Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 183 Back to...the temptation of pot meat

Many people couldn't help but sniff it several times, with water flowing from their mouths.

"It's stir-fried vegetables again, no, those people in the Protoss Camp are eating so well? They are eating stir-fried vegetables again!" One person couldn't help but said.

Everyone around him nodded.

"Yeah, it's a bit too luxurious to be able to eat stir-fried vegetables at this time!"

"How do they preserve ingredients? In such a hot weather, there are still fresh vegetables and meat to eat?"

"This very similar to twice-cooked pork. There is still meat to eat. This food is so good!"

Everyone was talking and discussing this matter.

It is already the second month of the Extreme Heat Era. Due to the high temperature, all kinds of vegetables and meat have long since rotted. The things that can still be eaten today are basically the legacies left over from the civilized era.


It’s a bit too extravagant!

Many people in the crowd looked at each other. They looked at the cans and instant noodles in their hands and suddenly felt that they didn't taste good.

A child of about ten years old could not help but turn his head to look at the middle-aged woman next to him and said: "Mom, I want to eat twice-cooked pork!"

When the middle-aged woman heard this, she couldn't help showing an embarrassed look on her face: "Good boy, Xiaohu, we don't eat twice-cooked pork. Don't you have canned food to eat? Just eat this!"

When the child heard this, he threw the can in his hand on the ground with a clang, and immediately started making a fuss: "No, I want to eat twice-cooked pork!"

When the middle-aged woman saw this, she immediately comforted her: "Okay, okay, little tiger, don't cry, mommy will get you twice-cooked pork right now!"

"You come with me!"

After saying that, the middle-aged woman immediately got up from the tent and walked towards the direction of the Star Spirit camp with her child.

Seeing this, other people showed curious expressions on their faces, and some couldn't help but follow him.

The mother and son soon came to the wall and knocked on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!


Lu Qianqian's voice came from inside. After a while, the wall door opened and Lu Qianqian poked her head out.

The middle-aged woman had an apologetic look on her face: "Little girl, I'm really sorry, my children are clamoring for twice-cooked pork."

"I have a can here, I wonder if I can exchange it with you!"

Hearing this, Lu Qianqian couldn't help but frown, and then said: "Wait a moment, I'll ask our captain."

"Okay, thank you!" the middle-aged woman smiled.

Lu Qianqian returned to the camp, just as Meng Renzheng came out after washing up. After seeing him, Lu Qianqian asked: "Captain, someone outside came to us and wanted to exchange canned food for pot meat."

Meng Ren turned around: "Okay, the same weight of food, then three for one!"

Lu Qianqian blinked: "Three for one? I'm afraid those people won't change."

"Then it has nothing to do with me. Things are rare and expensive. If you want to eat better things, of course you have to pay the price."

"I'm not running a charity here!" Meng Ren shrugged.

"With the same weight of food, three for one of vegetables and one for five of meat can guarantee that it is not human flesh."

He knew that someone would definitely come to exchange food, so he was already prepared.

He didn't mind being generous as long as others were willing to come over with food.

Lu Qianqian nodded, then went over to tell Meng Ren what he said.

She came to the gate of the camp and said: "Our captain said, we can exchange for food!"

"If the weight is the same, three vegetables will be exchanged for one, and meat will be exchanged for five. This can guarantee that it is not human flesh!"


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar on the scene.

"Three for one? Five for one? This is too much of a trap. Our food is hard-earned. It takes three portions of food to get one portion. Only an idiot would do this!"

"Yes, this is too core. Meat is five for one. And what does human flesh mean? Do some people eat human flesh? No!"

"Fuck, what kind of black-hearted businessman is he? He's gone. Isn't he just cooking? I can't do it without eating. It's like someone begged him."

Everyone dispersed in a hurry, everyone was very dissatisfied with the rules set by Meng Ren.

Nowadays, food is so scarce that everyone wants to eat one portion of food as two portions. The rules set by Meng Ren are obviously dissatisfying.

The middle-aged woman's face also looked a little unsightly, but she didn't say anything more and then prepared to take the child away.

But the child was unwilling. He sat down on the ground and said, "If you don't want to go, I won't go!"

"I want to eat twice-cooked pork!"

The middle-aged woman looked doting and helpless: "Xiaohu, the food exchange is too expensive. Let's forget it this time. Mom will prepare twice-cooked pork for you next time."

"No, no, I want twice-cooked pork!" The child rolled on the ground.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman was helpless and had no choice but to look at Lu Qianqian.

"Little girl, the child really wants to eat. How about we discuss it? You can exchange it for us this time, and I will make up for it next time. What do you think?" the middle-aged woman said.

Lu Qianqian shook her head without hesitation. If it were before, she would definitely have agreed softly, but after what she has seen and heard during this period, her heart has already changed.

The middle-aged woman in front of her came to beg her for her child. She was indeed pitiful.

But she has seen too many poor people. These people still have food to eat. Aren't those who have nothing to eat even more pitiful?

There are countless hungry people in the world today. Poor people are as worthless as weeds.

What's more, since Meng Ren made the rules, she must not violate them. Otherwise, if she makes Meng Ren unhappy, she will only suffer the consequences.

"No!" Lu Qianqian refused without even thinking.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman's face didn't look good.

"Little girl, you are too inhumane. Such a young child just wants to eat twice-cooked pork. Why don't you be considerate?"

"You are an adult, what's wrong with a child? You look so young, how can you be so hard-hearted!" The middle-aged woman said a lot of words like a barrage of words.

Hearing this, Lu Qianqian's face suddenly turned cold.

She was not someone who suffered losses, so she immediately fought back,

"What did you say?"

"Your child is none of my business. He is not my son. Why should I be considerate?"

"One for one? Thank you for your words. Do you know how difficult it is to preserve fresh vegetables and meat? Don't these cost nothing?" Lu Qianqian scolded her directly.

Perhaps because her voice was a little louder, the little tiger on the ground suddenly cried loudly and fell to the ground to roll around.

"Ah! I want to eat twice-cooked pork!"

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