Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 587 Lu Wentao’s second ability

After a second search, no trace of the second mutated crystal core was found. Although Meng Ren was surprised, he could only accept it in the end.

"I wonder if there is something wrong with Lu Wentao. Otherwise, normal people should integrate the second ability. It's a waste!" Meng Ren shook his head.

But since Lu Wentao has not integrated the second ability, it is naturally impossible to obtain the second mutated crystal core.

Meng Ren took the mutated crystal core away, then turned around and left, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.

He walked out of the building, and Wang Yun was already waiting outside.

Seeing Meng Ren coming out, he quickly stepped forward.

"Chief, are you okay?" Wang Yun said.

Meng Ren smiled: "It's okay, Lu Wentao's strength is not as strong as I thought. He doesn't even have the second ability integrated!"

"Is there such a thing?" Wang Yun was also surprised when he heard this.

"Let's go, the mission has been completed this time, so there is no need to stay here!"

"When you go back and take a good bath, you can get ready for bed!" Meng Ren had a smile on his face.

Lu Wentao is dead. Although there is a high probability that he will be retaliated by Yunhai Base in the future, he has no regrets.

The two people left quickly after getting in the car. With the roar of the car engine, their figures finally disappeared on the horizon.

Shortly after Meng Ren and Wang Yun left, a strange situation suddenly occurred inside the building.

If Meng Ren were here, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

I saw Lu Wentao's body on the ground suddenly making unusual movements.

A white light emerged from Lu Wentao's body and gradually covered Lu Wentao's whole body.

With the appearance of these white lights, Lu Wentao's wounds began to repair at an alarming rate. Whether it was a fracture on his arm, a crack on his head, or even the injury caused by Meng Ren's disembowelment, they were all being repaired quickly.

Such an astonishing situation can be described as appalling. If someone saw it, I don’t know how many people’s jaws would be shocked.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, the corpse, which had stopped beating, became active again. With the appearance of the heartbeat, blood began to flow inside the corpse again.

The flowing blood injected new vitality into the corpse. Gradually, Lu Wentao's corpse began to revive and gained various vital signs at an alarming speed.

I don’t know how long has passed, maybe a minute, maybe an hour.

Lu Wentao, who was lying on the ground, suddenly moved his fingers, and then slowly opened his eyes.

He slowly stood up from the ground, breathing heavily, and there seemed to be a look of fear on his face.

Looking at the empty buildings around him, Lu Wentao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I have the ability to be reborn, otherwise I would really have died in Meng Ren's hands!"

Lu Wentao's tone was full of fear.

Feeling the weakness of his body, Lu Wentao wanted to activate his animal transformation ability, but no matter how he called, it had no effect.

Seeing this situation, Lu Wentao looked quite ugly.

"It seems that after I died, Meng Ren took away my animal transformation ability!"

Lu Wentao quickly realized the reason. He clenched his teeth and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Meng Ren!" Lu Wentao shouted this with gritted teeth. If Meng Ren were here now, he would probably want to rush forward and cut Meng Ren into pieces with a thousand knives.

He has never suffered such a big loss in the hands of one person. If it weren't for his special ability this time, the body would have been cold by now.

The ability of rebirth can only be activated once every ten years, which means that if he dies again within the next ten years, he will not be able to be resurrected.

"Meng Ren, Meng Ren, I'm afraid you didn't expect that I'm still alive!"

"When I come back next time, I will make sure you repay it a thousand times!" Lu Wentao clenched his fists, his hatred for Meng Ren unbearable.

After a long time, Lu Wentao, who had recovered some strength, slowly got up from the ground.

Protoss camp!

Meng Ren and Wang Yun drove back to the camp, and a sumptuous meal was ready.

Seeing the two people returning safely, everyone felt completely relieved.

"Chief, has Lu Wentao been solved?" Ou Mingxue asked.

Meng Ren smiled and nodded: "This is natural, his strength is weaker than I thought!"

"Obviously he is a C-level ability user, but he only has one ability. This makes me feel strange!"


Ou Mingxue frowned slightly: "Only one ability? It shouldn't be possible. After all, Lu Wentao is the deputy leader of Yunhai Base. He must know that ability users can combine multiple abilities!"

Meng Ren thought for a while and gave a guess: "Maybe he hasn't decided which second ability to integrate yet!"

I have to say that this guess was so reasonable that Ou Mingxue nodded in agreement.

But at this time, Master Liu came out: "Aren, now Lu Wentao and Lu Wenjie have died in your hands. When the Yunhai base sees that Lu Wentao has not returned for a long time, they will definitely send someone to look for him!"

"It will definitely be found on us by then. I'm afraid we have to make preparations in advance!"

Meng Ren nodded calmly: "Of course I know this, but you don't have to worry!"

"I just contacted Deputy Chief Fang on the way back. If people from Yunhai Base come to investigate, Deputy Chief Fang will help me hide this matter!"

"Everyone Lu Wentao brought here is dead. Unless he had publicized the purpose of his trip before coming to Shangjiang, people in Yunhai Base should not know my strength!"

"And even if we find out, we are not afraid. Our strength is no longer what it was a few months ago!"

"So what if Yunhai Base comes to visit us?"

Meng Ren's tone was full of confidence.

Liu Shishi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when she saw this. She carefully thought about the current level of force in the Xingling Camp, and couldn't help but be surprised to find that with the current strength of the camp, it seemed that there was really no need to worry about the threat from the Yunhai Base.

The two armed helicopters at Yunhai Base have been destroyed. Without this big killer, no matter whether the other party sends experts or professional combat teams, it will have no effect.

As Meng Ren said, the current Star Spirit camp can be said to be full of martial virtue.

Meng Ren, Ou Mingxue, Zhu Huihui, Dujiao White Wolf!

There are four C-levels, and Meng Ren and Ou Ming are not ordinary C-levels.

With four C-level ability users and a large amount of weapons and ammunition, if his Yunhai Base really sends people over, it's not certain who will get the water.

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