Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1193: Melody

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Magic capital.

The thunder sounded and the earth shook.

An exclamation sounded.


At the moment, Zhang Tao broke through.

Looking at the square of the square walking below, slightly raised his eyebrows.

Aside, the dragon and the purple child also quickly emptied, watching the magic tremble, all revealing the color of doubt.

The square below is like a god.

When the voice of "I hope this grand world continues to continue...", Zhang Tao suddenly wants to cry.

I want to cry.

In the new century of the new martial arts, a strong person of the human race, running around the Quartet, and fighting the Quartet, are all for this sentence.

He said that many people have said it.

When Fang Ping said this, he suddenly wanted to cry.

21 years old!

Xiwu three years!

What should the child of this age do?

This... should not be the responsibility of the child of this age.

The dragon changed these people only to see the glory of Fang Ping, but he saw helplessness and saw the powerlessness of the Terran.

When he was 21, he was far less stressed than Fang Ping.

At that time, although the Terran was weak, the war did not break out. He enjoyed peace and enjoyed life.

Fang Ping did not!

The battle, the battles of the times, the scars, and the self-knowledge.

Withstand the pressure that this age should not have, the responsibility that should not be, and the glory that should not be there...

"I am sorry!"

A whisper, low inaudible.

He can only say sorry.

It was him who led Fang Ping to embark on this road. It was him who gave the pressure of the race to Fang Ping.

But he can't help. He can't bear the pressure and can't afford this responsibility.

He can only choose a person who is more suitable and stronger than him to take over and take on all of this.

Aside, the dragon changed to two people who could not understand such emotions.

In their view, Fang Ping is too successful!

Some of the success is beyond imagination.

At the age of 21, Zhengdao Tianwang, even if the Terran is now under pressure, but it is not as big as before. What else is Fangping unsatisfied?

What else is sorry for Zhang Tao?

They don't understand.

Someone understands.

Li Laotou came to the air and heard the whisper. Looking at Zhang Tao, his eyes were a bit complicated. He whispered: "He actually knows all this. When he took over as the president of the Magic Wuwudao, he may not understand anything.

But on the day he returned from the restricted area, he knew what he was doing from the day he decided to destroy the Devil's Cave.

He took the burden and he would not regret it.

And you... don’t have to say sorry. ”

Zhang Tao smiled and seemed to have forgotten everything he had just seen. He looked down and smiled. "It seems that this time, he has gained again!"

The magical capital, at the moment, from the outside of the magic, it seems that some are looming.

Zhang Tao also embarked on the emperor's road. He is not as capable as Fang Ping, and he integrates some cities, but he can perceive something.

At this moment, there seems to be a special fluctuation between the heavens and the earth.

The fluctuation of the source!

Fang Ping’s original world, he actually saw it.

At the moment, Fang Ping, I am afraid it is in the fusion of the magic.

The magic of tens of millions of people!

The king of Fangping is still unbroken!

Yes, at this moment, Zhang Tao has a clear understanding that the people of Fang Ping are not broken, not the road is not broken, the heart is still.

He did not give up human beings, then he is a generation of kings, even a generation of emperors!

At this moment, Zhang Tao was deeply touched, and there were some people who were gratified and worried and fearful.

How long can this prosperous life last?

The three worlds are changing, but the strength of the human race is strong, but the center of the storm, these ordinary people, can really enjoy this flourishing world?

Maybe... the next moment, tomorrow, the next day, this prosperous world will become a mirror in the water.

Zhang Tao’s mood is ups and downs, and soon, he calms his mind. He can’t be chaotic, he can’t be pessimistic, and he doesn’t need to be pessimistic!

"The magical people, the three realms, the war is still going on, I am a human race, can you fight again?"

Zhang Taosheng sounded in all directions.

Li Laotou glanced at Fang Ping, who was shaking below, and the fearful human being, suddenly violently said: "Can!"


Below, a snoring sounds, of course, can fight!


A warrior is violent, and in a flash, sweeping the entire magical capital, countless ordinary people are also roaring.



Fang Fang waved his fist and drank "energy". People and children can fight!

In the battle of a hundred years, countless deaths and injuries, only this blood has not been extinguished!


Magic Wu.

Wu Kuishan speaks loudly and drinks, and Wu Da children can fight, and the blood will never die!


Governor's Office.

The Governor of the Magic City echoed loudly and could fight. Three hundred thousand magical military martial artists were on standby, ready to play and sway the enemies!


Vegetable market, commercial street, Wu Da...

At this moment, the city is boiling!


In the air.

Zhang Tao laughed, the strength does not matter, the heart of the war is not extinguished, this is enough!

A hundred years ago, we were so weak that we didn’t support it now.

Budo must fight!

Warriors fight!

A hundred years ago, the Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs of the first three ministers wrote this sentence on the title page of the "Quenching Law".

For a hundred years, no one has been fighting for centuries!

Today, the light is in sight.

"The Terran is all enemies, is anyone afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!"

"If one day, the last person to fight, let you kneel for a living, can you kneel down?"

"I don't want to!"

"Then the people are one! Join forces!"

Zhang Tao was very excited and shouted: "I and Fang Ping, they are willing to fight the Three Realms! But I am afraid that one day, my family will give up! I am afraid that one day, we will die in the hometown, and I will compromise!"

"I am afraid, he is afraid, everyone is afraid! We are afraid of death!"

Zhang Tao violently said: "I am afraid of death! I am afraid of death, people are scattered, the race is gone! I am afraid, I am afraid of the tiger before the wolf, the heart of the war is in ruin! Today I will ask you again, we are dead, can Fight again?"


"We are dead, this human race, or is it not a human race?"


A loud roar rang through the square.

Fang Ping is afraid of mentioning this. He told everyone that he is not dead and the Terran is not destroyed.

But who can guarantee that he is not dead?

Fang Ping can't, Zhang Tao can't.

He is not afraid to mention this. At this point, he is not afraid of human beings. At this moment, he said with a loud voice: "Remember, even if we are killed, nothing!

There are always heroes out, there are always new people out!

Don't give up, don't despair, there will always be one day, we will stand up again!

Remember, the fire in your heart will not die, the Terran will not die, the fire of the stars can be pristed, and with this Mars, you can burn all the enemies! ”



Heaven and earth are shaking.


They remembered Zhang Tao's words and remembered the words of Wu Wang.

Even if they burst into tears, they remembered it.

Even if one day, the king and the king of war are really dead, they will not forget what Wu Wang said today.

Hope, the light is, the darkness is not terrible!


The devil is breaking out.

The earth is shaking and the boulevard is boiling.

At this moment, both Zier and Dragon have felt different and very different.

At this moment, between the heavens and the earth, a strip of roads appears like a vein.

The road leads to the sky, at the end of the heaven and earth, it seems that there are three portals.

Zhang Tao stood by and watched the virtual world without seeing the end of the road. I don’t know how far it is.

Three closed portals are looming at the end of the darkness.

Zhang Tao seems to have seen a pair of eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Tao suddenly laughed, the blood broke through the clouds, and even broke through the barriers of the world, and came to the world of that side.

A golden avenue that spreads through the sky spreads to the end of the world.

Zhang Tao stepped on the avenue and walked step by step to the sky.

"I want to see you!"

Zhang Tao said with a smile, "Look at your face, remember your face, see if that day, break the face, or tear this face!"

The darkness is silent.

Zhang Tao qi and blood cover the world.

At the moment, at the end of the darkness, it seems that one eye has appeared, and the eyes are looking at the world.

Zhang Tao's blood broke out again, covering the heavens and the earth, covering the square below.

"I am the emperor, I am the emperor's day, when the Terran is invincible!"

"I am a man, killing all the enemies, I am invincible!"

"I am the emperor, Wu Wang Zhang Tao!"


The sound penetrates the world barriers, and this moment circulates in the original world.

At the end of the darkness, the object that looked like an eye, stared at him for a while, looked for a moment, and soon, the white disappeared, and the numerous avenues disappeared in the sky.

At this moment, Lin Zi and Long feel that they are suffocating.

Zhang Tao Khan is like a rain, but it is a big laugh!

"Stupid bird!"

Just eagerly martial arts, this moment is a laughing stomachache, licking his stomach, laughing, "Im?? Counting a fart! I am not screaming like you!"


All directions are silent.

Longchang and Lin Zi are also sweaty and rainy, and their faces are white. This Wu Wang is really crazy.

At this moment, Li’s old man came out of the air, his face was dignified and whispered: “Just that is...”

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "People are in the heart, the road is now! Although the Terran is not invincible, it also shakes the avenue, the avenue is presented, some people want to spy, if it is, don't think about it!"

He is actually not sure if anyone is going to snoop.

That white thing is not the eyes, he does not know.

At this moment, Fang Ping is in the melting of the magic, the movement is not small, causing the attention of some people who may be sleeping, of course, he can not let this situation be exposed.

He is the king of Wu, the emperor, this is enough.

The emperor is a legend, but since it has been circulated, it is probably within the plan.

In this case, if the emperor is strong, you don't have to worry too much, because it is still in the plan.

Lao Zhang is also a calculation, how can I not understand this truth.

All calculations are afraid of variables.

In the plan, you can cope with it.

Even if he breaks eight, he may not cause some people to care.

That being the case, then he has nothing to fear, he has to hide the guy below.

And at this moment, below, someone sighed: "Point the face, don't steal my speech next time, write it yourself!"


Zhang Tao is a sigh, then I want to swear, your speech?

Is this yours?

This is my own writing!

Below, Fang Ping came out of the air, smiling, and below, as if there were countless false shadows in his body, Fang Ping could not cover the air at this moment, Zhang Tao sensed his power.

More and more powerful!

The magic capital is also changing.

The earth is shaking, the energy is breaking out, the strong is getting stronger, and the weak is getting stronger.

Fang Ping and Modu seem to have established an invisible channel.

At this moment, the magic even has a tendency to expand.

The ground is shaking and the soil is getting stronger and stronger.

A somewhat illusory city, a modern city, is slowly taking shape in the world of Fangping.

The magic is too big!

At this moment, the city that has formed has begun to spread, growing and growing.

Fang Ping is also giving back, and countless energy is spilling.

Giving back to those people.

Zhang Tao’s swaying head is also flat. He actually has similar abilities. In his avenue, those people, he can actually give back.

There is really no way to be the same as Fang Ping, regardless of cost, regardless of consumption.

Before Fang Ping got the sage order and the king seal, smelting too much of the source gas and immortal material.

At this moment, he is consuming a lot of these things and is giving back to the Quartet.

"Dummy King!"

Fang Ping suddenly said that the old face is ugly, you are a fake, your family is fake!

Fang Ping scorned a sentence and said: "Just that is the eye?"

"do not know."

"Is that the door of San Jiao?"

Fang Ping also saw the end of the door that looked like the door of the three-fog. Lao Zhang sank for a moment and nodded: "It should be."

"The avenue is loose..."

Fang Ping looked at the Quartet and chuckled: "It's a bit interesting, have you sensed it? The avenue is not loose, it is..."

Lao Zhang answered the words and said slowly: "It is close to the world!"

The two nodded.

Li Laotou also said: "Yes, just that moment, I seem to feel it, it should be the origin of the world, but there is a kind of coming..."

Say, Shen said: "What is this? Finally, one day, will the avenue come to the real world?"

Lao Zhang smiled and said: "No hurry, have you found out? The human avenue is getting better and better! It seems to be attracting the avenue, what is it, so that the avenue is constantly close to humans?

The previous avenue, in another space, is too far away from us.

But now, it seems to be getting closer and closer to us, so our way, we have to go a little better. ”

Fang Ping smiled and said: "The road is close to us, in fact, it is a recent matter. There are many possibilities, the biggest possibility... maybe related to some different roads, Avenue... Did you find out?

There are three avenues, only three! ”

Lao Zhang raised his eyebrows and Fang Ping continued: "The road to the same goal, the final road is only three, but why can't it be turned into one? Is there anyone who wants to try and let Wandao evolve and eventually turn into a road?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "A bit of speculation, maybe this is the purpose of some people. The Terran has recently become more and more like a person who is more and more mature."

Lao Zhang nodded, did not continue this topic, looked at Fang Ping, asked: "How do you feel?"


Fang Ping laughed, and everyone felt it. His air machine is still growing.

The magical capital is also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

In Fang Ping’s original world, along the magic weapon, the magic is rapidly forming.

In the original world, 20 saints and kings began to sink.

It seems to be buried in the ground to consolidate this world.

A somewhat cracked brain nucleus suddenly vacated and flew up to the fake sun.

Fang Ping wants to hang the brain core in the void!

He had long wanted to do this, but he was always worried about the problem of brain nucleus.

Today, Fang Ping did it.


When the exchange with the cat ended, he wondered why he could not swim the universe.

He has a little thought, perhaps because he and the world of the source are not close enough.

Because he is different from the cat, he did not integrate the brain into the source.

Today, Fang Ping has some feelings. Perhaps the brain core is finally to be integrated into the source, and the source is turned into its own source, not an island that is left alone.

The current source world is an enclave, and there is no close connection with Fang Ping.

Fang Ping also thought that the cat can travel the world, only to think of this.

It may be because of the fact that his source is overflowing.

The magic is still in the fusion, and the original world of Fangping has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Numerous figures emerged and entered the city of Modu.

Over the sky, the new sun is getting brighter and brighter.

Below, mountains and rivers emerge, peaks emerge, and lakes appear.

Four fat dolls, flying out of the lake at the moment, are very happy, rotating around the source world, squirting, the world's first rain!

"Oh, oh yeah..."

A few fat dolls are still spouting water, above the earth, some places form small lakes, and some places have streams.

At this time, in the air, plum blossoms appeared.

A cat opened the wall and sneaked into the world of Fangping.

The cat's eyes are full of surprises, full of strange.

The world of liar is so interesting.

A lot of people, so lively!

It’s much more lively than its world.

At this moment, the cat seems to have thought of it for a long time, long time ago. It has not been remembered for a long time. Some people said to it, "The world is also the world, everything is reviving, the world is beginning to open, and the world is in reincarnation..."

The cat does not understand, and regardless of this, at this moment, the claws pull the wall and continue to peek.

It’s fun!

The four fat dolls seem to have found it, flying towards it, and the cat sneaked a glance at the square. Suddenly the claws stretched out and caught a fat doll, making a sly laugh.

This cat has to take a look back!

It also wants the cat world to rain, and the cat world has rivers.

This fat doll, last seen, is very impatient.

But now, it wants to go away.

This fat doll can actually rain, too much.

Cang cat hides this fat doll in his paws, peeks around, wants to go, the liar did not find it?

Just want to go, the fat head was slap in the palm of his hand.

"Why? Don't take it away! These little fat guys are still in use now, and they are useless in the future. They are all over your side!"

The cat was somewhat sorry and was discovered.

Fang Ping figure floated into the void, and the big cat slipped out. He grabbed its neck and skin in one hand. The neck of the fat cat was really fat, and it was almost ready to be put into the ball.

The cat also came out and actually wanted to steal his fat doll.

Fang Ping carries the cat. At this moment, like a god, wandering around.


The source world seems to have changed a lot, and it is more lively.

Not big, the place is still small.

Like the ant kingdom, at this moment, the dense figures are moving around in the magical capital, and Fang Ping’s huge figure is like a god.

"Big cat, you said, is there anyone else like me who has also integrated a world into the source?"

Fang Ping suddenly asked, and said: "And I, is a member of this mortal being, living in such a world, until the end, do not know, I actually live in a false world?"

The cat looked at him doubtfully.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Ask you one thing, you always said that I am a thief, stealing the energy of others, do you know who I stole?"

The cat's claws scratched their ears, and they said, "I don't know. Yeah, the first time I saw you, I felt that the energy you used seemed familiar. I don't know who it is... but it seems to be ownerless, then it is not. Stealing, it’s coming!"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Cang cat, you said, if one day, in my original world, there really is a world, and it is the real world. At that time, I am dead, is this world still there?"

The cat is confused. "Dead... If you die... If the world is not destroyed, and there is still the source, then it may still be."

"I am their creation god, and I am dead. One of them has come out of this world. Can you borrow the strength that I left behind during my lifetime?"

The cat was puzzled and shook his head: "I don't know."

"What energy and ability do I have?"

Fang Ping touched his chin. "My inexhaustible material, qi, spirit, and blood are very powerful! At least for some weak people, my strong, the power is almost endless!

And I, in essence, is only the emperor, what about the more powerful people?

After the other party can borrow the source of my original gas, what should I borrow next? ”

Fang Ping looked at the cat and smiled: "Is there anything more powerful than the original source?"

Cang cat hesitated: "The power of reunification?"

"The power of reunification?"

Fang Ping repeated it and murmured: "Apart from this? Is there anything else? I want to know more, from this source world, am I still a real person?"

The cat is confused. "You are a man!"

"The shadows below are people?"

Fang Ping pointed to the virtual shadows below, are they wise? Have an idea?

The cat thought for a moment: "They are people, there are them outside! You put their shadows out, maybe they can blend with the people outside."

Five thunder!

Fang Ping body trembles.

Shadow... let go... fusion!

Rebirth... Fang Ping... Fusion!

"I am Fang Ping..."

Fang Ping murmured, the rebirth in my eyes, is that the case?

I... live in who's world!

At this moment, Fang Ping’s mood was so fluctuating, and the cat looked at him doubtfully. He said: “They are themselves. Maybe they are just like dreaming. I often sleep in the cat world, wake up, What the cat world does, it’s like I did it myself... No, it’s the cat’s own work!”

The cat said casually: "So now these shadows have done something. After the shadows have gone, they have merged with themselves. Maybe you know what the shadows are doing, just like dreaming!"

Fang Ping exhaled, "I can't do this now. These shadows seem to be unable to leave this world. So, my world is not mature enough!"

Fang Ping smiled. "Dreaming? Nanke a dream... How similar! My first half of life, it was just a dream? Interesting, fun!"

The cat is confused, I really can't understand it.

Fang Ping did not care, and laughed.

I am still me, just some things, he is somewhat aware.

A kick kicked the cat, no need for the cat, Fang Ping laughed brilliantly, all doubts, and soon can be clear.

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