The protagonist of the story embarked on a journey to find it, but everyone said that paradise did not exist.

The protagonist did not give up. He kept traveling and exploring, and after going through countless hardships, he finally reached the end of the trip.

But there was nothing there – the legendary paradise really didn’t exist.

But the protagonist did not give up. He stood at the end of the world and shouted——

‘If paradise does not exist, then I will create one myself! ‘

So, he embarked on a longer and more arduous journey than before.

His goal has become easier several times, and the process is full of twists and turns.

But because of this, more and more people gathered around him.

People with a common will move towards the destination in their dreams together until the end.……

“They cheered, hugged each other, and sang for the realization of their dreams”

“They finally arrived at Paradise. There it is, at the end of this journey. People cheered and shouted its name——”

“ah……”The girl’s eyes widened.

The moonlight falls quietly, illuminating the last word of the story

“This is it……”

“Immaculate Paradise… Eternal Paradise……”

“Uh-huh! Name…name!”

“My name is… Alicia!”


Memories fade.

Mei Yi was surprised:”This is…Alicia’s childhood”

“It’s hard to imagine that she had such a childlike and immature time, just like…a budding sprout, full of curiosity about everything in the world.

Fairy Aili said:”This is normal. No matter how gorgeous the flowers are, they all sprout from seeds.””

Mei Yi couldn’t help but laugh a little:”Indeed, but when it comes to Alicia, it’s still a bit surprising.”

“After all, her usual appearance is so popular that people are not used to being so well-behaved.

Fairy Ellie said,”Oh?” I always think you have something to say. Yayi asked curiously:”But is she already a Herrscher at this time?” Although he looks no different from an ordinary human being, the Herrscher of Man… this name also makes me care a lot.”

“By the way, I remember that Vostok-51 was blocked by the Fire Moth in history. Could that be related to this?

Fairy Ellie replied:”Then you have to look around. Maybe you will leave memories of related events?””

“Well, go check it out.”

The words fell, but Mei Yi didn’t move for a long time.


Fairy Aili asked doubtfully:”What’s wrong, lovely human?”

Mei Yi shook her head:”It’s nothing, I just want to sigh, Alicia… is indeed a very suitable name for her.

Fairy Ellie said happily:”Right, right? I also think it’s a great name, second only to… Fairy Ellie!”

Mei said:”Isn’t that name also derived from Alicia?”

Fairy Ellie was surprised:”Eh?” Is that so? Oops, because it’s too perfect and I haven’t considered how it came about.……”

She was suddenly attracted by the crystal flowers not far away.

Waved at Yayi:”Here, here, there is another flower. I wonder if it is the one you are looking for.”

Yayi touched the flower.

The memory picture reappears

“Can we go home…Mama Celia?

Celia nodded gently and said softly:”Well, those people made a mistake. Everyone is fine.” As an apology, we received a large amount of compensation.”

“Wow, wouldn’t it be possible to buy a lot of biscuits?”

“But…what are they looking for? I also gave everyone a physical examination. This was already the third time.……”

“I don’t know, but didn’t they say everyone was fine? That’s enough!”


Listen to your friends.

Alicia didn’t say anything.

After dinner, the girl stayed as usual to help the adults clear away the dishes and clean the table.

And after the cleaning was over and the hostess said goodnight to everyone and the children.

The girl held on to her clothes with some anxiety.

“What’s wrong, Alicia?

Alicia said anxiously:”I…I have something to say to Celia’s mother.””

The nervousness in the girl’s words surprised the hostess.

She knew Alicia just as she knew every child here.

She held the child’s hand and gently encouraged her to continue talking.

Alicia mustered up her courage :”Mother Celia, I think… I want to leave here.

Celia said:”Want to leave the orphanage?” Oh… Do you want to be an apprentice in a bookstore? After all, you like storybooks so much.

Alicia shook her head:”No, no… I want to leave the town.”

Celia said in surprise:”Leave the town?”

Alicia explained:”Those people who came here to take everyone away, they… they……”

She hesitated to say it.

In order not to worry her.

Alicia said:”……They made me discover how big the world outside is! So, I wanted to go out for a walk and take a look. I also want to look for the paradise at the end of the world like the protagonist in the picture book!”


Celia looked at this flawless and adorable little girl.

Just as she knew all the children, she knew Alicia.

Tenderness flashed in her eyes:”Okay, then I will prepare a travel bag for little Ellie.”

Alicia said in surprise:”Eh? Celia’s mother… won’t she be angry?”

Celia said:”Alicia has her own dream, how can her mother be angry?”

“However, you must be careful when you are outside alone. The world outside is huge, with many unknowns and choices that you need to face on your own.”

“But don’t worry about what is the right thing to do, just follow your heart. Alicia has always been a smart and kind child. Mom believes that you can take care of yourself.

Alicia nodded happily:”Well…thank you, mom!” Celia continued:”In the past few days, remember to say goodbye to your neighbors. Everyone here likes you very much, and everyone must be reluctant to let go of little Ellie”

“I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow to get you some extra food. Ah, I need to add some more clothes. Girls, they need to dress up nicely.”

“By the way, you also need to go find your Uncle Kimil and ask him to make you some basic self-defense tools. Oh, there’s so much to do……”

Just like that, amidst everyone’s blessings and farewells, the girl picked up her bags and embarked on her journey. finally.

She climbed the highest hillside outside the town……


That was the first time she saw thousands of lights in the town at night

“So many lights… so many houses… so many… so many……”

She marveled at the view.

The lights of thousands of houses gather and sparkle under the night, forming a magnificent picture.

The small town that I once thought was the whole world was just a small point of light in this picture, and it would be submerged if I didn’t pay attention.

But it was the changing and shining of the faint light points that gave birth to this ocean of light.

“so beautiful!”

She finally found the right words.

It was her spontaneous joy and sigh from the heart.

Such a beautiful world made her unable to help but be immersed in it.

“Hehe… Next… it’s time to find my paradise!”

The memory picture disappeared.

Mei couldn’t help but sigh:”Alicia, you have a very good mother.

Fairy Ellie said:”The children and adults in the town also like her very much!””

Mei Yi said:”It’s because she grew up in such an environment that she became what she became, right? Therefore, the anomaly detected by Fire Chaser Moth was not an inadvertent incident. A Herrscher was indeed born in Vostok.”

“They even conducted more than one investigation, but in the end they were unable to detect her existence.

Fairy Ellie said:”Perhaps, this is Alicia’s privilege – the super charm that everyone loves and will never be suspected?””

Mei Yi said:”Anyway, she felt something was wrong, so she chose to leave.

Fairy Aili said:”Alicia… is a little scared.””

Mei Yi speculated:”I’m afraid she doesn’t know the cause and effect, she just wants to protect the town and its residents. She must be very reluctant to leave this place, otherwise, she would have left without saying goodbye during the first search.”

“The original Herrscher, an existence that was born earlier than the First Herrscher… What she did was contrary to all the Herrschers of that era?”

“What exactly are her powers? Why did Honkai Impact give birth to such a special Herrscher?……”

“I always feel that anything related to Alicia will be cast in a hazy and romantic color without even realizing it, just like a fairy tale.”

Fairy Elide���He said:”Why use images? Of course my life is just a fairy tale book!”

? ? ?

Hear this.

Many people in Teyvat were a little surprised, but they were still in the previous emotions and could not react. More importantly, Meiyi asked them what they were curious about.

Mei Yi asked:”Your life? Aren’t you a fairy from the Kingdom of Xianle?”

Fairy Aili said:”Oh, why do you know so clearly at this time!”


Mei stared at Fairy Aili:”Fairy Aili?”

Fairy Aili asked:”What’s wrong? You are staring at me so intently…are you fascinated by me again?””


She originally wanted to ask her why her body had become unreal just a moment ago.

But he still didn’t ask:”No, it’s nothing.”

Elf Ellie urged:”Well, let’s keep going, there is still a long way to go before the end.”

Mei Yi asked thoughtfully:”It’s strange, How did Alicia preserve these memories from her childhood? She must not have met other Yingjie at that time, right?”

Elf Ellie said:”Don’t worry, lovely human, the journey of memory is very long. Oh, your question will be answered later.”

Yayi nodded:”Yes, that’s true. A person’s life is so long that it’s unimaginable.”

Fairy Ai Li looked in the garden. Next, she will travel around the world, and we should be able to see long, long memories.”

“Look, the flowers here are blooming particularly brightly!”

Mei Yi stepped forward and touched the crystal flower.

Memory pictures emerged.

The girl embarked on a never-ending journey.

In the following time, she continued to walk through cities, mountains, rivers, villages, and wilderness…

She encountered many things, She met many people by chance and listened to the choir singing gracefully in the ruins of the church.


A kind old man came to her:”Little girl, are you hungry? Take it, I’ll give you these breads to eat.”

Alicia said quickly:”Hey… what about you, grandpa? This is you bread……”

The kind old man said:”I’ll just wait for the next batch. You’re still young, so you need to eat more. It doesn’t matter. This is a place that tolerates and helps everyone.””


She once stood by the out of service station, shivering in her cloak.

A thin girl turned back and stared at her:”……Why do you keep following me?

Alicia said in confusion:”Eh?” But just now you said, if I give you that apple, give me an orange one.……”

The thin girl said:”I lied to you, I don’t have any oranges at all. You were fooled. Just take it as a lesson… This is the only way for people here to survive.””


Alicia reached out and took out two candies from her pocket:”Then I have two more candies, give them to you too! Come on, let’s take one each.”


The thin girl never expected that she would be like this.

After a moment, he lowered his head and took the��:”Thanks……”


She had been in a magnificent theater and was shocked by the sounds of nature on the stage.

“You also made a special trip from other places to listen to this play, right? Ah – musicals are really great, aren’t they?

Facing the lively girl next to her,

Alicia nodded:”Yeah!” So awesome…and so beautiful! I want to hear more songs like this!

The lively girl said:”Oh, it seems like this is my first contact with it. Do you know about vinyl records?” Come on, let me show you my collection!”


She once cried together with the city 057 under the night in the alley soaked by rain.

“How are you? Are you ok?”

She asked the boy crying in front of her

“Wuwuwu… Ever since that masked man appeared, punished evil and promoted good, and distributed money to homeless children like us.……”

“There was a group of people who focused on us and came to rob us while he was away. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu……”

Alicia wondered:”How could this happen… That person obviously has good intentions.……”


She once passed by the lush school building and looked at the children of similar age through the fence.

A talkative old lady took the initiative to chat:”Little girl, do you want to take the exam here? Haha, you look smart, you must be a good prospect.”

Alicia asked:”Can I do it too?”

The talkative old lady said:”Of course. Why not take advantage of the open day and let me show you around the school. The student cafeteria here is famous far and wide.……”


She once traveled to isolated villages and witnessed horrifying rituals through the crowds.

“Why… tie that man to a pillar and make so many wounds.”

The rude man on the side drove away:”Go, go, stop getting involved in the affairs here, or you will become as crazy as those people… We agreed to only stay for one night, have you stayed enough? Pack your bags and get out, this place is hopeless – the man you saw was tied up of his own free will.

Alicia frowned and looked at the scene:”But that kind of thing is simply impossible.”……”


She once traveled to cities in the East and stopped on the streets where people were passing by.

A strong man asked her:”Haha, why, a girl wants to learn boxing too?”

“However, we are all big men here and the environment is not very good. If you are interested, there is a master in the next street. She can teach you how to dance with guns and archery. What do you think? Do you want to try it?

Alicia asked curiously:”Archery?””


She once returned to the streets at dusk and sat on the dilapidated stage on the street.

The curious audience discussed:”I heard that the magician was a liar, and a group of people came to arrest her before the show!”

The excited audience shouted:”I heard that when the group of people rushed to the backstage, she had already disappeared.”But there is obviously only one exit!”

The curious audience asked:”Oh, it sounds like there is more information. Who is she?”

The excited audience said,”I even doubt it.” These are all part of the magic show!”


She once set foot in a remote mountain villa and saw all the separations and separations in the world.

A frightened man shouted:”No… don’t come here! I know I was wrong, and I won’t dare to do it again!”

Alicia quickly comforted her:”Calm down, I’m not a killer.……”

The frightened man trembled and said:”Don’t test me! Pink-haired woman… I know it’s you, I really know I was wrong! Spare me!”

Alicia asked:”What did you do? What bad thing could it be to be afraid of being like this?……”


She visited the center of the world and remembered the joys and sorrows of people’s hearts.

Người mua: Sakamaki izayoi

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