As soon as his movement was made, he was stopped by the little old man.


!" "Okay, Wind and Wave, you let go

!" When he said this, Feng Lang's eyes suddenly turned slightly red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I won't let go

!" "Principal, I can't agree!" "I don't

know what the origin of this Shen Mo student is!"

But our Mingchuan Middle School can persist until this time because we have not opened the Martial Inheritance Tower and do not support other school challenges

!" "Otherwise, our Mingchuan Middle School would have been gone a long time ago!" "Principal, although our Mingchuan Middle School

is dilapidated, it is only here that can allow us low-level talented people to enroll!"

Originally thought it was a stupid white sweet big fish, but as soon as it came, it almost set off their entire school, and I knew that I was not greedy for that little fund, and pulled him into school!

Hate can't travel through the past a few minutes ago and beat yourself to death.

Even if Shen Mo is a big guy, he can't stop him from being depressed about the other party!

And when his words spoke, the little old man principal with glasses on the other side immediately sighed and said, "Feng Lang, you are a good boy."

He slowly took off his glasses, carefully wiped the dust on his glasses, and said, "Ming Chuan has lasted so many years, and he is almost at his limit."

"Just now I was still struggling with the funding of Ming Chuan this year.

"You should know that Akikawa can always not accept challenges from other schools."

"But correspondingly, Ming Chuan can't get any more funding from the Ministry of Martial Education.

"I know you're all good kids and have always wanted to find a way to solve Mingchuan's financial burden."

"But going on like this, it's really not the way."

"It is rare that Shen Mo is willing to afford the consumption of resources for the whole school.

"This is a great opportunity for you.

When he said this, he smiled at Shen Mo with a gentle face, and said, "Classmate Shen Mo, I'm sorry to let you see a joke."

"Still, I'm going to be honest with you.

"The funding from our school's martial arts department is almost zero.

"If you want to learn martial arts, you have to pay all the expenses yourself."

"These children have average talents, but their conduct is not bad.

"If you're going to start a martial arts class, I beg you to bring them with you."

"Of course, I'm asking for it, not asking for it.

"Mingchuan Middle School has been around for a long time.

When he said this, he smiled slightly: "After this year, it may no longer exist."

"So, my old bones can still work hard for you."

"Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine."

"Because, when you came to our Mingchuan Middle School, it is estimated that it was just an accident." The

face of the glasses little old man principal was very calm.

It is said that people grow old and become fine.

Shen Mo is what is going on, his heart is clear.

If the other party is willing to study in their Mingchuan Middle School, he will owe the other party a favor, and if he has the opportunity in the future, he will repay it.

But if Shen Mo didn't want to, he wouldn't force it.

After all, this Mingchuan Middle School really does not have much advantage and attraction for Shen Mo to enroll.

With the resources and conditions of the other party, it is very simple to find a better middle school in this Qingyu City.

Therefore, the old principal did not deceive Shen Mo because of his selfishness, thinking of tricking him in first.

On the other side, Shen Mo was also a little surprised in his heart.

To be honest, he wanted to enter Mingchuan Middle School before, and half of it was really angry.

After all, whichever school he attended, he read the same.

Choose the worst one who can still be angry with Xinghai

Middle School! And the poor teacher conditions of Mingchuan Middle School are not a problem for him.

He has more resources.

But the words of the old principal moved him a little.

Therefore, accept him, not because of his resources, but because of the wind and waves, these students?

Shen Mo's eyes looked thoughtfully at the wind and waves around him.

The latter lowered his head slightly, his eyes were a little red, and he didn't have the clever appearance of calling Shen Mo a brother and brother when he was at the school gate before, as if this was his real appearance.

Therefore, just now the other party "pulled Zhuangding" to him at the school gate, purely to pull a "sponsorship" for Mingchuan Middle School

? They did a lot of things, not less scorned and white-eyed by others, and scolded, right

? Did the other party really not see the relationship between him and Min Xing and the others, or deliberately pretended not to see it?


, he just wanted to find a school to mess around, and by the way, he was angry with the people of Xinghai Middle School, punched his face, and smacked wool, but this will, Shen Mo became a little serious.


he agreed happily, and said to the old principal of glasses, "I have covered all the resources of Mingchuan Middle School."

"However, I have a question that I want to ask the old headmaster.

"If I offend the people of Xinghai Middle School, they want to ask you, or pressure you to quit me, the student."


may suppress the people of Mingchuan Middle School and target you."

"As soon as the Warrior Inheritance Tower opens, they may flock to challenge and deal with you. "

You guys... Can you bear it?"


Mo crossed his hands and hugged them to his chest, waiting for the old headmaster's answer.

The old principal's request, he agreed.

Now, it's up to the old headmaster's own choice.

"The backbone of Mingchuan Middle School was not interrupted in the early days of Reiki revival, and it will not be now!" To

Shen Mo's surprise, the old principal didn't even think about it, and directly gave a categorical answer.

"We closed the Warrior Inheritance Tower not because we were afraid of challenges, but because we didn't want this school that carried the hopes of low-talented students in the end.

"It exists one day, and those low-gifted students, there is still hope."

"But if... It's gone.

"Then in this world, there will basically be no one who will recruit students under the talent of the D level." The

old principal's voice was gentle, there was no misery, no indignation, just said matter-of-factly: "Classmate Shen Mo, you are very lucky to have the Shen family behind you."

"But not everyone, like you, has a powerful family lineage!" At

this point, he said categorically: "The people of Mingchuan Middle School are not afraid of war, nor are they afraid of war!"

And Shen Mo smiled at once.


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