Chapter 345 Support Arrives, Alien Retreat!!

When Su Bai won more with less, fighting the four-winged flying snake and approaching the total annihilation of the army, the battles in other places were also in full swing.

In this battle, the number of combatants in the theater confrontation was small.

Originally, the total number of people was more than 10,000, and they were ambushed and killed more than 2,000 before, compared to the more than 100,000 combat troops in the base, which is undoubtedly a rare number.

But the results they played were quite dazzling. Among them, the lighthouse war zone is the leader.

This participant is all platinum-level theaters, and the front defense they will be responsible for is not clear.

Any alien troops rushing forward will already meet the head-on, and no progress will be made at all except for leaving a corpse behind.

In addition to sending elite battle regiments to besiege and kill those active participants, such as Su ~ Bai.

There is also a part that came here specifically and is ready to open the situation by force. Then he was beaten to the head by the participants in the lighthouse war zone.

Charlie and Margaret and other five platinum six-star powerhouses, to that station, it is simply a one-man pass, and the elite battle group of foreign races rushes up and dies as much as possible.

Here, they have also received the attention of foreign races.

In the fierce battle, even in the lighthouse war zone, there were casualties among the participants.

Although the strongest five didn’t even scratch the skin, the participants below were after all a cut off from them.

In addition, there are also a large number of platinum strong people in foreign races, and between fighting each other, casualties continue to accumulate.

After repelling another alien attack, Charlie and the others retreated to the trenches and rested briefly.

They are not beaten with iron either.

In such high-intensity battles, relief replenishment is required.

“The foreign race’s offensive is so strong, could it be that they have hit the team at the gate of this ruin.”

Charlie poured a few mouthfuls of energy liquid and said cursingly.

“The bases of the other ruins gate did not react at all, allowing the aliens to attack here?”

The interior space of the Zero ruins is too large, comparable to a large war zone. Therefore, there is more than one gate of ruins that serves as an entrance and exit.

In fact, in this vast land, there are a total of ten ruin gates. And it’s all huge.

It is enough to make tens of thousands of alien races charge.

What Su Bai and the other participants teleported was one of the ruins gates. It stands to reason that the gate of the ruins they arrived at was randomly selected.

These participants can only determine their position after they arrive. How do you feel that the alien race has long been squatting here.

To say that there are alien troops of this size behind the ten ruins gates. That is clearly unrealistic.

So the answer is obvious, the aliens received the news in advance and were prepared in order to wipe out all of them.

“Those damn moths!”

Charlie scolded again.

Margaret next to him shrugged her shoulders and said very calmly, “You should be used to the bad customs of the Federation, leaking information is nothing at all.” ”

Another platinum six-star powerhouse, Suo Xi nodded approvingly.

“Those people are afraid that we will die here, so as not to be unable to control the war zone under their command.”

Roar! Roar! Roar!

As soon as several people finished saying their inner unhappiness, the roar of the alien race sounded again.

“It’s really not for us to take a breather.”

Charlie stood up, and an orange magic card appeared in his hand.

“I hope that this foreign race can make me kill to the fullest.”

Everyone got up and went into battle again.

In fact, the battle has come to this point, and both the Federation and the alien race are very uncomfortable.

The aliens wanted to hit the power and take away a wave of participants who had not yet gained a foothold, but underestimated the strength of these people.

As a result, the fighting reached a stalemate.

And the base on the federal side, because they did not know that the alien race had hoarded heavy troops behind the gate of ruins.

First, the combat troops in the ruins were scattered, and it was difficult to snatch out some of the wounded.

When the follow-up combatants arrived, they were pitted by the alien race again, and nearly 5,000 people were lost.

It can be called a heavy loss.

If it weren’t for the fact that the participants in this session were really powerful and withstood the attack, I am afraid that this base would be dangerous.

Inside the base, the commander-in-chief face sank like water. He was waiting for rescue.

The battle has reached this point, whether it is them or the alien race on the opposite side, there is no power to win with one blow.

If the battle continues, it will enter a pure war of attrition phase. Combatants on both sides will be crushed by this millstone of flesh and blood.

There may even be a tragic situation in which both sides lose more than half of the battle.

However, by now, it is impossible for the battle to stop because of personal will.

Even if the commander-in-chief of the Federation and the commanders of the alien races want a truce, the soldiers below will not listen to them.

The two sides are too closely entangled to be separated.

At such times, external forces must be used to break the deadlock. Both sides regained their strength and waited for the next battle.

Here’s the problem.

Which side of the reinforcements arrived first.

If the alien races arrive first, then this forward base will probably be destroyed in the war and will be recovered later.

In a moment of thought, the earth began to shake.

The adjutant came running quickly and shouted, “Sir, our reinforcements have arrived!” ”

The commander-in-chief did not hesitate in the slightest and gave new orders.

“Total attack!”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A rapid and dull trumpet sounded, and the federal soldiers who were fighting bloodily suddenly felt like chicken blood, and their tired bodies were injected with new strength.

This is a signal for a general attack. Their reinforcements have arrived!


A royal card master rushed out of the base. They are the last reserve.

At this time, when the general offensive began, naturally there was no need to retain combat strength, and the commander-in-chief sent out all the troops.

Some of the participants in the confrontation in the theater did not know why, but fortunately, they received timely notifications from front-line soldiers.

Reinforcements are coming. I was also excited immediately.

The battle is finally coming to an end. Their magic is almost empty.

Su Bai, who had already slaughtered the four-winged flying snake, had a height advantage and saw the rapidly approaching Yuka Division troops in the distance.

Knowing that reinforcements were coming.

Although his magic power is still abundant, he can’t keep fighting, and he still needs to rest.

Now that reinforcements have arrived, I think the alien race is also ready to retreat.

Once the battle here is over, you can start marching to Ruins Zero and start a new hunting upgrade.

Su Bai was quite expectant.

On the alien side, the commanders of the major races slammed the table. Fell short.

Just a little.

In a quarter of an hour, their follow-up troops will arrive. None of the imperial card masters present at that time would want to leave.

But now, it’s all in vain.


“I can only retreat.”

“Give a signal for the combat units to withdraw.”

“The reserve team stepped forward to cover, do not let the retreat turn into a rout.”

A large number of orders were given.

Although the alien commanders wanted an orderly retreat.

But they also know that as long as the signal is sent, defeat is inevitable.

In the face of death, no matter how perfect the retreat arrangement, it is futile.

The commanders had fierce faces, and they led their respective guards directly through the gate of the ruins, they were of noble blood, and they must have to retreat first.

As soon as these foreign high-ranking people left, the situation completely collapsed. The alien warriors on the front line directly turned around and ran.

Even if the imperial card master in front of him only had half a breath left, he was too lazy to make up for the knife. If you delay that second, you may not be able to leave.

On the battlefield, there are aliens running desperately everywhere.

A large number of imperial card masters chased and killed, and after being sent to the sky by bombs planted by foreign races, the momentum of the pursuit slowed down.

Many people remembered the previous tragedy and did not dare to easily chase into the gate of the ruins. If you are killed by the pit again, you will not be able to play.

Taking this opportunity, the alien race also withdrew to the gate of the ruins, so that the pursuit was even more unnecessary.

The federal forces rested on the spot and resumed their status.

The combatants gathered their spirits, ran around the battlefield, and cut off the ears of the aliens.

This is all money, and righteousness cannot be wasted.

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