Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 592 Extreme Heat Rising

Then a strange scene appeared. If such a big stone fell to the ground, there should be a sound anyway.

"Is it really connected to other worlds?" Meng Ren said in a low tone.

But soon, a dull voice sounded.

Hearing the sound of something heavy falling to the ground, Meng Ren couldn't help but let out a big breath.

He could understand that the round hole was deeper, but if it connected to other worlds, it would be a bit too bizarre.


"If this round hole is not connected to other worlds, then where did those dozen humanoid creatures escape from?" Meng Ren was a little stunned.

Meng Ren only felt a little nervous. Since the earthquake, the world he had finally become familiar with had undergone tremendous changes.

It’s okay that the ghost town has become an abandoned city, but now even creatures that are not on earth have appeared, which really makes Monk Meng Renzhang confused.

"Catch these humanoid creatures first!"

"We'll study it carefully later!" Meng Ren squinted his eyes.

He started to take action without hesitation, and then walked towards the humanoid creature.

Meng Ren's movements quickly attracted the attention of these little ones.

More than a dozen humanoid creatures emitted a series of strange creatures, and then hugged each other, staring at Meng Ren with pairs of eyes, and some even waved the simple weapons in their hands.

"Are they intelligent?" Meng Ren was surprised.

Ordinary animals and intelligent animals are completely different concepts.

But Meng Ren observed carefully and quickly rejected his opinion.

These white-skinned humanoid creatures use a series of defense and intimidation measures, which seem to be just the reactions of normal animals when facing enemies.

"Catch it first and then talk about it, and then we can study it slowly!"

Meng Ren made up his mind, he took out the rope directly from the mysterious space, and a hungry tiger swooped forward.

The white-skinned humanoid creatures roared loudly, and a few strong ones immediately rushed towards Meng Ren.

They waved the simple wooden sticks in their hands and hit Meng Ren.

Meng Ren wanted to test the strength of these things, so he just raised his hands to defend.


The wooden stick hit Meng Ren's steel body, only to make a dull sound.

"Such a small strength, not even as good as an ordinary adult!" Meng Ren couldn't help but shake his head.

"It seems that these guys are small and thin, and their strength is completely proportional to their size!"

After understanding the strength of these humanoid creatures, Meng Ren stopped testing anything.

Like a tiger swarming a flock of sheep, he tied up all the dozen humanoid creatures in three strokes, and then brought them directly into the mysterious space.


"Chief, why did you tie up a group of little..."

Wang Yun looked at the sudden appearance of Meng Ren and the humanoid creatures beside him. He originally thought that Meng Ren had kidnapped a group of children and came in, but when he took a closer look, he was shocked.


"What the hell is this? Goblin? Goblin? Or something else? Dwarf? Elf?" Wang Yun's face was full of shock, and he blurted out a series of names.

Meng Ren directly called everyone, and soon a group of people gathered around.

When they saw this group of humanoid creatures, everyone couldn't help showing shocked expressions and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Brother Meng, where did you get these strange things?" Zhu Huihui was shocked.

Meng Ren looked serious and said: "Of course it's in the ruins of the city..."

He didn't hide anything and told how he discovered these little things and discovered the garden cave.

After listening to Meng Ren's words, the expressions of everyone present were very exciting.

Ou Mingxue quickly recovered from her shock: "So, leader, do you suspect that these strange things came from other worlds through that garden cave?"

"Is it like this mysterious space?"

Meng Ren nodded: "Yes, that's what I think!"

"You have been living in this space for more than a day or two. You should be able to see that this space is actually another world. It's just that my mental strength is not enough, so I can only set foot in this area at the moment."

"Since other worlds are real, it is not unacceptable for these strange little things to come from other worlds!"

"Isn't the White Wolf from another world a creature from another world?"


Everyone, look at me and I look at you, the expressions on their faces are a bit wonderful.

"What happened to the earthquake? Why would something like this appear after an earthquake?" Wang Yun asked his doubts.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Meng Ren directly spread his hands.

"I don't know either!"

Meng Ren said angrily.

He is not omniscient and omnipotent. He died very early in his previous life and did not survive until the earthquake.

He couldn't understand the current earth at all. It was extremely hot during the day, and there were earthquakes at night. What would happen in the future?

Extreme heat combined with earthquakes, a double surprise?

Meng Ren suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart, and then looked at Ou Mingxue.

"Doctor Ou, I'll leave these things to you!"

"Okay," Ou Mingxue nodded. She looked at these strange creatures with curious eyes, obviously interested.

Meng Ren then returned to the earth. At this time, the sky in the distance appeared completely fish-belly white, and a trace of the sun began to gradually emerge.


"Is it almost dawn now?" Meng Ren realized something was wrong.

He remembered clearly that it was one o'clock in the morning when he came out before. How long had it passed? It was probably more than an hour at most. Why was it almost dawn?

Meng Ren looked at his watch and saw that it was only half past two in the morning.

"It's only half past two in the morning, why is it almost dawn?" Meng Ren's expression changed.

He had a bad premonition in his heart. Could it be that the day was going to be extended?

The white fish belly in the sky became brighter and brighter, and a red sun gradually climbed into the sky.

The entire land was illuminated by the red sun, and the air temperature began to rise rapidly.

Meng Ren was not in a hurry to enter the mysterious space, he quickly returned to the ruins of the camp.

As soon as he reached the ruins of the camp, the sky became completely bright.

The familiar blazing red sun was like a terrifying flaming fireball, with terrifying high temperatures emanating from the fireball.

The entire earth began to become terrifying at a speed visible to the naked eye. The temperature on the ground soared crazily under the direct rays of the scorching sun. It had already exceeded fifty degrees in a short period of time, and there was no intention of stopping.

Meng Ren looked at this scene, his expression was not very good.

It's only three o'clock in the morning, and the weather has already entered extremely hot time.

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