Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 290 Talking about Cooperation

Meng Ren nodded. He had the same idea, but how to kill Wang Wenbo required careful planning.

After the assassination just now, the other party's vigilance will inevitably increase significantly. It is basically very difficult to use the same method to assassinate again.

"Your clay bird can fly in the air. I hope you use the bird to monitor that person from a distance, and then we can snipe him from a distance!" Meng Ren expressed his thoughts.

Huang Dong pondered for a moment and felt that Meng Ren's method was feasible, but he also raised a question.

"You just said that the person's perception distance is more than thirty meters, which means that if we want to assassinate him, we must stay thirty or even fifty meters away."

"Are there any such professional archery or shooting masters among us?"

"It's not easy to snipe and kill a person fifty meters away in the dark at night!" Huang Dong said the problem.


Meng Ren was a little helpless.

Huang Dong was right. To hit someone at such a distance was simply impossible with the abilities of several of them.

If it was during the day, it would still be possible, but with the scorching heat during the day, the other party would not come out at all.

And at night, when the line of sight is blocked, the difficulty of sniping is greatly increased, making this even more impossible.

So what method should be used?

Meng Ren was thinking in his mind, thoughts flashing through his mind.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and he suddenly thought of a plan.


This woman has the ability to charm. Although the charm effect will be greatly affected for those with abilities, ordinary people are basically powerless to resist.

This means that Rose can be used to charm one of the bomb-proof security team, and then let him kill that person.

As long as everything goes well, the probability of success in this matter is almost 100%. After all, how many people will be wary of the security around them.

Meng Ren immediately told the story. After hearing this, Huang Dong's eyes lit up slightly, but at the same time he also took a deep look at Xu Qing.

"I didn't expect you to know someone with such abilities!"

Huang Dong looked at Meng Ren with deep fear in his eyes.

Meng Ren looked calm: "There is no enmity between you and me, so you have nothing to be wary of."

"Let this matter proceed like this. I will persuade Rose to take action, while you use the clay bird to search and monitor the person's actions!"

Huang Dong tapped his chin; "No problem."

After the plan was finalized, Meng Ren and Huang Dong immediately started taking action.

Meng Ren quickly went to where the Baishi camp was located, while Huang Dong controlled three clay birds and set off to find the location of Wang Wenbo and his party.

Meng Ren moved very quickly here. After he left, he quickly went to the White Rock Camp and called Rose out.

The two met again, with a thick smile on Rose's face.

She glanced at Meng Ren, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

"It seems you have something to ask me for!"

Meng Ren didn't look good. Rose was a very shrewd woman. If she wanted to ask her to take action this time, she would be blackmailed severely.

But as long as things can be done well, it is completely worth paying a small price.

"Yes, I do need your help."

"I want you to help kill someone!" Meng Ren said.

Rose smiled like a flower: "It's okay to kill, what price can you pay?"

"What do you want?" Meng Ren said.


"It has become increasingly difficult to search for supplies outside. My group of people have begun to cut back on food and clothing. This is not a good sign. I need you to provide me with some supplies!"

"I want a hundred pounds of raw meat! Or two hundred boxes of instant noodles." Rose said directly.

In her opinion, this number was already astonishing. She did not expect Meng Ren to agree to it. Anyway, everyone could bargain.

However, what she never expected was that when faced with this number, Meng Ren immediately agreed.

"Okay!" Meng Ren was very proud and agreed directly: "I will give you two hundred boxes of instant noodles, but I want you to come with me to do it now."

Seeing that Meng Ren agreed so readily, Rose couldn't help but be a little stunned, and at the same time she felt a little regretful. She should have asked for more if she had known earlier.

"I didn't expect that you still have so many supplies in your hands!" Rose said in a faint tone.

She looked at Meng Ren with envy, and at the same time she was also a little shocked and incredulous.

Two hundred boxes of instant noodles were not a small number in her opinion. How on earth did Meng Ren take it out so casually?


Meng Ren chuckled in his heart. Rose probably never dreamed that there were thousands of boxes of instant noodles in his portable space. A mere two hundred boxes was just a small number to him.

And he doesn't even eat instant noodles. After all, the taste is far less delicious than fresh meals.

"I'll give you fifty boxes of instant noodles as a deposit, and I'll give you the remaining one hundred and fifty boxes after the incident!" Meng Ren said.

Rose nodded and agreed, and the two parties agreed and then began to take action.

Meng Ren left first, and then found a place to take out fifty boxes of instant noodles.

Rose quickly brought people over to pick up the supplies. When she saw fifty boxes of convenience items neatly lying on the ground, she couldn't help but smile.

Meng Ren's eyes fell on Rose's face, and he noticed this problem.

As one of the three deputy leaders of the White Rock Camp, Rose has begun to worry about food.

This probably represents a certain direction of the wind, and I'm afraid that the recent situation at White Rock Camp is not very good either.

Although he was thinking this in his heart, Meng Ren did not ask. It was still important to deal with that person first.

After receiving the deposit, Rose quickly became enthusiastic. She asked her men to transport the supplies back, and she followed Meng Ren.

Under the leadership of Meng Ren, Rose quickly arrived near Anmu Community. On the way, Meng Ren also briefly explained the mission.

As for the internal affairs of Anmu Community, he didn't say much.

Rose is also a smart person. She didn't ask too much. After hearing her plan, she nodded.

Just let her charm a person and then let that person kill someone. This kind of thing can be said to be no difficulty for her.

You can earn two hundred boxes of instant noodles just by doing something like this. It's such a bargain.

Meng Ren quickly met Huang Dong with Rose, and the three got to know each other after meeting.

Rose couldn't help but be surprised when she heard that Huang Dong in front of her was also a person with abilities.

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