
The mine slaves and foremen had never been so united, and dozens of people joined forces to crush and each showed their talent towards Qin Kong.

The reason is simple, for promotion.

The blessing that supported Qin Kong killed a lot of foremen, but the position was vacant at once, and the able lived there.

"It's hopeless."

Qin Kong's eyebrows burned with anger, and he moved forward step by step, and a terrifying force field rose up around him.

The crimson overlord color domineering spread instantly.

All the foremen and mine slaves fell to the ground one after another, rolling their eyes, and some of them were physically fragile and even directly died under this extreme sense of oppression.

Yan Kuan on the opposite side frowned slightly, and this time he couldn't understand the purpose of the young man in front of him.

"The face of the king! The guy who owns this thing, are you a family Tianjiao, or an aristocrat?

"I don't understand, young man, with such an identity, why should you hinder our Imperial Group, why do you need to get into trouble for these inferior people? Is it worth it to use your own golden life to give these inferior people who are low in talent and regard wealth as their destiny? "

Their spiritual power or bloodline is inferior, and they can't compare to the super talent that the wealthy families of the family are born with, and you should understand this better than me."

After saying these words, the fire in Qin Kong's heart was completely ignited.

It's not your turn to talk about Terran matters.

"What a lot of questions you have!" "


A rapid thunder shadow flashed.

No one could see clearly how Qin Kong moved.

I only saw a brilliant golden light suddenly jumping up, five fingers stretched, and one hand grasped like lightning.

As if strangling a chicken, piercing the strict wide throat that did not even have time to react, it was pinched and exploded!

Qin Kong stood coldly in place, and the corpse in his hand instantly turned into an ore crystal.

Sure enough, like the information he got, the other party's strength is not weak, although it is not in the Star Realm, but it is by no means inferior to himself, and it is not so easy to kill in one move.

In a short time, 30 large crystals were stabbing out at his feet like earth spears.

As his name suggests, the Crystal Ghost Yan Kuan has a talent named ore and can manipulate all underground minerals.

He is the best at playing with Spirit Crystal with this manipulation, and he is the real master of everything in this mine!

Qin Kong spun around on the spot and smashed all the incomparably strong Ground Rank Spirit Crystals with one blow of thunder.

This kick is tens of millions!

The kaleidoscopic chakra eye captures the breath and instantly grasps the true orientation of Yan Kuan.

Immediately afterwards, dense crystal cones gathered in the air again.

Yan Kuanhun's body was covered with spirit stone crystals, which appeared in mid-air, and then a 40-meter-long giant sword made of spar appeared in his hand.

Qin Kong squinted, in order to avoid revealing the stuffing when he came in, the space ring had been preserved in the airport, and the "shock" was not on his body, otherwise it was a 40-meter-long sword, or a 400-meter-long sword was also chopped.

"You're not human, are you?"

Qin Kong's thunder shadow flashed into the air again, stepping into the sky with moon steps, and shouted coldly.

The corners of Yan Kuan's mouth curved, just as he said.

"You're right, you're smart, I have a lot of things that humans don't have, supreme strength for a long time, and memories far beyond the Terrans!"

"That makes sense, demon, you are arrogant in human territory!"

"These words should be spoken by the winner!"

With that, the 40-meter-long giant sword descended in response.

Qin Kong's legs instilled thunder and lightning green tendons burst out for a month and ejected in one step, and the power of the dragon was liberated!

"Dragon Destroying Aoyi Ming Thunder!"

The spar giant sword was indestructible, and its hardness had long exceeded all the steel in nature, but it melted and shattered the moment it touched this extremely compressed thunder explosive dragon fist.

The swing of the giant sword and the power of the dragon collided instantly, and the two were shocked by the shock wave in the opposite direction and fell back to the ground.

The crystallized hardness of the Ground Step Spirit Stone was like a paper toy in front of the dragon's power.

This made Yan Kuan more and more surprised and unhappy.

Obviously there is such a strong force, do you have to flow this muddy water?

"The guy who wants to save everything by himself is really arrogant!"

In the blink of an eye, a crystalline flower appeared within a radius of tens of meters around Yan Kuan's body, and the core at the heart that had already merged with his body flashed brilliantly in the mine, and the hard spar grew wildly.

Even the fragments of the crystalline giant sword that had just been cut off began to split and condense directly.

There was no time to react at all, and dozens of Spirit Stone Crystal Replicas that were very similar to Yan Kuan suddenly appeared in front of him.

Each of them has combat effectiveness no less than Yan Kuan.

It is again the pressure of the army, and this kind of scene seems familiar.

Qin Kong pouted, which seemed to ignite the anger in his heart even more.

"Still want to crush me in numbers?"

"Saint Seiya won't fail twice in the same place!"

The replicator began to be shattered by a punch, and then it became more and more like a tide, entangled Qin Kong's hands and feet, and gradually flooded Qin Kong again.

This time, however.


The roar of thunder and lightning that resounded in the sky turned everything into ashes from the inside out.

A large number of thunderbolts gather the rioting electrons into continuous thunderstorms, powerful enough to change the terrain.

As if incarnated as the King of Thunder, Thunder generates chains of electricity that bounce back and forth between countless enemies.

All replicators were shattered in an instant.

Yan Kuan couldn't help but retreat one after another, Qin Kong's strength was far beyond his imagination.

However, the other party suddenly sneered.

"Hmph, you are very strong, I admit, but only at the human stage."

"Boy, people have limits!"

"What's more, it's facing a regenerative spirit race like me!"

Regeneration...... Spirit Clan?

As Yan Kuan's words fell, his body became exceptionally slender, his face gradually became young and straight, and he grew pointed ears that were difficult for humans to have.

That was like the elves that Qin Kui had seen on TV in his previous life.

The opponent's spiritual power skyrocketed instantly, and it even seemed to be almost comparable to the stars.

The earthquake beneath your feet spread throughout the underground mine.

"The power of the Spirit Race is much stronger than that of the Terrans! Juvenile! "

All the spirit stones in the field of vision are constantly stacked like earth dragons tumbling, turning into countless crystal waves stabbing towards Qin Kong from all directions.

"In this mine, I am the master!"

The spar giant wave struck, and the crystal ghost was suspended at the top of the crystal wave, and the overwhelming spar tsunami rushed towards Qin Kong with his command.

Looking at the other party's cold eyes, Qin Kong's muscles instantly tightened, and then with a charge, the thunder dragon with 30% of the dragon's power roared!

The dragon breath instantly pierced the spar tsunami, but in the next instant, the huge wave suddenly diverted and wrapped in, and it was about to directly pierce Qin Kong's body.

"You're dead!"

The fragments of the crystal wave splashed as sharp as a knife, hanging a trace of blood around Qin Kong's body.

"You're the one who dies!"

The environment has changed dramatically.

Golden thunder and lightning, shining dazzling in the void.


The overlord-colored xenomorph was entangled, and a trace of red thunder inexplicably surrounded Qin Kong's body.


Qin Kong disappeared without warning and reappeared at a height of tens of meters.

From below, a red electric arc flashed through the sky, and then bombarded towards the huge wave!

Crystal waves follow instantly.


The red thunder of the tyrant carries an invincible domineering.

Although it can only deliver one blow at present, it is enough to blast hundreds of demon species into flying ash.

An angry expression appeared on Qin Kong's face again.

The collision of the overlord color and the power of the thunder dragon.

Qin Kong's new trick is combined with the power of the dragon, and the power is even better than the thunder!

Thunder Mercury Red Thunder!!

A lightning strike stronger than lightning, red as blood....

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