(Chapter 166: Ghost Encountered Around the Corner)

President Makarov was stunned, is this really the case, Naz even if this is the case, do you still believe in Laxus?

If it was the previous Laxus is still possible, now his words? As a grandfather, he could no longer understand his grandson.

“Aaa I seem to be participating! These guys are going to be cleaned up by Ye Xin alone! Naz kept tapping the transparent wall that was holding him out.

“What?!” Several people all exclaimed.

Looking towards the Fairy Tail Guild’s Latest Battle Report, I saw that in just a few minutes of their chat, more than a dozen people had been solved by Ye Xin.

The corners of his mouth twitched a little, and he said: This monster.

Magnolia Central District

Cartier Cathedral

Laxus, who led the goblin’s tail melee, was sitting here, and the latest changes in the war report naturally could not escape the eyes of his leader.

“Ye Xin! You bastard! ”

Looking at the war report that constantly brushed the screen, Laxus’s face was livid, and the first time Laxus knew Ye Xin’s purpose, a thing that almost anyone could not complete, in Ye Xin’s hands it seemed to be just a simple game of hide-and-seek, and Ye Xin’s existence seemed to make him do useless performances like a clown.

Inside a clothing store in the town of Magnolia

“Oh! Discover Gray!! ”

“It’s Gray! It’s Gray! ”

Gray looked at the people he met and his eyes changed: “Bikoslo! ”

“Yow! Come and play! ”

“I don’t have time to play with you, where is Laxus?!”

“You think I’ll tell you?” Bicoslo tilted his head and stuck out his tongue.

“Then there’s no way, if you don’t say it, I’ll let you talk.” Gray posed in a fighting pose.

“Hey! Aha~! ”

Bicoslo quickly rushed to Gray’s face and swept with one foot, and Gray quickly jumped up to avoid Bicosro’s attack.

“Go for it! BABY! ”



Bicoslo’s doll shoots a magic light cannon at Gray.

“BOOM!!” Gray quickly tumbled to dodge the doll’s attack.

“Straight Formation!”

The five dolls quickly piled into a pile, “Sigh——! A chopping wave quickly shot towards Gray, and Gray grabbed a mannequin with one hand as a support to dodge the slash.

“The little age is still quite powerful!” Gray, next is the victory formation, what’s going on BABY?! ”

Bicoslo found that his doll had not released magic, and immediately looked at his doll, and saw that his doll on the ground did not know when it was frozen into ice.

“What? When?! ”

Gray took advantage of Bicosro’s distraction and immediately rushed over and put a knee on Bicosro’s chin.

“Uh-huh-huh!” Bicoslo cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

“ICEMAKE Sledgehammer!”

Gray’s hands quickly used the Ice Shape Magic, and a huge ice hammer fell from the sky and smashed into Bicoslo, who had fallen to the ground.

“X Formation!”

“What?!” Gray was stunned to find that the ice hammer had not fallen, and when he looked up, he saw five mannequins standing around Bicoslo’s body, supporting the falling ice hammer.

Bicoslo looked at Gray triumphantly and said, “My séance-like magic ‘puppet possession’ attaches the soul to the puppet, and even if the puppet is frozen, the soul can be transferred to other puppets.” ”

“Then I won’t freeze you!” Gray shouted loudly, and then quickly used the Freeze Magic to freeze towards Picoslo.

“If you can do it, you can try it!” Bicoslo playfully spat out his tongue, then used the doll to resist Gray’s freezing magic and turned around and ran.

“Do you want to escape?!” Gray immediately chased after him, and it was hard to meet Bicoslo who had to force out Laxus’s location.


“Bastards! You give me a stand! ”

Bicoslo immediately entered an alley, and Gray followed him, but as soon as he entered, he found that the Bicosros were gone.

Suddenly, Piccolò’s voice came from above: “Here! Gray! ”

Gray looked up and saw Bicoslo in a horse-like posture with his feet on the wall of the alley, supporting his body.

“What the hell do you want to do?”

“I said it! I want to play! So are the BABYs. ”


A green magic barrier suddenly arose on the ground.

Gray’s face changed, and when he looked toward the enchantment, he saw that the rules of this magic enchantment appeared above the enchantment: people in this enchantment were forbidden to use magic until the end of the battle.

“Oops! It’s a trap! ”

“Hee-hee! In this case, it is very beneficial for remote operation of the magician. ”

At this time, several mannequins appeared at the entrance of the alley, which made Gray feel bad at first, but the mannequin did not give Gray any time to react.

“Sigh——!” A dense stream of magic light cannons quickly fired from the mouth of the mannequin, landing on Gray’s body.

“Boom boom!!”


“Yahahaha~! Unfortunately, even Gray can’t use magic! How can it be?! ”

Badly wounded, Gray suddenly stomped on the wall and rushed towards Bicoslo.

“Whoops, whoops!” Roaring and punching Bikoslo in the face.

“Wow, whoa, whoa!” Bicoslo screamed and fell to the ground with Gray.

However, Gray was also injured by the light cannon attack, and the last power was also used, and the person fainted when he fell to the ground.

Bikosloh shook his head, slowly stood up and looked at the fainting Gray with a little incredulity, and said, “This guy… Obviously, I have been attacked by BABY so many times, and I can still make such a move, which is really not to be underestimated, is it my subordinates who are merciful? ”

“Forget it, get one more anyway, and a few more should be over.”

Suddenly, a voice sounded, “Yes! It’s time to end. ”

Bikoslo’s body was shaken, and he quickly turned around and looked in the direction where the sound was emitted, and saw that Ye Xin did not know when he appeared at the exit of the hutong.

The expression on Bikoslo’s face suddenly froze, cold sweat was constantly oozing from his forehead, his body was a little trembling, and at the same time, he said: Oops, he has encountered a ghost.

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