Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others

Global Imperial Beast: My Battle Pet Is Twice as Others Chapter 170

Chapter 129 was challenged again

Among the 20 Beastmaster academies in the Upper East Side, Zidian Academy ranked fifth.

For those who can enter the Beastmaster Academy, the potential of the first pet must be at least at the Bronze Rank or above, otherwise it will kill the Black Iron Rank, which is really of little value to the Academy.

Based on this criterion, even students who reached the top level of black iron when they graduated from high school, but who could no longer improve their battle pets, were directly rejected by major colleges.

On the contrary, if the pet is strong enough, then even if it is a black iron lower-level after graduation, it can still reap the olive branches of the major colleges.

At this time, An Hezheng was full of pride.

Beside him are the three vice-principals, and the deans of the five major branches, who are in a commotion and blushing.

They came for only one purpose, to transfer Su Bai to their branch.

"Su Bai's main battle pet is the Wind and Thunder War Eagle, and he should join our first branch."

Xie Boyi, the dean of the first branch, is a man with a strong back. He patted his chest and said to An Hezheng, "President An, let Su Bai come to me, and I promise to win the silver group championship this time."

Lu Liang, the dean of the second branch next to him, was unhappy and said, "Su Bai has an ice turtle, which perfectly fits the style of our branch. We are all beastmasters specializing in defense."

The director of the fourth branch, Fu Yunyun, obviously held an objection, and said firmly, "It's no coincidence that the Holy Heavenly Horse has appeared outside the Upper East City twice. Our fourth branch, which specializes in relic investigation, needs 673 to ask for Su. With Bai's assistance, we can decipher the secrets of these rare beasts."

The directors of the third and fifth branches also insisted on their own opinions. Although their branches were slightly weaker, they made up their minds that they could not just let the other three stand out. They had to fight for it.

They received the news that Dean An took out a platinum-level beast egg in order for Su Bai to represent Zidian Academy in the beast-fighting performance.

If President An did not have the confidence to win, would he make such a loss-making business?

Although it is the representative of Zidian Academy, but in which branch, the difference is big.

As long as this beast-fighting performance is over, the branch where Su Bai belongs will definitely become famous, and when it recruits students next year, it will have an advantage.

The five sub-deans are all good people, how can they miss this kind of cheap good thing, they came right away.

Then I found that my colleagues also had the same thoughts, and he was so angry that he yelled in his heart, but his face still maintained a basic demeanor.

Hearing everyone's argument, An Hezheng was very happy in his heart. He never thought that Su Bai would choose their Zidian Academy.

At that time, when he graduated from high school, Su Bai's pet was already the Sky Steel Crow, and the upper limit of the level was gold. Even Xinghai Academy would be willing to open the door for him.

Xinghai Academy also thought that this matter was guaranteed. After all, they were the Beastmaster Academy ranked first in the Upper East City, and their reputation and strength were much stronger than Zidian Academy.

As a result, Su Bai went to Zidian Academy.

After Su Bai gradually emerged and the Sky Steel Crow evolved into the Wind Thunder War Eagle, it is said that Dean Xinghai was so angry that he didn't eat for three days, and he couldn't understand why Su Bai didn't choose them.

And when An Hezheng heard the news, he ate two more bowls of joy.

Seeing that several branch deans were about to start arguing again, An Hezheng coughed and said, "Su Bai's situation is special, so he will not enter the branch, and will join the special recruitment class directly. After receiving training, he will participate in the beast-monster martial arts."

Depend on!

The three vice deans and the five branch deans raised their middle fingers in their hearts at the same time.

The special recruit class, isn't that the class you teach directly?

Obviously, An Hezheng would not easily miss this kind of face-showing thing, not to mention that he took out the platinum beast egg and made Su Bai his disciple, justifiably justified.

"President An is wise."

The others could only pin their noses to recognize it.

An Hezheng laughed heartily, his gray beard trembling.

In his heart, An Hezheng couldn't help but look forward to the imperial beasts performing martial arts. With Su Bai around, he was confident to wrestle with Dean Xinghai.

"Once my student Yu Bingtong pressed your chief disciple, now, Su Bai will continue this tradition."

An Hezheng only felt that years of grievances were about to be resolved, and he was instantly happy.


A teacher ran over with a panicked expression on his face, "No, Su Bai and the second-year chief have a fight!"

Holy shit!

Although the nine people present were the absolute high-ranking members of Zidian Academy, they still couldn't help but scolded in their hearts.

This meeting is only in the morning, how long has it been since the registration of freshmen started, why did the fight start?

For some reason, the dean of the fifth division suddenly became less entangled about Su Bai's entry into the special recruitment class.

Thinking about it carefully, this guy doesn't seem to be a quiet master.

He was there in the time of the beast swarm, he was in the blood-eating vines, he was in the flaming blood dragon elephant, and he was in the redemption meeting, and he was active everywhere.

In contrast, even a fourth-year student did not have as much combat experience as him.

"Let's go and have a look." An Hezheng quickly reacted and asked, "Where are they."

"Duel Arena No. 3."

Swish swish.

Everyone walked away quickly, and soon disappeared in place.

The teacher was startled and said in secret, as expected of a gold-level beastmaster, he is so powerful without a projection.


Su Bai was a little depressed. He was caught by Yang Lejia and Ai Yu just a second ago, and he was still thinking about how to get out when he saw a few students approaching aggressively at the gate.

"You are Su Bai?" The student in the lead was sturdy with a stubborn face, "My name is Kong Xinran, the second-year chief, I will start a duel with you here, and if you lose, you will give up Dean An's beast egg. "

In the Commonwealth, duels are the most common and best problem-solving method.

Not convinced?

It's very simple, in a fight, whoever is stronger speaks!

However, in order to protect vulnerable groups, the Federation has regulations, and low-level beastmasters can refuse a duel proposed by senior beastmasters.

And the high-level beastmaster cannot refuse the duel request made by the low-level beastmaster.

This is no problem, after all, in most cases, the level represents the combat power.

Generally speaking, there are very few low-level beastmasters who take the initiative to duel.

Even if the pet is killed because of poor strength, the Federation will not care.

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