(Chapter 388: What He Did to the Dragon)

Frightened, not only the emerald dragon Kirkonis, but also some of the nearby people, such as Rahal and Mestre of the Magic Review.

Meister has teleportation magic, when there is danger, you can take people to teleport away, comparable to Meister’s teleportation and Ye Xin’s is not the same, Meister can teleport at a very long distance, Ye Xin with the help of some props, such as an astronomical telescope that can constrain light, can carry out ultra-long-distance movement, the prelude is still very long.

Mester’s original intention was actually to think that when Ye Xin couldn’t defeat the two dragons, he must save Ye Xin.

On the one hand, it was because of the guilt of the tail of the Sirius Island goblin, and on the other hand, Ye Xin’s life was not only his own, but also related to the whole world.

He had seen the battle between the Dragon Slayer Sorcerer and the Dragon Slayer that the two Dragon Slayer Sorcerers were still not opponents against a dragon, almost completely crushed, and maybe no more Dragon Slayer Sorcerers could defeat a giant dragon.

But Ye Xin was different, he could defeat the dragon, he had seen with his own eyes, there were still threats such as the Dark Magician Jelf and the Black Dragon Akunorolia, he couldn’t die when he died, but he didn’t expect such a scene to make him stunned.

“This… This…” Rahal had no idea how to describe his mood at the moment, and perhaps the words shouted by the dragon were the words he wanted to express at the moment.

Mestre said: “He… Seems to be getting stronger again…”

“What?!” Rahal was a little puzzled.

Mestre shook his head and said, “Nothing? Just lament that he is worthy of the ‘legendary magician’. ”

The memories of Rahal and the people on the battleship near Sirius Island had been tampered with by him, so they had all forgotten the terrifying scene when Ye Xin and the Black Dragon Akunorolia fought, the Black Dragon Akunorolia was definitely much stronger than these dragons, but he also saw that Ye Xin’s strength seemed to be a little stronger than when he was on Sirius Island.

“It looks like our worries are superfluous.” Rahal said that there were originally seven-headed dragons here, each with the terrifying power to destroy a country, and the world could be dominated, but he did not expect such a surprising turn of events at this time.

From the appearance of the seven-headed dragon, it has not been long since the time has passed, Ye Xin has already defeated two dragons, and now there are five dragons left, one of which is still frightened, plus several dragon slayer magicians, if there is no big accident, it is only a matter of time before the human magician wins.

“Now it’s some people who are worried.”

Rahal’s face changed, the hero violated the prohibition with force, he couldn’t help but think of some of the secret information about Ye Xin he had seen before, Ye Xin had once destroyed the Magic Council, could the Magic Council restrain such a powerful magician? It was impossible, the current Critic was still a strong figure against the Magic Guild, and if he clashed with the tail of the goblin, he did not dare to imagine that picture.

“You monster!” Your whole family is a monster! Ye Xin saw the emerald dragon Kirkonis shouting like this, and cursed in disgust, he could understand being treated as a monster by humans, but you especially a giant dragon here said that I am such a human being a monster, how do you mean to say this, it is like being pointed at the nose by an ugly man and saying that he looks ugly, and being told by a eunuch that he can’t do it, he can’t bear it at all.

Ye Xin grasped the Overlord Gun and then aimed it at the Emerald Dragon Kirkonis, and the tip of the Overlord Gun flashed with golden doji stars.

Kirkonis cold hair all stood up, well, it had no cold hair, it was the dragon scales that all got goosebumps, the wings on the back were fanned, and the body rushed into the air.



The powerful and terrifying explosion broke out at the location where Kirkonis had just been, and Kirkonis dodged the attack of this explosion at a critical moment, as long as it was not hit by Ye Xin’s attack head-on, the giant dragon would not be injured.

“Kirkonis! Don’t run! Let’s fight life and death! ”

“Bastards! What a life-and-death duel, you simply want me to die! Damn, I can’t imagine that this world is even more dangerous than the world four hundred years ago, bastard Logue, you don’t send other dragons to support you, Lao Tzu won’t wait to go back! ”

Kirkonis’s voice sounded over the city of Crocas, the capital of Fiore, and everyone and the dragon were a little confused to hear it.

President Makarov also asked a little dumbfoundedly, “This… What the hell is going on here…”

From the moment just now, the terrifying explosions and vibrations coming from Ye Xin’s side continued, and just now a dragon seemed to shout ‘Monster! What exactly did Ye Xin do to the giant dragon that made the other party shout so bitterly.

The first president, Mebius, smiled and said, “It was two giant dragons that went to besiege Ye Xin, and as a result, Ye Xin defeated one giant dragon against two, and first chased the other dragon to slash it.” ”

The goblin’s tail was sweating a lot, how inexplicably it was easy to imagine that picture, the giant dragon shouted out what monster, put it on Ye Xin’s body is actually very appropriate, after all, they privately do not know how many times Guan Ye Xin called the monster, and this guy is indeed a monster, it seems that not only is a monster among humans, Ye Xin is also a monster level among the dragon clan.

Gray asked, “What does that dragon mean by calling out to Logue?” ”

“I don’t know.”

At this time, Lucy ran over and said, “It’s Future Logue!” ”

“Lucy?!” A few people saw Lucy, Mira, and Yukino, a member of the original Sword Biting Tiger, running over.

“Is it the future Logue?! What do you mean? ”

“It was Logue who used the Eclipse Gate to travel to this era a few years later, tricking the Emerald Princess into opening the Eclipse Gate, which caused many dragons to cross here from 400 years ago.”

“Is there such a thing?!” Everyone who heard this news was astonished, it was obvious that the passage through time and space was a bit too mysterious even in the magical world, and could only be seen in novels.

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