Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Notorious (ten to subscribe)

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The dragon has broken out.

Fang Ping doesn't care too much. This is the case with good people. Whenever you go, you will be embarrassed.

The light can't hide it!

Seeing the eruption of the old man, Fang Ping smiled and said: "Predecessors, these things, listen to it, I will help the gang, other ... you can do it yourself."

"I'm dying!"

"Which is so easy to die!"

Fang Ping said without words: "There are more ways to live, to advance to the king, so will not extend the life of the Yuan?"


The dragon turned black and the atmosphere of today is all destroyed!

What you said is like playing!

So easy?

"Other treasures of life extension..."


Fang Ping smiled and said: "Know that you don't, come, give a fat doll to give you a few mouthfuls and see if you can live a few more days."

Said, a fat doll was slipped out by Fang Ping.

The little doll is struggling, screaming, and some are not happy!

The dragon changed his face and changed his face. He looked at it for a long time and hesitated: "Longevity spring?"


“Is it all fine?”

The dragon has become an accident, is this all fine?

Fang Ping nodded, smiled and pushed the doll to the front, buttocks turned to the dragon. "Come, you have a few mouthfuls to see if it can be useful..."

The dragon changed his face again and stiffened!

What do you mean...?

You have to say it to me, give it to me, I don’t say anything.

Hey a few mouths... give an **** to me!

Although this is a strange, spring, can this... don’t you feel awkward?

“Predecessors don’t like it?”

Fang Ping hesitated, and said: "Fat doll, give the predecessor a spit."


The fat doll spit out a mouthful of water, this it understands.

The saliva pours down, and the dragon turns into a water stain on the face of the Emperor!

At this moment, the dragon changed to Emperor Tian, ​​it was a stiff face, he really wanted to kill people!

"is that useful?"


The dragon looked at him, some grievances, and he said: "Just... there is no normal way?"



The dragon changed to the heart of the emperor, silent, silently sip a slobber on his face, half a sigh, slightly raised his eyebrows: "The vitality is strong, a little effect, but too little..."


Fang Ping quickly sneaked out three fat dolls again and quickly said: "Spit him at him, spit out more, and feed you back to eat delicious!"




Four fat dolls, at this moment, madly spit into the dragon, four dolls surrounded him from all sides, mad!

In this scene, people will probably see it collapse.

The dragon is not a taste for the Emperor, this... What is this?

What is this?


But it is still a benefit... but why is it so wrong?

The four dolls are spared, and every time they are drenched all over the body.

The dragon turned into the old body of the Emperor, and absorbed the saliva. Gradually, some crumpled skin recovered some luster.

The dragon changed the Emperor's eyes and closed his eyes. He whispered in a low voice: "Come on!"

A battered look!

Fang Ping coughed and smiled: "Predecessor... No, that little guy, don't pull it..."



The dragon changed the Emperor's eyes, and thought that Fang Ping scared him. As a result, a fat doll really used his **** against his mouth. The dragon turned green and gritted: "Almost, the old man feels at least three more." Month, enough, just like this!"

Say, the detective grabs and flies the chubby doll that rises in the ass!

Really enough!

You can live for three months. If you can't say it, he can't stand this way. It really makes people collapse.

Fang Ping was surprised. He quickly raised his eyebrows: "Predecessors want to..."

"Enough to maintain a big battle, will not let the old man die halfway!"

The dragon changed to calm down at this moment, and it is simple to say.

Fang Ping was a little surprised at his choice!

Maintain the vitality of a big battle!

This... is it necessary to use a battle to advance to the king?

Before he was dying, even if he was promoted in battle, he might not be successful, and he would fall down in all likelihood.

But now, with some vitality added, the old man actually played the idea of ​​promotion.

"The old man has been promoted to the saint for some years, and the avenue has gone about 90,000 meters..."

Above 80,000 meters, it can be considered a saint.

90,000 meters, even if it is not weak among the saints.

"In these years, I have never slept, there are benefits and disadvantages. The bad things you see. The advantage is that the old man has been awake and his combat power is in full condition!"

"If you sleep, the power is controlled, it is somewhat down, and it takes some time to adapt."

"Now, I am a trough, but it is also the peak!"

The dragon changed to stand up and laughed at himself: "The old man was thinking that it would be enough to live to this point! Finally fight once, kill a few enemies, and leave some capital for his daughter..."

"But today, I have said something, you Fang Ping actually can't get on the saint... I killed the saint and died, isn't it white?"

Stimulated by Fang Ping!

He thought, killing a saint himself, should the Terran be grateful?

Joining Fang Ping does not care!

What is the use of a sage who is exhausted and tired?

The sentiment is not given!

Really some have been stimulated, no, I want to die, but also have to kill a king, so the human race always have to remember the difference?

Of course, not now!

The dragon turned up and said: "Now, there are a lot of saints here! There are hatreds for you, there are peace, three ancient saints, two kings of the caves... these must be your enemy!

The three ancient holy ones, the two kings of the caves, I am very difficult to kill them... How about the old-fashioned husband? ”

"Do you want to be holy?"

"Maybe I will be killed by him."

The dragon smiled and said: "Everything is possible! He is also an ancient emperor, only a few years later than the old man. The old thing of Yulongtian is not much worse than the old man, but after sleeping for a few years, he can still live. .

Yulongtian... It seems that there is no dispute with you? ”

Fang Ping nodded: "There is a dispute, so now."

Ping Yu Tiandi, the same as the Lord of the Four Brahma, that is not weak.

It is really hard to say if the dragon can kill him.

Everyone is almost the same, life and death, and whoever looks at luck.

At this time, the dragon changed, and he resumed his fighting spirit. He smiled and said: "I learned the king's door after all! It is still the first emperor's emperor's door. The teacher of Pingyu is only a saint, how to compare with the old man!

Whether it is successful or not, killing him is in the interest of your people..."

When the words fall, the dragon becomes vacant and laughs: "The old man is gone! There is also a saint order in Pingyu. The old man wins the hand and gives it to you!"

Fang Ping did not persuade, nor did he blend.

These ancient saints want to prove that there is something wrong at the moment.


Yes, or fight!

Not a big fight, life and death fight, these people are difficult to stir up fighting spirit.

too long!

For too long, there has been no life and death, and these people have forgotten this feeling. At this moment, although there are ambitions, but they can’t afford the spirit, the spirit is not the same, this is a huge obstacle to the cultivation of martial arts. .

The sacred sacred is not the purpose, the key is to enter the state in the life and death fight, to find the original feeling.

Therefore, many talents regard combat as a means of promotion.


The old man has gone, and a few small dolls are still somewhat dissatisfied.

Regardless of them, Fang Ping directly retracted them to the original world.

Fang Ping was a little excited when he touched the saint order in his hand.


Thirty-six saints, he collected seven!

The value of wealth has also increased, and a sage order can bring him almost 15 billion in wealth.

"Refining this sage order may not be stronger, but my original world will be wider!"

Fang Ping’s heart was delighted. The six saints made him expand to a diameter of more than 100 meters. Maybe 12 can reach two hundred.

36 words... I don't know if I can get to 600 meters.

Although the more difficult it is in the later stages, the more sages and the greater the role, the two may be flat.


Soon, Fang Ping refining the Sage Order, and the original world expanded again.

In the next moment, Fang Ping converges and breaks into the air.

Looking for someone else!


More than an hour later.

Fang Ping just appeared, saw a person, and said: "Heaven..."


The void burst, the celestial pole does not say anything, ran!

Yes, ran!

A king-level powerhouse, saw the moment of Fang Ping, ran!

While madly fleeing, the celestial side said: "Don't chase the king! Have you heard it? This king is a madman! Don't force me, it's possible for a madman to do anything, don't force me!"

"I'm a crazy person!"

"go away!"


The sky is running fast, and Fang Ping is stunned.

what happened?

I am not doing anything to you!

Is this crazy man crazy?

Is it something wrong?

"The celestial prince, I am Fang Ping, the Fang of the Terran..."

"Go away!"

It’s great to let you go, what do you think?

You are not Fang Ping, I am still not running!

Just because you are Fangping, I only ran!

Terran does not have a good thing, even more so!

Don't look at the sage-level combat power, but look at it, whoever mentions you, is not a gloomy face, you are far away from me!

"The prince, I am not malicious..."

"Goodwill is no better!"

The celestial horror, the malicious is better, the goodwill is even more terrible!

What do you want to do?

Fang Ping is shocked, you are the king, I am the saint!

What are you doing?

What is the tone of horror?

See the ghost?

Fang Ping was shocked, I am really in the end, I did not seem to have spoken to you, said the first sentence today!

But he is not a king!

So, in his stunned eyes, the celestial ran.

It’s not in all directions.

At this moment, there are people who are shocked.

The next moment, some people were alarmed: "Walk, people can be king!"

Look, the celestial prince is actually so frightened that this is the case, can Fang Ping kill the king?

Otherwise, the celestial king, is this used?

At this moment, thousands of miles, thousands of people who are not harmonious with the Terran, have fled!


The king came, and also chased the celestial prince, this encounter, the king has to swear.

One pass ten, ten pass hundred, Fang Ping is still depressed when the celestial encounter with him why he wants to run, the big Linghuang Dojo is already circulating, people Wang Kezhen Tianwang!

The celestial prince was chased and killed, and the wolf fled, not knowing where to go.

Fang Ping is still in the pursuit!

The strong parties, met Fang Ping, must run faster.


Fang Ping did not know that his bad name was spread all over the place.

At the moment, Fang Ping, looking for a saint order.

First look for the order to start!

The boundless Emperor of Wushan Mountain asked the fairy priest of Xiandao and the Qingtong Emperor of the Yushan Mountain. These people have sage orders.


Fang Ping, who was looking for a target, soon met another saint.

Qing Tong Emperor!

Emperor Zeng of the Mount Yushan, the leader of the Southern School.

The saint, when he saw Fang Ping, frowned, how did he meet this guy.

Fang Ping is more difficult than other kings!

The kings of the kings, the good guys are still paying attention to some, but Fang Ping is nothing to pay attention to.

Seeing Fang Ping, Qing Tong Emperor respected the words and fled.

Fang Ping knows that the saint who had fought before the gods was not hostile to human beings.

Seeing him running at the moment, he hurriedly said: "The younger emperor, do not want to know some of the situation of the village?"

Qing Tong stopped, looked back at him and sighed: "The village of Yu Han and the Terran have no grudges. The sword king of your Terran town is still from the old man's door..."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Of course there is no grudge. When the seniors are not there, we are very happy to cooperate! Jiang Yan of the Yuhan Mountain and I have always cooperated. Right, Jiang Yan proved true, and the predecessors know?"

This young child has come to the interest and asked: "Jiang Yanzheng?"

"Not bad!"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "The temple has set up a heaven, the nine saints suppressed, and the village of Yushan is also very difficult now. Wangwushan has a return to the North Emperor. You don't have... Now the caves force the Yushan to surrender, my family The strong also took a few shots to help the king of Yu Han to repel the enemy."

"The king house... the North Emperor..."

Qingdeng Emperor thought for a moment and thought: "Yu Yushan is not without a foot. The old master is from the Emperor. Of course, in the past, the Master has only listened to the Emperor for a few years. The old man has never been with God. There is an intersection of Huang Yimai...

However, even if the caves rebuild the heavens, they will not rush into the village of Emei. The old man proved his sage more than 2,000 years ago. He once defeated the Qingmo saint who did not die that year. The cave is known... the old man is not dead, they also Don't dare to act rashly? ”

He was dubious when he was flat, and he was not dead yet.

The southern leader, the sage of the sage, has also been for thousands of years. In those days, he defeated the saint. Without the king, he dared to rush into the village of Emei, not afraid of his return to trouble?

Fang Ping smiled and said: "There are several other kings, will you care about this? Of course, there is no dead hand, just to say to the predecessors, I have no grievances with my predecessors, I have had cooperation, I know that the predecessors have a saint order..."

The young boy is slightly embarrassed; "The saint order is a sacred soldier, and it is also the weapon of the old man! The old man has only this sacred soldier. If the king wants the holy soldier, I am afraid it is hard to live!"

This is his weapon, and he can easily give it.

It is also a great feud.

Fang Ping was helpless, thinking about it, a sacred armor appeared, "predecessors, how is this change?"

Qingtong Emperor respects the eyebrows slightly, "Spiritual A... is a good thing! Defensive holy soldiers are more rare than offensive! What the old man needs is a powerful attack, not a strong defense..."

If there are extra sacred soldiers, he will definitely change.


There is no offensive sacred soldier. If you want to defend, isn’t that weakening your own strength?

"The saint makes the killing power like that!"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "And the predecessors also know that there are many kings here! Here, the predecessors and the saints have a high degree of integration? If it is not high, add a little bit of strength, is it strong? If so, I think, Keeping your life is more important!

The sage order, not only I want, many people want it!

After the Uranus captured the Nine Emperors, the predecessors thought that they would collect the Uranus and the Sage Order?

Seniors think, can you keep it? ”

Fang Ping said again: "There are a lot of people who have sages now, and I... only this extra sacred soldier! If the seniors don't want it now, I will go find someone else to exchange, others may not refuse!

At that time, the sages of the predecessors could be put in their hands, and the battle for the Nine Emperor Yin had a result. The saints were absolutely hot potato! ”

Qingdeng Emperor smiled and sighed: "All said that you can say that you can do it... Sure enough! The old man didn't want to change it, but now I listen to your words, don't change... not only will the saints be lost, but also the murder !

Think carefully, but there are also three reasons... nothing more! ”

The younger emperor is very helpless. Although Fang Ping has some meaning of persecution, the meaning of the words is not to scare him.

Really want the nine emperors to fight for the results, the saints may be afraid to become a hot thing.

Looking at the present, it is not bad to change a sacred armor.

Fang Ping is also smiling.

His body is stronger, comparable to some kings, sacred armor, and has limited help for him.

It is also a good thing to be able to exchange a sage order for peace.

After all, there is no hatred for him, and for the sage order, forcibly seized, unless you kill the young boy, it must be a deadly enemy!

How good now!

Soon, a saint made a float, and Fang Ping also threw out the spiritual armor.

This time, it is an equivalent exchange, and his wealth value has not changed.

Fang Ping did not care, two sacred soldiers, the value gap is not big.

At the moment, Fang Ping is more satisfied, and eight saints have made it!

Qing Tong Emperor changed his armor and left immediately. He was unwilling to continue contact with Fang Ping. Fang Ping was also very depressed. How can I call everyone!

I have nothing to do!

This fake heaven grave, why are you hostile to me.

"Next... I don't have a holy soldier..."

Fang Ping also has a headache. What do you do with these people?

The two emperors of Wushan Mountain and Wenxian Island seem to have the strength of saints. These two great islands are also the two strongest islands in the world.

One is the East Emperor, and the other is the Emperor.

They have no hatred with him.

Not good to grab!


Fang Ping helpless, do you first go to grab the three major apologetics?

But these three guys, always together, can fight the king, it is really hard to grab.

"Several saints who have placed orders... Do you want to give it a try?"

There are still a few people in the thirty-six holy places.


Just when Fang Ping was worried.

The Linghuang Dojo is in a broken building.

The hydraulic face is dark, and the innocent power is unremarkable. Some headaches say: "My little ancestors, I want to marry you now! Who will let you contact the Terran, don't know how much trouble?"

Nothing is too big for the bulls eye, but also blaming: "Old ancestors, you said to leave and leave, nothing left! At that time, there was no danger, I have no way! What's more, I am not in contact with the Terran, it is not good. of……"

"What benefits?"

"I have proved it!"

"This is also..."

The hydraulics turned into a strong man, nodded, this is a good thing, okay.

Unexpectedly, I looked at my ancestors and thought about it again: "And there are still many benefits!"


"Old ancestors, don't be too happy, excited to faint..."


The hydraulic head is swollen, and the bull's head is swollen. There is no good airway: "Your ancestors, I have never experienced any big winds and waves! The era of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Eight Emperors, my ancestors, I don't see the emperor one day, but now are some small scenes. what!"

Nothing swayed his head, and the bull's eye was moving, and he said half a sigh: "Once, is Zhenhai making a prestige?"

"Of course, one of the three emissaries of the year, under the Nine Emperors and Four Emperors, the first column of characters! Today's bitter sea, it is still its territory, you and I are counted as its subjects..."

The water is respectful to Zhenhai. It was only the emperor's cow, and the one who was already the strongest of the kings was very different.

Even if he arrived at the South Palace, Zhenhai was also a guest.

And it... can only be seen outside the door to see them talk.

"Old ancestors, no stranger to glory for you!"

Li Qiqi knows that he wants to be unlucky. At this moment, he has changed the concept. He is delighted: "There is no stranger to rely on human beings, and a huge condition has been opened. As a result, the king has promised!"


"The king of the king seals me as a human race town..."


Nothing is being stepped into the ground!

At this moment, the water wants to kill it alive!

"Old ancestors, this is a good thing, my hydraulic family, and Zhenhai is also equal!! Counting, I am Zhenhai, you are my ancestor, your generation is even higher than the current Zhenhai ambassador..."


The water directly transforms into a golden giant bull!

It has to step on this burdock!


Book the town of Zhenhai!

Want it to be old, this is, is it not afraid to die?

Or do you want to die right away, give it a bit?

Zhenhai is still alive!

You actually let people book you as a town, this is alive and tired?

The only thing that makes it a little comforting is that the Terran Zhenhai makes... It seems to have added a personal family, otherwise it wants to eat beef now!

This is not a pothole, it is a ancestor!

"I am tramping on your nephew!"

The water stepped on one foot and one foot, and the heart was filled with anger and anger. When Laozi walked for a few days, it was such a big thing!

Stupid cow scorpion!

Is this so well blended?

Also Zhenhai makes ... and Zhenhai makes its ancestors, you dare to say!

Step on you!

"The ancestors... can't look back, the three circles know!"

"Do you believe that Laozi is killing you now?"

"Old ancestors, you can't step on me, I have a **** in the body to make a avatar, he is sleeping now, you step on it, step on it, he can kill you!" "..."

The water almost blows up the lungs. Are you threatening Laozi?

Ok, a little embarrassing.

Cast God!

This also knows it, I really dare not step on it again, step on it, if I see myself stepping on him, being slaughtered and eating beef, where to say it!

"Burdock! Give me trouble!"

The hydraulics slammed for a while, but helplessly said: "It can only be so now, hey, I guarded it... eight thousand years, is this an exception?"

The water was immersed in meditation and some helplessness.

Can the owner not come back?

This is how 8,000 years have passed, and I am... or will it be opened?

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