The man was rolling on the ground in pain on the spot. The severe pain made his facial features become hideous, and he screamed repeatedly: "I was shot by a compound bow!"


And the archers?

Everyone was shocked. They took a closer look and saw that the only person standing at the intersection of the five buildings was Meng Ren. He only had a pistol in his hand, and there was no bow or arrow.

So the person who came to shoot arrows was not Meng Ren? But someone else?


Just when these people were stunned by the sudden arrows, Meng Ren didn't give them a chance. He aimed his pistol at the second person and then shot directly.

The bullet roared out and penetrated the man's arm.


Another shrill scream appeared in the darkness, and the painful sound made people's scalp numb.

At this time, Meng Ren had already started to move around. His marksmanship was not very good, and it was even more dark now. Under such circumstances, it was not easy to hit a large living person twenty or thirty meters away. Easy things.

There is no need to think about killing with one blow, it can only be wounded.

However, in the current environment, the screams of those injured by bullets seemed to be more deterrent than the firearm in Meng Ren's hand.

A group of people kept trying to avoid Meng Ren's bullets. They tried their best to get closer to Meng Ren, and some people threw the blades in their hands directly at Meng Ren.

Meng Ren was almost hit by a flying knife, so he quickly dodged and used the corner of the building as a cover.


There was another sound of an arrow tearing the air, and the second arrow had already arrived.

The arrow shot out and hit an unlucky guy hiding by the flower bed.

The sharp arrow shot directly into his neck, and the man fell to the ground in pain before he even had time to scream.

"help me!"

The man cried out in pain to the people around him for help.

Seeing his miserable condition, the people around him not only did not come forward to help, but instead hurriedly left one by one, for fear that the archers hiding in the dark would discover his location.

"Second floor!"

"The archer is on the second floor!"

In the darkness, the voice of the guard Lao Wang sounded.

He is worthy of being a former soldier. He is currently hiding in a well-hidden location. At the same time, he is also observing the location of the archer. He soon discovers Ou hidden in a window of a room on the second floor. Mingxue.

"The archer is Ou Mingxue on the second floor!" said the guard, Old Wang.

When they heard that it was Ou Mingxue, a group of people immediately became angry.

"Ou Mingxue, you are a rip-off guy, and you actually helped Meng Ren deal with us!"

"Yes, Meng Ren is the one we should defeat. Doctor Ou, what are you doing!"


"Doctor Ou, stop quickly. Let's deal with Meng Ren together. As long as we are defeated, we will have countless supplies!"

Some are furious, some are scolding, and some are persuading.

The expressions on everyone's faces can be said to be different, and for a moment it seemed like all kinds of expressions in the world.

But in a room on the second floor, there was no change in Ou Mingxue's face by the window, or in other words, the cold look on her face became more intense after listening to these people's words.

String the bow, draw the bow, and shoot!

The three movements were completed in one go, and the arrow shot out, heading directly towards the third person.


Another scream sounded, and Ou Mingxue proved his attitude with practical actions.


Some people couldn't help but yell at Ou Mingxue, and they were all very angry.

Downstairs in the fifth building, the scene has fallen into a stalemate at this moment. Meng Ren is guarding the entrance of the corridor, and Ou Mingxue, an archer, is taking aim on the second floor, so that it has become a problem to get close to the fifth building. Dangerous things.

It's okay to say it's far away. After all, it's difficult to shoot someone in such a dark environment.

But it's different once you get close. Whether you're hit by an arrow or a bullet, it's very painful.

At this time, once you are injured, you are basically half-foot in the door of hell.

In the absence of medical supplies, injury can almost equal death.

"Come on, why don't you continue on? Who else wants to come over?" In the corridor, Meng Ren held a 1911 pistol and sneered, staring at the people in the darkness with cold eyes.

As long as someone dared to show his head, he would shoot him without hesitation.

In the darkness, Liu Mei and others were gnashing their teeth as they looked at the scene in front of them.

They wanted to go over and catch Meng Ren, but they were afraid of the pistol in Meng Ren's hand.

"Come together, don't be afraid. As long as you hide your figures, Meng Ren can't beat us!" Liu Mei shouted in the darkness.


Meng Ren laughed wildly: "Liu Mei, stop shouting. You said you wanted everyone to rush together, but I could see clearly just now that you were constantly retreating!"

These words surprised many people, and one of them immediately yelled at Liu Mei.

Liu Mei hurriedly explained: "Don't listen to Meng Ren's nonsense, I just rushed!"

The guard, Lao Wang, said with a dark face: "Don't make any noise, what time of day is it now and you can still start arguing!"

He gritted his teeth and thought, and soon discovered a problem, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I have an idea!"

The loud shout of the guard Lao Wang immediately attracted everyone's attention, and many people looked at him one after another.

"Old Wang, if you have any ideas, please tell me quickly!"

The guard Lao Wang said with a smile: "Meng Ren and the others are all on the front side of the fifth building, but with so many of us, we can catch Meng Ren and the others' eyes from the front, and then touch them from the side or even the back!"

"When the time comes, as long as we light the fifth building on fire, Meng Ren will have to come out of it!"

good idea!

When everyone heard this, their eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Wait, then who is going to do this?" Zhu Mengyue asked this question.

Everyone was stunned, and then looked at Lao Wang.

Lao Wang said with a dark face: "You beasts, do you want me, a lame person, to do this?"

"Zhou Feng, Li Ming, let you two do this!"

Zhou Feng and Li Ming were startled when they heard this, and their faces suddenly darkened: "Old Wang, what nonsense are you talking about? You want us to do such a dangerous thing? If you want to go, go alone!"

Lao Wang explained: "You are young people with strong skills. If you don't go, why don't we old guys go?"

"Don't worry, we will help you attract Meng Ren's attention from the front. Coupled with the cover-up of darkness, he will not be able to discover you."

"Besides, you don't need to do anything, just set those beds on fire!"

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