Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 370 The deal with Chen Hu

The soldier spread his hands: "The supplies have really been taken away. If you don't believe it, you can go in and have a look."

Hearing this, Lu Wentao couldn't sit still, and he immediately set off to enter the villa.

Walking into the door of Villa Zero, what you see is a chaotic situation. The entire villa seems to have been ransacked, and there is chaos everywhere.

He ignored these things and went straight into the basement.

When he arrived at the basement, Lu Wentao was really shocked.

It was exactly as the soldier said. All the supplies in five large warehouses had disappeared.

Not only supplies, but even the crops in the farm were taken away, and the animals in the pasture disappeared.

"What a joke!"

"How did those people do it? Even if ten people were to move the materials in five large warehouses, it would be difficult to move them in two hours, let alone the crops in the farm and the animals in the pasture. "

"This isn't right!"

Lu Wentao frowned.

"It seems that my previous guess was correct. The person who killed Wenjie must be an esper, and the other party should have some ability to transfer materials. Otherwise, the materials in the five large warehouses would not have been taken away in such a short period of time. "

"It seems that when the other party joined Anmu Community, he may have already made plans for today. That person came with bad intentions from the beginning!"

Lu Wentao's face was very ugly, and the cold light in his eyes was terrifyingly cold.

Although his relationship with Lu Wenjie was not very good, they were biological brothers after all. Now that Lu Wenjie died and even his body was missing, he naturally felt angry in his heart.

The most important thing... is Lu Wenjie's ability!

"The murderer took away Wenjie's body. He probably knows the secret of the mutated crystal core, which means that Wenjie's ability has fallen into the hands of the other party." Lu Wentao's face became even more ugly.

He wasn't particularly concerned about the loss of supplies, but Lu Wenjie's ability was also taken away by the murderer, which made him very concerned.

Lu Wenjie's ability is very powerful. Although he has no combat power, he is absolutely indispensable to many people, enough to make countless people crazy.

Such a powerful ability has been lost now, and it is extremely difficult to get it back.

"The murderer must be found. I don't care about the materials, but Wenjie's ability must be taken back, otherwise it will seriously affect my and my father's status in the base!" Lu Wentao's eyes flashed with light.

If he had known that something like this would happen, he would never have agreed to Lu Wenjie running out to play some boring game by himself.

Under such a strong security force, Lu Wenjie was still killed. This is the most outrageous thing.

This shows that the strength of the murderer who killed Lu Wenjie is definitely extraordinary.

Lu Wentao didn't think too much, he immediately left the empty basement.

"Let's go find someone!" Lu Wentao said.

He took the lead and got on the armed helicopter, and then other soldiers came up one after another. With the roar of the propellers, the armed helicopter slowly took off and then flew in one direction.


After a few minutes of flying, a huge square appeared in Lu Wentao's sight.

The flying armed helicopter made a lot of noise, and it quickly attracted the attention of some people.

A group of people quickly emerged from the underground parking lot of the square. There were not many of them, there were nearly a hundred of them just at a casual glance.

Lu Wentao took the loudspeaker and said: "I am Lu Wentao from the Yunhai Survivor Base, and I want to meet your leader Chen Hu!"

Lu Wentao's voice was amplified by the loudspeaker and spread directly throughout the square, causing a commotion.

After a while, a tall man walked out of the underground parking lot surrounded by a group of people.

"I am Chen Hu!"

The person who walked out was clearly Chen Hu. If Meng Ren were here, he would definitely scream in surprise.

After not seeing each other for more than a month, Chen Hu's figure has changed a lot, and he can almost be said to be a completely different person.

Lu Wentao said to the driver: "It will fall!"

The pilot nodded, then controlled the armed helicopter to land slowly, and finally stopped steadily in the square.

The cabin door opened, and Lu Wentao stepped out of the armed helicopter under the protection of several fully armed soldiers.

Chen Hu's men all around looked at these fully armed soldiers and couldn't help but take a step back.

Although there were only five soldiers, all five of them held assault rifles in their hands, and there was a six-barreled heavy machine gun mounted on an armed helicopter not far away.

In contrast, most of them only have machetes and wooden sticks in their hands.

Use machetes and clubs to deal with assault rifles and heavy machine guns? Or even a gunship?

As long as there is nothing wrong with their minds, they will not do such stupid things.

Seeing Lu Wentao coming down from the armed helicopter, Chen Hu took the initiative to step forward.

A gentle smile appeared on his majestic face, and he reached out his hand and said: "This brother, I am Chen Hu. I wonder why brother came to see me?"

"If a brother needs help from me, Chen Hu, just ask. As long as it is something that I, Chen Hu, can do, I will never refuse!"

Chen Hu smiled heartily. His tall body was more than two meters tall. He stood there like a wall, giving people a heavy sense of oppression.

Those who can!

Lu Wentao could tell at a glance that the Chen Hu in front of him was an ability user, and the opponent's abilities were most likely related to physical enhancement.

Judging from this power, I am afraid that the strength will not be much weaker.

However, although he saw that Chen Hu was a capable person, Lu Wentao was not afraid.

If Chen Hu was that kind of weird special ability user, then Hai Hai would be a little wary of him.

But enhanced ability users pose the least threat to him. This type of ability user often strengthens a certain aspect of the body, allowing it to exceed human limits.

Either power, defense, or speed.

But no matter how it is strengthened, it still has no effect in the face of the destruction of thermal weapons.

All beings are equal in front of heavy machine guns, so what if they are capable people?

It only takes a small bullet to kill the opponent easily.

Facing the enthusiastic Chen Hu, Lu Wentao looked calm: "You're welcome, Chief Chen. I do have something to ask Chief Chen when I come here today!"

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