value. In theory, It could reach $142.6 billion…”

When calculating this number, Qin Weimu himself was taken aback, and he couldn't help covering his mouth and widening his apricot eyes.

Luo Sheng exclaimed: "My God, it's just super leverage."

After Qin Weimu reacted, he couldn't help but softly said: "If mortgage bonds are matches, then CDOs are like sponges filled with kerosene, and synthetic CDOs are depth bombs. This is not only an economic disaster in North America, but also in the world. The economy will also collapse. It is only a matter of time. The later the collapse, the more terrible it will be. Countless businesses around the world will go bankrupt, and thousands of people will lose their jobs, be displaced, lose their pensions, pensions, pensions... and We could potentially make more than 600% of it, and every profit has blood on it..."

After speaking, Qin Weimu let out a long sigh, but instead of being happy about his skyrocketing worth, he felt sad about the impending world economic disaster.

Luo Sheng could feel that she was not pretending.

"It is worth admiring people to be able to maintain this rationality and kindness in the face of money, isn't it? But when capital is no longer greedy but has a conscience, it is sometimes quite frustrating and even painful."

"I'm not a capitalist or a banker, I'm a lawyer." Qin Weimu turned to look at him and corrected him. After speaking, he calmed down and said to himself:

"I know that the real world is like this. It hasn't changed before, it hasn't changed now, it won't change in the future, and no one can change it. I thought about donating this money emotionally, but my reason told me it was stupid. Because even if you donate all your wealth, nothing will change, and you will even be hated. This is human nature."

Hearing her words, Luo Sheng couldn't help but jokingly said, "It seems that your thoughts are still controlled by reason, so I can rest assured."

Qin Weimu reluctantly showed a smile and sighed: "It's just frustrating sometimes to stop and think about it."

Luo Sheng said: "Compared to the people on Wall Street, our moral bottom line is many times higher than theirs. The subprime mortgage crisis should have erupted this month, but it has been suppressed now. Why?"

Speaking of which, Luo Sheng couldn't help but turn his head to look at Qin Weimu's beautiful side face: "You are more professional, you should know better than me, the CDO was created by them. , rushing to sell to unsuspecting consumers, and even the major investment banks on Wall Street bet against themselves, this is the real greed..."

After a while, Luo Sheng added: "I earn some of this money and I can change the world and promote the progress of human civilization. It can play a better role than those in the hands of those on Wall Street. I should not be frustrated, and should go with a sense of mission. Does it make sense to treat the money you earn?"

Qin Weimu couldn't help but be stunned. He also turned to look at Luo Sheng. Seeing the smile on the other side's face, he couldn't help but look back at what he said just now.

"How can he be so righteous and awe-inspiring, it's exactly the same as the standard villain in the movie, a guy who feels good about himself."

Luo Shengle laughed and said: "Don't say, the villain's execution and purpose are quite clear and without hesitation, but what about the decency? Always one step behind the villain, as for me, let's not go to extremes, have like People with strong execution and decisiveness like the villains, just keep some sense of justice, um, just a little bit, this is the best way to survive in this world."


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