Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1144: The heart of the town is sour

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The crisis is coming again!

Fighting King no longer casts on the gods to make them, at this moment the speed is extremely fast, and soon rushed to the back of Fangping.

The small world that was shattered reappears!


The King of Fighters, who had just suffered from the loss of the gods, was also angry at the moment. The gods made the avatars defeat his golden body. He certainly lost the old antiques. At this moment, he could only take Fang Ping to suffocate.

The small world is coming, and Fang Ping has some edges.

At this moment, Fang Ping’s origins have poured into a strange source of origin, belonging to the invaders!

This source is vaporized into a portal, as if it is to block the avenue.


The road to Fangping is too wide!

This source of source seems to be not enough, forming a portal more than ten meters high and five or six meters wide, blocked outside the avenue, but Fangping Avenue He Qikuan, for a time actually did not have much effect.

In the rear, Fighting King slightly frowned, some strange.

In front, Fang Ping’s eyes are different.

So sealed?

I know!

He now knows how to seal the source of the seal.

Form a gateway, block the mouth of the avenue, and not increase the penetration of the source of power.

The ordinary ambiguity, the avenue is five or six meters wide, of course, some people will be wider.

However, Fang Ping is clearly not in this rank!

A few kilometers wide avenue, what is your door width of a few meters wide?

Fang Ping is speechless, and I am worried about it for a long time!

This is the seal!

However, the other side is indeed powerful and directly penetrates into his original world, which is comparable to Fang Ping’s ability.

Fang Ping is also the road to others...

At this moment, Fang Ping suddenly moved in the heart, the method of this vein is a bit interesting!

In many cases, he is actually unable to cut off the avenues of others. The avenue is too strong, too strong, and it is so simple.

If you can directly enter the other party's source and seal it...

Fang Ping’s heart was fretting. At this moment, he didn’t care about the seal. He shouted: “Which fight, can you teach me the way to seal the source?”

"court death!"

Fighting King clearly sipped and the speed was faster.

He just rubbed the side and flattened. It was not too unexpected to seal the square.

Fang Fangping actually challenged him!

Look down on him!

Yes, in his view, Fang Ping obviously looked down on the law of the source and felt that he was not sealed, so he deliberately challenged him.

Fang Ping hurriedly said: "Don't misunderstand, I said really! This is a good practice, how can I teach me? My talent is different, I will not humiliate your practice! Seal, come out, talk about how? Teach me The law of the source, I will carry forward your veins, and you have a face, right?

I have killed a few kings and strong people. When others look at them, hey, isn’t this the practice of closing the sky?

So powerful?

Stronger than the emperor's method?

Who will look down on you when it is time?

These people under your door are too rubbish, to be honest, to shame you!

With regard to these people, can you still seal the sky on your behalf?

Seal, teach me, I promise to make good use of it, so that you have more face! ”


Fighting king screamed and screamed, and the small world was again suppressed!


The Fangping movement was slightly stagnation. In the original world, the portal suddenly grew and spread, forming a powerful barrier.

10 meters wide, 20 meters wide, 100 meters wide...

When it spread to a hundred meters wide, the fighting king who chased the rear, seeing the speed of Fang Ping is still very fast, slightly stunned.

Is the avenue so wide?

He seals the singularity of the ordinary, it is very fast, sealed in the blink of an eye.

For example, Wu Kuishan, who was just in the middle of the game, was not bad, but it was also suppressed by him.

Fang Ping has the power of saints, and of course he does not have a small square.

But he consumed a lot of source gas!

This method of source is also consuming the source and spirit, and the general emperor must be sealed by him.

But now, Fang Ping is still fine!


Fighting King once again screamed, he still did not believe, he is a king, still can not seal Fang Ping!

Fang Ping is not slow now, and it takes time for him to catch up.

Now that the spiritual power is spreading, it is possible to seal the Fangping, so that the speed of the square will inevitably fall, and it will surely die.

In the world of origin, the portal has grown stronger again!

Two hundred meters, three hundred meters, five hundred meters...

When it was five hundred meters wide, Doo Wang couldn’t help but want to marry her!

He couldn't see how Fangping's origins were, but how much he consumed, he knew.

Didn't this seal success?

How strong is this guy's avenue!

The seal failed for a number of reasons.

It may be that Fangping Avenue is too wide, it may be that the source is stable, it is difficult to completely close it, or it may be that Fang Ping is destroying himself and is struggling.

Either way, it shows that Fang Ping is very powerful in the original world.

This guy, really just prove the true God?

Fang Ping, once again relieved, I do not bother to use the sage order to suppress your portal, because your waste is too wasteful, and now it has formed a portal less than a kilometer.

Seal me?

My avenue is nearly 10,000 meters, how do you seal it!

The gate has been closed by one tenth of you, I have nine tenths, no difference, it can be used with the source, I do not bother to destroy your portal.

Fang Ping sighed and yelled again: "You can't! It's too rubbish! Seal, really don't consider teaching me? You see, a king, seal me, I have failed all the time, obviously it is waste, just This kind of person, do you expect him to fight for luck, joke?"

Fighting the sky is unstoppable!

In the rear, Bawang is also a bad face, but it is somewhat speechless. What happened to the master?

The origins of the masters have come, and they have begun to seal the square. Why is Fangping nothing?

Is there another longevity sword?

Can be obviously different from the longevity sword!

Can you use the source gas, in fact, you can still see it.

The increase in the avenue can also be sensed.

Fang Ping is still using the power of the avenue to increase!

This means that it has not been sealed!


Dootian once again roared, not believe it!

He is a god, and he can't seal a true god!

However... still failed.

At this moment, there was a voice in the void, and smirked: "Doutian, this is the king of the people, the true **** can fight the saint's king, you are stunned by him! His avenue, I am afraid it is extremely wide, people are king... even It is the king!

Take this road, the avenue can not be wide, this is the orthodox emperor's avenue in the ancient emperor's mouth!

A thousand feet wide will not make this seat unexpected..."

Everyone, including those who are chasing after them, are all physically shocked.

Thousand feet wide?

More than three thousand meters?

Is the avenue so wide?

Even the saints, the avenue is not as wide as the kilometer, which is still the top powerhouse.

Is Fangping Avenue so wide?

We must know that under normal circumstances, when it comes to the kingdom of heaven, these people can no longer continue to move forward, and they will work **** the width of the avenue.

How big is Fang Ping?

Just prove it!

Is his avenue wider than the saint?

Even wider than the king?

Fighting King is also shocking, Fang Ping's heart is micro-condensed, this guy is really secretly concerned.

At this moment, Fang Ping suppressed the instigation in his heart and smiled: "The King of Heaven is really strong, and everyone knows! How to think about teaching my exercises, how to form the door of the seal, you can definitely make a name for yourself!"

"Interesting and fun! The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."

Feng Tianwang chuckled: "You are such a great person, and you are not a disadvantage to teach you the exercises. But... you can live and talk again! If you survive, the next time you meet, this seat will teach you again."


Fang Ping is also talking about laughter and calm, and calm and self-sufficient. "Overlord can't help me. This is the sky... Although it is a king, it can't seal me, he wants to kill me, it's not that simple!"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "I am golden forging, the road is a thousand miles away, the body is very powerful, can he be sure to kill me? Can't kill me... then there is no trick."

Feng Tianwang smiled and slowly said; "Doutian, trap him, seal him! Don't give face to the teacher again. His road is wide, but after all, it is not far away, the strength is not enough, the essence of the source is not high. Can't break your blockade... remember!"

Fighting several times failed to seal, it is indeed shameful.

Before annihilation, I still want to seal Fang Ping. His spiritual strength is higher than Fang Ping. It can also form the door of seal to enter the world of Fangping. The key is... annihilation is 100% unable to seal Fangping!

He emptied the source, and probably couldn't form the huge portal.

At this moment, annihilation will die, or else it will be dumbfounded.

Even the masters of the king-level strength could not seal Fang Ping in an instant. He shot the seal and probably took advantage of the gap. Fang Ping had already killed him.

Fighting King should have a voice, his face is a bit ugly.

It’s shameful!

As the only king who is currently present, it is a shame to come to the real body and actually fail to do so.


The void is broken, he smashes the six heavens with a knife, and instantly appears behind the square, the distance is getting closer!

At this time, he did not shout, but in the world of Fang Ping, the portal is getting wider and wider!

1000 meters, 2000 meters...

Fighting King is also consuming a lot of original gas seals!

It’s not a matter of arguing, it’s a shame, and it’s really powerful to prove that the law of sealing the sky is the source of the seal.

Before the annihilation, the seal of the Changsheng sword failed. He sealed the seal and failed. If this continues, I am afraid that outsiders will feel that the law of sealing the source is just like this!

However... this is really strong!

Doo Tianwang’s heart roared, really strong. When he fought with the chaotic king, the two were in the same rank. He sealed the chaos of the king. Although it was very short, the chaos also suffered from his losses.

He even sealed the protagonist of the chaos in the chaotic era. It was still six or seven thousand years ago. Is it still impossible to seal a square?

Portal, continue to expand.

Fang Ping continued to run and went all out!

You come slowly, I see how long it takes you to seal.

When you seal up to seven kilometers, I will not fight back, let you seal it!


This scene, in the eyes of other people, is a strange look, what they think about each other.

Casting the gods is also a bit of an accident, strangely said: "How broad is the source of this kid's avenue?"

The method of sealing the sky is not bad.

It is not that no one is sealed.

Even if Doosan is weaker than the seal, it will not be able to seal even one absolutely!

This can only mean that Fang Ping’s broad road is somewhat beyond imagination, and the seal has not played much effect.

At the rear, Wu Kuishan is also shocking.

Just after fighting the King of Fighter, he easily sealed him. At that time, he knew that this pulse was very difficult.

But now, Fang Ping’s enthusiasm has not felt the difference.

How ridiculous this kid is!

When I was riding a deer cat, I didn’t know where to get some snacks. I ate and said: “The liar must be very strong! You see, he can only fight the saint, and definitely have a relationship with the road. very big."

The cat eats and says: "He is a nine-forging spirit, and he has a strong mentality, but he has a great relationship."

When this was said, it awakened many people.

Casting the **** to raise the eyebrows slightly, in the distance, Tianjian suddenly said: "In those days, the Emperor of Heaven was said to be also the promotion of the nine forging spirits, the nine forging gold body to advance, the physical strength of the Ba Tiandi, but let us know the strength of Jin Jinjin Where!

The power of spirituality... What is the role?

Is the source powerful?

It seems that the Emperor of Heaven has not shown how many powerful sources of origin..."

Although everyone is an enemy, it is obviously not easy to play now. His ancient saint is actually curious about this.

Nine forging gold is promoted, everyone knows that it is good.

The Emperor is the proof!

The strong body of Jin, the source may not go far, but the other party has become the Heavenly Emperor, the Emperor of Heaven does not beat, it does not mean that it is weaker than the weak.

Destruction does not necessarily mean one of the nine emperors, but the Emperor does not necessarily.

It’s just to stop the tyrants!

However, the Emperor's head iron is not the only one who wants to destroy the heads-up.

Change one person, change into a war, or one of the nine emperors, even if the Emperor of Heaven is defeated, he will never fail.

Knowing that there is a tiger in the mountains, it is biased toward Hushan. This is the Emperor.

Casting God made him too lazy to pay attention to him, directly closed the void around him, and did not listen to them.

At this time, I began to say: "Nine forging spirits to advance, the benefits are naturally a lot! Although the embodiment is not as strong as the golden body, but many times, the spirit is powerful, in fact, more beneficial than the golden body!"

Casting God makes a smile: "First, the road is wide! This is related to the future, the geniuses are very far away, and will never only care about the front, the powerful military, and in the later stage, the road will be easier.

Second, the stability of the source, the source world is strong and fragile.

Once you are confronted with a strong spiritual power, your body is stronger, the other side has destroyed your original world, and you have to die, so the flaw of the Emperor is here.


Speaking of this, the **** of casting made a pause, faintly said: "The increase of the source! The non-nine forged martial arts, in fact, has a drawback, a big drawback..."

Everyone looked at him.

Casting the **** makes a faint saying: "That is the limit problem! Non-nine forged spirits, almost impossible to open the avenue to three thousand feet wide, and three thousand feet wide ... there will be a change, that is the vertical source of growth!"


Here, the few saints who heard it stunned.

The Yu Wei sage can't help but say: "The vertical increase?"

"Not bad!"

Casting the **** makes a smile: "When it is three thousand feet wide, there will be an increase in the source! You don't really think that the width is useless? Why is the king so powerful? Because the origin of the emperor is almost wide! They may not be The nine-forging spirit advances, but in the later stages, they all break the limit and strengthen themselves from another level!"

"And the strong players who advance the spirit of the nine forging will not be like this. For them, Sanqian is not a big level, so the Emperor of Heaven will soon break this limit and increase in both directions. This is his strength!"

This has some meaning.

In the crowd, the Fengyun protection method suddenly smiled: "The gods make the predecessors ... is also the nine forging promotion?"

"For them", a simple sentence, representing the nine-forging spirit to advance is not a destructor!

"They," which may include casting the gods.

Because casting God is the first person to create a avatar!

The spirit is very powerful, not strong, and it is difficult for him to manipulate the power, create artifacts, and create artifacts. It is not that simple.

Obviously, this one knows a lot about mental strength.

Three thousand feet, 10,000 meters wide.

There is an increase!

This point, few people know, because no one broke this limit, broke, and did not bother to say.

The Nine Emperors almost broke, and the Emperor of Heaven destroyed it. The other three emperors were obsessed... The Emperor of Heaven did not know, and the other two did not know.

On the way to the source, with more progress, these people are not powerful!

At this time, the Fengyun Taoist did not ask the casting gods, but sighed slightly: "That's not right, is Fang Ping already breaking the limit of three thousand feet? Otherwise, he will not increase in the vertical direction..."

The **** of casting is also frowning, thinking: "This is not clear. The reason why Fang Ping is so strong, it should be related to the width, the width is wide, not just the problem of increase, the source is more abundant, the endurance is stronger, the source There are actually a lot of restrictions on the warriors of the Tao.

For example, if the fighting time is too long, it is easy to see the situation of the source of the gas, so that the growth of the source is no longer, then the combat power is greatly damaged. ”

Everyone is still confused.

Square is 10,000 meters wide?

So terrible?


In front, accompanied by Fang Ping, who is fighting the king, obviously does not know this.

I know, I will probably say a word, cast a **** to make nonsense!

Who said that there is an increase in the width of 10,000 meters?

It is clear that there is an increase in kilometers!

Anyway, he started to develop more than a kilometer at the beginning, and Fang Ping always thought that there would be an increase in kilometers.

Double nine paragraph promotion!

The first person in the past...

Fang Ping actually has some self-blowing ingredients. He actually thinks that the Nine Emperors may also be a double-nine promotion, but in fact... really is not.

The golden body is forged, the body is strong, and it can accommodate more growth.

The spirit of the nine forging, strong mental strength, can provide more increase.

The flesh is not strong enough, the source will naturally not increase, otherwise there will be a situation of blasting itself.

A self-regulation of the avenue!

Obviously, other people don't know much about the special features of the double nine, and Fang Ping is not too clear about himself.

What's more, Fang Ping always felt that the 10,000-meter-wide avenue was nothing.

At least the old Zhang seems to be like this!

Although Lao Zhang is very talented, Fang Ping always feels that Lao Zhang can do it, so other people can do it.

Therefore, he once felt that the king of the kings might have a 10,000-meter wide avenue.

Obviously, Fang Ping overestimated others and underestimated him and Lao Zhang.

People are king, people are king!

Known as the most orthodox emperor's avenue in ancient times!

Time to create a hero!

If human beings do not have the current crisis and there is no crisis of all four sides, there will be no one in the present.

If it is not for the strong human beings who are bent on the human race, they will go to the Terran for the future, and there will be no present.

Too many factors have created the human race of this era.

No era is like this!

The strong support the weak for a day, the weak is strong, continue to give back to the strong, protect the weak.

Passing by fire, the spirit of Xinwu!

Xinwu is the key to the rise of this world.

The existence of foreign enemies, the contributions of the strong, and the feedback of the weak have created a new and different martial arts, which has created the current human race.

People are king, people are king, there are too many conditions to be reached.

It is precisely because of this that he has come out of a different kind of Fang Ping and Zhang Tao.

At the moment, Fang Ping still doesn't understand, and the concept is not clear.

Even Zhang Tao is actually not too understanding.

Just because I don't understand, I will follow this path.

I really have to understand, I may not be able to go out.

The spirit of Xinwu, the selflessness of the strong, is too rare, and this... needs someone to guide!

It won't be formed overnight!

From generation to generation, passed down to Fang Ping and Zhang Tao. Only then has the situation of today, only the human warrior, the default mentality, I am strong, then I should pay for the human race!

Because before I became stronger, someone paid for me!

The first generation of selfless people is the most respectable.

And this first generation... actually comes from Zhenxing City!

Thirteen out of the city from Zhenxing City!

Strictly guarding the centuries-old strong people in the grottoes, silently suppressing the caves for the human race, do not ask for a return, one guard is hundreds of years!

It is precisely because of them that there is a follow-up human race strong, to fight the Quartet, to pay and dedication as their responsibility.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took the cold.

The predecessors did a demonstration, and later generations will take it for granted. They should learn and follow suit.

After three generations, habits became natural.

Coupled with the persecution of the environment, it eventually formed this new Wu, which should hardly exist.

Li Xuanxie, Zhentian Wang!


When the Fangping Dynasty fled to the false tomb, Zhen Tianwang and Zhang Tao rushed to the entrance.

When Zhang Tao moved, the source of the gas was overflowing, and the movement of the source gas broke out.

At the moment, Zhang Tao, a look of disgust, "What the hell! What is Fang Ping's kid doing? Humans seem to have become stronger, so fast, let me slowly?"

"Annoying, it’s too wasteful to break up a few avatars today! It’s too wasteful to give me a good digestion? You have to be a swarm of bees!"


Town Tianwang wants to kill him!

Got a cheap and sold bastard!

Do you know how rare such an opportunity is.

When it comes to the strength of the king, which one is like you, is it stronger every day?

The king of man...the authentic king, the orthodox king, these are almost impossible roads, and you are gone, you are still showing off in front of Laozi!

The king of the town is dark and dark, and his face is dark.

If I can't do it, would you be cheaper than this bastard?

Show off every day, is it interesting?

Still not the kind of love!

You can know how much energy Lao Tzu spent to create this prosperous New Wu era!

The town of Tianwang secretly stunned for a while, and thought of Li Zhen, almost spit out him!

Idiot, change the surname, don't surname Li!

Laozi gives you support. You actually lost to Zhang Xiaozi. When you are a younger brother, you have lost the Li family. Otherwise, isn’t your kid a king?

"Forget it, Lao Tzu is generous, don't care about you!"

The self in the heart of the town of Tian Wang comforted for a while, a kind, it does not matter, do not care.

When I didn't kill you that year, Li Zhen became your younger brother. I knew that it was like this. I am used to it.

The king of the town, the heart of the king, or the old man's atmosphere, derogatory, broad-minded, or else ... who has to kill this bastard, the king for Li Zhen.

"Li Zhen..."

In the heart of the town, Tianwang suddenly spit out. If it was the idiot, it would have been destroyed by the people. If you forget, don’t think about it.

Zhang Jiazi is insidious, this is the best leader of that period.

Li Zhen was on his body and had already entered the caves alone. He and some of the strong men had gone to the same place and trained a group of Terran death squads.

At this moment, the king of the town, think a little bit.

There are also some small flaws!

The king of the king was taken away, and now it seems that he has gone out of the way, and the old man is going crazy!

But... it’s all my credit, it’s mine!

The town of Tianwang self hypnosis, yes, it is my credit!

I am the biggest hero of the Terran, and what Zhang Tao and Fang Ping are all things that Lao Tzu gives a little!


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