Hearing these words, the man's face showed a solemn look.

"Are you sure? Liu Shi's strength is not weak." There was a bit of doubt in the man's tone.

Shouhou nodded repeatedly: "I'm very sure, and that person's strength completely crushes Liu Shi. I suspect he has reached C level."

C level?

As soon as these words came out, the man's expression became less solemn and relaxed.

Nowadays, there are only a handful of people with C-level abilities. Every C-level person has amazing destructive power. It is difficult for ordinary firearms to deal with such masters.

If the ability is stronger, it can even reach the level of ignoring ordinary firearms.

In terms of the destructive power of a single round, the destructive power a C-level ability user can cause far exceeds that of ordinary firearms.

"When did Shangjiang City gain another C-level ability user?"

"What's that man's name? What does Zhang look like?" the man continued to ask.

Thin Monkey thought for a moment: "That man's name is Meng Ren. He looks... he's probably in his twenties. He's male. I can't say he's very handsome. I can't describe a person's face. You're a little embarrassed for me." Got it!"

The man rolled his eyes. What Slender Monkey said was nothing. There was basically no information except his name.

"I need more detailed information, and we can't let such C-level strong people stay outside. Each of these people are unstable elements. If we let them continue to grow, it's hard to say what level they will reach in the future." The man said.

Shouhou immediately understood what this man meant: "Want to recruit him?"

"Of course, since your strength has reached C level, you should take on more responsibilities. Isn't this a matter of course?"

"If they are not contained, they will have to rely on their own abilities to do whatever they want in the future!" The man said calmly.

Thin Monkey shrugged, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "I suggest you not to have too much hope. In this day and age, no one who can reach C level is arrogant. They will not listen to what you say. Meaningless bullshit.”

"You want to recruit these people just by talking, don't even think about it."

The man frowned slightly: "It's because of your thoughts that order collapsed so quickly!"

"Okay, I have no interest in arguing with you about these things. You can go back and continue to stare at Luoyang State and Jiaoyang Camp."

"We still report news every fifteen days."

After leaving these words, the man took out a bag of supplies and handed it to Shouhou, then turned and left, and his back quickly disappeared in front of Shouhou.

The thin monkey looked at the man's leaving figure, rolled his eyes, then turned and left.

He had seen enough of the other party's high-sounding appearance. If it weren't for the very good reward given by the other party, he would not even bother to trade with the other party.

Now in the era of extreme heat, all kinds of monsters and monsters have emerged, and there are still many people who hold high the banner of justice and put high hats on themselves.

He has seen many such people.

The thin monkey soon left, and it didn't take long for the square to regain calm, as if everything had never happened.

Time passed quietly, and a few days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, several uninvited guests came outside the hotel.

A car drove by and finally stopped at the door of Shangjiang Hotel.

The car door opened, and a middle-aged man in black got out of the car.

This man walked into the Shangjiang Hotel and immediately triggered the infrared alarm, alerting Meng Ren.

Meng Ren in the camp frowned, and a gloomy look flashed across his eyes.

"Who showed up again?"

He let go of his perception, and then he was surprised.

There was a black off-road vehicle parked outside the hotel, and a man in black with a capable temperament was walking into the hotel.

Meng Ren's senses swept away and he immediately knew that this person was an esper and had reached D level.

The opponent was also heavily armed. Although he did not carry heavy firepower, the equipment on his body also showed his identity.

"This person...could he be the force behind Lu Wenjie?"

"No, if they were, they should be called helicopters, not SUVs."

"There is also a distance of nearly 100 kilometers between Yunhai City and Shangjiang City. It may not be that convenient for an off-road vehicle to come here!"

Meng Ren frowned.

He speculated on the identity of the other party in his mind, and the most reasonable guess was that this person was from the official camp in Shangjiang City.

If that were the case, it would make a lot more sense.

But here comes the question, how did the other party know about him?

"I just want to live a good life. Why can't I even be satisfied with such a simple wish? Monsters and ghosts come to my door every now and then!" Meng Ren felt very unhappy.

But since the other party has already come to the door, it is definitely impossible for him to ignore them.

Thinking of this, Meng Ren walked out directly, but he did not fully appear, but hid his figure in the darkness.


"This is the scope of my star camp, don't go any further!" Meng Ren said in a cold tone.

The man in black stopped and then introduced himself: "I am the representative of the official camp in Shangjiang City. You can call me Special Envoy Wang."

Special Envoy Wang?

Meng Ren squinted his eyes, and an uncomfortable feeling emerged in his heart.

The other party's condescending tone made him very unhappy.

However, his guess was correct. The other party was indeed from the official camp.

However, this so-called official has a big question mark.

Now that more than four months have passed since the Extreme Heat Era, who is the official and who can represent the official needs to be discussed carefully.

"The surname Wang is very common, but people named Special Envoy are rare. I didn't expect you to have such a strange name."

Meng Ren yelled back at him.

The man in black's face instantly turned cold, and his tone became unkind; "What do you mean by this? Are you pretending to be stupid on purpose?"

"I am an envoy sent by the official survivor camp in Shangjiang City. The envoy is my identity, not my name."

"With your attitude, can I understand that you have any other meaning?"


Meng Ren couldn't help but laugh.

"What does your so-called special envoy status have to do with me? And how do you prove your so-called official status? There are a lot of people making big claims these days, why should I believe you." Meng Ren did not hide the sarcasm in his words. .

The man in black was immediately furious. Because of his identity, no matter which camp he went to, the people were always polite and respectful to him.

Unexpectedly, it didn't work when he arrived at Meng Ren's place today, which made him angry.

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