Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 195 [I came to find the most sensitive cheetah on Wall Street]

(Some readers think that the protagonist's hair will be messed with this time. With the old beauty's urine, it can't change anything. When the time is up, I will fuck you when it's time to fuck you. Seeing that the high-tech field really When they can't compete, the hooligans start to play. Of course, the protagonist's wave of hawk sauce this time will only make them hate the protagonist even more. Mr. Luo: Too much debt is not enough...)


New York.

Just like Buffett's popular investing adage: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.

If it were to be a one-act play, John Paulson might be the best actor.

It is worth mentioning that the current U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has the same name as him, but the things they do are very different.

This morning in New York's Zhongyang Park, 51-year-old John Paulson was jogging along a lakeside trail. Unlike other relaxed morning exercisers, he looked frowning at the moment. A worried look.

The North American housing market is in full swing, just like the leaves in this park, but that has kept John Paulson's fund specializing in shorting mortgage bonds losing money.

What's more, the bullish news about the housing market is now overwhelming, with optimistic housing experts and lenders constantly touting that prices will continue to rise, or that federal authorities will cut interest rates to protect the market.

However, John Paulson firmly believes that winter will come.

By that time, even the most prosperous branches and leaves will wither away in the bone-chilling wind, but John recently wanted to prepare a second fund of the same type.

Jogging in picturesque New York's Zhongyang Park is a great way to relieve stress, and John tightens the zipper of his sweatshirt and picks up the pace...  

After a few minutes, John's assistant came to the park and quickly caught up after seeing him.

"Sir, a mysterious investor has contacted the hedge fund, and he is said to have brought in $3.3 billion in hopes of entrusting it to Paulson's hedge fund."

John stopped immediately, turned to look at his assistant, and said in surprise, "What did you say? $3.3 billion?"

His assistant nodded affirmatively.

John: "God,

who is it? "

His assistant shook his head and said: "I'm checking, the information shows that it comes from a trust fund that was established soon, but he wants to meet you in person, and he claims to have come to New York, and hopes to meet you today, he Said to be in a hurry."

John Paulson became more curious, but more excited. He was preparing to build a second fund of the same type. He did not expect investors to bring such a huge amount of money.

"Reply to him, I'll see you right away."

Without any hesitation, John Paulson immediately ended his morning run, left the park, went back to take a shower, put on a suit and leather suit, and went to meet in person at the first time at the address given by the other party.


In the past two hours or so, John Paulson came to a hotel on Manhattan Island and met his extremely curious mysterious client in a suite living room.

"My God is you... Mr. Luo?"

At this moment, John Paulson looked at a young Chinese man in his line of sight with astonishment on his face, except for Luo Sheng.

Obviously, John Paulson knows his name, and it is impossible not to know him. Luo Sheng is now a well-known technology giant, whether in Silicon Valley or Wall Street.

He is also the world's first-class super rich, and he knows all the celebrities on the rich list.

"Sit down, Mr. John."

Luo Sheng said with a smile that Qin Weimu was also in this living room, but John basically ignored her.

After the shock, it was almost digested, and he immediately sat down next to him and said thank you, and then John said: "I didn't expect that the mysterious investor I met would be the current Internet giant, Mr. Luo, what I want to know is , why did you find me?"

Hearing that, Luo Sheng stared at the other party without shyness, and said calmly: "I have a fund in my hand, and I want to entrust it to the most profitable hedge fund in the world to take care of it for a period of time. And now sitting in front of me is one of Wall Street's most agile cheetahs."

John's heart moved, and he seemed to be shocked by something, but it was a cheetah from Wall Street. His mental activity did not show, but he asked tentatively: "With all due respect, Mr. Luo, are you also See the housing market crashing?"

"That's right."

Luo Sheng admitted without hesitation.

At the end, I saw that he raised the goblet on the table to ask John Paulson to invite him, took a sip by himself, shook the wine in the glass and said to himself:

"The North American housing market should start a skyrocketing mode from 2001, when the then-head of the Federal Reserve, Greenspan, quickly cut short-term interest rates from 6% to 1.75% in response to the bursting of the tech stock bubble and the market panic caused by terrorist events. , and it was further lowered to 1% in the following two years, which was maintained until 2005.”

"The excessively low interest rates have caused a flood of liquidity. The Case-Shiller index of 20 major cities in North America has almost doubled in five years. Financial institutions are doing subprime loans.”

John Paulson was greatly shocked. Although he knew that he was definitely not the only one who saw the potential crisis, Luo Sheng's words were inconceivable. From the other party's tone, it seemed that he had a hunch five years ago. ?


Isn't he in the tech world?

Crisis is an opportunity in the eyes of short funds.

At the same time, Luo Sheng continued unhurriedly: "I don't know if Mr. John feels it, but the subprime mortgage crisis seems to have begun to take shape from last month. Now the market is prosperous on the surface, but it is already under great pressure. In less than two months, there is no need for the housing market to fall, as long as the rise slows, the crisis will appear.”

At this time, John Paulson's heart turned to a high spirit. He didn't know why Luo Sheng was so determined, but it didn't matter, it was a good thing.

The second fund is no surprise. As for the identity of the other party, who cares. In John's eyes, Luo Sheng is one of his potential big clients, just like other investors.

There is only one thing that keeps everyone's bond alive, and that is... Franklin, the green dollar bill, that's all.

I saw John nodded again and again: "Totally agree, my hedge fund's research department studies sub-prime products, and through the mathematical model established, it is found that in fact, the housing market does not need to fall at all, only the annual growth rate needs to fall below 5%, then sub-prime mortgages The default rate will rise significantly. In fact, we have analyzed a lot of data and found that the default rate has climbed a lot before it peaked at the beginning of last year.”

Speaking of which, without Luo Sheng speaking, John quickly added: "But Mr. Luo, although I firmly believe that the housing market is about to collapse, I can't find a financial tool to express my exact point of view."

A few paragraphs from the other party made John Paulson realize that although the other party is in the technology world, he is obviously a financial expert. Even if he is not, there must be an expert behind it.

When dealing with such a person, it is a wise choice to be frank, not to mention that the other party came to the door on his own initiative.

There are so many funds on Wall Street—Johnson is well aware that hedge funds aren't the only option.

Luo Sheng said bluntly: "You don't need to show me any theoretical model to prove the view that the housing market will collapse, because I am more convinced than you that I have $3.3 billion of funds here that can be remitted to your hedge fund at any time. , this will be the greatest deal ever, Mr John."

John: "That's right!"

In dealing with wise men, that is enough.

The two sides hit it off and the matter was settled within three days.

Luo Sheng's $3.3 billion was remitted to Paulson's fund. For this reason, according to the agreement between the two parties, John Paulson's foundation will take 0.9% of the profit from it as a fund management fee, and John will also enjoy an additional sum. Huge remuneration, which is proportional to the rate of return the foundation brings to investors.

It is worth mentioning that this agreement was not signed in Luo Sheng's name. He was very cautious, and John could see that the other party wanted a low-key bloodbath.

But it doesn't matter to John. He only needs to invest the money in Paulson's hedge fund. Even if the other party is not so cautious, John will not disclose the information of his investors, even if the FBI comes to investigate. will refuse without hesitation.

After all, it's about your career.

The funds will be used to sell CDOs cheaply and efficiently by shorting credit-secured debt obligations (CDOs) backed by subprime mortgage bonds and buying credit default swaps (CDSs).

John Paulson received the huge sum of $3.3 billion from Luo Sheng, which directly led to the successful birth of the second similar fund of Paulson Fund.

The two funds he manages quickly emerged on Wall Street, and after a while, a large amount of anonymous money poured into the Paulson fund, whose total size even reached a staggering $30 billion.

If the North American side finds out that Luo Sheng is one of the big shorts and makes a lot of money from it, he will definitely hate him even more.

However, for Luo Sheng, it was only a matter of time before Lao Mei would attack him, and there was no reason not to take advantage of a good opportunity to make as much money as possible.


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