Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1169: People's Emperor Zhang Tao (Wanyou be subscribed)

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At the same time as Fang Ping refining the three saints.

Outside, Zhang Tao’s roar came.

At this moment, his origins suddenly grew up. "Damn, **** it! You killed Fang Ping, broke my humanity hope, **** it!"

At this time, Zhang Tao, the source body has grown rapidly!

The boulevard is rumbling!

The width is widening and the length is spreading.

Zhang Tao is getting stronger and stronger!

But the three kings are hesitating!

The talented Fang Ping... is dead!

Broke the avenue and complete Zhang Tao. Now Zhang Tao’s strength seems to be erupting. Will it continue to die?

Li Wei saw that the two had a tendency to retreat, and suddenly shouted: "Kill them! Fang Ping is dead, not dead, no one can avoid the revenge of the Terran!"

The hope of the generation of the human race is dead!

Fang Ping, who is expected to be in the royal world, is forced to die. This generation of people is forced to die. Zhang Tao will be willing to give up?

At this moment, it is not what they give up and do not give up.

But the Terran will never give up!

Although the two people know this truth, they can see Zhang Tao getting stronger and stronger, but still somewhat vague.

Now that they have not paid too much, they have already killed the most talented Fang Ping, and Zhang Tao has died and is not going to fall.


The three kings are no longer vague, violent, and the people around them are absolutely ruthless, and the origins are broken!

Zhang Tao saw it and shouted: "Go!"


The king of war said: "That is the case, we have bred you, killing this group of beasts!"

"Full your uncle!"


The four sides are quiet.

The king of war is sluggish.

You...what am I doing?


Kill the enemy!

Fang Ping has passed you, we continue to give you a melt, are you not stronger?

What are you doing with me?

I chose Fang Ping before, but I have no choice now. Of course, I choose Lao Zhang. Can I choose someone else?

Zhang Tao is too lazy to take care of him, and my heart is awkward. I feel that I have eaten!

How did Fang Ping’s kid melt?

He feels that his source is going to burst!

What did this kid eat for his own avenue, how much source of feed?

At this time, Lao Zhang’s body trembled slightly.



The world that just broke open, suddenly a glimmer of light.

At this time, a Tongtian Avenue was presented!

The boulevard is spreading!

The original universe is sensational!

Everyone is looking dazzled, what happened again?


Suddenly someone whispered a sentence, the next moment, in the space battlefield, Kun Wang added a shock: "Heavenly change! Zhang Tao is not a king, he was a saint before!"

Combat is the power, and the realm is the realm.

Before Zhang Tao, there was no evidence of the king, the road is less than 100,000 meters!

Now, in the true sense, it has reached the realm of the king, and it also has the power of the king!

It’s not terrible to have the king’s realm and possess the power of the king.

There is no realm of the king, but there is a king of war, which is extremely scary!

When they reach their realm, the stronger the foundation, the greater the potential for representation, and the more opportunities for becoming stronger!

Wu Wang and Fang Ping are among the best!

At this time, Zhang Tao really set foot on the realm of the king!

In the original universe, a huge star broke out in the golden awn, and the radiance of the four sides!

The outside world, a Tongtian Avenue, spread and soon banged, pierced the Scorpio, and connected the endless darkness.

Tian Wang Zhang Tao!

At this time, you can say so, the real king of the king.


"He is the king!"

Tianji feels that he really wants to cry.

A broken six guy, he is not a king, now really stepped into the king, does this mean that he is now the real weakest king?

Because Zhang Tao was actually weaker than him.

But now... the other party has advanced!

At this moment, Zhang Tao's body broke out with a strong brilliance, the body is quenching, and the blood is bursting!

At 70,000 meters, Zhang Tao, who has the power of the king, is too big for the foundation!

The foundation of close to 150,000 cards is absolutely suffocating!

At this moment of the sacred king, the old Zhang’s basic qi and blood reached 1.4 million cards in nine categories, which was much stronger than before!

The increase in the avenue is also an improvement beyond imagination.

Vertical 100,000 meters, an increase of 300%!

Horizontal... A long time ago, the width of the old avenue reached 10,000 meters, but it has not been much improvement. This time, the road of Fangping is merged, and the horizontal direction is also expanding wildly.

15,000 kilometers!

150% increase in landscape!

450% increase, as well as the increase in the law, at this moment, Zhang Tao's limit has been extremely close to 8 million cards!

Not to the point of breaking the seventh, but it is much stronger than the beginning.

The person who merged Fangping’s emperor was not broken.

At this time, a few people of Kun Wang also sensed, and they were relieved, but fortunately, they did not break seven!

Think carefully, but it's all ugly.

This proves that the king of heaven is about to break seven, how long does the other person practice?

Among them, even the fastest cultivated Li Wei, has lived for three thousand years now!

Kun Wang suddenly said: "Li Wei, he is about to break seven, still can't kill him!"

"You have a lot of words!"

At this time, the chaos of the king violently screamed, his punches burst open, shouted: "I have been fighting with Lao Tzu, has been nonsense, really when the old man is muddy!"

Kun Wang was suddenly erupted by him, and he was caught off guard and his face exploded!

King Kun was furious and couldn't take it anymore. A sword smashed out, and the chaos of the chaos was flying backwards. Under the temper, it was also empty, and quickly chased the past. He was fed up with these madmen!


"Not broken seven?"

At this time, Lao Zhang had some regrets. Fang Ping had some regrets, and many people had some regrets.

In the original world, several people in Li Wei were also relieved.

Not broken seven!

This is fine, this is fine.

It’s really going to break seven, and today it’s troublesome.

Lao Zhang was not angry at this time, smiled, and let the war kings get out of the way, saying: "You won... I didn't break seven..."

Some helpless smiles, can't tell the sadness.

The road has been successful, but it has not broken seven, can’t beat it!

At this time, Li Wei and several people did not want to fight the king, and Li Wei vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Zhang Tao, who has not broken seven, is certainly not his opponent.

But why... a little sense of crisis.

"Although I didn't break the seven, I found that Fang Ping is a kid... his way, some evil!"

At this time, Zhang Tao was not in a hurry, and his eyes were puzzled. He wondered: "Is this kid not using his own way? Also, he is too young to know what martial arts! The source is really complicated for him. ""

"There are too few readings, and it is inevitable."

"But he is the emperor! The human race is strong, the emperor is strong, does he understand this?"

"Does he really think that the human king is the source of feedback?"

Lao Zhang seems to be wondering, as if he is ridiculing something.

"This kid, violent things!"

"Waste, it's a waste!"

"There are so many deaths today that I have to take responsibility for this kid!"

"Replaced as Laozi’s emperor’s way, he has already killed those wastes. Can you get this step and get along?”

"I am a man!"


Li Wei feels that something is wrong!


Li Wei violently drunk, at this time, hesitated for a moment, suddenly firmed up.

At this moment, a huge giant Ding flies from the void!

Wanjie Ding!


When Ju Ding arrived, the suppression of the Quartet and the nine saints were united and trapped in the Giant Ding, but it was still smashed by the Giant Ding and had a tendency to break the world.

The eyes of the king and the king of the king are slightly changed, and it is really in him!

Wanjie Ding!

In the past, the palm prints have suppressed the treasures of the Three Realms.

The seven-year-old Li Wei, who controlled the Zhibao Wanjie Ding, was extremely powerful at this time. The origin broke out and shouted. The nine saints who were suppressed by Juding made flying around, and the old world’s origins seemed to be Being penetrated!

Zhang Tao was not in a hurry, kicked away the warlords and people, avoided a few people's bombing, and smiled: "I try, the first try, I am not very skilled, if you feel that something is wrong Tell me in time, I will fix it!"

At this time, the unexpected scene happened!

On the avenue of Lao Zhang, suddenly there are countless branches!

Like a branch of fork!

At this moment, Zhang Tao vacated the air, the majesty was incomparable, the sound was like a Hong Zhong, the source of the hole, the source world fluctuated!

"The Terran and the Warriors of the Nine Characters are used by my own source!"

The voice fell, countless forks, and suddenly spread into the original universe.

From the outside world, Zhang Tao’s big star suddenly spread out countless tentacles and spread to the original universe.



Wu Kuishan is still inexplicably sad, but soon, everyone's face has changed again, as if... there seems to be no such empty feeling!

Wu Kuishan is almost tossed crazy, what is wrong with this?

Fang Ping did not die?

Yes, definitely not dead!

Just as they seem to have lost their heart, but now, this feeling has disappeared.

Just when Wu Kuishan thought about this, a loud voice came from the source world.

"The Terran and the Warriors of the Nine Characters are used by my own source!"

Wu Kuishan instantly entered the world of origin. At this time, at the end of his avenue, it seems that a straw has appeared, which directly pierced the darkness and instantly entered his avenue!

The next moment, Wu Kuishan couldn't help but scream, "Do you want to **** me?"

This straw, in the madness of absorbing his origins!

He heard that the voice just came from Zhang Tao, and he couldn’t help but shock. He only knew that this guy was crazy. He was madly absorbing his energy, as if he was going to **** himself up!

The original avenue of his absorption has turned into a transparent shape at this moment, as if it is going to collapse!

"The mistake, for the first time, I **** slowly!"

In the void, there is actually the voice of Lao Zhang, the first time, not very skilled.


This is the emperor!

Fang Ping that kid knows what stuff!

The feedback on that point is also called the emperor?

It’s so cheap, why the nine emperors can’t walk out of this way!

The integration of the human race can give birth to the real emperor!

Billions of people in one...what era can meet!

Since it is one, then you are the emperor, and the emperor can of course borrow.


A scorn, resounding in all directions.

Lao Zhang is puzzled. Is Li Changsheng not the emperor?

What is his origin?

Still thinking about borrowing it!

Did not find the way of Li Changsheng, did not find the road of Fang Ping.

But at this time, the strong people who entered the source of the human race were covered by him.

Many people have softened it directly!

For the first time, Lao Zhang didn't know the control, sucked too much, and almost sucked some strong people.


In the cave.

Casting the gods made more than a dozen avatars appear, shocking the Quartet.

The Tianmu saints reduced their form and walked out of the earth directly. The saints broke out.

Hey, cat trees have come out of the earth, sitting on the side of the town.

At that moment, something went wrong!

Zhang Tao, the madman, almost drove the strong people of the human race.

The **** of casting, who appeared in the avatar, almost smashed her mother!


At the same time, it is also shocking. What happened today?

Is this Fang Ping's own way to Zhang Tao?

At this time, he also guessed something, but he was still overwhelmed by this road.

Of course, he couldn't feel anything. The old Zhang Chuanyin only rang through the origins of the Terran, and they couldn't get them.

Only the recognition of Lao Zhang, the recognition of Fang Ping these strong, will be associated with the people.

Not recognized, it is naturally unrelated.

These unaffected powerhouses have stepped out of the world.

The Jiu Sheng of the Grottoes actually sensed something.

At the moment, the gas machine dissipated as if it had been seriously injured.

They don't know what happened, but they don't hinder them from exploring.

A holy sage is coming!

However, they soon stopped at Yuhai Mountain, and the gods made it!

Today, no one is holding back this old thing, which makes Jiusheng somewhat depressed.

If it is still sealed, today's strong people seem to have problems, maybe it can be a big bargain.

Even if it does not involve the battle of saints, the battle of the nine products may also kill a large number of people and nine products.

Directly sweep the Terran out of the realm!


In the false heaven grave.

Under the old Zhang, the strong people of the human race were sucked by him, including some of the people who were present, and this time they were sucked a little weak.

These people who have just withdrawn from the source have become soft-footed shrimps.

The face of the war king has changed dramatically!

Can it still be like this?

The key is... Zhang Tao, this **** is not reliable, some people have killed, and it’s over!

At this time, some of the strong gods have sensed some changes.

The warlord’s popularity is confusing, and it seems that there is a big problem!

These people quickly flew to the war kings and flew them, killing these people, the Terran left Zhang Tao as a strong man, and other powerful people to deal with!

At the moment when the accident happened, there was another change!



Zhang Tao seems to have eaten again, and the golden body has exploded more than half of it.

In a blink of an eye, the three kings, the origins have returned, and they vomit blood.

At this time, Li Wei, holding Wanjie Ding, resisted the impact, spit blood, tens of thousands of meters, and broke the void.

The king of the king and the king of the king are even more miserable, and it is also the source of the gas, the eyes are stunned, but it is difficult to cover up!

what is this?

Just in the original world, Zhang Tao suddenly broke out, and the scorpion knives broke out with unprecedented power. The three-person smashed shackles broke out and quit from the original world.

And Zhang Tao, this time also blinked.

The golden body is somewhat broken, and he whispered: "If you eat too much, you can't eat more. My golden body is not strong enough... There aren't many strong people in the human race. How do you connect thousands of products..."

Thousands of nine products, in fact, not too strong, but not too weak.

There are a lot of key points!

There are still dozens of people in the world.

Moreover, there were a lot of problems in the first time. I almost sucked up those nine warriors. I don’t know if anyone has an accident. If this is a big battle, it will be problematic.

"mistakes, missteps!"

Zhang Tao talked to himself and said it was extremely fast.

The next second, the sorrowful sword, Zhang Tao violently screamed, broke out of the air, a knife to the king!

hurry up!

After all, it is the borrowed power that can't be maintained for a long time.

Killing Li Wei is definitely not good, I don't know if I can kill a broken six-day king!

This knife directly took out the golden colorful lotus!

The face of Yu Wang was drastically changed. He was injured by the demon emperor's sword. He was just broken by Zhang Tao. At this time, his strength was greatly damaged!

He did not expect it at all, Zhang Tao actually borrowed external forces, and truly reached the point of breaking the seven!

"Kill him together!"


Yu Wang and Li Wei did not hesitate. At this time, they dare not contribute, and the next one is really them!

The war broke out instantly!

Zhang Tao, who broke the seven, is extremely powerful at this time. Even if the three people join forces, he is not afraid. They will continue to fly backwards.

The king and the king were injured, and Li Wei used Wanjie Ding. It seems that there was a bit of a change. At this moment, the air machine was somewhat unstable. For a time, the three strong players joined forces, and it was just like Zhang Tao’s killing!

As for the gods who taught them, they still wanted to kill them. At this time, they ran fast!

Still killing?

The war is not over, they are not going!

Today, it was an accident and one after another. When the king died, Wu Wang actually broke seven.


In the original source of Lao Zhang.

Fang Ping is not in a hurry to restore his body. Now he is recovering his body. It is useless to go out. Let’s take a break at Lao Zhang.

At the moment of Lao Zhang’s battle, Fang Ping also sensed something.

Knocking up, shameless!

Leverage others!


I don't take advantage of it. After all, the foreign ones are foreign. I even gave up the people.

But then again... Can the Emperor's Road still work like this?

Fang Ping will never admit that he will not!

In fact, he did not have the heart to develop the ability of the avenue, and he did not have time to go to the heart. It was Lao Zhang who studied the human king for many years.

Incorporating Fang Ping’s way, Lao Zhang actually left his own way, but there have been some changes. His road is different from that of Fang Ping, but it has the function of some people.

At this time, Fang Ping has also refining three sage orders.

At this moment, he took back nine other saints, and twelve saints circled around him.

Fang Ping also felt some changes.

His source is no longer overflowing, and the original world has completed its second transformation in his induction.

Wealth: 66 billion points

Blood: 1500000 cards (1900000 cards / 1500000 cards)

Spirit: 18999 Hz (20000 Hz / 18999 Hz)

Source world: 220 meters

Warfare: 斩神刀法(+9%)

Warfare combination deduction: 1 million points / time

Power control: 90%

Extreme outbreak: 1863900 cards / 2071000 cards

Twelve sage orders helped Fang Ping complete the second coverage transformation.

The value of wealth did not increase. The three saints who were robbed did not increase the value of wealth. On behalf of him, he did not leave the crisis. Fang Ping was not surprised. At this time, it was definitely not separated. The three kings were still alive.

Fang Ping did not dare to let the system's wealth value reach 100 billion now. Once it reaches 100 billion, it may have a big problem.

It is impossible to condense the immortal material, to condense the source of the source, and to break into the source of others... that is his disaster.

Regardless of the many, Fang Ping quickly condensed a large amount of source gas, and did not use it himself. He dropped it into the avenue of Lao Zhang and used it for Lao Zhang, lest the old Zhang source was too expensive.

At this time, Fang Ping shouted: "Zhang Xiong, entangled them for a while, I try to see my new ideas can not work, if you do, kill a few kings today!"

At the moment, there are two emperors left in Fangping.

Originally, I gave one to Shen Haotian, and one of them was pretending to be dead.

At the moment, he still has two emperor avenues left.

Fang Ping is thinking now, can you use this avenue directly!

If it can, the road of 10,000 meters, an increase of 200%!

His limit of more than 2 million cards will instantly become more than 6 million cards!

At that time, even if the power control fell, he could also break the six-force.

"Without the Sage Order and the King of the Kings, my strength will slow down. The 2 million cards are only the Imperial level. This is not what I want. It will replace the Avenue. Can it be successful?"

Fang Ping is uncertain, but the young people are courageous, and they dare to try anything. Fang Ping is not at all. If it is too big, then it will break down an emperor. If it succeeds, it will be amazing!

"The source of the source is also borrowing power... In the future, I will use the original source to strengthen myself in my weak hours. After I am strong, I can directly abandon the source."

At this time, Fang Ping really realized what he said in the beginning of the Daoist.

This source, external force only!

Real or powerful!

"The old Zhang’s way is stronger, I am not rare. It’s all I don’t want. If you play the rest, send it to you!”

On that day, the man’s original star exploded, and Fang Ping saw it.

The strong person who created the source road, Fang Ping recalled today, how similar to himself?

I also broke the source star!

"The man... is it dead?"

"If you don't die, you may have come out of a different way, and you can get one's best!"

Thinking about this, Fang Ping once again said: "The real waste material, broken seven, but also beat three garbage, white for you to melt, wait, see me going out, how to marry the king!"


The outside world, Lao Zhang is sensing everything that happens in his own avenue.

At the moment, it was dark.

Was ridiculed!


Was underestimated!

Fang Ping, the tortoise son, is actually talking to him now. Is this turtle son forgotten, his strength is greatly damaged, and now even the flesh does not dare to recover?

Living in his own source, believe it or not?

"The avenue seal!"

At this time, Lao Zhang’s long-lost avenue book appeared like a dish cover, and it was instantly covered by Li Wei!

At the beginning, he had a book of avenues and imprisoned a number of sturdy people.

Today, he wants to ban Li Wei for a moment, killing the old antiques of the king and the king!





A loud voice rushed out, the book of the avenue quickly turned pages, and countless Zhang Tao walked out of the avenue book, surrounded by Li Wei in all directions.

Li Wei's face changed slightly. At this moment, the gas was shaken, and he saw a sigh of relief. He suddenly sat down on the knees and took back Wanjie Ding. He closed his eyes and ignored it.

The king and the king did not roar, they have already felt the unusualness of Li Wei.

I am afraid... the palm print has not completely died. This guy’s Wanjieding has been suppressing for years!

This time, I used Wanjie Ding, maybe I was in trouble.

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