Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1195: System Upgrade

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Full of food and drink.

The town of Tianwang said a lot.

The quality of the spirit changes, he does not know how to change quickly, this depends on time to grind.

How far is the avenue?

He does not know!

However, he knows that after 300,000 meters, you can see the first portal, which portal is it, and see what you are good at.

The second portal, after 600,000 meters.

The third...he didn't know.

It can be seen from this that the old guy saw the second portal. As for whether there was any break, Fang Ping did not want to guess, there may or may not.

"So after the king of heaven, there is a 0.1 times increase in 20,000 meters?"

"Not bad!"

Fang Ping once again asked, Tian Tian Wang smiled and said: "300,000 meters, almost four times the increase! After breaking a portal, there is no longer an increase, but your strength will gradually become one, all kinds of strength Start to merge, how much to integrate, see yourself.

Focus on what power, look at what you are good at. ”

Fang Ping nodded, but he didn't care much about this. Now he doesn't take this road.

But break the door of the three not walk the avenue...

Fang Ping’s heart sinks, can he say that he can’t break the portal?

Or is it necessary to use other methods?

"Traveling with the cats to find the real portal, breaking the portal and completing the transformation?"

The king of the town they broke seems to be the projection of the portal. Fang Ping suspects that he may not have a projection. If it is not, then he wants to complete three transformations. He has to break the real portal.

This is still a little far away, Fang Ping no longer thinks, and finally said: "The strong who combined the earth, the strong source, how many people?"

“Incorporating the Earth City...”

The king of the town was caught in meditation and thought for a long time: "The ancient warriors of the year were actually rising on the earth. The fusion of origins is the same as the original, which is what many people will do, and integrates the earth city..."

The town king recalled for a while, slowly said: "The East Emperor seems to have merged, and then the dog and the ascendant, his dojo, many people just followed him to enlighten.

The Beastmaster has merged... but the Beastmaster’s fusion seems to be some islands in the sea of ​​bitterness...

The emperor may have done it, and he may have done this in the latter stage.

The Emperor... The Emperor is more mysterious, has been planted, and is not deeply touched.

Destroy... Destroy may have been done, but in the end, the world he came to seems to be heaven..."

After thinking about it, the town king said: "As for the person who created the source, I am not too clear, unfamiliar, I have seen one side in the past, and it is only the edge of one side."

He listed a lot of people, Fang Ping raised his eyebrows.

Still not one or two, several people!

The East Emperor, the Beastmaster, the Emperor, the Emperor, the Emperor, the one who created the source...

These people are all possible!

This way, it is not easy to judge.

Fang Ping did not ask again, continue to drink and talk.


Say goodbye to the town of Tianwang, the next two days, Fang Ping is still continuing to merge the magic capital.

The magic is too big, and the fusion is not something that will happen for a while.

Two days later, Fang Ping almost integrated the outline of the magic capital into his own source world.

In the past two days, the magical powers here have also increased their strength.

A warrior broke through the realm and became stronger.

The magic capital is the gathering place of the martial arts strongmen. There are many warriors here. There are tens of thousands of warriors in China, and more than 2 million warriors!

The high-quality warrior, the magic capital also occupied about one-third of the country.

This time, there are a lot of high-quality products, which have improved the realm and become stronger.

Some people, including Magic Wu, have made progress this time.

The road was loose, and it was close to the world. Some of the nine martial arts fighters seized the opportunity on that day. It is not unusual to walk a few hundred meters a day.


Two days later, May 18.

On this day, not only did the magic merge successfully, but the system went through six days and the upgrade was completed on this day.

Sky Island.

In the cultivation room.

Fang Ping's body was slightly shocked and opened his eyes. At that moment, the system was upgraded and no longer black.

This time, Fang Ping is less excited about the past.

More is still calm and calm.

System, this thing provides a lot of help for yourself, if it is a dead thing, if it is at the end, this stuff involves some invincible strong, then I am afraid that trouble is not small.

Fang Ping gently exhaled and looked at the system data. This time I don't know what has changed.

Wealth: 105 billion points

Qi and blood: 2920000 cards (2920000 cards)

Spirit: 22,999 Hz (22,999 Hz)

Source: +150% (outside)

Source world: 699 meters

Warfare: 斩神刀法(+9%)

Source gas conversion: 100,000 points / cloud

Immortal material conversion: 10,000 points / yuan

Energy barrier: 1 point / minute (+)

Breath simulation: 10 points / minute (+)

Detailed analysis of the source: 10 million - 100 million points / time

Warfare combination deduction: 1 million points / time


Spiritual knowledge: 100 card blood to 1 Hz mental strength

The flesh body: 1 Hz mental strength to 100 card blood


Power control: 80%

Extreme burst: 6050240 cards / 7562800 cards


Fang Ping frowned and fell into meditation.


No excitement, only eyebrows.

The system has a new feature, normalized, which is somewhat similar to what he guessed.

But... This so-called conversion is irreversible. What does it mean?

"The spirit knows, the flesh is..."

Fang Ping muttered to himself, and he seemed to understand something.

The king of the town said that when it was broken, it was all in power.

There are more types of power. At the end, nothing is manifested in two forms. One is the strength of the spirit, the other is the strength of the body, but it is also the power of the blood.

This so-called normalization is to transform the two forces into each other?

Irreversible... This means that after the conversion, it can't be converted back?

"The spirit knows... After my blood is transformed into spiritual power, will I become a spiritual practitioner?"

"And the flesh, after the conversion, I may become a strong like the Emperor?"

Fang Ping frowned. This time the system's new features appeared. He was a little uncertain and wanted to use it.

Very long ago, Fang Ping actually knew a truth. Partial science is too serious, not necessarily a good thing.

Li Laotou’s partial science is more serious, and the imperial court and the emperor’s emperor in the four emperors are also more serious.

According to the new function of the system, this is obviously to make Fang Ping also start to be partial.

1 Hz mental power is converted into 100 card qi and blood, which should be based on basic qi and blood and basic mental strength.

After the conversion, his basic blood may be more than 5 million cards!

If the source of the increase can be reused, then Fang Ping directly has the strength to break the seven!

Temptation, great temptation.

And if the blood is converted into spiritual power, his spiritual strength can quickly reach more than 50,000 Hz, more than 50,000 megahertz, which is also the spirit of breaking the seven kings.

At that time, Fang Ping’s spirit was so powerful that he did not need the flesh and could gather a strong spiritual body.

In the world of origin, in the spiritual world, it can be played more powerfully.

He can break into the source and kill the enemy's mental power...

The spiritual power of more than 50,000 terahertz... Spiritual cultivators seem to have an increase in the source. The body has no increase, and the mental strength will increase.

In this way, after the increase, his mental strength is even stronger.

This is unmatched by the flesh.

Under normal circumstances, the increase in the source only increases by one.

If you don't want to be physically, or if you have mental strength, see what your focus is and what path you should take.

In the case of the two, the general increase is the flesh.

If you have more mental energy, you will increase your mental strength.

As a result, after the increase, Fang Ping, the mental strength will exceed 100,000 Hz, according to the strength, and the top seven of the 10 million card is also almost strong.

In other words, the current Fang Ping, once converted, he will become the top seven.

However, the way he walked out may be equivalent to one of the poles.

The power of the broken eight, the power is also in one, and the result of the final one is also the same?

Do you want to be invisible?

"No... it seems to be more comprehensive. Is it that I am left behind by the Emperor?"

"That's not necessarily the case. The system gives two choices. It shouldn't be a heavenly emperor. There is usually only one choice for the polar road..."

“Why is this happening in the system?”

Fang Ping is eyebrows, why?

Why is there a choice to go one by one?

The power is unified, this is what Fang Ping pursues, and it is also pursued by all the strong. What Fang Ping pursues is not the partiality of power. He needs to be strong overall.

But now, the system has a new choice.

After returning to normal, Fang Ping will soon become the strongest of the broken seven!

"Is the system unable to provide higher-end power? Is it the energy of a comprehensive, one-size nature? Or is it true that the system's makers have not taken that step, and have not fully integrated, and the power is biased?"

This time, Fang Ping really has a headache.

After the system upgrade, there was a headache.

Is it going to go your own way, or is it normal?

The mental power is converted into qi and blood. His foundation is more than 5 million cards. If the original source can be borrowed, it is broken and cannot be borrowed. His original world should still be used. If this continues, there will soon be hopes to break.

Breaking the power of one's own strength!

Fang Ping fell into meditation.

"Maybe... don't have to be so extreme! I can still choose to balance the two... My mental strength has always been weaker than blood, maybe I can use this function to bring the two to a balanced level, no There is a power imbalance."

“Is this the third choice?”

Fang Ping does not know if this is the third option hidden by the system.

It is okay to balance the two, but it is not reflected. There are only two choices for the system.

“After balancing, will my strength decline?”

Converting qi and blood into some mental strength, the mental strength is strong, but the qi and blood will be weak. What changes will occur at this time?

The spiritual relationship is the original world. At that time, will the original world expand?

If the source world expands, it will feed back the blood and feed back the spirit. If this is the case, then it will not be a loss.

If it can't, then Fang Ping's current strength will fall.

"After the balance, my power will be controlled, will it be upgraded?"

Fang Ping thinks again.

He is currently not in control of power. On the one hand, it is because of the increase in the source of the road, and on the other hand, it is related to his mental strength and blood imbalance.

Under normal circumstances, those who break the top six have a mental strength of at least 40,000 Hz.

Breaking seven, that is at least 50,000 Hz.

Fang Ping, however, is only the spirit of the emperor, but it is the power to control the six worlds.


Fang Ping with doubts, hesitated, and walked out of the secret room.

This time, the system gave him a problem.

No longer a single choice!

At this moment, maybe some people can give him some help.


After half an hour.

In the conference room.

The cat looked at Fang Ping confusedly. The king of the town appeared on the projector. Li Laotou looked at Fang Ping with his sword. Zhang Tao was a bit strange.

Fang Ping indulged for a while and said: "There are a few troubles in this time, there are some problems in cultivation that need to be solved!"

"Tell me."

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "Is Fang Ping not omnipotent? Is there a problem that needs to be solved by us?"

Fang Ping was speechless and said: "I have been practicing for too short, and I have only been 21 years old this year..."

"Hold it!"

Zhang Tao’s face said: “You repeat it again, we will leave soon!”

Fang Ping reluctantly said: "I said really, I really have problems because of the low qualifications. Now I need everyone to help me. Isn't this a short board?"

Li Laotou was tired and tired: "You talk directly about the problem, and the rest don't have to mention it."

Fang Ping grinned and continued: "It is like this. The cultivation of martial arts, even if it is a martial art, seems like a million roads. In fact, I think there are only three roads in the final road.

First, the flesh and blood.

Second, mental strength.

Third, go hand in hand.

The third article, often also represents the mean, the four emperors, in fact, the first and second are to repair..."

Everyone nodded slightly, and Tian Tianwang said: "It can be said that fighting and tyrants are the first.

The elimination of cultivation is the second.

The battle is actually going hand in hand, which is the third.

The Nine Emperors, the repair is actually the third. ”

Fang Ping asked: "What are the advantages of the first and second, and what are the disadvantages?"

"The advantages are obvious, focus on one, go faster, the difficulty is a little lower, the achievement may be bigger! For example, the Emperor and the fighting, they are far and far in the body and energy, so powerful, even the emperor Because, because of the mean, you really want to fight, not necessarily their opponents.

Of course, the short board is also obvious.

It is said that the Emperor of Heaven, he tends to the flesh and blood, and his mental strength is weak, so when he meets a strong person who is good at mental strength, he will be restrained.

There is also extinction. He is good at mental strength. The flesh is weak. It is easy to be instantly destroyed by the body. As a result, although his mental strength is still strong, the flesh is actually fundamental. Without the flesh, the combat power will be affected. And the mental strength is also easy to become rootless duckweed.

And side by side, there are two kinds of results, one is the mean, and nothing is good at it.

One is strong, everything is proficient, everything is at the extreme, the spirit is comparable, the flesh is comparable to the Emperor, such a strong, maybe one can play two tyrants, two fights..."

Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "Of course, it’s hard to be proficient in everything you go! But in fact, at the end of the day, the potential for getting along is even bigger..."

Fang Ping nodded slightly, looked at the cat, saw it was a little confused, took a cat head and asked: "Big cat, you should be the same way, the spirit and the flesh have reached a balance, the ultimate strength can also Normal, what kind of power is this kind of unity?"

The cat was photographed by him, some wronged, and thought: "I don't know..."

"Think better!"

When Fang Ping threatened, he knew that you would say no!

The cat became more and more wronged, and pity said: "I don't know! This cat is not the same way, because the cat's mental strength seems to be slightly stronger than the flesh, it is difficult to balance.

If you want to balance, you need to maintain this balance...

If this balance can be maintained, a new balance of power may emerge..."

It’s hard for a cat to say a lot about it. Fang Ping listened for a while and looked at the king of the town.

Zhentian Wang thought for a moment: "Cang cat did not make a mistake, maintaining the balance of the two forces, it is too difficult! We, these people, actually have some bias, more or less problems, including the same way!"

The Emperor of Heaven does not have no mental strength, but the power of the flesh is strong and covers the spirit.

The same is true.

If you really want to say, maintain balance... maybe..."

Wang Tianwang glanced at Li Laotou and thought about it: "Maybe Li Changsheng is a little different. His mental strength and all his strengths are combined. This situation is very rare. Especially now, he seems to have broken a boundary. His current strength is actually not pure blood and strength.

If you can maintain this balance, you may end up with such a situation.

Of course, Li Changsheng is still flawed. His flaw is that he can not be divided. ”

Fang Ping said: "Can you not divide?"


Tian Tianwang smiled: "The so-called extreme, everything is strong, in fact, it should not be like this! For example, the power is integrated, it becomes Li Changsheng, the only force, this is what will make you stronger!

At a critical moment, your strength can also be dismantled. Spiritual strength is still spiritual, and the power of blood is still the power of blood.

In this way, you will be stronger, more comprehensive and more targeted.

When you need to defend, you can make the flesh strong and defend against each other's physical attacks.

You can also make your mental strength stronger and defend your opponent's spiritual attack.

Do whatever you want, targeted offense and defense, so that is more comprehensive..."

The king of the town continued: "Li Changsheng is very strong now, and he is very good at the beginning. Now he has the power of saints. But I have to ask, how will he continue to grow stronger?"

Tian Tianwang looked at Li Laotou and smiled: "You have to upgrade now, you can only improve one overall strength. This kind of difficulty is actually very high! But other people are different. When you can't improve your body, you can improve your mental strength.

And the spirit is strong, maybe you can feedback the flesh.

In the same way, the reverse is the same.

Extreme, then focus on one.

You are different, you are focused on all the roads, so you will improve in the early stage, but in the later stage, you will definitely slow down, or even lose your direction, and completely fall into stagnation! ”

Li Laotou nodded slightly and said: "There are problems in this area. If I improve my strength, I should spend more and spend more time. Now I am making progress. That is because this road, I just started to go. In the later stages, there should be big difficulties."

"Not bad!"

Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "This is the drawback of your way. Of course, it does not mean that this road is not good, because no one knows when you will fall into the bottleneck."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tao took the call and looked at Fang Ping: "What problem have you encountered?"

Fang Ping knocked on the table and said, "It should be no problem. I want to try the balance! I have to cultivate my spiritual strength and the golden body to the extreme. I think this way, if I finally prove the emperor." , may be more powerful!

Then I will put Wei Li on myself. I think that by that time, I may be a complex of Chu Wuhuang and Yuan Yuanhuang! ”


A few people are speechless, so consider the matter of becoming a emperor?

This kid's ambition is really not small!

Confidence is also powerful and scary!

Regardless of this, Fang Ping feels that the new function of the system is not the two choices shown, but the third, hidden!

Balance your blood and spirit!

"After balancing the blood and mental strength, my blood will drop a little, but the blood will fall, and maybe I can improve even higher!"

"Reducing is not necessarily a bad thing!"

At the time of the North-South dispute, the two of them were strong and weak, and they argued for many years.

The end result shows that it will not work, and all will be finished.

In the battle between the four emperors and the nine emperors, the nine emperors should eventually win!

Without him, the three emperors of the four roads were reincarnation, and the Nine Emperors may not.

At the beginning, Lao Wang also said that the Nine Emperors should be more balanced.

In this way, walking the road is not a good thing.

Fang Ping had a decision and no longer hesitated. He wanted to balance his mental strength and blood, 1 to 100. This is the balance data of the current stage.

Once balanced, Fang Ping feels that there may be some unexpected changes.

After all, to maintain the absolute balance between the two, almost no one can do it.

In fact, he had eaten a medicinal medicine given by Xuanyuan Emperor, and balanced his strength. During that time, Fang Ping’s strength improved rapidly, and that time did not necessarily reach a point of equilibrium.

It can be seen that equilibrium is not a bad thing.

"I understand, thank you a few, then I will go first..."

Fang Ping got up and left, Zhang Tao was helpless, and he quickly said: "Don't practice the fire, don't worry too much. Recently there are some things happening in the Three Realms, and you have time to look at the information."

"Got it."

Fang Ping did not say much, he had to try it, and some could not wait.

As for what happened in the Three Realms, he is not in a hurry now, and there is no change in the day, so there is no strong person to die, don't care too much about this.


Watching him hurried away, the town king did not say anything, but looked at the cat and smiled: "Cang cat, I have time to sit in my native world, my avenue is delicious at the end..."

The cat swayed and didn't look back. He walked away and shouted: "The big fool, the old man, lie to me to dig the tunnel, this cat is not stupid..."

Zhang Tao listened to a glimpse, looking at the town of Tianwang, some puzzled.

The town Tianwang smiled and said: "Nothing, can't this cat travel to the source? At the end of the avenue, we can't see the back, it...not necessarily can't see it, let it dig it from the opposite side, maybe it's useful."

Zhang Tao stunned for a moment, then the eyes were bright, can this be?


Their avenues are now open to the end, they are blocked, they want to continue to open the way, or they will continue to open up, or ... it is not impossible to go.

Of course, they can't do it, but what about cats?

What Zhang suddenly thought of, hurriedly said: "Can it enter the gate of Sanjiao? Try it from the gate of Sanjiao?"

"I don't know about this, it may be OK!"

Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "The meaning of the words I just said is to let it try, the door of San Jiao, in fact, the internal should be regarded as the origin of the universe, but no one tried, this cat can not go, it is unknown, but... ...may be OK, you can look at it."

Zhang Tao looked at the distant cat, watching it shake his ass, some dripping.

In this scene, Li’s old man is speechless.

Can you not stare at the **** drip of the cat?

I don't know what you thought you were doing!

Of course, he knows the meaning of Lao Zhang, but he has to lie to the cat to work hard.

But this cat is not stupid, the town king said, the cat ran away, I think it is not easy to fool the cat.

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