Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 168 [Joe Gang Master is here]

"We strive to spend the 5.6 billion US dollars in the second half of 2007 to build three data centers in Sioux City, Capital City and Lincheng in China, just to use up the 1 billion US dollars of financing funds brought back this time, and the budget is just right. ." Luo Sheng began to make detailed decisions.

With the current domestic Internet infrastructure and user scale, the establishment of these three data centers is completely sufficient to meet the current commercial scale. It is completely unnecessary to build too many data centers, and the construction and operating costs are too scary.

Once built, it means that several hundred million will be burned steadily every year.

It has been two hours since the meeting lasted, but everyone was very excited, because the blueprint drawn by Luo Sheng was really magnificent.

Luo Sheng continued: "Nine large-scale data centers have been built overseas, including one in Northern Virginia, one in Seattle, two in the Bay Area of ​​California, one in Oregon, one in Osaka, one in Dublin, one in Frankfurt, and one in Sydney. "

After listening to him, Irene immediately said: "Overseas operating costs are higher, even if 9 data centers are built, plus 3 domestic ones... Isn't the 5.6 billion US dollars raised in this IPO used for the establishment of The data center is up?"

Luo Sheng nodded and smiled: "Overseas data centers have high operating costs, but future incomes are also high, after all, developed countries. The money raised this time is used to build our cloud computing service project, otherwise the money can only be Lying on the company's accounts as a cash reserve, the company's operating profit growth rate has now exceeded the growth of operating expenses, and its financial income and expenditure are very healthy."

Zhang Bowen said: "In the field of cloud computing services, our competitor is Amazon."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng shook his head: "Amazon is of course a big competitor, but it won't be long, even less than half a year, more players will enter this field, once Microsoft, Google and other tech giants realize the cloud The potential of computing will definitely speed up the pace to follow up. Maybe these giants have already started secret preparations, and it will definitely be difficult to enter the overseas market, especially the access qualifications of the North American market. and develop strategies in advance.”

Everyone could not help nodding, Amazon quietly launched the elastic computing cloud service in March this year.

However, the current Amazon company is really a younger brother in the eyes of Bluestar Technology Group. Its core business is e-commerce. It can be seen from the market value that it is really a younger brother.

Amazon's current market value remains at around $15 billion, while Bluestar Technology Group's current market value is already sitting around, sprinting toward $80 billion.

In terms of free cash flow,

Bluestar Technology is now also completely bursting Amazon.

Even if other companies are already secretly preparing, Luo Sheng is confident that he will capture more than 70% of the cloud computing service market in the future.

Luo Sheng dared not hesitate to drop five or six billion dollars from this year to next year, which is equivalent to the size of Google's total revenue last year.

Other companies, Google or even Microsoft, would never dare to be as crazy as Luo Sheng.

Because cloud computing services are still a new and unfamiliar field at the moment, the concept has already taken shape as early as the 1980s and 1990s. After so many years, there has not been much improvement. It is absolutely impossible to invest so crazy. .

The scale of five or six billion US dollars, or in the era of 2006, placed in any giant group company, such an astronomical sum, how dare to smash into a new field that is still unclear?

In case of failure, if a professional manager is in charge of the company, as soon as the financial report comes out, he will get out of the bag tomorrow.

They don't have Luo Sheng's foresighted vision pattern.

By the time he reacted, Bluestar Technology had already become a leader in the field of cloud computing services, and Luo Sheng liked the feeling of throwing others away, as a trend-setter of the times.

This life is all about waves!

This highly confidential internal meeting was almost over. Finally, Luo Sheng looked at Zhang Bowen and said, "Old Zhang, the matter of building the data center is left to you. You can talk to the IBM people."

Zhang Bowen nodded: "Understood."

This matter is extremely important to Bluestar Technology Group. It is related to the trend of the times and the strategic vision layout spanning more than ten years. It is also the most important task of the group company this year. Luo Sheng naturally attaches great importance to it.

However, he still handed it over to Zhang Bowen. First, he was relieved. Second, there was no doubt about Lao Zhang's ability. Moreover, Luo Sheng had to take care of the Azure Coast Company.

This thing is more important.

This year is 2006, the year that changed the world. Lens Semiconductor and Cote d'Azur Lab are both blossoming. Under the leadership of Luo Sheng, various core technologies are making continuous breakthroughs.

The first real smartphone is coming this year, and it will have to hit the market before Apple's iPhone.

The Côte d'Azur company, which has been immersed in it for several years, will be shocked if it does not make a sound.


Zhang Bowen began to carry out the new task set by Luo Sheng for Bluestar Technology, and the group company entered the field of cloud computing services without hesitation.

This is a very large, super long-term project, surpassing any previous project of Bluestar Technology Group.

In fact, Zhang Bowen is also very pressured. In the following days, he began to actively prepare, and plans to go to North America again before the end of the month to meet with IBM's high-level executives to discuss business cooperation issues.

In other business sectors of Bluestar Technology Group, the heads of major subsidiaries also perform their own duties. More than 10,000 employees of this huge technology group perform their respective duties. The major business sectors are also steadily advancing, and users continue to increase.

The company completed the spin-off and reorganization at the end of last year. The first heads of the major subsidiaries have been in office for almost a quarter. So far, Luo Sheng is satisfied with their performance, and no one has major problems.

In the coming days, Luo Sheng himself will undoubtedly focus on the [Azure] project plan of the Cote d'Azur, and preparations for this autumn conference will soon catch up with the schedule.

There is no other meaning to choose to release in September, because whether it is domestic or foreign, after September is the peak sales season. For example, when there is a short holiday in October in China, other companies will basically choose this time node to release new products.


Two days later, when Luo Sheng was focusing on the [Azure] plan, he did not know that a big man in the technology industry came to China for the first time from North America across the ocean, and he came directly to him.

That man was Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple.

That morning, Gang Master Qiao, who came by a special plane, got off the plane in Shencheng, walked out of the terminal, looked around and sighed: "I never thought that one day I would come to this mysterious eastern country, and only by asking for help can we ensure a new life. The product was born smoothly.”

This starts from last year in 2005. Another thing happened in the North American technology circle, which was related to Apple.

Apple made its first foray into mobile phones last year, partnering with Motorola to launch an iTunes phone, the Rockr.

Qiao Gangzhu's mobile phone belongs to the same 4L TR product line as the Razr, a mobile phone released by Motorola in 2004.

The main model is the V3.

In 2004, the Razr was arguably one of the best-selling phones in the world.

At that time, Apple, the iPod had just ruled the digital music industry, and MusicSpace had not yet been launched.

Apple saw the potential in the Razr. Coincidentally, the head of Motorola's airborne at the time happened to be an old friend of Joe's gang leader.

After being "fudged" by the old man, Gang Master Qiao got on the "thief ship" of his old friend for many years.

Apple's partnership with Motorola is, of course, a natural fit.

This is how the Rockr was born. This is Apple's first mobile phone.

However, after this phone went on sale, it was laughed at by the media. Sure enough, the Rockr, which was launched last year, has already cooled down this year. It is really dead and can no longer die.

In fact, before the Rockr was launched, Gang Master Qiao already knew that the phone was going to be cold, so the iPhone was also being developed in secret at that time.

What only confused the gang leader Qiao was that the iPhone unexpectedly ran into big trouble.

Because many key patented technologies are stuck in the neck, for example, the extremely key multi-touch screen patent was applied for registration on March 22 last year.

It was only after this investigation that it was discovered that it was the mysterious eastern country from the other side of the Pacific Ocean who had just joined the WTO for five years.

In fact, many technologies can't beat Apple, but the worst thing is that patent barriers can't get around you.

Cote d'Azur has not only mastered multi-touch screen patents, but also dozens of related patents that are urgently needed by the iPhone.

To a certain extent, without the patent authorization of the Cote d'Azur, the iPhone is basically a stillborn rhythm.

Unless you find another way.

But the most perfect technology and industrial design patents are already mastered by Cote d'Azur. If you abandon these, Qiao Gang believes that the iPhone will definitely face the same defeat as Rockr.

Because of this, there is a scene where I have to come to the Cote d'Azur company.

Without him, Qiao Gangzhu intends to obtain patent authorization on this trip.


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