“——This is the ordinary and ordinary destiny we should have, isn’t it?”

“But…like Kevin said……”

Velvet deliberately said in Kevin’s tone:”We all know that this world cannot be saved. But we still have to be heroes.”

“After all – even a weak, helpless, and inferior being would want to create some meaning for himself in life, right?”

No. 17 said:”……I will try my best not to let your meaning go to waste”


Velvet said:”But I hope… you can regard it as your own meaning.””


On the continent of Teyvat

【Qi Liangliang】:”Woohoo…my previous life really didn’t disappoint me.”.

【Kamisato Ayaka】:”Padofelis is truly a hero.”

【Xiaogong】:”I’ve just come out of the sadness of the promised land, give me another boomerang”

【Wendy】:”Padofelis… she has realized that she can no longer be considered an ordinary person.”

【Fonina】:”As expected of Kevin, what he said is so good, even if the world cannot be saved, we must become heroes!”

【Nasida】:”Yes, he did. It’s just… he may lose these honors”


【condensed light】:”Because of the Stigma Project, this generation will only regard him as a villain and a villain, and all honors have nothing to do with him.”

【Paimon】:”How could this be? He obviously wanted to save mankind and save the world.”

【night orchid】:”There is no way, I have to blame… It’s just that the world doesn’t have an exposure system.”

【Paimon】:”I don’t believe it, it will definitely not be the result later.”

With this thought in mind,

Paimon continued to watch.

After seeing these images, Xi’er was also preparing to go back and inform Hollander and the others.

Suddenly, strange fluctuations appeared in the Quantum Sea”827″.

The contact with them was also interrupted in an instant.

“The signal here is a bit spotty at the moment. You may have to wait a little longer.”

The sudden sound made Xi’er nervous immediately.


Xie’er was holding a sickle, ready to attack at any time.

At this time, the source of the sound gradually took shape and transformed into a girl with big green twin tails.

The system directly gave her a brief introduction to the future Huber who appeared due to space anomalies. Li’an AI: Aiyi Huberian.

Everyone can only continue to watch.

The voice continued:”Don’t be nervous, classmate Xi’er. I have no ill intentions, it just happens that the space signal appears like this when the space signal is extremely unstable.

Xi’er asked:”You… shouldn’t be a person from this world, right?””

Ai Yi nodded:”Of course. After all, in such a tiny and broken world bubble, any residue will no longer react with the outside world. They are just an image… nothing more than that.”

Xier said:”……Just now, you said you meant no harm. So – are you here to help us?”

Aiyi replied:”For this point, I really want to say yes…but it’s a pity that I can’t do anything yet. Even the knowledge I have gained so far…is too far away for you. but——”

“——How should I put it? I can at least appear in an undefended area like this when the space signal is unstable, and chat with you for a while in the dark.”

“But, having said that…please don’t ask me about my original name. After all, people always have little secrets that would make themselves inconvenient if told.

Xi’er nodded:”I understand.” So, can I ask another question?”

“——Why do you know my name?”

Ai Yi replied:”Because I will see you in the quantum sea in the future.”

“”Ah – please forgive me for using a very strange expression of time. I am a being living in a time crystal…I am afraid that my understanding of the past and future is very different from yours.

Xi’er said:”But in this case… for you, the future is also part of the past?””

Ai Yi replied:”Not exactly, just like the space crystal, the time crystal is not absolutely symmetrical – even for myself, the future is still woven together by the past and luck.”

“However, information like a name is stable enough and unlikely to change due to accidental factors… That’s why I can accurately call you by your name, Miss Seele Fleur. Xi’er continued to ask:”So…you are indeed some form of future person?”

Ai Yi nodded:”Well, you can say that.” And the cause of this incident is also very clear – the Stigmata Project”

“I think you have discovered that the Stigma Project distorted the space of the earth and forcibly teleported you to the moon.”

“From an engineering point of view, it is impossible for such large-scale space transformation not to leave loopholes – and one of the results is the construction of the time crystal that allowed me to be accidentally born.”

“Originally, in a world dominated by cocoons, this phenomenon was not possible at all…but the Stigma Project did temporarily derail your world.”

“This process has the same logic as the Herrscher of the End destroying the world – but in the eyes of those people, they want to save the world from the hands of the End.

Xi’er asked:”Those people you are talking about…are you referring to World Snake?””

Ai Yi nodded and replied:”Of course. Who else would be so bold? And isn’t your mission just to put the brakes on them and ultimately?”

Xier said:”This is indeed the truth… But to be honest, we are just taking one step, watching one step, and crossing the river by feeling the stones.”

Ai Yi said:”I don’t think you need to worry about this. After all, real innovations are often achieved in the process of taking action and summarizing at the same time.”

“As for the so-called strategizing and decisive victory… after all, it is a phenomenon in a static society; whether it can be achieved in a modern environment requires detailed analysis of specific issues.”

“But in this way…yeah. Since I can appear here, I can indeed help you a little bit with one thing.”


Ai Yi continued:”You should now want to find some world bubbles that are valuable to you through the channels of the Quantum Sea – this is correct, right?”

Xi’er replied:”Yes, it can indeed be like this.”Say.”

Ai Yi said:”Then as a being in the time crystal, I can indeed help you reverse the decoherence process to a certain extent and directly locate the world bubble that is most closely related to you.”

Xi’er asked:”So we can return to the earth through those coordinates?”

Ai Yi replied:”……No. I don’t think so”

“It is still an auxiliary space of the moon, a zone that has been ultimately destroyed more than once.”

“Perhaps, compared to the method of returning to Earth… what you can find are familiar people.”

The mysterious figure who claimed to be from the time crystal allowed her body to penetrate into the unstable space.

And the moment before she seemed to disappear completely��—A special string of data was injected into the Gnius held by Seele.

It is indeed a very special world.

It seems completely isolated from the outside world and does not want anyone to explore its secrets.

Just like… the cage that imprisons the princess in fairy tales.

The picture of the exposure system also came directly into this mysterious world bubble. at the same time.

A sound also came from the exposure system

“What will be described next are the rules”

“But before that, please answer me a question——”

“Do you believe in the existence of God? How do you…understand the existence of God?”


Paimon thought this voice was very familiar.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yae Shenzi’s mouth.

A trace of astonishment flashed in Zhongli’s eyes.

Liu Yun borrowed the wind and Zhenjun directly became interested.

She quickly posted in the chat area:”This is My third disciple, Xiaoshi, right?”

【Nasida】:”Listening to the voice, it’s her right”

【Yae Shenzi】:”It must be her, but I don’t know what she is up to this time”

【Zhongli】:”Generally speaking, it must be her.”

【Staying in the clouds and borrowing the wind, Zhenjun】:”As expected of my disciple, it’s really interesting.~”

【Shen He】:”when did it happen? I have a junior sister?”

【Ganyu】:”Zhenjun… Look, Shen He believes it.”

【Staying in the clouds and borrowing the wind, Zhenjun】:”That’s right, that’s your junior sister, Xiaoshi, the Herrscher of Knowledge”

【Paimon】:”It doesn’t sound like much.”

Just as he was talking, the voice sounded again

“That distant and weird will understands everything and controls everything – but if that’s the case, why has no one ever seen it with their own eyes?”

“Today, we have to find out.”

After listening to the next paragraph.

Especially the voice that said he wanted to find the answer, Paimon was also sure

【Paimon】:”That’s her! She is the Herrscher of Consciousness. What is she doing?”

【Staying in the clouds and borrowing the wind, Zhenjun】:”Now that my disciple has appeared, it must be a big event”

【Paimon】:”How do I feel…she’s been messing around?”

【Staying in the clouds and borrowing the wind, Zhenjun】:”snort! What do you know, just watch.”

And in the picture, we also came to a field of flowers.

Kiana, who was sleeping here, was woken up by Bronya.

She opened her eyes in a daze:”Just now… was that Bronya’s voice? Bronya… why did you come to Tianming Headquarters?……”


Kiana’s confusion was obvious.

The scene unfolding before her eyes was filled with an incomprehensible sense of disorder. It was not something that someone who had just woken up should see.

Even if my companions have already set foot here personally.

A detailed description was given to her, but she still could not immediately identify where she was.

After all… this strange space called the Quantum Sea is not a concept that is easy to understand and clearly explain.

“Am I…am I dreaming?”

Kiana rubbed her head, not knowing the situation for a while:”But… before that, I should have just arrived at Tianming’s training ground, right? As a result, I fell asleep minding my own business… and had a lucid dream?……”

She hasn’t dreamed for a long time….

After truly mastering the power of the Herrscher.

Her sleep has always been solid and stable, and she no longer always dreams about something like before.

“……That’s fine. This kind of inconvenience is quite new after having experienced it for a long time.”

She still seemed unable to understand the current situation, and cleverly confused it with the dream forced on her by the Herrscher Core.

But at this moment, in the exposed picture, a line of words suddenly appeared: Manipulate Kiana to explore the surroundings.

?? ? Almost everyone reacted when they saw this line.

【Nasida】:”This must be controlled by the Herrscher of Knowledge using the power of the Herrscher, right?”

【Wendy】:”That’s right, it must be her”

【Ganyu】:”Only a junior sister like me can do this kind of thing”

【Shen He】:”? ? Is she my junior sister?”

【Staying in the clouds and borrowing the wind, Zhenjun】:”It’s a little knowledge, but it’s not ordinary. I like this disciple.”

In the screen,

Kiana obviously didn’t notice that she was being manipulated.

She muttered:”That’s right. Since you can’t wake up on your own initiative, let’s look around. Maybe… you will discover some interesting memories unexpectedly?”

As he said that, he looked around and took a few steps.

Suddenly he heard a voice:”Haha…hahahahaha……”

Kiana suddenly became confused:”Why did I hear the voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge?”

She quickly moved closer to the voice.

The voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge���The voice came:”Yes, Kevin, we are still on different paths after all, friends or enemies, choose.”

Kiana immediately accelerated and ran in the direction where the voice came from.

As a result, I just came to the ‘Law of Knowledge’.

She completely disappeared into nothingness.

At the same time, the text appeared again: giving Kiana inner hints. then.

Kiana began to think:”Could it be…this is not…a dream at all, but why would I……”

She wasn’t given much time to think.

Countless quantum shadows appeared.

The moment they noticed Kiana, they all rushed over.

After realizing this was not a dream.

Kiana did not dare to be careless and immediately launched a counterattack


As Bronya shouted, the attack of the heavily armored rabbit came, blocking the quantum shadow behind Kiana.

With the strength of the two of them, these monsters were quickly wiped out by the little sister.

“How are you? Kiana?”

Bronya quickly came over to ask.

Kiana said:”Well, thank you Bronya – but what is going on? That kind of monster, it seems……”

Bronya said:”They are quantum shadows…and here, there is no doubt that it is the quantum sea.”

Kiana was shocked:”Quantum shadows? In other words, the ones I just saw……”

“I’m afraid it’s some lost projection between worlds. Bronya answered her directly. Apparently she had encountered it just now.

Kiana continued:”But… if you want to enter the quantum sea, it shouldn’t be as easy as just sleeping, right?” Before I woke up, I remembered… I should be at Tianming’s training ground.”


?”Yes – Youlandel had just come over at that time, and I even said hello to her.

Bronya said:”Sure enough.” Perhaps it has something to do with the so-called adaptation level – Bronya even came here in a completely awake state. At that time… it can be said that space fluctuations occurred without warning.”

“Therefore, this does not allow us to completely rule out the possibility that the current situation is just some large-scale illusion.”

Kiana remembered:”You mean… like when you met the Herrscher of Knowledge in Taixu Mountain?”

When she asked this question, everyone in the Teyvat continent saw the words appearing next to them, which were just a series of ellipses.

This also made everyone completely sure that these words were the thoughts of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Bullo Nia continued:”Well, except for this somewhat absurd situation, there is only one possibility left.——”

“A certain kind of power can ignore the limitations of space and objects, forcibly transfer the opponent, and seal it in the quantum sea.”

“In comparison… maybe the possibility of an illusion is just a little more comfortable.”

“Comfortable? ? ?”Kiana asked curiously.

Bronya explained:”If this kind of forced transfer of multiple people is a real method…it will definitely not be used only on us.”

“But on the other hand, although it is subtly different from the feeling when Bronya entered the abyss…but there is no flaw in the illusion here.”

“Therefore, even if this place is indeed just an illusion… then the person who weaved it must also know the Quantum Sea very well.

Kiana continued to ask:”So… what do you mean by the subtle differences you just mentioned?””

Bronya replied:”Bronya believes that here, there is a special situation that is almost impossible in theory.”

“What should I say?……”

At this moment, the words appeared again: directly injecting the answer into Bronya’s mind.

Người mua: Sakamaki izayoi

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