Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1109: The strongest road in the Three Realms

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In the secret room.

Fang Ping is still pushing the battle.

Suddenly, there was a sound in my mind.

"con man!"

Fang Ping's face changed slightly, he was in retreat, and the cat knew it.

At this time, unless there is a big event, otherwise the big cat will not be free to enter and exit in his source, which is easy to cause problems.

"Is there something?"

Fang Ping let go of the original suppression, although the cat can communicate with him, but his current strength, if forced to suppress, Cang cat is actually difficult to break through his original defense.

The next moment, the cat shadow is presented.

The cat hurriedly said: "You are in trouble! Someone wants to kill you..."

Fang Ping slightly brows his eyebrows and quickly said: "Want to kill me before I break through?"

"Do you know?"

Fang Ping calmly said: "Crap, change to me, I will choose to kill such a threat!"

"then you……"

The cat is still somewhat puzzled. If you know, what have you been so arrogant before?

Fang Ping is still calm. "The stronger I am, the bigger the threat, the more they are afraid of my revenge! I am not dead, they will not rush to other people, so as long as I am alive, human beings are actually relatively safe!

Some heavens are connected to the human world. I can't find these entrances. I can't close them. It's natural to prevent them.

At this time, I have attracted everyone's attention and attention, and human beings can be safe. ”

The cat is stunned.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Do you admire me very much? Do you think that I am great? Nothing, I know that you admire me..."

The cat is rolling his eyes. "A fool! A liar, you are getting more and more shameless!"

Fang Ping laughed, and soon sighed: "Some things, the face can not be solved! I killed so many people, is to establish an image, provoke humans are not good to end! I hide in the dark, they are not sure I am dead Before, dare you messing up?"

"I am different from Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang can bear it. What I want is not tolerance, but deterrence!"

Zhang Tao Ren, that is to bear!

Fang Ping is qualified to go to deterrence!

He is a strong person who can hide the breath, secretly crouching, and progressing rapidly. This can be said that everyone is jealous.

He is not dead, do other people dare to kill humans?

The foreign war is so fierce, is there any courage to intervene?

Afraid of humanity?

Fear of cats?

Afraid of Tianmu?


Those saints, those who are absolutely perfect, know better than anyone else, Cang Mao and Tianmu will never shoot for these people.

Really afraid of Fang Ping!

Fang Ping did not die one day. These people did not dare to shoot humans one day. Because there are lessons from the past, not one or two. The land of the three major boundaries and the cults are proof.

This is also the record and deterrence that Fang Ping has killed in these days!

He said that he is about to become an emperor, but also in deterrence. He is also fighting for time and peace for mankind.

Very great idea... can be said from Fang Pingkou, but the cat can't feel anything, because when this guy said this, he always felt that this guy was flaunting himself.


Fang Ping said a few words and quickly said: "Are you feeling?"


The cat is depressed: "This time there must be a bad guy against the cat. I didn't let the cat feel it. It must be something that some guys used to stop the exploration of the cat and the big wood..."

"Right, the old man with white hair said..."

Fang Ping couldn't help but interrupt: "He is only sixty!"

Old Wu is more than sixty. You are a cat of tens of thousands of years. What do you mean by the old man?

The cat was too lazy to talk about him, talking about some messages that Wu Kuishan told him, and said: "Then I let the little fat face go to the devil's cave, or they think you are in the magic capital, then you have to fight..."


Fang Ping gave a low drink and frowned slightly. He quickly said: "Big cat, tired of you being involved, now go to the magical cave! The other side wants to lead the snake out of the hole, I am afraid it is very full! You call the Tianmu... forget it. Tianmu can't go, let it sit in the human world.

When you go to the magical capital, you will leave with a circle at the crucial moment..."

"how about you?"

"I? I won't appear for a long time, it will inevitably cause their suspicion. I have to show up within three days! Right... The jade piece of Lao Zhang, you stay at home, go back and take it for yourself!"

After all, Fang Ping thought about it again and again: "Can you summon the Tengu back?"


The cat is depressed: "The captain of the cat has lived. After living, it is gone! It is probably shouted away by the big dog. Now the big dogs don’t know where to go... you said they went to the grave. Maybe it’s already...

Also, the big dogs are so strong, the cat can't break through their origins, and there is no way to contact them. ”


Fang Ping indulged for a moment and quickly said: "I know, yes, how many people are there in this shot?"

"Can block the cat and the big wood, at least two or three saints!"

Fang Ping sighed, really enough to see his own!

Two or three saints!

Maybe not!

These people will kill in order to strike, and Tianmu will stop at least one saint. The cat needs a sage to block it. On his own side, I am afraid that a saint is also arranged.

I am afraid there are still some people involved!

I can see myself too!

Fang Ping suppressed the instigation in his heart and quickly said: "Yes, I know! You let Lao Wu hurry back to Kyoto, don't let him stay in the magic for a long time! Yes, you leave quickly, you are, they may think I am still in the magic!

Let Mu Lao also leave, don't stay in the magic for a long time, give them the magic, let them explore! ”

"Are they in the world?"

The cat hasn't really found it yet, but Fang Ping is sure to say: "Sure someone is stalking! This is for sure! Although human beings are generally consistent with each other... there are always some people with bad thoughts, and I knew it that year.

With billions of people, there will always be some guys who are stunned, so the devils must have their spies! ”

Fang Ping never thinks how good people think, and there will be some traitors among human beings.

The one who betrayed the day and the cult, are these people not human?


But they still chose to betray.

Fang Ping does not care, billions of people, you say all the heart, that is the nonsense.


Ended the conversation with the cat.

Fang Ping fell into meditation.

I have to show up and not show up. These guys are likely to find themselves over the sky. At that time... it’s very troublesome.

Not only do you have to show up, you have to be in the cave!

The battlefield cannot be transferred to the human world.

"Several saints... Even if Tianmu shot, even if the cats shot, it would not be able to match."

Those who have the courage to kill the cats do not have to kill the Tianmu... or have the courage.

There are only cats sheltered by the Tengu, but not others.

"Who can match the saint..."

Fang Ping's eyes are flashing, maybe... I should go ask!


April 9th.

On the sixth day of Fang Ping's retreat, the second day of the news was passed.

North town government.

North Town Shoufu, the location is not far from Xishan, not far from Zhenxing City.

Four four-house, four strong, the reputation of the four houses is not big.

The martial artists know that the two eastern and northern governments in the four prefectures were established very early, and the guardian ambassadors opened up the existence of the new martial arts.

The northern town government has stood for many years and is inaccessible.

It is far away from the dust, and every time there is a big battle, there will be people from the guardian house going out to fight the Quartet.

The northern Zhenhai made Shen Haotian. Over the years, he has repeatedly succumbed to the ruins of the sea, and he has survived again and again. Before that, he was completely separated from the Luofu Mountain. Fang Ping also respected the old man.

Shen Mingwei, the Shenjia family, took over the northern town government after Shen Haotian left.

However, before the war, the injury was not light, and these days have been closed and rehabilitated.

Before Shen Mingwei retired, he submitted a proposal to the four departments, so that Jiang Wei took over as the deputy guardian of the northern town.

Today, Jiang Wei has entered the northern town of Beijing.

Becoming a real thing in the northern town government!

After taking over the northern town government, Jiang Wei also stood up several times and led the northern town defenders. The enemy killed in the ground caves established their own status. Although they have not yet reached the nine products, they are not low-minded.

At the moment, the northern town is in the government.

The town guards the house.

Jiang Fatzi watched Jiang Wei send away some of his men and sat down to deal with the documents. He couldn’t help but joked: "Perverted, you are doing something like this. I don’t know if you think you are a normal person. !"

Jiang Yan looked up and gave him a look. He said: "If you have nothing, go back to the town of Star City! Good end, what do you do to the guardian house?"

"What's wrong? When you are an official, can't you see your brother?"

Jiang Chao screamed and said: "I don't want to think about it. If it weren't me, can Pharaoh divide your heart? You see, without this heart, can you go to eight products? If you turn your face, you won't recognize people...

Your younger brother, although I don't mix well, there are many people who can make friends!

You see, there are benefits, can you be less?

Am I missing you?

You are the northern guardian..."


"Where, deputy, if I don't know Fang Ping, and Fang Ping has a good relationship, can you take over the northern town government office so easily?"

Jiang Chao invited merits: "So, your current military medal, that is half of me, right?"

Jiang Yan said with a black face: "Want to say something quickly, is it true?"

Jiang Chaoxiao smiled and said: "Then I can just say it, is there any time? I have time to **** me to the cave."


Jiang Yan accident, you go to the cave?

This fat man, afraid of death is shameful, he dares to go to the cave?

It stands to reason that those who have eight characteristics are better, and they have to go, not to go.

But the fat man is a little special, the war king is killing in the blood, and his grandfather Jiang Yuanhua is also killing him in the blood. He is also killed by Jiang Zhen.

A family of four men, all three are in the fight, are killing.

Therefore, the fat man has a privilege.

Everyone scorned the blame, no one said that it was wrong, the Jiang family had already worked hard enough, and there was no room for it.

For example, Zhang Tao, his grandson Zhang Peng stayed in Yangcheng, and no one said it was wrong.

The square of the Fang family does not enter the cave.

Privileges, there are some.

But their family, in the **** battle, everyone can see their contribution.

At this moment, when he heard that the fat man was going to the cave, Jiang Yan accidentally said: "What do you do to go to the grotto?"

Jiang Chao is dissatisfied: "What is it called? Killing! I want to be a nine-product, and the testimony is absolutely..."

"Okay, let me talk less about this! Who are you, I am clear, really want to kill, you need to call me to **** you? Say, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Chao smiled and said: "I don't believe it, anyway, I have to go, you have to **** me! Grandpa is not at home now, other people are outsiders, busy, except for you, I can not find others."

"I don't know clearly, I won't go! I have a lot of things now, I don't have time to play with you!"

"Pervert, you have changed!"

Jiang Chao resentfully said: "This little thing, you are shouting now, you can think about it, if I die in the cave, the Jiang family will be broken!"

Jiang Yan looked ugly and stared at him not talking.

"What are you going to do?"

"What are you asking about..."

Jiang Chao still wants to say that at this moment, Jiang Wei’s face has changed slightly.

In the original place, one more person out of thin air, just behind Jiang Chao.

Fang Ping converges on all the breath and sits on the chair. In front, Jiang Chao knows nothing and continues to speak.

Jiang Yan got up, gently inhaled, looking at Fang Ping, with a flat face and a smile, also watching him.

Jiang Wei nodded slightly, and Jiang Chao looked a little worried. Why?

"The minister is coming to visit, there is a long way to meet!"

Jiang Chao sneaked, hurriedly turned his head, and instantly saw Fang Ping, shocked, scary, scared!

Doesn't this guy say that he is retreating?

How come the end of the North Town Government!

"Party...Party? Forget it, or Fang Ping, Fang Ping, how come you?"

The fat man wants to pat and flatter, and feels unfamiliar. He quickly called his name and grinned: "Fang Ping, when I took me up, I saw that there is nothing you can’t use, you have to throw a trash can. I don't want to give up, can send me..."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Are you sure?"

Jiang Chaoyu, not sure.

"What are you going to do in the cave?"

"That one……"

"To tell the truth, otherwise I will send you to the restricted area now, go alone!"


Jiang Chao's face is purple, don't tease, I am afraid of death!

"That... Ok, okay, I am telling the truth, hey, why have you heard it!"

Jiang Chao reluctantly said: "Is this not someone who wants to pay back the money? When the big bald head asked me to borrow a lot of money, now the big bald head seems to shake up, doing big things in the cave, killing a lot of people...

Some things he can't use, hiding in one place, I will take it. ”


Fang Ping slightly screamed: "Do you have contact with Qin Fengqing?"

Jiang Chaogan laughed and said: "Some, but very few! Mainly... that... Fangping, don't hit me!"


Jiang Chao cautiously said: "Is that guy not in the cave? He is alone, and he does not know much about intelligence. I am mainly responsible for giving him logistics and helping him collect some intelligence.

The feather that he had killed before... Keke, actually the information I collected for him, he found someone to kill..."

Fang Ping looked at him and frowned. "How can you resist collecting information?"

Jiang Chaoyu was crowned, and whispered: "That... did you still ask me for information? I know more..."

Fang Ping is speechless, he remembers!

This dead fat man is very courageous!

His grandfather and Jiang Wei chat, he dared to record and eavesdrop!

Jiang Chao said dryly: "Reassure, I have not sold out important information. The bald head is to inquire about the recent situation, and then... then I will pay some money to let people send the information to the designated place. I will not do it. Know when the bald head will get it.

The person I sent this time brought me a secret report, and others could not understand it. This is the secret language of me and the bald head.

The bald head said that he hid a lot of good things in one place, let me take it back, part of it was debt, and part of it was replaced by what he needed..."

Fang Ping snorted and stared at Jiang Chao for a moment, coldly said: "You better not let me know, you betrayed important information to go out, otherwise... your ancestor is the king of war, I also married you. !"

Jiang Chao said: "Where can you! It’s really just some less important information. I am thinking about it. Isn’t this a bald person? Is he alone? If you meet a strong person, don’t know, then Not trouble?


So I gave him some information, even I can know, this is not a big secret..."

Fang Ping once again snorted, half a sigh, and said: "What is he doing recently?"

"I don't know about this."

Jiang Chao scratched his head and said: "This secret newspaper was left by him two days ago. He did mention it and said what he was doing... Yes, he said that he was traveling around, the bald head was idle, nothing went on, but also gossip. Very, I said that a few days ago I met a man who had lost a fight with his wife..."

Jiang Chao said without words: "That... this guy is still not good, let me stare at you, see if you have been run away from home by Chen Yunqi, remember to tell him!"

Fang Ping turned a blind eye, neuropathy!


Fighting lost?


Fang Ping just thought, the heart is moving, how to listen to how familiar!

Who said it?

Fang Ping slightly raised his eyebrows, the next moment, the heart moved!

Lost in the fight, run away from home...


The cat seems to have said it once!


Fang Ping’s heart is moving again, this gossip... I have heard it!

What does Qin Fengqing mean?

Hongyu... Hongyu has recovered?

Fang Ping had been to the land of Wang Zhan. The space battlefield in that place seemed to disappear. At that time, he suspected that the man was Hongyu. Could it be said that Qin Fengqing met Hongyu and is now with Hongyu?

Said in the clouds, what do you want to do?

Just say no!

Fang Ping pressed his mind, did not mention this, frowned: "Since he left something... you go to the commander Guo Xuan, get things back! Sancheng is yours, the rest is turned over!"


Jiang Chao is depressed. This is what I invested in. I haven’t got anything. Are you deprived?

"Come on this!"

Fang Ping said: "Don't express this grievance, you betray the Terran intelligence. This is a traitor! If you don't read your Jiang family's military skills, I will smash you now! I will contact you next time. The information was handed over to the Ministry of Justice for review. The Ministry did not allow it, and it was never allowed to leak out!

Jiang Fatzi, you dare to carry me, no one can keep you! ”

Jiang Chao bitterly looked at him and succumbed to his grievances: "I didn't sell the Terran, it's all raped... Where is it! I can't wash it until I jumped to the Yellow River! My ancestors are still fighting, and my father is also Killing and killing, how can I sell the Terran!"

"Do not talk nonsense, go, now go to Guo Commander and let him accompany you to the cave!"

"just now……"


Jiang Chao is helpless, okay, this time unlucky, met Fang Ping, Fang Ping is now fierce!

"Then I am gone, Fang Ping, I really have not sold the Terran..."

Jiang Chao explained the sentence and said: "Pervert, you explain a few words for me, I have nothing to do, can not carry this reputation, or will be killed!"

After a while, Jiang Chao went out and grinded out.

As soon as he left, Jiang Wei said helplessly: "Mr. Fang, although Jiang Chao is confused, he is not confused to sell human beings. I believe he will not talk about anything, not to mention something, he is not clear at all."

"Get a vaccination, lest he come!"

Fang Ping smirked, but he did not pay much attention to this. He poured himself a cup of tea on his own, and Fang Ping smiled and said: "Sit down and talk."

Jiang Yan glanced at him and smiled and sat down on his side.

Fang Ping took the teapot and poured him a cup of tea. Jiang Yan glanced at it and didn't say anything.

Fang Ping took the teacup and took a sip of his own. He thought about it: "Jiang Wei, you and I also fought side by side in the battle of the king. You Jiang smashed and killed the strong, I feel that it is not right, but when you are Terran hero!"

Jiang Wei whispered: "The situation is forced, helpless."

"You are in the town of Star City, but also a few of them stood on my side, even if Yang family is hostile to me, you are one of the few people who stood up to speak for me. Jiang Fatzi and I also made good friends, and you said that you are abnormal. In fact, it is also a cult for you brother..."

Jiang Wei slightly owed his body: "The minister is polite!"

"You're welcome."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "You are also one of the best young people in the world! They are a few of them, I will not mention them. Young people under the age of 30, looking for all human beings, stronger than you, how many people?"

"Qin Fengqing... That guy has too many unexpected factors, and you and I have been watching the nine products for a few days. I said that you are the strongest person in the younger generation of human beings. No one has doubts... isn't it?"

"Don't dare to be, the minister is there, who dares to be the first!"

"I don't think because I am too strong to compare with young people."


Jiang Wei laughed.

Fang Ping sighed: "The strongest... You said, if there is no me, there are no Laowang, a few of them, you are from the town of Star City, is it time to take up the heavy responsibility of human beings?"

"There is no opinion on the side of Zhenxing City. There is no opinion on other holy places. On the government side, the strong people of Zhenxing City are willing to come out and pick up the girders. I don't think anyone will have any opinions, is it?"


Jiang Yan is speechless.

Fang Ping suddenly smiled and said: "Want to take the invincible road? People's Road! The real people's road! Maybe not only the emperor, the human race is the foundation of all things, I think the people's road is actually the only real road in the three realms. !"

Is it a human being?


At least that year!

The first warrior, the ancient warrior, the strongest, the nine emperors and the four emperors, is it human?


That year too!

Therefore, Renhuang Road, Fang Ping feels that it is the only one in the Three Realms, and can truly be called the Avenue of the Emperor!

Jiang Yan gently exhaled, his voice calmed: "The minister has a word."

Fang Ping looked at him and was silent.

Some things, he doesn't want to say, but now he needs help!

Need help!

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