Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 320 Crush in the Supermarket

Yu Xingnian and Meng Ren fled and chased each other, and left the square in the blink of an eye.

Yu Xingnian in front ran away like crazy. He was very fast, but Meng Ren behind him was not slow either.

Since becoming an esper, Meng Ren's body has become stronger day by day. Coupled with his conscious exercise every day, in terms of physical fitness alone, although he is not as good as veterans like Yu Xingnian, it is not far behind. How many.

Moreover, Yu Xingnian was injured on his shoulder. As his body was running wildly, the pain on his shoulder was so unbearable that his facial features were distorted.

However, Meng Ren behind him was wearing bulletproof equipment, and these things added up to a lot of weight.

Comparing the two, Meng Ren was not as fast as Yu Xingnian, and he could only watch as he left further and further.

"Yu Xingnian must be captured. Whether it is for my plan or to avoid his revenge, Yu Xingnian must die here today!" Meng Ren's eyes flashed.

Huang Dong has already proven how terrifying it is to be retaliated by a hidden ability user. The other party doesn't know what Yu Xingnian's ability is yet, but Meng Ren doesn't want to be thought about by an ability user all day long.

He did not hesitate to take off his equipment and immediately went into battle lightly.

Although it was very dangerous to do so, Yu Xingnian in front might turn around and shoot him at any time.

Without the protection of a body armor, Meng Ren would have a high chance of being shot.

But now in order to catch up with Yu Xingnian, Meng Ren no longer cares so much.

Without the drag of the body armor, Meng Ren's speed increased greatly. Not only was he no longer separated by Yu Xingnian, but the distance between the two was also rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Yuxingnian, there's no point running away. You can't escape from my hands!" Meng Ren said in a cold tone, intending to give Yuxingnian a sense of psychological oppression.

But this move obviously had no effect on Yu Xingnian.

Yu Xingnian gritted his teeth and ran wildly while holding back the pain in his body, but he heard very clearly that the ability user behind him was approaching quickly.

No, I have to find a way immediately!

Yu Xingnian felt anxious. He calmed down quickly and thought about how to get out of the predicament at hand.

After pondering for a moment, Yu Xingnian turned around and plunged into the supermarket next to him.

He rushed directly into the supermarket, then quickly reduced his speed, quickly reduced the noise he made, and then hid himself in the darkness.

It was dark inside the supermarket. There was no light here. Even if you opened your eyes wide, you could barely see some subtle things clearly.

In the darkness, Yu Xingnian has been hiding here. He is like a poisonous snake hiding in the darkness, as if he will stretch out his fangs at any time.

Yu Xingnian, the front foot player, had just rushed here, and Meng Ren, the back foot foot, had already reached his position.

Seeing Yu Xingnian hiding in the dark supermarket, Meng Ren could not understand what Yu Xingnian meant.

"This guy... wants to ambush me in the dark!"

The look on Meng Ren's face couldn't help but be a little strange.

He admitted that Yu Xingnian's approach was correct. He had inquired about Yu Xingnian's identity before. The other party had served in the special forces. As a scout, hiding, assassination, ambush, and reconnaissance were all Yu Xingnian's skills. Something to be good at.

What Yu Xingnian does now is to treat the supermarket as a jungle. He hides in the supermarket and then ambush Meng Ren, his prey.

"What a pity! What a pity!"

"If my ability is not telekinesis, then I'm afraid you will really succeed!"

"But it's a pity that this hidden method is ineffective for me!"

Meng Ren couldn't help but smile.

If Yu Xingnian continued to escape, it would probably take a lot of effort for Meng Ren to catch him.

But Meng Ren didn't expect that Yu Xingnian would hide in the supermarket and try to assassinate him.


If it's an assassination from a long distance, there's no problem, but if it's an assassination at close range in the dark, it's just ridiculous!

Meng Ren released his telekinesis without hesitation. In just a moment, his telekinesis had extended into the supermarket.

He himself was not in a hurry to enter the supermarket, but directly let the telekinesis enter the interior through the wall for detection.

Steel and cement walls cannot stop telekinesis, and twenty meters is the limit that his telekinesis can extend.

The darkness could not block his sight at all. On the contrary, Yu Xingnian himself was still affected by the light when he was in the darkness.

Under the detection of telekinesis, he soon sensed a figure.

"Got you!"

Meng Ren had a smile on his face.

With the experience of being discovered just now, Meng Ren used telekinesis to perceive even smaller this time to prevent being discovered by Yu Xingnian again.


This time Yu Xingnian didn't notice Meng Ren's telekinesis touching and sensing his physical condition.

A scalpel blade has quietly entered the supermarket.

The black scalpel blade sneaked into the dark environment silently, causing no movement during the entire process.

The scalpel blade quickly came to Yu Xingnian's side, and then shot out without hesitation.


With the sound of a sharp blade slicing through flesh, the sharp scalpel blade instantly cut open Yu Xingnian's arm and cut open his tendon.

The tendon of his hand was cut open, and the weakness and pain made Yu Xingnian let go of his right hand holding the pistol.


Yu Xingnian couldn't help but scream in a low voice. His eyes widened instantly and he couldn't believe his eyes.

How did the enemy hurt me?

In the flash of lightning, Yu Xingnian couldn't care less. He wanted to pick up the pistol that fell on the ground, but in the dark environment, the pistol had rolled on the ground after falling, and he didn't know where it was.

Yu Xingnian could only fumble around on the ground nearby. In the dark environment, enemies might appear at any time. Only a pistol could give him a sense of security.


But at this moment, the sharp scalpel flew out again, this time directly cutting open the tendon of his left hand.


Yu Xingnian's complexion changed drastically.

I can't stay here anymore. The person who attacked me is definitely an ability user. He is using his ability to attack me!

Being injured by this invisible and strange attack twice in a row, there is no doubt that someone with such an attack method must be a person with abilities.

Moreover, the opponent's ability is very strange. It is obviously a dark environment, but he can accurately attack his hands.

Yu Xingnian immediately stood up and wanted to escape. He wanted to escape from here quickly.

But outside the supermarket, how could Meng Ren give him such an opportunity.

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